Should you need assistance, please call or visit your local school. Section 10.3.1 Transfers 34 Section 10.3.2 Eligibility of Transfers 35 Families can expect to hear back from the district regarding their transfer request by the last day of school, June 16. Learn more about transfers at, Los estudiantes de Bethel que deseen asistir a una escuela que no sea la escuela de su vecindario, as como los estudiantes de fuera del distrito que deseen asistir a una escuela de Bethel el prximo otoo (, Una segunda ventana de transferencia est abierta del, Una tercera ventana de transferencia estar abierta durante la mayor parte del verano del, No hay garanta de que se apruebe una solicitud de transferencia. Transportation / Home - Bethel School District Music Education; Athletics; Bethel Family Centre; Beli Recreation; Bond Project Updates; Bus Routes; Canvas; Child Find; Child; Community & Crisis Money; Take Catalogs It will be helpful to collect any supporting information ahead of time. Home Students & Families Student Support Services Reassignments Attention: The window to request school reassignment for the 2023-2024 school year is March 1-31, 2023. Box 798 516 East 176thStreet Auburn, Washington 98071 Spanaway, Washington 98387 . IF YOU DO NOT KNOW YOUR ASSIGNED SCHOOL IN BETHEL SCHOOL DISTRICT, CLICK HERE PRIOR TO FILLING OUT THE FORM: Versatrans Link. Follow the prompts to complete the form. You need to have an active email address to use this system. Una tercera ventana de transferencia estar abierta durante la mayor parte del verano del 1 de junio al 15 de agosto. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Select the high school from which you are requesting a transcript. Summer Academies 2023 . REF: Transfer Request Letter. Welcome to Bethel Schools! There is no guarantee a transfer request will be approved. Bethel students who want to attend a school other than their neighborhood school, as well as out-of-district students who want to attend a Bethel school next fall (2022-2023 school year) can apply for in-district or interdistrict transfers beginning March 1 through March 31. Learn more about joining the Driver Team in Bethel. Bethel School District students, parents, and alumni can request, send, and store transcripts through our digital credential service partner, Proof of Residency (Example: Utility bill, Renter's Insurance statement, etc in the name of the legal guardian) Any additional academic records can be delivered directly to the school. 3. Bethel School District DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION District Home Our Schools Home About Our District Enrollment, Transfers & Transcripts Enrollment Please gather these 3 required documents before you get started. Home; News. Bethel School District students, parents, and alumni can request, send, and store transcripts through our digital credential service partner, With Parchment, transcripts are requested, sent and delivered electronically, securely and confidentially. View internal positions Submit an internal application/transfer form Log in Los estudiantes de fuera del distrito que se transfieren a Bethel no son elegibles para el transporte en autobs. For questions and complaints of alleged discrimination, please contact Title IX officer Bryan Streleski, Director of Athletics and Security at 253.800.4302, Section 504 coordinator Lori Haugen, Executive Director of Special Education at 253.800.2300 or Civil Rights coordinator Debbie Carlman, Director of Equity and Achievement at 253.800.2019. For questions and complaints of alleged discrimination, please contact Title IX officer Bryan Streleski, Director of Athletics and Security at 253.800.4302, Section 504 coordinator Lori Haugen, Executive Director of Special Education at 253.800.2300 or Civil Rights coordinator Debbie Carlman, Director of Equity and Achievement at 253.800.2019. Bethel students who want to attend a school other than their neighborhood school, as well as out-of-district students who want to attend a Bethel school next fall (2022-2023 school year) can apply forin-district or interdistrict transfersbeginningMarch 1 through March 31. Obtn ms informacin sobre las transferencias en, Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance. Enrollment, Transfers & Transcripts / Transcripts / Recruit's To Do List You will be guided through the following steps when creating a new account. We are thrilled to have you as part of our growing community. Transfers are also contingent upon the student meeting attendance and behavioral expectations. This content is the sole responsibility of the entity that makes it available. Select the high school from which you are requesting a transcript. The Choice Transfer Request Portal (CTRP) is used by many school districts in Washington State to process Choice Transfer requests. To obtain records other thanthe transcript for yourstudent, please complete a Records Request Form. To obtain records other thanthe transcript for yourstudent, please complete a, For Bethel School District Administration and operations records please, Bethel School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with all federal rules and regulations, including Title IX, RCW 28A.640, RCW 28A.642 and Section 504. Northland, Connecticut, 80142. Those who submit transfer paperwork between April 1 and May 27 can expect to hear back from the district regarding their transfer status before the last day of school on Friday, June 17. A Choice Transfer request is made when a student wants to attend a school outside of the school district where the student lives. Bethel provides equal access to all programs and services without discrimination based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. School Transfer Request Letter Examples | 14 Free Templates A third transfer window will be open for most of the summer from