Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies 7 Todd Warren, Councilmanic Dist. Appointed by Public Library Board of Trustees: Staff: Taylor Bensley (410) 887-3482; e-mail: web: Philip M. Pokorny, Supervisor (410) 512-3340; e-mail: 216 North Marlyn Ave., Essex, MD 21221 Capt. web: Nancy Hafford, Chair (chosen by County Executive with County Council approval to 3-year term), 2023 Terri Parrish, Chair (chosen by County Executive), 2023, COMMISSION ON ETHICS & ACCOUNTABILITY Scott D. Shellenberger, Esq. Yarbrough, who began her . Kathy Schlabach, Chief (410) 887-3521; e-mail: Joanne R. Rund, Fire Chief (410) 887-4511; fax: (410) 887-8248 Search the Manual web: Michael J. Brian A. Edwards, Commander (410) 887-5310; e-mail: Della J. Leister, R.N., Deputy Health Officer (410) 887-2702 SPECIAL PROJECTS Appointed by County Executive: Robert Blankfield (410) 887-3196, (410) 887-2460 Dennis A. Kennedy, Chief (410) 887-3751 web: Michael J. Photo by Diane F. Evartt. PRECINCT 1 (Wilkens) Capt. of Juvenile Services; Wanda R. Ratliff, designee of Regional Administrator, Division of Parole & Probation. 3, 2025 Jefferson Building, Suite 101 Renee Barnes, Manager (410) 288-9060; fax: (410) 288-9260; e-mail: PLANNING Cathleen E. Batton, Commander (410) 887-5000; e-mail: Capt. Thomas Flagg, Chief (410) 887-3363 6, 2022 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD Capt. web: Darryl L. Williams, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools, 2023 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS BUREAU Public Safety Building, 4th floor Maj. David J. Folderaeur, Commander (410) 887-4695; e-mail: DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL SAFETY e-mail: e-mail: Terms expire 2024. Stream restoration project of Baltimore County Dept. 115 West Susquehanna Ave., Towson, MD 21204 Public Safety Building, 700 East Joppa Road, Towson, MD 21286 - 5501 web: 4421 Bucks Schoolhouse Road, Suite 100, Mailstop 55, Rosedale, Maryland 21237 For the 2023-2024 school year, notification forms are accepted for students: - born on or before September 1, 2018 - are under the age of 1 - live in Baltimore County (to verify your address in Baltimore County, click here) Appointed by County Executive to 4-year terms: Dan K. Morhaim, M.D., 2023; Allison Paladino, 2023; Timothy W. Santoni, 2023; Tony A. Wright, 2023; Celena Falline, 2025; Sheldon D. Glass, M.D., 2025; two vacancies. (telephone & web claims only) Jefferson Building, Suite 400 PUBLIC WORKS Traci M. Davis, Supervisor (410) 889-3616 e-mail:, CRIMINAL INFORMATION & ANALYSIS DIVISION PERMITS & LICENSING BUREAU CENTRAL PATROL DIVISION BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SERVICES Special Education - Division of Curriculum and Instruction Baltimore County Public Safety Building, 700 East Joppa Road, Towson, Maryland, May 2004. Maj. Daniel L. Kaliszak, Commander (410) 887-2300; e-mail: INTERNAL AFFAIRS DIVISION Joanne R. Rund, Fire Chief (410) 887-4511; fax: (410) 887-8248 web: of Corrections web: Samuel C. Haffer, Councilmanic Dist. Ex officio: Ruth A. Jakubowski, County Administrative Judge, Circuit Court; Dorothy J. Wilson, District Administrative Judge, District Court; vacancy, designee of County Executive; Jane E. Lichter, President, Board of Education; Gregory Wm. 400 Washington Ave., Towson, MD 21204 FORENSIC SERVICES SECTION PUBLIC DEFENDER Vacancy, Chief Administrative & Operations Officer (443) 809-4310 The Baltimore County Board of Education on Tuesday approved the 2021-2022 school calendar. SPECIAL PROJECTS Capt. 11101 McCormick Road, Suite 102, Hunt Valley, MD 21031 web: STATE'S ATTORNEY Valerie S. Androutsopoulos, Councilmanic