15 more photos . [8] Dimension had already sent out screeners and shipped DVDs to retailers before the deal took place. One of the sharks bites Lisa's leg but she escapes. Owns Eli Roth's prop corpse from Piranha 3D. No way up. 7 Most Powerful Body Horror Movies that MUST Disturb You! 47 Meters Down: Uncaged's 5 Deaths Ranked - Screen Rant Out of sight of the cage, Kate radios Lisa, telling her shes got three flares and the tanks. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Lisa survives. Kate has had one lesson in diving, but Lisa has never dived. The ending proved too bleak for American test audiences, so it was changed to one in which Sarah survives the ordeal, though she is clearly traumatized by it. Okay, so surprise ending. Suddenly, a shark tries to attack her. The wounded sisters are being treated when Lisa notices the wound on her hand - which she cut in the cage - is bleeding into the air. It all just comes down to your own personal opinion. 47 Meters Down - Movies on Google Play I honestly don't know what that missing piece was. Her tears begin to flow as she recalls Kates death. Die Schauspielerinnen der Hauptrollen Kate und Lisa, Claire . The subtler clue is that this movie that doggedly strived for a chilling authenticity in its action and staging abruptly turns to the outlandish plan to out-swim sharks and chase off a feeding frenzy with a single flare. Cinemark Naturally, these inaccuracies only further separate the plot from the concept of a true story. So now Lisa does something she couldve done before and frees her trapped leg from underneath the cage. The movie has also shown a fair depiction of how the girls rapidly fall to the bottom of the sea and one of them experiences a nose bleed because of the sudden pressure drop. Deadline reports, The story here is that of a husband and wife (Nanjiani and Moore) who enlist the help of a spell to travel back in time, such that they can prevent the death of their young daughter. Altitude Film Sales, In this case, Lisa was the only one bitten by a shark and dragged down by it. 47 Meters Down, im Original auch In the Deep, ist ein britischer Tierhorrorfilm aus dem Jahr 2016. In 47 Meters Down, sisters Lisa and Kate (played by Mandy Moore and Claire Holt) and travel to. She eventually does manage to get the tank using the spear of the gun and thats when she hears Kate on the radio, who is terribly injured and needs helps. As a result, the proceedings become tenser. Taylor warns them that using a second oxygen tank will increase their chances of getting affected by nitrogen narcosis, which could make them hallucinate. Lisa grabs the spear gun. She was portrayed by Claire Holt. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Cinemark The key to this sequence is something Taylor told Kate in their last communication: Everything that happens after Lisa connected her second tank up until the Coast Guard swims up to her cage is a hallucination. With Kate by her side, she swims toward the surface. As a result, they realize the horrible thing that the sharks are doing to them. $44.3M, Runtime: She uses flayers one by one to scare and distract the sharks. As Coast Guard divers arrive to rescue her and carry her to the surface, Lisa begins coming out of her hallucination, calling out to Kate. 47 meters have limited effect on divers (a common saying among divers is "40 meters one drink, 50m two drinks") and the risk of "hallucinations" is largely exaggerated in the case of two young wome. 47 Meters Down | List of Deaths Wiki | Fandom They are two sisters spending their vacation in a Mexican resort. Having the same twist ending would never work a second time, so it would be interesting to see how the director went about bringing the action back to the deep water without retreading what the first movie did. It is revealed that Lisa has been hallucinating all this time due to nitrogen narcosis and that she is still at the bottom of the ocean with her leg pinned under the cage, with Kate gone. Powered by WordPress.com VIP. In her own mind, Lisa became an action hero who got to nobly save her beloved sister. Lisa is determined to rescue her. Not nearly enough shark or blood! Like 47 Meters Down's ending, the original ending to The Descent leaves audiences with a brutal gut punch. This weekend, they are also planning to go there and invite the sisters. Kate tells Taylor they are low on air and Lisa is trapped. A young woman asks whether her butt looks. Captain Taylor and Louis survived, and they called the coast guards. The blood from the wound smears into thin air just like it did underwater and she soon finds herself trapped under the cage again, 47 meters below. '47 Meters Down: Uncaged': The 5 bloodiest shark attacks (spoilers!) Finally, she accepts that a shark killed her sister. The biggest change to the 47 Meters Down ending is that director Johannes Roberts chooses not to go through with the fake-out this time. After this coagulation of nitrogen in the blood, this nitrogen tends to release as soon as the diver reaches the surface of the water and causes the nerves to stretch or bend and disrupt the blood flow. But Kate, now determined to get out, swims up and does get in touch with Taylor who tells her that he will be sending Javier down there with another cable. 47 Meters Down (2017) - Plot - IMDb However, several retailers broke the street date, and a handful of physical copies were sold and have since turned up on eBay as collectors' items. The oxygen tanks are dropped a little ahead of the cage and Kate decides to get to them. Kate says shes wounded and surrounded by sharks. During a shark dive, two sisters find themselves trapped in a cage. Vote Now: The Best Movies & TV Shows Since 1998! 47 Meters Down: Uncaged - Wikipedia During a shark dive, two sisters find themselves trapped in a cage at the bottom of the ocean. As a result, viewers barely get to know Khylin Rhambo's thinly . * * * Spoiler Alert If you havent seen the movie yet, turn back now! Using the spear gun as a crude grappling hook, she tugs the tank to herself, but not before slicing open her palm on the spear. When the cable attaching the cage sinks to the bottom of the ocean, the sisters must figure out a way to get back to safety battling injuries, lack of oxygen, and worst of all, bloodthirsty, great white sharks. Contents 1 Victims 1.1 47 Meters Down (2017) 1.2 47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019) 2 Deaths Victims 47 Meters Down (2017) Javier - Torn apart by a shark. So what are the bends weve been talking about all this while? PG-13 (Brief Strong Language|Bloody Images|Sequences of Intense Peril), Genre: Lisas leg is now pinned to the cage. Kate swims back to the cage and tells Lisa that they will be there soon to help them out. . Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It follows a group of women trapped in a cave and hunted by flesh-eating creatures. 47 Meters Down: Directed by Johannes Roberts. By this time, Lisa begins to get really annoying and nervous and starts panicking like crazy. [3], In North America, 47 Meters Down was released alongside All Eyez on Me, Rough Night and Cars 3, and was initially projected to gross around $5million from 2,300 theatres in its opening weekend. Halfway up, they stop to decompress so that they avoid getting the bends. But Kate convinces her to go into the water. But the same notion may not have worked out too well for 47 Meters Down as it is being highly criticized for its lack of simplicity and bizarretwists that make the whole film a very sadistic and depressing waste of time. So, whats the deal with 47 Meters Downs ending? Why hype it so much when you are going to do it anyway? Somehow, she avoids it and returns to the cage for safety. Brainless Pen (https://www.brainlesspen.com/) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program, which provides a means for participants to earn commissions by linking to Amazon.com. This whole trying out something new worked really well for The Shallows and it somehow managed to find its way at the bottom of the shark movies hall of fame. When the winch system holding the cage breaks and the cage plummets to the ocean floor with the two girls trapped inside, they must find a way to escape, with their air supplies running low and great white sharks stalking nearby. The shark attack claimed Kates life. 47 Meters Down is a 2017 survival horror film directed by Johannes Roberts, written by Roberts and Ernest Riera, and starring Claire Holt and Mandy Moore. Blood drifts from her wounded hand and into the air. [12] It was the second highest-grossing indie film of 2017. Then 47 Meters Down reveals the terrible truth: Lisa is still in the water, still in the cage, talking to herself as the Coast Guard finally comes to her rescue. Taylor and Kate communicate as Kate swims up seven meters. Without her to rely on, Lisa realizes she has to figure out how to retrieve to the dropped tank, or else suffocate before the Coast Guard arrives. @media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-brainlesspen_com-netboard-2-0-asloaded{max-width:580px!important;max-height:400px!important}}if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'brainlesspen_com-netboard-2','ezslot_20',186,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-brainlesspen_com-netboard-2-0'); Taylor warns them that nitrogen narcosis may result from using the new oxygen tank. The plot follows two sisters who go on holiday in Mexico, and are invited to cage dive and see sharks up close. To avoid the bends, Lisa and Kate were told by Captain Taylor to stop for five minutes halfway up the surface. This is the reason why The Shallows turned out to be a better shark movie because people were able to connect more with the protagonist. Slater also wrote the screenplay forThread: An Insidious Tale. I kind of liked it but it was so bleak that we actually [had] give it some upbeat.. [6] Additional photography took place in January 2016. Two sisters vacationing in Mexico are trapped in a shark cage at the bottom of the ocean. Privacy Policy She is saddened to learn that her sister has passed away. I joke around with a friend of mine about my inability to survive for any length of time in the ocean. Jun 16, 2017 He also warns that the second tank may cause nitrogen narcosis, which can lead to hallucinations. Get the freshest reviews, news, and more delivered right to your inbox! At the docks, Lisa is wary of the boat and its owner, Captain Taylor. But in reality, that was not right. Together, they must swim to the surface in shark-infested open water for more than 150 feet. Read critic reviews. @media(min-width:0px){#div-gpt-ad-brainlesspen_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0-asloaded{max-width:250px!important;max-height:250px!important}}if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'brainlesspen_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_5',196,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-brainlesspen_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Lisa decides not to stay for coast guard duty due to Kates severe injury. And that brings us to the ending. With her tank nearly empty, she connects to the second with seconds to spare. Just confirm how you got your ticket. It's trying to be a horror story and it's trying to get its point across as effectively as it can. 47 Meters Down (2017) - IMDb As Roberts explained to Crave Online, he fought hard for the ending we saw on screen. The sequel, 48 Meters Down: Uncaged had a similar setup, but the movie had to beware of recreating the 47 Meters Down ending. Lisa became slightly nervous after seeing the sharks and the supporting cable. Johannes Roberts, Producer: Though, to be fair, she's the one that pushes Lisa to do this shark cage thing to show her ex that she isn't boring, since that was the reason that, apparently, he broke it off with her. When she hears Kate's voice over the radio, she summons the strength to free herself and find her wounded sister. . Lisa uses her BCD to lift up the cage, freeing her leg, and she swims to Kate. He advises them to stay in the cage because the sharks are close by. Due to the nature of Kate's wounds, the sisters decide to swim to the surface, using one of the flares to scare off the sharks. Lisa being the nervous wreck starts panicking and Kate somehow tries to calm her down. 47 Meters Down Not unlike a grim round of the game "Would You Rather?" in which the choices are getting eaten by a shark or running out of oxygen underwater "47 Meters Down" stars. The Fyzz Facility, To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Survival Horror 47 Meters Down (2017) is a survival thriller movie directed by Johannes Roberts. Kate swims up seven meters to resume communication with Taylor, who tells her that Javier will be coming down with a spare winch cable to attach to the cage. There are also a pair of assistants working in the caves and the stepsisters' dad, Grant (John Corbett). Within a short time, they all saw several sharks. Not that I had a problem with that, it's just that, after a while, the movie gets a little same-y looking. From there, she uses the radio and flashlight to locate Kate. 47 Meters Down Ending Explained: What Happened To Kate - Screen Rant Synopsis Lisa (Mandy Moore) and Kate (Claire Holt) are two sisters vacationing in Mexico. Maybe the fact that the majority of the flick takes place underwater. In the first movie, one sister saves the other, only for it to be a hallucination where one of them actually died.