June 1 August 15. ParentVUE Account Access - Edupoint Students Rights and Responsibilities 2021-22, Bethel School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with all federal rules and regulations, including Title IX, RCW 28A.640, RCW 28A.642 and Section 504. Out-of-district students who transfer into Bethel are not eligible for bus transportation. This also allows the district to better plan for the upcoming school year. Enrollment, Transfers & Transcripts / TRANSFERS 2022-23 Enter your email address or user name and we will email you a link to change your password. Search results are not intended as legal advice for you or your organization and are not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney in your jurisdiction. Incomplete transfer requests may be denied without consideration or appeal. Bethel students who want to attend a school other than their neighborhood school, as well as out-of-district students who want to attend a Bethel school next fall (2023-2024 school year) can apply for in-district or interdistrict transfers beginning March 1 through March 31. Fill out the Online Registration Form. Student Transfers | OSPI - K-12 With Parchment, transcripts are requested, sent and delivered electronically, securely and confidentially. For Bethel School District Administration and operations records please click here. Transfers will be honored for as long as the student attends their approved school. For paper copies of your unofficial transcript, contact our office. PO Box 305, Bethel, AK 99559. Las familias pueden esperar una respuesta del distrito con respecto a su solicitud de transferencia antes del ltimo da de clases, el 16 de junio. A school transfer letter for a student would give information about the need for transfer with content such as: Dear Sir/Madam, With due respect, it is to inform you that I, XYZ, is a student at ABC School. Obtn ms informacin sobre las transferencias This link will allow you to create a new ParentVUE account to enroll your student. Copyright All Rights Reserved Bethel School District, In-District Transfer Form/Formulario de Transferencia Dentro del Distrito, Bethel students who want to attend a school other than their neighborhood school, as well as out-of-district students who want to attend a Bethel school next fall (, Those who submit transfer paperwork between, Families who miss the first two transfer windows may still submit transfer paperwork through, Transfer Into Bethel School District Form/Formulario de Transferencia al Distrito de Bethel, Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance, Bethel School District Organizational Chart, Family Resource Center hold for in-person. This link will allow you to create a new ParentVUE account to enroll your student. Students Rights and Responsibilities 2021-22. For questions and complaints of alleged discrimination, please contact Title IX officer Bryan Streleski, Director of Athletics and Security at 253.800.4302, Section 504 coordinator Lori Haugen, Executive Director of Special Education at 253.800.2300 or Civil Rights coordinator Debbie Carlman, Director of Equity and Achievement at 253.800.2019. Forms 2023-2024 Request for School Reassignment - (Deadline: March 31, 2023) 2023-2024 Request for Release From Craven County 2022-2023 Request for Release From Craven County Bethel provides equal access to all programs and services without discrimination based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. Phone (907) 543-4800. 671 West Road. Activate Account; Forgot Password; iPhone App; Android App; Mobile App URL The information below is more details about what to expect when you select this option. Bethel School District 403 - Frontline Recruitment - Zeeland Public Schools Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Ask if there are other forms or required steps to complete your Choice Transfer request outside of this request portal. 06/30/2024 Additional Information: Show/Hide Email To A Friend Print Version External Applicants Start an application for employment Job Fair Quick Form Use passcodes sent to me Log in Internal Applicants Internal applicants only. Bethel School District students, parents, and alumni can request, send, and store transcripts through our digital credential service partner, With Parchment, transcripts are requested, sent and delivered electronically, securely and confidentially. Accept the privacy statement and provide your name and email address. Transcripts and Student Records | Bethel University Office of Elementary Schools (K-5):Rayna Messer,253.800.2014Office of Secondary Schools (6-12):Mary Ann Mulloy-White, 253.800.2012For any secondary student seeking a GED release, contactKimberly Nelsonat Challenger High School to set up an appointment, 253.800.6891. Enrollment, Transfers & Transcripts / Enrollment - Bethel Public Schools No hay garanta de que se apruebe una solicitud de transferencia. 2022 Fall transfer applications accepted beginning March 1 Bethel students who want to attend a school other than their neighborhood school, as well as out-of-district students who want to attend a Bethel school next fall ( 2022-2023 school year) can apply for in-district or interdistrict transfers beginning March 1 through March 31. If the request is submitted byMarch 10, parents will be notified byApril 15if the request has been approved or denied. User name: bethel / password: 1234. The Choice Transfer Request Portal (CTRP) is used by many school districts in Washington State to process Choice Transfer requests. Students Rights and Responsibilities 2021-22. Bethel Local Schools - Educate with Excellence . When you have completed your transfer application, your request will be sent to the resident school district. You will be prompted to answer two questions, click continue. All individuals may be reached at this address: 516 176th Street East, Spanaway, WA 98387, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Transcripts | Bethel University Students will be allowed access to transportation if they can get to an existing Bethel bus stop on an established route for the school they will be attending. Student Support Services / Reassignments and Releases 516 176th St E | Spanaway, WA 98387 | Phone: 253 800-2010. A Choice Transfer request is made when a student wants to attend a school outside of the school district where the student lives. Out-of-district students who transfer into Bethel are not eligible for bus transportation. Registrar Our team is here to help you access your student records and keep them up to date. Size: 70.5 KB. First consideration deadline for accepting student transfer requests for the 2023-24 school year will be March 10, 2023 for all grades, K through 12. NEW Parents: Welcome to Bethel Schools! School Transfer Request Letter: Sample Applications / Letters Transcripts. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW YOUR ASSIGNED SCHOOL IN BETHEL SCHOOL DISTRICT, CLICK HERE PRIOR TO FILLING OUT THE FORM: Versatrans Link Select one of the following options, and then click on the link for the required form: OPTION #1 A validation request will be sent to your email address. Students Rights and Responsibilities 2021-22, Bethel School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and complies with all federal rules and regulations, including Title IX, RCW 28A.640, RCW 28A.642 and Section 504. MetaSearch is intended for research, information and reference purposes only. Using our Services does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our Services or the content you may access. Completing a request before that will not be submitted properly. Las familias sern notificadas de las determinaciones de su solicitud de transferencia antes del viernes 29 de agosto. You will be guided through the following steps when creating a new account. New Students - Bethel School District Bethel School District students, parents, and alumni can request, send, and store transcripts through our digital credential service partner, When you have completed your transfer application, your inquiry will be sent to the resident . I am a current or former parent of Bethel School District. Choice Transfer Request - ), Elementary Release of Attendance / Choice Transfer Request (K-5), Secondary Release of Attendance / Choice Transfer Request (6-12). This link will direct you to log into your existing ParentVUE account to enroll a new or returning student and/or update your existing student(s). If you have questions or concerns, please call us at 253.800.5900. For a Your Transfer, the resident district must first release the student to start the transfer process. Bethel Local Schools Documents Documents District Documents Enrollment & Transfer/Withdrawal Documents ; Name Type Size Name: . Log in Internal Applicants Internal applicants only. Order a transcript Official transcripts can be issued if all financial obligations are met. All individuals may be reached at this address: 516 176th Street East, Spanaway, WA 98387, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). NEW ONLINE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT Student Records: 253.800.6738, PRESCHOOL Early Childhood Education: 253.800.4191, SPECIAL EDUCATION Special Services: 253.800.2300. For questions and complaints of alleged discrimination, please contact Title IX officer Bryan Streleski, Director of Athletics and Security at 253.800.4302, Section 504 coordinator Lori Haugen, Executive Director of Special Education at 253.800.2300 or Civil Rights coordinator Debbie Carlman, Director of Equity and Achievement at 253.800.2019. Please select the link below that best describes you. . Welcome to the Washington State Choice Transfer Request Portal! Requests received after the deadlinemay not be considered until the week of August 21. CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER. The interdistrict transfer process is governed by state laws as well as district policies. For more information, please contact Bev Martin, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent/Board of Directors. transferencias dentro del distrito o interdistritales, State Testing Annual Notices/Opt-Out Forms. Los estudiantes de fuera del distrito que se transfieren a Bethel no son elegibles para el transporte en autobs. The Bethel School District has approved your request for the 2023-2024 school year. Se aceptan solicitudes de transferencia de otoo a partir del 1 de marzo. Welcome to Bethel School District's new and improved website for facility use! Los estudiantes de Bethel que deseen asistir a una escuela que no sea la escuela de su vecindario, as como los estudiantes de fuera del distrito que deseen asistir a una escuela de Bethel el prximo otoo (ao escolar 2023-2024) pueden solicitartransferencias dentro del distrito o interdistritalesa partir del1 de marzo hasta el 31 de marzo. (NOT SEEING IT? This initial transfer window allows the district to plan for the upcoming school year. We appreciate any feedback you can give us to help us accomplish our mission. The information below is more details about what to expect when you select this option. Our Services may display content that does not belong to Emerald Data Solutions or its affiliates. Bethel School District 403 - Frontline Recruitment - Zeeland Public Schools Out of District Transfer Students If your student wants to transfer into Bethel School District from another district, you will need to to do the following: 1. I WANT MY CHILD TO ATTEND SCHOOL IN THE BETHEL SCHOOL DISTRICT BUT NOT THE SCHOOL ASSIGNED BASED ON OUR HOME ADDRESS. With Parchment, transcripts are requested, sent and delivered electronically, securely and confidentially.Select the high school