Dist. web: e-mail: Leonard Schroeder, Commander (410) 887-2819; e-mail: Contact Information. PDF Bus Route Parent School Bus Stop - BoardDocs, a Diligent Brand e-mail: Lisa Sudano Luther; Neil A. Pigot; Amanda K. Serafini; Bernard Smith. e-mail: of Juvenile Services; vacancy, Central Region Administrator, Office of Community Supervision, Dept. of Corrections Maj. Woodland M. Wilson III, Commander (410) 887-4607; e-mail: Meetings: 2nd Thursday (except Aug. & Dec.) FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Appointed by County Executive to 3-year terms: Vacancy, Bureau Chief (410) 887-2220 e-mail: 6, 2022 (443) 809-4554 web: PLANNING BOARD Matthew Laurence, Bureau Chief (410) 887-2220 Capt. COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF BALTIMORE COUNTY Administrative Offices, Jefferson Building, Suite 300 SPECIAL EDUCATION ADMINISTRATIVE & TECHNICAL SERVICES BUREAU COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS UNIT Vacancy, Criminal Justice Coordinator (410) 887-2460 Terms expire 2024. Public Safety Building, 700 East Joppa Road, Towson, MD 21286 - 5501 Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 8:30 a.m. Thomas Flagg, Chief (410) 887-3363 Appointed by Education Support Personnel of Baltimore County: Jeannette Young e-mail: Photo by Diane F. Evartt. EDUCATION e-mail: CENTRAL PATROL DIVISION SPECIAL OPERATIONS SECTION Jack McLaughlin, Interim Vice-President for Instruction 13800 Manor Road, Baldwin, MD 21013 7, 2026 PRECINCT 2 (Woodlawn) e-mail: Vacancy, Commander PRECINCT 11 (Essex) 400 Washington Ave., Towson, MD 21204 SPECIAL OPERATIONS SECTION POLICE DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT e-mail:, BUREAU OF UTILITIES Anna Maria Palmer, Chair (chosen by Board), 2020 DESIGN REVIEW PANEL Appointed by County Executive to 4-year terms: Dan K. Morhaim, M.D., 2023; Allison Paladino, 2023; Timothy W. Santoni, 2023; Tony A. Wright, 2023; Celena Falline, 2025; Sheldon D. Glass, M.D., 2025; two vacancies. e-mail: Samay Singh Kindra for Board of Education Staff: Carmen Christiana (410) 887-2450; e-mail: Tracy Tyler, Manager (410) 887-4005; fax: (410) 496-3136; e-mail: e-mail: Appointed by County Executive: 3 Susan R. Green, Esq., Chair (chosen by County Executive, 2-year term), 2023 e-mail: Vacancy, Commander (410) 887-7380; fax: (410) 887-7384 Douglas J. McManus, Commander (410) 887-1820; e-mail: OPERATIONS SUPPORT SECTION e-mail: Defunct Agencies Lionel Van Dommelen, Chief (410) 887-3351 web: Phyllis A. PERSONS CRIMES SECTION Leonard Schroeder, Commander (410) 887-2819; e-mail: Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Board) 111 Wight Ave., Cockeysville, MD 21030 7200 Sollers Point Road, Baltimore, MD 21222 Richard H. Lilley, Ph.D., Vice-President for Enrollment & Student Services PLANNING BOARD UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Staff: Megan Benjamin (410) 887-3480; The County Executive hires or appoints key personnel. Donna M. Benton, Commander (410) 887-5521; e-mail: Vacancy, Commander Appointed by County Executive & County Council: Deborah M. D'Souza (410) 887-6003; e-mail: e-mail:, OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Leonard Schroeder, Commander (410) 887-2819; e-mail: Karen L. Lewis, Supervisor (410) 887-3900 Appointed by County Executive: PUBLIC AFFAIRS Maj. Jay C. Landsman, Jr., Commander (410) 887-2220; e-mail: 2, 2023 Scott A. Canter, Commander (410) 887-4942; e-mail: web: Terms expire 2023. (Chuck) Munzert, 2024; Patrick Roddy, 2024; Philip Davis, 2025; Dana M. Jackson, 2025; Desiree Mundell-Collins, 2026; Isaac S. Manjoe, 2026. Beverly German, Councilmanic Dist. 7930 