He points out that ballot mistakes are few and far between, but are more likely on actual Election Day because poll workers are volunteers. Under the proposed plan now posted on the clerk's website, voters can cast a ballot at any of the 20 locations on Election Day, in addition to the opportunity to vote early at four locations:the Kentucky Exposition Center, the KFC YumCenter, the Kentucky Center for African AmericanHeritage and the Louisville Marriott East. Drop the absentee ballot in your mail box or at your county clerk. To begin the application process online, click here. Jefferson County Sample Ballot (Kentucky) - Ballotpedia Jefferson County Clerk's Office Election Center. "We're glad that this voter had the indication that there was simply a printing error, that it wasn't a case that Amendment Two alone was left off the ballot -- and they called to confirm and to find out what to do next," said Erran Huber, a spokeswoman for the Jefferson County Clerk's Office. Voters Absentee Voting If you have a disability that prevents you from marking a paper ballot and you would like to request an accessible absentee ballot, please contact your county clerk for guidance related to the state's accessible absentee portal. This site will verify your voter record and if you have requested an Absentee Ballot. Phone: 502-574-6100; Email: Elections . Kentucky Center for African American Heritage:1701 West Muhammad Ali Blvd. It's too early to know how many absentee ballots were rejected statewide, according to Adams' spokeswoman,Miranda Combs. Student who temporarily resides outside the county in which he is registered. Providing secure and fair elections to the citizens of Jefferson County. PDF MAIL-IN ABSENTEE BALLOT VOTING - Jefferson County Clerk You can register to vote online at sos.ky.gove, by mail or in person at your county clerk's office. You will need Adobe Reader on your PC in order to view the ballot image. For the last presidential election in November 2016, Jefferson County had238 polling locations. At Gray, our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve. State Board of Elections 140 Walnut Street Frankfort, KY 406013240 External resources Kentucky online voter registration Kentucky online absentee ballot request Kentucky voter status lookup Kentucky absentee ballot tracker Kentucky polling place locator References Kentucky absentee ballot information Kentucky voter registration information Voters can also deposit absentee ballots in the drop-off box at the election center of the Jefferson County Clerks Office at701 West Ormsby Ave. in theEdison Building,Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. through Nov. 2 and regular voting hours on Election Day. Scattered showers and storms at times. Check your voter record and Absentee Ballot status here. Other reasons ballots were rejected by the counties includednon-matching signatures, a missing outer envelope and no ballot in the inner envelope. Click on the link to request. All mail-in absentee ballots must be received by 6:00PM Local Time, on Election Day, November 8, 2022 to be counted. Click on the link to request govote.ky.gov. Where Do I Vote? This election, like every election, is important, and were glad to see continued interest in mail-in absentee ballots for those that meet the requirements, Jefferson County Clerk Bobbie Holsclaw said in a release. Receive - Cast Ballot - and return voted ballot by mail. Voter Information Center - Kentucky Drop boxes are available in each county to hand deliver your ballot. All rights reserved. Kentucky elections: If absentee ballot not received, voters can appeal 1000 East Liberty Street There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. The issue was immediately rectified and the voter cast their vote. Key Election Information - State Board of Elections - Kentucky If you are a college student registered to vote in Kentucky and you are unable to vote in your precinct on election day, you may apply for an absentee ballot with your county clerk. The flap on the inner envelope must be signed, or your ballot won't be counted. Required information * . Click here to register to vote, check information and apply and track your absentee ballot. Reach reporter Joe Sonka atjsonka@courierjournal.comand follow him on Twitter at@joesonka. If you wish to vote in the Kentucky elections, you can request an absentee ballot to be sent to your college address by completing anAbsentee Application. No postage is required. You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. Do not worry about filling anything out in the "witness" portion. Democratic turnout in Jefferson County's majority-Black precincts also was higher in the 2020 primary than it was in the 2016 and 2019 primaries, thoughthere remaineda large racial disparity in turnout. Thus far, the board has only received one report of a printing error occurring on an absentee ballot. Jefferson County received a little more than 189,000 absentee ballots for the most recent primary election, according to Nore Ghibaudy, spokesman for the county's clerk's office and board. Booker, who had expressed concerns with Jefferson County having one polling location on Election Day, said in his concession statement on June 30 that "our campaign has heard from voters across the state who had trouble making their voices heard, and their votes counted.". Ballot drop off locations will be available at the Jefferson County Clerk's Office Election Center, located at 1000 E. Liberty Street the following dates and times: October 2 - November 6: Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. November 4: Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Election Day: Tuesday, November 7th - 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Absentee Voting Application Request - Elections - Jefferson County Clerk VOTER'S NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: LAST 4 DIGITS SS#: VOTER'S JEFFERSON COUNTY ADDRESS: . "This is no easy task, which is why it took us time to research and find the appropriate number and areas for our polling locations. More than 15,000 primary absentee ballots rejected between Kentucky's Ballots can be dropped off at the Jefferson County Clerk's Office Election Center. 2023 www.courier-journal.com. The judge will rotate every two hours. "The board will make a decision based on the law," Ghibaudy said. Thus, the county's absentee ballot rejection rate was about 8%. Your browser is out of date and potentially vulnerable to security risks.We recommend switching to one of the following browsers: You have permission to edit this article. Sign both envelopes. ", While he isnot asking Holsclaw to have more than 20voting locations, Adams said he is asking the county to consider switching certain locations to ensure there is adequate parking, adding that Miller's idea to switch out the Yum Center for a location in the South End is "a good idea. Center, Kentucky Center for African American Heritage and the Louisville Marriott East. 2:38 LOUISVILLE, Ky. Voters planning to cast a ballot in person on Election Day in Jefferson County will be able to choose from one of 20 locations, if Kentucky's governor and secretary. Jefferson County clerk offers tutorial on voting absentee, Kentucky Center For African American Heritage And The Louisville Marriott East, WDRB Official Contest Rules for On-Air Ticket Giveaways, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Election 2020: Absentee ballots keeping Kentucky workers busy - whas11.com NOTE: If multiple voters were found, then add SSN Last 4 and please try again. Right now, only Kentucky's Governor can do so. This can be done Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Election Day from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Filing Info. "And educating the public about what those locations are, where they are and doing somenews conferences talking about that so people are aware.". Those who wish to appeal must bring in a form of ID. "We've explored legal remedies to those problems, and they don't exist under current law," Booker added. All voting locations will also have drop-off boxes until 6 p.m. on Election Day. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Deliver or drop off a completed ballot at the Jefferson County Clerk's Office Election Center (1000 E. Liberty Street, Louisville, Ky. 40204) 3. The influx of absentee ballots was a result of a bipartisan agreement between Democratic Kentucky Gov. Voters are eligible to receive an absentee ballot mailed to the residential address in the county in which they are registered if their completed application is received fourteen (14) days before an election and if the voter is: October 25, 2022 11:59PM (local time) Last day to request a mail-in absentee ballot. Voting early absentee from Oct. 26 to Nov. 2 requires one of eight valid excuses. As of Thursday, Jefferson County had close to 100,000 absentee ballot requests. Contact Ben Tobin at bjtobin@gannett.comand502-377-5675 or follow on Twitter @TobinBen. All mail-in absentee ballots must be received by 6:00PM Local Time, on Election Day, November 8, 2022 to be counted. All rights reserved. ", In a statement posted on the clerk's website, Holsclaw explained the difficultly of securing 20 voting locations for the county, as there are 1,520 ballot styles in Jefferson County due tothe number of small cities andlegislative, Metro Counciland congressional districts, "In order to set up one vote center, we must provide each location with approximately 700,000 ballots, along with an adequate number of voting machines, voting booths, e-pollbooks (vote rosters), supplies and staff," wrote Holsclaw, in addition to 24-hour security once the ballots and equipment are in place. That decision, which was made because ofhealth concerns about thecoronavirus pandemicand because of an anticipated deluge of mail-in absentee ballots, received widespread criticism from national pundits and celebrities who decried the move as a tool for voter suppression. Voters can choose any one of the four following locations to cast their ballot: On Tuesday, Election Day, Jefferson Countywill have 20 polling locations, and voters can cast their ballots at any one of them. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. STATE: KY PHONE #: E-MAIL ADDRESS: PARTY AFFILIATION: THE REASON FOR YOUR REQUEST: AGE, DISABILITY, OR ILLNESS Application requests must be made by the Voter, Spouse, Parent, or Child of Voter. The ballot is white. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) - Registered voters in Jefferson County who want to vote early have one day left to apply for a mail-in absentee ballot. "I would really like to see the clerk talking about it publicly and promoting for people to go out and vote," James said. "It would be, yes, I am in favor or no, I'm not in favor," Kelch said. Copyright 2022 WAVE. James added that he wanted more than four early voting locationsand for Holsclaw to be out more in the public educating voters on their options. This sample ballot tool includes: All candidates in every upcoming election occurring within the 100 most-populated cities in the U.S., plus all federal and statewide elections, including ballot measures, nationwide. "Don't sit on it.". Jefferson County Clerk's Office walks voters through correctly Louisville Marriott East:1903 Embassy Square Blvd.,Commonwealth Ballroom, Jefferson County Election Day polling locations, Ballard High School: 6000 Brownsboro Road. You can check your voter registration status through the. Ghibaudy said elections staff is working hard to process ballots as quickly as possible to process ballots. Again, it happens a handful of times out of 1 million or 2 million votes, but it's a mistake and we don't want it to happen.". Of the roughly 175,000 absentee ballots it has sent out, the Jefferson County Clerk's Office had received and processed 147,631 as of Saturday morning. Student who temporarily resides outside the county in which he/she is registered. Elections officials across Kentucky are now encouraging people to submit their absentee ballot to a secure drop-off box at polling sites due to concerns that the U.S. All requests must be in by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Jefferson County Clerk Bobbie Holsclaw knows that, so she put an absentee ballot tutorial on the web. Starting Oct. 13,any registered voter can cast a ballot at the four early voting locations Monday throughSaturday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., in addition to the regular 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. voting hours on Election Day, Nov. 3. To find out when and where in-person, excused absentee voting will take place in their county, voters should visit the State Board of Elections website at: Polling Locations, Early in-person, no excuse absentee voting will take place Thursday, November 3, Friday, November 4, and Saturday, November 5, 2022. County attorneys will be present to provide assistance, Ghibaudy said. Absentee Voting - State Board of Elections - Kentucky All absentee ballots must be postmarked by this day, Nov. 6 The day by whichall absentee ballotsmust be recevied=by county clerk,in order for them to count, widespread criticism from national pundits and celebrities, landed Holsclaw in an unsuccessfullawsuit, State election officials urge Kentuckians to vote as early as possible, majority-Black precincts also was higher in the 2020 primary, denounced the plan a few days after it was announced, McConnell, McGrath answer 13questions ahead of Election Day, Democrats nearly triple Republicans in requests for mail-in ballots, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Excused in-person absentee ballot voting is . You can request a ballot at this website . You will need to submit a request for an absentee ballot for every election you are away from your Kentucky residence. Ghibaudy said the appeal is a "voter's right," and if their originalballot does end up coming in, they will not count it, as each voter only gets one vote. Your browser is out of date and potentially vulnerable to security risks.We recommend switching to one of the following browsers: You have permission to edit this article. Also:During this surreal election, The Courier Journal will provide wall-to-wall coverage. The commonwealth's most populous county has teams of workers trying to get all of those ballots in the mail. I AM FROM ANOTHER STATE, AND ATTENDING SCHOOL IN KENTUCKY. 3. Request an absentee ballot by Tuesday, May 3. Not sure if you're registered? College Students. Additional local ballot measures may also be included. APPLICATION CODE: E . And in Fayette County, Booker finished with about 3,500 more votes than McGrath. Kentucky Center for African American Heritage:1701 West Muhammad Ali Blvd. Carter Duvalle Elementary School:3600 Bohne Ave. Fern Creek High School: 9115 Fern Creek Road, Jeffersontown High School: 9600 Old Six Mile Lane. Washington woman travels to Maryland for abortion after baby was diagnosed with fatal birth defect, Hundreds attend annual Louisville Anime-Fest on Sunday, 'We won it!' Your IP: The county has more than 600,000 registered voters. You can also vote in person on Election Day or vote early in person starting Oct. 13. QUALIFICATIONS FOR VOTING BY MAIL-IN ABSENTEE BALLOT 1. "It happens every election," he said. All requests must be in by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Deadline to request mail-in absentee ballot in Jefferson County approaching, He changed my life: 129th Kentucky Derby winner Funny Cide dies at 23, Shes a perfect little kid: Mother of 6-year-old shot during road rage incident praying for recovery, Leaders of Future Healers program to receive Community Service Award. All rights reserved. Ballot Drop Box Locations - Elections - Jefferson County Clerk "Don't you think Jefferson County deserves a county clerk who will be honest with you?". LOUISVILLE, Ky. While election day is still 10 weeks away, voters should be aware of their options for casting their ballot early. You are a military personnel or their dependent, or an overseas citizen. Kentucky: Secretary of State - Land Office PDF REQUEST FOR AN ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATION (All Fields Must Be Completed) All Rights Reserved. My Ballot - Jefferson County Clerk To find out when and where early voting will take place in their county, voters should visit the State Board of Elections website at: In-person voting on Election Day, November 8, 2022, will take place from 6:00AM to 6:00PM, local time. Center, Kentucky Exposition Center, African American Heritage Center, the The Edison Center lobby and an undetermined location in east Louisville. Registered voters can get more information on requesting a mail-in absentee ballot and what the qualifications are by visiting the clerk's office's website or by calling the Jefferson County Board of Elections at (502) 574-6100. Voters concerned that their sent ballot either was lost or will not arrive by the Nov. 6 deadline can appeal to the Jefferson County Board of Electionsfrom 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.on Election Day at theJefferson CountyElections Center at 701 W. Ormsby Ave., according to spokesman Nore Ghibaudy. I . Those sites, which will all have secure absentee ballot drop-off boxes and willbe open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Election Day, are: Contact Ben Tobin at bjtobin@gannett.comand502-377-5675 or follow on Twitter @Ben__Tobin. "This election, like every election, is important . Fax: (502) 574-5014. On Politics:When voters turn out for November elections, all eyes should be on Kentucky. Jefferson County polling locations: Here are all 20 election sites Submitted to the state on Sept. 25, the plan must still receivethe approval of Adams and Gov. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7e81b4f728490fff The action you just performed triggered the security solution. Anyone who notices a mistake on his or her ballot should bring it into the Election Center on East Liberty Street to get a new ballot. Andy Beshear. Fax: (502) 574-5014 You may submit a request for an absentee ballot to be mailed to your on campus address by completing anAbsentee Application. However, McGrath, a retired Marine fighter pilot, secured the nomination by about 15,000 votes to face Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in November. Absentee Ballot Information - Johnson County Clerk LOUISVILLE, Ky.Voters planning to cast aballot in person on Election Day in Jefferson County will be able to choose from one of 20locations, if Kentucky's governor and secretary of state approve the county's recently submittedplan. Jefferson County Clerk Bobbie Holsclaw knows that, so she put an absentee ballot tutorial on the web. Since Oct. 13, Jefferson County has had four early voting sites open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday leading up to the Nov. 3 Election Day. The Jefferson County Board of Elections has shared. In-person no-excuse absentee voting is Nov. 3-5 at polling places specified by each county's board of elections. Drop boxes are available in each county to hand deliver your ballot. If the board rules that a person is allowed to vote, they can then cast their ballot that Election Day. Scattered showers and storms at times. In-person voting on Election Day, November 8, 2022, will take place from 6:00AM to 6:00PM, local time. How do I fill out my absentee ballot? 701 West Ormsby Ave., STE 301 Louisville, KY 40203-3143 Quick Links. Related:State election officials urge Kentuckians to vote as early as possible. State Rep. Jerry Miller, a Louisville Republican who was one of the loudest voices criticizing the eight-location plan, told The Courier Journalthe new plan with 20 locations is a vast improvement but still needsa few morechanges. Eligibility for Absentee Voting - State Board of Elections - Kentucky The plan originally submitted by the Jefferson County Clerk Bobbie Holsclaw in Septembercontained only eight polling places, drawing backlash from Louisville elected officials and Secretary of State Michael Adams for being an insufficient number and not spread enough throughout the city. To apply for an Absentee ballot click the "Next" button below. Jefferson County early in-person polling locations, Kentucky Exposition Center:937 Phillips Lane,Fairgrounds North Wing, KFC YumCenter:Main and Second streets,foyer. Each site includes a secure drop-off box for voters to submit their absentee ballots. I WANT TO. Adams told The Courier Journal on Thursday evening that he was "pretty close" to approving Jefferson County's voting plan and expected to do so the following day, saying they had made "significant progress. Phone: (502) 574-6100. Copyright 2022 by WDRB Media. Over the weekend, her opponent Tina Ward-Pugh questioned Holsclaw's ability to run the clerk's office because of the mistake. Jackson County Ballot -GOP-SAMPLE BALLOT: Jefferson County Election Center - View Your Ballot: Jessamine County Ballot: Johnson County Ballot COUNTY PRIMARY 2023 SAMPLE BALLOT : K - (Return to Top) Kenton County Ballot 2023 PRIMARY PUB: Knott County Ballot COUNTY PRIMARY 2023 SAMPLE BALLOT: Knox County Ballot -DEM-SAMPLE BALLOT You are a voter who temporarily resides outside of Kentucky . Read more:Amid voter suppression claims, Black voter turnout in Louisville increased in June primary. ABSENTEE BALLOT VOTING IN JEFFERSON COUNTY KENTUCKY LAW ALLOWS MAILING AN ABSENTEE BALLOT FOR THESE REASONS: Person who due to age, disability, or illness will be unable to go to the polls on Election Day. An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Humid. You will need to submit a request for an absentee ballot for every election you are away from your Kentucky residence. The county has more than 600,000 registered voters. You may apply for a paper absentee ballot due to a medical emergency up to the day of the election. ", Candidate Q&A:McConnell, McGrath answer 13questions ahead of Election Day, Louisville Metro Council President David James, who also forcefully criticized Holsclaw's initial plan, called the new plan with 20 locations "better" and said, "I'm OK with that.". Officials say there is no evidence of widespread errors. An absentee drop-off box is only available at the Jefferson County Clerk Election Center on West Ormsby Street. KY 40203 Phone: 502-585-0811 Jefferson County Clerk Bobbie Holsclaw is running for re-election. September 24, 2022 (12:01AM local time) Online portal is open to request an absentee ballot by mail. 2022 General Election Summary. Meyzeek Middle School: 828 S. Jackson St. Southern High School:8620 Preston Highway, St. Matthews Community Center: 310 Ten Pin Lane, Thomas Jefferson Middle School: 1501 Rangeland Road, Waggener High School: 330 S. Hubbards Lane, From who is running to what's on the ballot: Your guide to the 2020 Kentucky general election, During this surreal election, The Courier Journal will provide wall-to-wall coverage, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. This rate of rejection for Jefferson County absentee ballots in this year's primary 4.43% is lower than that of the 2018 and 2016 general elections,which were 7.98% and 4.5%, respectively. FAQ - Elections - Jefferson County Clerk