from which you are requesting a transcript. Dean, School of Business & Economics. Our devoted drivers and first-rate support staff give their all each day to make sure our students are served well. PDF SECONDARY TRANSFER REQUEST APPROVED - Bethel School District Families will be notified of their transfer request results by Friday, August 29. If the . To obtain records other thanthe transcript for yourstudent, please complete a Records Request Form. All individuals may be reached at this address: 516 176th Street East, Spanaway, WA 98387. We're here to help! Forgot Password - ParentVUE Bethel School District is seeking qualified applicants for a 7 hours per day Office Coordinator II position for case management support for Special Education programs and staff. Executive Director of Special Education: 253.800.2300. The interdistrict transfer process applies to non-Bethel residents who wish to transfer into Bethel School District, or to Bethel resident students who wish to transfer to other districts. Click on the link within that email and follow the prompts to set your username and password. Transfer applications requested for emergencies and hardships are subject to available space and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Elementary In . Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator. A Choice Transfer request is made when a undergraduate wants to participating a school outside of the school district wherever the student lives. HOME - Bethel Public Schools Bethel students who want to attend a school other than their neighborhood school, as well as out-of-district students who want to attend a Bethel school next fall (2023-2024 school year) can apply forin-district or interdistrict transfersbeginningMarch 1 through March 31. A second transfer window is open from May 11 through May 27so that families will know sooner whether their students transfer request has been accepted or denied. Director of Equity and Achievement: 253.800.2019. All individuals may be reached at this address: 516 176th Street East, Spanaway, WA 98387, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The first step of a Choice Transfer request is to verify your email address. For questions regarding position qualifications or application procedures, please contact Bethel School District 403 directly. All individuals may be reached at this address: 516 176th Street East, Spanaway, WA 98387, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Select one of the following options, and then click on the link for the required form: I WANT MY CHILD TO ATTEND SCHOOL IN A DIFFERENT DISTRICT, (e.g., Franklin Pierce, Puyallup, Eatonville, Clover Park, Online Academy), NOTE: YOU WILL RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF REQUEST STATUS VIA EMAIL FROM THE CHOICE TRANSFER SYSTEM. Bethel provides equal access to all programs and services without discrimination based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. Enrollment, Transfers & Transcripts / Transcripts - Bethel School District All individuals may be reached at this address: 516 176th Street East, Spanaway, WA 98387, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). For a Choice Transfer, the resident district must first release the student to start the transfer process. This link will direct you to log into your existing ParentVUE account to enroll a new or returning student and/or update your existing student(s). Handout shows when it's legal and illegal to pass school buses. Musik Education; Athletics; Bethel Family Center; Bethel Recreation; Bond Project Updates; Bus Routes; Canvass; Child Find; Childcare; Community & Crisis Resources 2. Esta ventana de transferencia inicial permite al distrito planificar para el prximo ao escolar. Piano Education; Games; Bethel Family Center; Bethel Recreation; Bond Project Updating; Bus Routes; Canvas; Child Find; Childcare; Church & Crisis Research; Pricing Sales Families who apply during this initial period should receive information about their transfer request by the beginning of May. We are thrilled to have you as part of our growing community. Bethel Facility Use Transfers are required for students to attend a school other than their neighborhood school the school assigned based on the parent/guardians legal address of residence. You will be guided through several pages so that we gather necessary information regarding your child; including health information, tribal affiliation, previous schools, academic support needed, etc. This acceptance is subject to the following conditions: Parents/guardians assume full responsibility for adequate and timely transportation and supervision of the student to and from school. All transfer requests for 2023-24 will be done electronically. Bethel School District students, parents, and alumni can request, send, and store transcripts through our digital credential service partner, Bethel provides equal access to all programs and services without discrimination based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability. Learn more about transfers Our goal is to provide the best service possible to the more than 10,000 students who take the bus every day to school and back home. Bethel School District DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION District Home Our Schools Home About Our District Enrollment, Transfers & Transcripts TRANSFERS 2022-23 Enrollment, Transfers & Transcripts Enrollment TRANSFERS 2023-24 Transcripts Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration Forms This page is currently unavailable. Shared Custody in Which a Family Lives in Bethel and Another Community: If parents have shared custody of a child and one of the parents live in Bethel, the child may attend our schools if they reside more than 50% of the time in Bethel.
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