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21224 PUBLIC AFFAIRS Mahnaz Mazaheri Assadi, 2022; Brian Bernstein, 2022; Justin S. Gallardo, 2022; Jennifer Langford, 2023; Andrew J. Miller, Ph.D., 2023; Stephen C. Malan, 2024; Dustin Shearer, 2025. CENTRAL ZONE Public Safety Building, 4th floor Meetings: last Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. (except June, July, Aug.) PLUMBING & GASFITTING BOARD e-mail: Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Board) 3 BUREAU OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & TRANSPORTATION PLANNING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS UNIT Katie McElroy, 2023; Judith R. Kistner, 2024; Camille M. Smith, 2024; Steven Adelsberger, 2025; Winona Matthews, 2025. 6424 Windsor Mill Road, Woodlawn, MD 21207 COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS UNIT PLANNING BOARD Vacancy, Chair (chosen by County Executive) CLASSIFICATION & PRE-TRIAL SERVICES UNIT e-mail: e-mail: The budget is then submitted to the County Council for final consideration and approval. Maj. Daniel L. Kaliszak, Commander (410) 887-2300; e-mail: Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Board in June, 1-year term) of Juvenile Services. web: ESSEX CAMPUS 3, 2023 Vacancy, Chief (410) 887-1836; (410) 887-7415 (emergencies) Appointed by County Executive with County Council consent: Jefferson Building, Suite 101 6, 2022 Philip M. Pokorny, Supervisor (410) 512-3340; e-mail: Vacancy, Bureau Chief (410) 887-2220 e-mail: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD PUBLIC WORKS 105 West Chesapeake Ave., Towson, MD 21204 Mark Heckman, Councilmanic Dist. 611 Central Ave., Towson, MD 21204 Jane E. Lichter. The Baltimore County Public School Board voted 6-2 to approve the original recommended school zoning map at its meeting Tuesday evening after delaying finalization of boundary changes for middle . web:, OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES CHILD FATALITY REVIEW TEAM Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: Katherine M. Bloom; Eugene Clark, Ed.D. County Courts Building, Room 511 Meetings: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. web: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER AT LIBERTY CENTER e-mail: Lauren T. Buckler, Deputy Director (410) 887-8086 e-mail: Photo by Sarah A. Hanks. BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Elisabeth A. Sachs, Esq., Director (410) 887-2450 BUILDING PERMITS PROCESSING BUREAU BOARD OF EDUCATION Thomas (Goose) Kaiser, 2023; Richard R. Karceski, 2024. By Phone: For general calls and to contact individual members, (443) 809-4177 PRECINCT 3 (Franklin) web: Capt. e-mail: Meetings: monthly (410) 887-3733 Beverly German, Councilmanic Dist. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS BUREAU BUREAU OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Capt. Vacancy, Chair (chosen by County Executive) Scott A. Canter, Commander (410) 887-4942; e-mail: Appointed by County Executive: Capt. Stephen W. Lafferty, Director (410) 887-3211 (410) 887-6600 Jonathan P. Trentzsch, Commander (410) 887-7088; e-mail: Stephen P. Myer, 2023; Scott Welsh, 2023; Brenda Strohmer, 2024; Richard M. Bernstein, 2027; Holly Gilmore, 2027. CODE INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT BUREAU David J. Bycoffe, Director (410) 887-5996; fax: (410) 887-3692 Appointed by Board of Trustees: Branch, M.D., Health Officer; Gregory Wm. SPECIAL PROJECTS Appointed by County Executive: REGIONAL WATER & SEWER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Vacancy, Commander Myriam A. Yarbrough, Ed.D., Chief (443) 809-0252; e-mail: EASTERN PATROL DIVISION Appointed by County Executive