The survey asked participants to select their top choice among the Bears, Blazers/Trailblazers, Lightning/Bolts and Redhawks. Hogge said the school wanted a mascot that they felt students could be "excited about (and) relate to." Some claim the depictions of Native American are done in the name of fun, he said. I think it misinforms an entire class of students about what Native American culture is," said Cynthia Sharma, a Bountiful High School graduate from the Class of 2011 who has Navajo decent. This guide explores indicators that suggest its time for a lighting upgrade with tips to make an informed decision when youre ready to buy. Bountiful City Council. By Michelle Brown | Special to The Tribune | Sep. 22, 2020, 7:01 p.m. | Updated: 6:01 p.m. [10][11], Bountiful won the girls' soccer state championship in 2000, 2003 and 2006. Bountiful High School (2023 Ranking) - Bountiful, UT - Public School Review View their 2023 rankings, test scores, reviews and more. Singer said the use of Native American mascots by public institutions is dishonorable because they are inaccurate and dehumanizing. In 2021, our school transitioned from being the "Braves" to the . It can be spotted soaring above the rural areas from coast to coast. The school is one of eleven high schools in the Davis School District. We remain the Bountiful Braves until the end of this school year, Hogge added. Bountiful High School is a public high school in Bountiful, Utah, United States, for grades 10 to 12. From its opening in 1951 to the end of the 20202021 school year, Bountiful High's mascot was the Braves. The Redhawks will become Bountiful High School's mascot starting next fall, Principal Aaron Hogge announced. Community members suggested more than 100 names with the Brave as the most recommended. said Hogge. All Rights Reserved, Fate of Bountiful Highs Braves mascot to be revealed Monday, a prepared video to be shared on the schools YouTube channel. The marquee at Bountiful High School in Bountiful is pictured on Monday, July 13, 2020. Meanwhile, other schools in Utah with Native American imagery havent had any conversation about removing it. "At times, depictions of Native Americans have crossed the line of cultural respect," Hogge said in a video where he announced Bountiful High would change its mascot moniker. The latest discussions on the mascot started during the summer after a wave of demonstrations followed the killing of George Floyd at the hands of police in Minnesota. The 'B' on the mountain is the 'B' in Bountiful, so it's really just unifying our school community. BOUNTIFUL, Utah, April 9, 2021 (Gephardt Daily) Bountiful High School officials have announced a new mascot name after it was announced late last year the school will drop its Braves name. The marquee at Bountiful High School in Bountiful is pictured on Monday, July 13, 2020. While Hogge said Friday he appreciated the input and support of our community in renaming the mascot, it started as a highly divisive process before getting to this point. Williams said Hogge did work to rebrand the school logo from a depiction of a Native American individual to a feather in a block B. Williams said that name was eliminated from consideration because it was too close to the existing mascots name. I dont know. Read for the most frequently asked questions about outdoor lighting to help narrow the search for your home. "I think that's what's changed now . 1996-2023 The Salt Lake Tribune. I just really appreciate the way theyve approached this, she said. In April 2021, the school officially changed its name to "The Redhawks."[5]. Lightning/Bolts or Redhawks? This is an announcement about the new Bountiful High mascot. Nominate Someone for a FOX 13 Dream Team Surprise. Apr 9, 2021, 9:08 AM | Updated: 8:40 pm. 'It's too new': Should ChatGPT and similar programs be allowed in southern Utah schools? BOUNTIFUL The Bountiful High School administration is nearing a decision on the schools new mascot and is surveying students and members of the public on their preferences. The mascot dates back to 1951 and like many other Native mascots, was put into place by white people, at a predominately white high school, Rogers said. The NFLs Washington Football Team dropped its Redskins name after 87 years, bowing to recent pressure from sponsors and decades of criticism that they are offensive to Native Americans, and MLBs Cleveland Indians will change its name after 105 years. KSLNewsRadio BOUNTIFUL, Utah The Davis School District unveiled the newest mascot at Bountiful High School on Friday. And we wanted to have a mascot and logo that students could relate to.. The colors and school song will remain the same. said Lee Bowman. In fall 2020, school officials announced they would drop the Braves mascot after administrators came under mounting pressure to change the name because of its cultural insecurities. RELATED: Bountiful HS seeks public input for new mascot. The school's principal announced Friday that the Redhawks will become Bountiful High Schools mascot starting next fall. Im sick and tired of seeing racism as something fun, he said, adding, No native kid, no white kid or kid of any ethnicity suffers from psychological or sociological harm when schools do the right thing and get rid of their Native American mascots. "To all those who have graduated from Bountiful High School as Braves, that tradition and pride will continue.". Bountiful High School new mascot - ABC4 Utah Since 1951, Bountiful has been home of the Braves. The community seemed to be split about the mascot decision. Hogge said the schools song and colors, red and gray, will remain the same. Letter: School mascot should be the Bountiful Cowards (Rick Egan | Tribune file photo) Bountiful High School, whose mascot is the Braves, Monday, July 6, 2020. Try these old laptop upgrades before throwing it out to keep it running fast and efficient. Hogge will share his decision at 4 p.m. in a prepared video to be shared on the schools YouTube channel. The school's new mascot will be "The Redhawks," announced on Friday, April 9, 2021. In November, Hogge announced he had arrived at the decision to retire the schools mascot. By Burton S. Johnson | The Public Forum At the start of the current school year, administrators also announced that no student would appear at athletic events wearing Native American costumes, which had been a longtime practice at football and basketball games. Possible logos were then shown in the video. Principal Aaron Hogge announced the school would be changing its mascot from the Braves last November. ", The name was selected after the school received over 100 suggestions for a new mascot name, said Davis County School District spokesperson Chris Williams. These family fun activities will entertain you all summer, so if you ever feel stuck in a rut wondering what to do, refer to this guide! Hogge added the current Class of 2021 will graduated as Braves, but the process will begin to find a culturally sensitive mascot. [3] School district spokesperson Christopher Williams announced on July 13 that principal Aaron Hogge indicated that the practice of having students at athletic events dressed up in Native American costumes would be discontinued. PDF National School Mascot Tracking Database: the Current Numbers In the end, the school selected Redhawks to replace the school mascot name. It is one of the biggest birds of prey found in the mountains of Bountiful. A popular Salt Lake County trail turned into a heat trap for hikers this weekend, leading to several groups asking for help from search and rescue. James Singer, a representative of the Utah League of Native American Voters, spoke in support of the resolution. launched an online petition to change the school's mascot in July last year, Parents hope this school will not be among possible closures in Salt Lake, Alpine School District votes to halt closure study of 3 elementary schools, Biden forgives $39B in US student debt using program tweak, Rep. Owens attacks foreign influence on college campuses as 'profit over patriotism'. They end up mocking the hundreds of distinct Native American societies and peoples, our beliefs, our culture, our practices and our essence.. For the time being, the mascot will continue as the Braves until a new name can be selected. Broadcasting & media production company. Achange.orgpetition started by an alumnus said the mascot is offensive, outdated and racist and called for a change from Braves mascot, which dates back to 1951. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hogge said he came to the decision after months of study, public meetings and private meetings that included the input of representatives of the Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation, current Bountiful High School students, faculty and staff, and community members. Bountiful High to drop 'Braves,' select 'culturally sensitive' mascot Standing Up for Her Culture - Scholastic They have also won three state baseball championships in 1981, 1988 and 2014. In a video made public Friday morning, Bountiful High School Principal Aaron Hogge revealed that the Redhawks will become the new Bountiful High School mascot name beginning this fall.. The suggestion that came in more than any other was Brave. Cecilee Loves Bountiful - City Council Candidate. A popular Salt Lake County trail turned into a heat trap for hikers this weekend, leading to several groups asking for help from search and rescue. Last fall, Bountiful High's principal announced that the school would change its team name and mascot. [13], The Mandonelles (drill team) have won first place at their region for 10 years in a row since 2008 and have won first place state competition in the years 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, and 2018. An entrance at Bountiful High School in Bountiful is pictured on Monday, July 13, 2020. Representations matter and its time to show some courage to change the name, he said. As KSL TV is highlighting Utah all through July, and as Casey Scott heads from town to town, you also have a chance to win a summer adventure prize pack. This archived news story is available "I'm 25% Cherokee and Bountiful Brave graduate; couldn't be prouder to be a Brave!" Comment Imagine googling the simple phrase "high school mascot." An array of silly animal costumes. That caused a renewed nationwide review of mascots considered to be culturally insensitive, as well as landmarks named after Civil War figures in the South. Bountiful High School opened in 1951, as a 9th and 10th grade school, school principal Aaron Hogge said in a November YouTube video. The question over whether to change the school's mascot since 1951 came out of a grassroots effort from two former Bountiful students who started an online petition and reached out to district and city officials. We werent teaching about Native American culture, but we were using the mascot, Lemiley Lane, a Navajo student at the school has previously told The Salt Lake Tribune. Bountiful High School will abandon its controversial American Indian mascot this fall, dropping the imagery many saw as racist and taking on a new, more neutral name: "The Redhawks.". Like all things that are worthwhile, it was difficult in a worthwhile way, Hogge said. Why doesnt UDOT release a count of positive and negative gondola comments? Since school mascots and colors are decided by the schools themselves, the decision on changing the mascot was left up to Hogge. FOX 13 News - The Utah League of Native American Voters | Facebook Some of the ceremonies that accompany a mascot named brave, some of the cultural appropriation with the eagle feathers and dancing and tomahawk chops, and stuff like that. The Native American Mascots and Equality in Public Schools resolution, or NAMES resolution, is still being drafted and not yet available for public view. Bountiful High Schools new mascot, the Redhawks, was announced Friday, April 9, 2021, and presented along with this possible logo, which is still under development. Rogers said the selection of the Redhawks is exciting. RELATED: Bountiful High School to select new mascot, discard Braves name. It came from student input. Reading or replaying the story in its Their "seven-peat" streak was broken in 2016 with Bountiful placing third overall in the state competition.[14]. ", 6PM: Bountiful High School reveals new mascot name following 2020 petitions, 5PM: Bountiful High School reveals new mascot name following 2020 petitions, 12PM: Bountiful High School reveals new mascot name following 2020 petitions. . (Screenshot) Pictured is a draft of the new logo for Bountiful High School, featuring "The Redhawks" mascot. The boys' basketball program at this school has historically been quite notable. While no other Mountain West states are on that list, some schools in the region have acknowledged the detrimental effects of Indian mascots, like the Bountiful High Braves in Utah. Once the school year ends, administrators will focus more attention to placing the new logo about the school. The Braves is a vague term that doesnt refer to any one group, painting all tribes with the same broad stroke, they said. April 19, 2023 6:28 a.m. Lemiley Lane, who grew up in the Navajo Nation in Arizona, walks along the Bountiful High School campus during her junior year in 2020 in Bountiful, Utah. In July 2020, a petition circulated asking the Davis School District to retire the mascot. Hogge then said in the Friday video: I appreciate the input and support of our school community in renaming the mascot of Bountiful High School. Share BY CARY SCHWANITZ & JARED TURNER, KSL TV BOUNTIFUL, Utah - Bountiful High School will begin the process of selecting a new mascot name, after criticism the "Braves" name was not culturally sensitive. "After the committee process and public listening sessions, I have thoroughly evaluated the impact our mascot has had on all students and community and have decided to begin the process of selecting a new mascot for Bountiful High School." This past spring, students voted on a new mascot, effective this fall. The worst part of my experience came from the backlash of the student body when the racist mascot was changed. The Redhawks name . The school conducted two listening sessions in October and has received written comments from the school community and others interested in the issue. Other remodels include new hallways, entrance, foyer, and bathrooms. But that excitement turned to sadness and anger when a white student dressed as the school's mascot, "The Brave Man," ran across the stage and started dancing. The school painted over several images that depicted Native American figures. In fact, North Summit High in Coalville continues to use The Braves. And Escalante High in southern Utah goes by the name of The Moquis for a tribe nearby (though some question whether the term is actually a racist nickname). This page is not available in other languages. On Nov. 30, Bountiful High School Principal Aaron Hogge announced that the schools Braves mascot would be retired. BOUNTIFUL The mascot name is going. The mascot is something were kind of doing on the side. It is one of the biggest birds of prey found in the mountains above Bountiful.. Beginning with the 2021-22 school year, Bountiful High School's mascot will change from the "Braves" to the "Redhawks." By: Associated Press Posted at 6:33 AM, Apr 09, 2021 and last updated. Terrible. In February, the school sought public input by surveying students and members of the public on their preferences, using the results to help guide the administrations decision on the new mascot. 6. Bountiful High School to select new mascot, discard Braves name Bountiful High School announces new mascot name, U.S. targets Myanmars gemstone industry to cut funds from junta, St. Vincent evacuated due to volcanic threat, Centerville Police: West Bountiful man who fled scene of deadly bicycle-truck accident fatally shoots self after approached by officers, Police: Bountiful man arrested after attempted theft, gun threats, police chase, Bountiful seeks public help to ID suspected thief, Utah-shot The Chosen granted waiver to continue filming through SAG strike, 15-year-old boy injured in shooting outside West Valley City business, Pedestrian dies after being hit by car on I-15 in Millcreek, Elon Musk admits Twitter experienced a 50% drop in ad revenue, has heavy debt load, Man, woman face 51 charges after alleged theft, fraud spree in Washington County, Crews contain Washington County wildfire despite drone intrusion, Two jailed after allegedly trying to sell landscaping equipment rented from Home Depot, Top-seeded Carlos Alcaraz outlasts Novak Djokovic to win Wimbledon, Statewide forecast: Excessive heat a health hazard this week, Titanic filmmaker James Cameron says he wont make an OceanGate movie. "It is one of the biggest birds of prey found in the mountains above Bountiful. Finally, on Nov. 30, 2020, Hogge announced that the school would change its mascot name at the end of the 2020-2021 school year. The survey closes Monday. Anticipating Mondays announcement, Weight said, I would be so excited to hear if Bountiful High has decided to retire that mascot and ease into another one.
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