If a Document is marked as Requiredthey must upload at least one document. When one of the Homeless options are selected, additional sections display: Parents can choose one of the options to state their Housing Status. Clicking on one the arrow displays all of the pages available in the enrollment process. The Resumebutton next to Pending Enrollmentscan be selected and that enrollment can then be resumed and completed. Need help setting up your parent Aeries account? Comments can also be added. Aeries Parent Portal Login - thermalito.org If a restrained Individual needs to be noted for an enrollment record, the Parent should select the Yes, an individual is restrained by court decreeoption. The third questions asks Has this Student previously attended a school in California? If this question is answered with the Yes option, another question of "What date did the Student first enroll into any California school?" Yes Aeries: Portals Note: This page can be selected to Skip from displaying to the Parent on the Admin > Basic Settings tab. Aeries: Portals Help Desk. Chino Valley USD If the Parent chooses a response of 'No", "None of the Above", or "Decline to Answer" to any of the surveys, then a program record is not created. lea_fellows@chino.k12.ca.us, Antonia Hunt, Ed. Signature areas are available to print for the Parent/Guardian Signature and a Date. Attitude Is A Little Thing That Makes A Big Difference. When the Enrollment is completed the data is submitted by clicking on the Finish and Submit button. Get the Aeries Mobile Portal App! This option can be used whether the district chooses to use the Street Validation option. Aeries Parent Portal is a Web portal for parents (and other student contacts) of New Haven Unified School District students. The email contains a link for Account Authorization. A Proud Member of the San Dieguito Union High School District. Student Data Confirmation is now open for the 2022-2023 school year. Portal Options - Residence Survey Changes for the CDE 2021 Housing Questionnaire, Next Article: Aeries Online Enrollment Importing Students. After importing a student, the PRS survey record is added to the Special Programs page (PGM). If a parent chooses None of the Above, the parent will move on to the next step and Aeries will not create a program record when the student record is imported from Online Enrollment to the appropriate school. Why Oroville City Elementary? Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Aeries (se incluye la traduccin al espaol), // xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?>, 34200 Alvarado-Niles Rd., Union City, CA 94587, Aeries Parent Portal Overview Video (English), Video de descripcin general del portal para padres Aeries (espaol), Accessing Parent Portal Document (Spanish translation included), Acceso al Portal para Padres (se incluye la traduccin al espaol), Aeries Parent FAQ (Spanish translation included), Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Aeries (se incluye la traduccin al espaol), Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety Resources, Non-Discrimination and Website Accessibility Statement. Transcripts and Graduation Requirements. These are located on the Portal Optionspage > Parent Data Changingtab > Family Information tab. Chino Valley USD If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any pages or documents, please request materials in an alternate format by contacting webmaster@avusd.org or at 760-247-8001. San Leandro USD. 6745 Check gradebook details, review attendance, and access Aeries Communications - right from the palm of your hand! Any information that displays an Editicon can be edited before clicking on theFinish and Submit button. Parent Portal Login / Parent Portal Log In - Thermalito This is where you can find grades and attendance reports, as well as fill out emergency cards, student medical information, family information, and more. The Other District Enrollment page first asks Was this Student born in the United States?If a Yes response is selected, the Parent is prompted to enter the date the Student entered the United States. The Thermalito Union Elementary School District prohibits, at any district school or school activity, unlawful . Aeries Online Registration allows you to quickly start the process of registering a student for the first time in the Thermalito Union Elementary School District. Later, if you would like to reprint or finish registering a student you started, or to review students you previously registered click the Login button - and use your account you created. Chino Valley Unified School District. The file size is currently limited to only 4 MB at this time. Parent Portal : Aeries Software After the parent logs in the Home page will display. 1111 Site Map. If the I agree box is not checked and the Next button is clicked, the following message displays. PORTAL - ENGLISH. If this question is answered with a Yes response, date input fields display. Aeries: Portals (909) 628-1202, Ext. Logout - Logout of their current session. For more up-to-date details of your student's progress, please check Canvas for assignment and Gradebook details. The Aeries Web Version Parent/Student Portal introduces multi-lingual support: English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese Arabic and Armenian. This page requires that information be filled in for at least on before the Parent can proceed with the enrollment process. Chino Valley USD Employment - Apply Here! Aeries: Portals District Coordinator for Nondiscrimination Select a School Heritage Community Day School Nelson Avenue Middle School Plumas Avenue Elementary School Poplar Avenue Elementary School Sierra Avenue Elementary School TLC Preschool Siskiyou Avenue Elementary School Sign In Search Our Site Chino Valley Unified School District Aeries Parent Portal Click on the link below to login to your Aeries Parent Portal account. Ayuda en espaol: Elsa Pulido, epulido@smuhsd.org, 650 N. Delaware Street, San Mateo, CA 94401. If this option is enabled the Parent can select a preferred school of choice. Select the year to enroll for then click on Next. The Emergency Contact page has a question Do you want this contact to have portal access? Next to the question is a Help icon. Aeries Online Enrollment Version 23.6.15 1995-2023 Aeries Software. D. On the Students Name page, the Students First Name, Last Name, Birthdateand Gradeare required. Urgent Issues. Aeries Mobile Portal on the App Store 835 E. 14th Street, Suite 200, San Leandro, CA 94577Phone: 510-667-3500 | Fax: 510-667-6234Email: communications@slusd.us, We want to hear from you. Grades displayed in Aeries Grade Reporting are three-week snapshots from Canvas. Aeries is our Student Information System. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Get support Managing student data with Aeries Daily Operations Reporting Leader in STEM and Arts Education! Parent Portal Login; Student Links; Principal's Bulletin; Parent and Student Handbook 2023-2024; 6th Grade Team; 7th Grade Team; 8th Grade Team; Family Engagement Policy; . Click the Previous button to go back and correct the address. Aeries Portal Thermalito Schools Select Language - Allows the user to select any language available to complete the enrollment process in. (714) 424-4357. In addition to the updated Housing Status options, new questions include Unaccompanied Youth (PRS.UY), and Additional Children Information (PRD). The view will depend on the device being used and whether they are in Portrait or Landscape mode. After login, the User sees the My Account page which hasPendingand Completed Enrollmentinformation. My Account - Takes the User to their account page which lists pending and completed enrollment information. Aeries is the online student, parent and teacher portal used to manage student profiles, grades, communication and all other thermalito union school district Verified 7 days ago Url: https://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/AERIES Go Now STUDENT REGISTRATION/REGESTRO ENGLISH Y ESPANOL. More information about these rights is available from the California Attorney General, Know Your Rights. The District can also setup an option to Select a preferred school. If Summer Re-Registration or Data Confirmation has not been completed the parent will see a yellow message indicating that they have not yet completed theData Confirmation process. If a family member or guardian have any questions or need technical assistance, please contact the Library Media Tech at your school site during business hours from 8 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. and someone will respond. Aeries is our Student Information System. Each section can be collapsed by clicking on the '^'. 5130 Riverside Drive, Chino, CA 91710 Instructions in Spanish. The Thermalito Union Elementary School District prohibits, at any district school or school activity, unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying of any student based on the student's actual race, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression; the perception of one or more of such characteristics; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. District Section 504 Coordinator We're Social! More information can be found in the following document: Portal Options - Residence Survey Changes for the CDE 2021 Housing Questionnaire. Poplar Avenue Elementary School / Homepage - Thermalito Upon completion, the Student's information is available to be imported into the School. What is the Aeries Portal? Your student's enrollment is not complete until all information has been verified.To get started registering a new student click the "Register a New Student" button. When searching, be sure to set the appropriate Account Type and Account Status, and click Refresh. Some languages and screens also translate field headings and in the case of Arabic, the system adjusts to Right-To-Left format. Pages shaded in gray are pages a user cannot access until the previous page with the blue circle has been completed. After the option is enabled, when Parents log into the Portal, they will see a pop-up asking them if they would like to preview the new Parent Portal. At Aeries Parent Portal, parents can view information about their student(s), including school and class news, demographics, contacts, schedule, attendance, assignments, course requests, marks, transcripts, GPA, graduation requirements, testing, behavior, activities, and health. The Chino Valley Unified School District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education and employment. Aeries Parent Portal - New Haven Unified School District Help us improve this article with your feedback. Options are presented if the district enables the Foster survey. Overview. The next screen allows the Parent to create a new account and requires a Name, an email address and password. for access to the Aeries Parent Portal login screen. The system defaults this page to display. For more information regarding our efforts in providing an accessible website, please visit our. AERIES TEACHER PORTAL. San Dieguito Academy - Aeries Parent Portal You can also download the Aeries Mobile App on the App Store or Google Play.