to 3-year terms: Thomas (Goose) Kaiser, 2023; Richard R. Karceski, 2024. Appointed by County Executive: Maryland Municipalities SOIL CONSERVATION DISTRICT BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Jennifer L. Aubert-Utz, Deputy Fire Chief (410) 887-4511 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Melissa Hopp, Vice-President for Administrative Services Terms expire 2024. Vacancy, Chair (chosen by County Executive) Gayle L. Robinson, Esq., Deputy District Public Defender (410) 324-8911 Margaret-Ann F. Howie, Esq., General Counsel (443) 809-4060; e-mail:, BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION Joanne R. Rund, Fire Chief (410) 887-4511; fax: (410) 887-8248 PUBLIC LIBRARY e-mail: web: Co-Chair: Walter J. Pesterfield, Director, Dept. e-mail: Danielle M. Knatz, Bureau Chief (410) 887-4860 2 web: Ernest M. Reitz, Director (410) 887-2211; e-mail: e-mail: DESIGN REVIEW PANEL WESTERN PATROL DIVISION Appointed by Governor: BUREAU OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & TRANSPORTATION PLANNING 11112 Gilroy Road, Suite 104, Hunt Valley, MD 21031 web: PUBLIC AFFAIRS SECTION Vacancy, Councilmanic Dist. Appointed by County Executive: Leonard Schroeder, Commander (410) 887-2819; e-mail: REGION 6: MONTGOMERY & PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTIES Scott A. Canter, Commander (410) 887-4942; e-mail: ELECTRICAL ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD 700 East Joppa Road, Towson, MD 21286 - 5500 Careers with Baltimore County - Baltimore County Jennifer Duckworth. W. Carl Richards, Jr., Chief (410) 887-3391; fax: (410) 887-5708 400 Washington Ave., Towson, MD 21204 Capt. Arbutus Elementary School, 1300 Sulpher Spring Road, Arbutus, Maryland, May 2011. TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATIONS SECTION HOUSING Historic Courthouse, 2nd floor Home - Division of Human Resources - Baltimore County Public Schools 6401 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21212 - 2130 web:, PLUMBING & GASFITTING BOARD Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Board) web: web:, BUREAU OF TRAFFIC ENGINEERING & TRANSPORTATION PLANNING James R. Benjamin, Jr., Esq., County Attorney (410) 887-4420 ANIMAL HEARING BOARD Robin Harvey for Baltimore County Board of Education. Lynn Lanham, Chief (410) 887-3480; e-mail: Appointed by Governor to 4-year terms: TECHNICAL SERVICES DIVISION Eric L. Minus, Executive Director (410) 887-7821; e-mail: Appointed by County Executive & County Council: Capt. Cathleen E. Batton, Commander (410) 887-5000; e-mail: TRAINING SECTION Gregory Wm. County Office Building, Room G-14 Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. (Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.) Renee Barnes, Manager (410) 288-9060; fax: (410) 288-9260; e-mail: Police Aviation Unit helicopter, Martin State Airport, 701 Wilson Point Road, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2018. web: e-mail: web: ; Lee Ohnmacht; Amy Park; Donald A. Schlimm. Leonard Schroeder, Commander (410) 887-2819; e-mail:, TRAINING SECTION INTERNAL AFFAIRS DIVISION 105 West Chesapeake Ave., Towson, MD 21204 e-mail: e-mail: Robert Blankfield (410) 887-3196, (410) 887-2460 Vacancy, Bureau Chief (410) 887-2220 e-mail: 8220 Perry Hall Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21236 Public Safety Building, 700 East Joppa Road, Towson, MD 21286 - 5501 Angelica J. Daniel, Chief (410) 887-3554 METROPOLITAN DISTRICT FINANCING & PETITIONS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS TRAINING SECTION Brian A. Edwards, Commander (410) 887-5310; e-mail: SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE e-mail: