We hope new and returning area writers will consider making application to read their writings at this upcoming event. Waterford CT 06385 Tel: 860-444 5805, Watertown Library Association, 470 Main St. Watertown CT 06795 Tel: 860-945 5360, West Hartford Public Library, 20 South Main St. West Hartford CT 06107 Tel: 860-561 6950, West Haven Public Library, 300 Elm St. West Haven CT 06516 Tel: 203-937 4233, Westbrook Public Library, 61 Goodspeed Drive, Westbrook CT 06498 Tel: 860-399 6422, Weston Public Library, 56 Norfield Rd. Library Catalog The library circulates 24,648 items per year. Mystic CT 06355 Tel: 860-536 7721, Guilford Free Library, 67 Park St. Guilford CT 06437 Tel: 203-453 8282, Brainerd Memorial Library, 920 Saybrook Rd. Darien CT 06820 Tel: 203-655 1234, Deep River Public Library, 150 Main Street, Deep River CT 06418 Tel: 860-526 6039, Derby Neck Library, 307 Hawthorne Ave. Derby CT 06417 Tel: 203-734 1492, DerbyPublic Library, 313 Elisabeth St. Derby CT 06418 Tel: 203-734 1492, Durham Public Library, 7 Maple Ave. Durham CT 06422 Tel: 860-349 9544, East Granby Public Library, 24 Center St. East Granby, CT 06026 Tel: 860-653 3002, East Haddam Free Public Library, 18 Plains Rd. The Tri-State Region is home to the States of NY, NJ and CT. For patrons outside of NYC you are eligible to get a library card from your local public library. Reverend Bellamy, as the founding Pastor of First Church began his Bethlehem preaching in a barn on property adjacent to his home. The Digital Branch is your 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access to thousands of different eBooks, eAudio, streaming television, movies, and music, all from the comfort of your home. Find 7 external resources related to Oakville Branch Library. findIT CT is Connecticut's statewide library catalog. Address: Something different each Wednesday. Wolcott CT 06716 Tel: 203-879 8110, Woodbridge Town Library, 10 Newton Rd. Site Map | Accessibility Statement | Website Disclaimer. College. . Services - Bethlehem Public Library 32 MAIN ST S BETHLEHEM, CT 06751 Travelling preachers, Edwards and Bellamy journeyed throughout New England and as far as Virginia, calling the faithful to repent of their sinful ways and deepen their faith in Jesus Christ. In conjunction with the Department of Higher Education, the State Library also administersresearchitct.org Connecticuts source for free online resources. More probate districts were formed by 1719. Danielson CT 06239 Tel: 860-779 5383, Killingworth Library, 301 Route 81, Killingworth CT 06419 Tel: 860-663 2000, Jonathan Trumbull Library, 580 Exeter Rd Lebanon CT 06249 Tel: 860-642 7763, Ledyard Public Library 718 Colonel Ledyard Highway, Ledyard CT 06339 Tel: 860-464 9912, Gilbert Library, 38 Main St. Northfield CT 06778 Tel: 860-283 8176, Oliver Wolcott Library, 160 South St. Litchfield CT 06759 Tel: 860-567 8030, Lyme Public Library, 482 Hamburg Rd. High School- Canaan, Atwater Memorial Library - North Branford, Licia& Mason Beekley Community Lib. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Or, you can report corrections just by sending a message to Marshall Breeding. High School in'Remarks'on the slip, c/o Raymond Library route N-146;put Montville High School in 'Remarks' on the routing slip, c/o Northwestern Comm. Registration is free and easy. Glastonbury CT 06033 Tel: 860-633 5637, South Glastonbury Public Library, 80 High St. South Glastonbury CT 06073 Tel: 860-633 4793, Welles Turner Memorial Library, 2407 Main St. Glastonbury CT 06033 Tel: 860-652 7719, Goshen Public Library, 42 North St. Goshen CT 06756 Tel: 860-491 3234, Granby Public Library, 15 North Granby Rd. [1], Bethlehem Public Library32 Main Street SouthP.O. Bring a yoga mat, beach towel, bug spray & water bottle Under 18. Washington C68 7586, Silas Bronson Library, 267 Grand St. Waterbury CT 06702 Tel: 203-574 8222, Waterford Public Library, 49 Rope Ferry Rd. Connecticut Public Libraries Although he never preached in this building, his pulpit stands at the focal front of the sanctuary. Tel: 203-576 7400, Burnham Library, 62 Main Street South, Bridgewater CT 06752 Tel: 860-354 6937, Bristol Public Library, 5 High St. Bristol CT 06804 Tel: 860-354 7787, Brookfield Library, 182 Whisconier Road, Brookfield CT 06804 Tel: 203-775 6241, Brooklyn Town Library Association, 10 Canterbury Road, Brooklyn CT 06234 Tel: 860-774 0649, Burlington Public Library, 34 Library Ln, Burlington CT 06013 Tel: 860-673 3331, David M Hunt Library (Canaan), 63 Main St. Falls Village CT 06031 Tel: 860-824 7424, Canberbury Public Library, 1 Municipal Drive, Canterbury CT 06331 Tel: 860-546 9022, Canton Public Library, 40 Dyer Ave. Canton CT 06019, Tel: 860-693 5800, Chaplin Public Library, 130 Chaplin St. Chaplin CT 06019, Tel: 860-455 9424, Cheshire Public Library, 104 Main St. Cheshire CT 06410, Tel: 203-272 2245, Chester Public Library, 21 West Main St. Chester CT 06412 Tel: 860-526 0018, Henry Carter Hull Library, 10 Killingworth Turnpike, Clinton CT 06413 Tel: 860-669 2342, Cragin Memorial Library, 8 Linwood Ave. Colchester CT 06415 Tel: 860-537 5752, Saxton B. The legacy of service to the people of Bethlehem has always been the hallmark of First Churchs mission. Libraries participating in requestIT will benefit most from an updated catalog once they resume their ILL services, so we are inviting them next. Terms of Service apply. Digital Collections cla@ctlibrarians.org. State Archives Finding Aids, 234 Court St., Middletown, CT 06457 The 4 Branch Greenwich Library is considered a Library System in the State of Connecticut. Bethlehem Public Lib. May @21st, 2023 Our Literary Coffeehouses bring such a pleasing variety of literary creativity to enthusiastic audiences. By 1899 the book collection had grown to over 800, at which time the Association deeded them to the town. Bethlehem Public Library, 32 Main St S, Bethlehem, Town of, CT Library Board of Directors - Town of Bethlehem Connecticut Burnham Library Presents: Board Games Thursdays 1:00pm-2:30pm Relax and cool off while playing board and card games with friends! The State of Connecticut is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and strongly encourages the applications of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. FamilySearch affiliate libraries may have access to center-only databases, but do not always have all services normally provided by a FamilySearch center. Online Catalog. The following 131libraries have been trained on using requestIT CT and areparticipating in the basic ILL system. (203) 266-7792. requestIT CT is funded by the State of Connecticut and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered by the Connecticut State Library. All you need to unlock these amazing services is your library card. The library serves a population of 3,607 residents . . The Bellamy-Ferriday House is open seasonally for tours of the house and gardens. Public library provides circulating collection of print and audiovisual materials, family/child intergenerational activities, and story times for children. Vietnamese: Relaxing, fun, and stress-relieving. Home Bring a picnic, hangout with. A room in the church narthex is dedicated to some of the relics of Pastor Bellamys ministry in Bethlehem. Fairfield CT 06824 Tel: 203-256 3155, Pequot Library Association, 720 Pequot Ave. Southport CT 06890 Tel: 203-259 0346, Farmington Libraries, 6 Montieth Dr. Farmington CT 06032 Tel: 860-673 6791, Janet Carlson Calvert Library, 5A Tyler Dr. Franklin CT 06254 Tel: 860-642 6207, East Glastonbury Public Library, 1389 Neipsic Rd. At its founding, Congregationalism was the dominant religion in Connecticut and was even the state religion until 1818. Some subscription websites are available for free at your local FamilySearch Center or Affiliate Library. 117, Groton CT 06349 Tel: 860-441 6750, Mystic & Noank Library, 40 Library St. It can be found at the Bethlehem Public Library. 32 MAIN ST S BETHLEHEM, CT 06751 Get Directions (203) 266-7792. www.bethlehemlibraryct.org Anyone can get a library card. Wherever you are on lifes journey, whatever your religious and spiritual experience, we celebrate your uniqueness and welcome your gifts. Library, Connecticut State Brief Description of State Agency. The Bethlehem Library Association was founded in 1857 with just a handful of books. Little Free Library, 219 Route 87, Columbia CT 06237 Tel: 860-228 0350, Cornwall Library Association, 30 Pine St. Cornwall, CT 06753 Tel: 860-672 6874, Hughes Memorial Library, 35 River Rd. Trythese instructions. Tri-Town Event @ Minor Memorial Library, Roxbury Science Heroes: Saving Earth Together In this action-packed story, two unlikely heroes work together to save their town (and the planet) from a, The Coloring Club Third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Connecticut State Library | 231 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106 | 860-757-6500 * Toll-free 866-886-4478 BETHLEHEM, TOWN OF - PUBLIC LIBRARY: Public Libraries Connecticut's libraries are organized quite differently from the Public Library Systems of Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester Counties. Bethlehem Public Library. This page contains a list of public libraries in Connecticut. Using their hometown cards, non-residents may visit any public library and borrow any of the materials that participating libraries lend to their local borrowers. Use the contact form below, findIT CT is Connecticut's new The first meeting house/church was erected in 1768 on the corner of Main Street. The First Church has published a history of their church in the book 250 Years of the First Church of Bethlehem. Call or visit website for additional information. libraries.org: Bethlehem Public Library - Library Technology Guides Coloring is good for the mind-body and soul! Phone: 203-266-7792 Connect to: Library Web Site Online Catalog. The State of Connecticut is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and strongly encourages the applications of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. route G-221; put Northwestern Regional #7in'Remarks'on the slip, c/o Aldrich Library route M-133; put Plainfield High Schoolin'Remarks'on the slip, c/o Minor Memorial Library - Roxbury route F-162; put Shepaug Valley SchoolLibrary in'Remarks'on the slip, c/o Cromwell Belden Public Library route E-34; Make sure to put Holy Apostles College & Seminary in'Remarks'on the routing slip. Also includedin the list is thedate of the last updateof holdings. Burnham Library Presents: Rock & Shell Painting Thursday, June 29th 11:00am- 4:00pm Join us in the SBYLC to paint rocks and sea shells! Woodbury Public Library (Woodbury, CT - 6.9 miles) Bethlehem Public Library (Bethlehem, CT - 7.1 miles) Terryville Public Library (Plymouth, CT - 7.4 miles) External Links. Old Saybrook CT 06475 Tel: 860-395 3185, Case Memorial Library, 176 Tyler City Rd. Please contact Marshall Breeding Woodbridge CT 06525 Tel: 203-389 3433, Woodbury Public Library, 269 Main Street South Woodbury CT 06798 Tel: 203-263 3502, Howard W. Bracken Memorial Library, 57 Academy Rd. Pastor Bellamy, along with the Reverend Jonathan Edwards led and preached the Great Awakening of 1780, a revival of Christian faith and practice in a time when church participation had waned. The present church community continues to expand the original outreach mission of First Church. Kids using the Bethlehem Public Library's 3-D printer have learned to make endless Minecraft characters, model railroad props, flower bracelets and even a medical device that NASA . Middlebury CT 06762 Tel: 203-758 2634, Levi B. Coe Library, 414 Main St. Middlefield CT 06455 Tel: 860-349 3857, Russell Library, 123 Broad St. Middletown CT 06457 Tel: 860-347 2528, Midlford Public Library, 57 New Haven Ave. Milford CT 06460 Tel: 203-783 3399, Edith Wheeler Memorial Library, 733 Monroe Turnpike, Monroe CT 06468 Tel: 203-452 2850, Raymond Library, 832 Raymond Hill Rd. To improve your search results use quotation marks when searching for a specific phrase. Address 32 Main Street South Bethlehem, CT 06751 Get Directions Address 36 Main Street South Bethlehem, CT 06751 Get Directions The collection of the library contains 22,570 volumes. See also: Directory of Public Libraries in the United States, See also: Directory of Public Libraries in Connecticut. Are you sure you want to delete this item? Databases Bethlehem Public Library - Bethlehem, CT 06751 Art materials supplied OR bring your, Tri-Town Event: @ Bridgewater, Burnham Library Burnham Library Presents: Riverside Reptiles Explore the wonderful world of reptiles and amphibians up close! 203-266-7792. Record History: This listing was created on Oct 6, 2005 and was last modified on Mar 26, 2023. libraries.org is a free directory of libraries throughout the world. Not sure how to use the Excel file above? BETHLEHEM, TOWN OF - PUBLIC LIBRARY: Public Libraries, Add This Service Directory to Your Website. Patrons may return print items directly to the owning library or to any public library, which will return the items to the owning library via deliverIT. login. Its story begins, not in the handsome stone building that graces our downtown but scattered in multiple homes, organizations and spaces throughout Bridgewater. For more information, call Gail Ouimet at 860 484-4070. You can use the list to see which libraries are open for ILL in FulfILLment. Oakville Branch Library - Watertown, CT (Address and Phone) - County Office Town of Bethlehem, CT. 36 Main St. South, Bethlehem, CT 06751 (p) 203-266-7510 | (f) 203-266-7670. We also added a column tothe list of libraries participating in requestIT. Scranton Memorial Library, 801 Boston Post Rd. Monday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM. Bethlehem Public Lib (@BethlehemPL) / Twitter Telephone: 860-344-8777 FAX: 860-344-9199 General Email: clc@ctlibrarians.org. Need to update your library's contact information? Information is derived from the CT State Library Division of Library Developmentand is contained in a file on their webpage titled "Connecticut Public Libraries, a Directory-2019. researchIT CT (iCONN)(articles) Public Library; Senior Citizens; Current News/About Us. Bethlehem, CT; Bethlehem Public Library ; Information on: Bethlehem Public Library. Libraries will be able to send us their records as often as they wish, although not more frequently than monthly. Burnham Library Presents: Jungle Crafts 1:00pm- 2:30pm Arts and crafts with a jungle theme! Bethlehem, Litchfield County, Connecticut Genealogy News & Notices; Early Bethlehem; Contact Us; Town Info; Image Gallery; 75.0 Fair with Haze. Patrons explore public library 3-D printers for free - Times Union Para traducir este sitio web, debe actualizar su navegador a la ltima versin de Microsoft Edge. Already registered? Box 99 Bethlehem Connecticut 06751 United States [ Map] 203 . The DUPLOs for the little ones and regular sized ones too! Our similar businesses nearby shows similar businesses in their industry and region based on information found in their Dun & Bradstreet Credibility Review profile. 32 Main Street South Haddam CT 06438 Tel: 860-345 2204, Hamden Public Library, 2901 Dixwell Ave. Hamden CT 06518 Tel: 203--287 2686, Fletcher Memorial Library, 257 Main St. Hampton CT 06247 Tel: 860-455 1086, Hartford Public Library, 500 Main St. Hartford CT 06103 Tel: 860-695 6300, Hartland Public Library, 61 Center St. Hartland CT 06091 Tel: 860-238 4400, Harwinton Public Library, 80 Bentley Dr. Harwinton CT 06791 Tel: 860-485 9113, Douglas Library of Hebron, 22 Main St. Hebron CT 06248, Tel: 860-228 9113, Kent Memorial Library, 32 North Main St. Kent CT 06757 Tel: 860-927 3761, Killingly Public Library, 25 Westcott Rd. Since 1926, the Burnham Library has stood as a center of community and life-long learning in Bridgewater. Lyme CT 06371 Tel: 860-434 2272, E.C. FamilySearch Places All experience levels and interests are welcome! Other Boards, Commissions, and Committees, Fire Department Apparatus Fleet Ad-Hoc Committee, Length of Service Awards Program Committee. Bethlehem Public Library - Connecticut Library Consortium TheConnecticut Black Caucus of the American Library Association(BCALA-CT) was established officially in January 1999 as a statewide organization. East Hampton CT 06456 Tel: 267 9093, East Hartford Public Library, 840 Main St. East Hartford CT 06108 Tel: 860-290 4340, Hagaman Memorial Library, 227 Main Street, East Haven CT 06512 Tel: 203-468 3890, East Lyme Public Library, 39 Society Road, Niantic CT 06357 Tel: 860-739 6926, Broad Brook Library, 78 Main St. Broad Brook CT 06016 Tel: 860-627 0493, Library Association of Warehouse Point, 107 Main St. East Windsor CT 06088 Tel: 860-623 5482, Eastford Public Library, 179 Eastford Rd, Eastford CT 06242 Tel: 860-974 0125, Easton Public Library, 691 Morehouse Rd. Box 99, Bethlehem, Connecticut 06751 Telephone: 203 266-7510,7 Sign up for email notices Browse our large selection of new titles Selection for Bethlehem Library July Book Club SIGNUP NOW FOR "RARE AND REMARKABLE" AUGUST 11, 2023 at 12:30 pm 1. Connecticut Bethlehem Library corporate office is located in 32 Main St S, Bethlehem, Connecticut, 06751, United States and has 9 employees. Select from over 115 networks below to view available data about this business. This page has been viewed 7,216 times (1,132 via redirect). Please contact facility for accessibility information. FamilySearch Centers & Affiliate Libraries, AmericanAncestors, "Database News: Enhanced Connecticut: Early Probate Records, 1635-1750" New England Historic Genealogic Society, at, Barbour Collection: Connecticut Vital Records Prior to 1850, The Barbour Collection of Connecticut Town Vital Records, Connecticut, U.S., Town Birth Records, pre-1870 (Barbour Collection), Connecticut, Births and Baptisms, 1639-1941, Records of Marriages, Births and Deaths, 1761-1857, Town Records, 1787-1795, (Includes: Births, Marriages, and Deaths), Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1847-1948, U.S., New England Marriages Prior to 1700, Connecticut, U.S., Town Marriage Records, pre-1870 (Barbour Collection), Connecticut: Marriages and Deaths, 1790-1833, Web: Connecticut, U.S., Marriage Records, 1897-1968, Connecticut, U.S., Marriage Index, 1959-2012, Connecticut, U.S., Town Death Records, pre-1870 (Barbour Collection), Connecticut, U.S., Deaths and Burials Index, 1650-1934, Memorandum of Deaths in Bethlehem, 1845-1902, Web: Connecticut, U.S., Death Records, 1897-1968, Connecticut, U.S., Divorce Index, 1968-1997, FamilySearch Digital Library, Vol. 7 E-mail: fill-in the email contact formWebsite, FamilySearch Center and Affiliate Library Locator map - search for local FamilySearch Centers or Affiliate Libraries, Old Bethlem Historical Society, Inc.4 Main Street NorthPO Box 132Bethlehem, CT 06751(203) 266-5196 E-mail: oldbethlem@bethlehemct.orgFacebookWebsite. Enter your location in the field below and we will find the best way to get there. Phone: 203-266-7792 Connect to: Library Web Site Online Catalog Library details: Bethlehem Public Library is a Public library. The Bethlehem Area Public Library educates, informs and inspires by providing free and open access to materials and information. Bethlehem Town Clerk36 Main St SouthBethlehem, CT 06751203-266-7510 Extension 2 E-mail: kmayer@bethlehemct.orgBethlehem Town Clerk. Andover Library, 355 Route 6, Andover CT 06232, Tel: 860-742 7428, Ansonia Library, 53 South Cliff St. Ansonia CT 06401, Tel: 203-734 6275, Babcock Library, 25 Pompey Hollow Rd, Ashford CT 06278, Tel: 860-487 4420, Avon Free Public Library, 281 Country Rd, Avon CT 06001, Tel: 860-673 9712, Beacon Falls Library, 10 Maple Avenue, Beacon Falls CT 06403 Tel: 203-729 1441, Berlin Free Library Association, 834 Worthington Ridge, Berlin CT 06037 Tel: 860-828 3344, Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, 234 Kensington Rd, Berlin. Connecticut Library Associationis a professional organization of librarians, library staff, friends, and trustees working together: to improve library service to Connecticut, to advance the interests of librarians, library staff, and librarianship, and to increase public awareness of libraries and library services. Residents will need to present an ID with a current Bethlehem address or an ID with something that verifies your current address, such as a recently received piece of mail, checkbook or a lease. Thursday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Burnham Library. . There are no reviews for this agency yet. Rt. An owning library canrequire that materials be returned directly to the owning library, bypassing deliverIT. https://libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/dld/requestitct, Growing Equitable Library Services (GELS), requestIT CT - Statewide Interlibrary Loan, Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer, Central Connecticut State University (Burritt Library), Holy Apostles College and Seminary Library, Southern Connecticut State University Library, St. Thomas Seminary - Archbishop O'Brien Library, University of Connecticut - Health Center, Charter Oak International Academy Library, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, Connecticut Judicial Branch Law Libraries, Connecticut State Library (Middletown Library Service Center), Connecticut State Library (State Archives), Loomis Chaffee School - Katharine Brush Library, Northwestern Regional School District # 7. Please contact provider for accepted forms of payment. 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