Warning: This calculator does not save any data and if you leave or refresh this page you may need to enter the information again. Search for related information by keyword: Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program, Helping Hard-hit Businesses Hire More Workers with the Canada Recovery Hiring Program, Extending Business Support Measures Through the Pandemic, Budget 2021: A Recovery Plan for Jobs, Growth, and Resilience, Minister Ng announces launch of Highly Affected Sectors Credit Availability Program, Prime Minister announces additional support for businesses to help save Canadian jobs, Additional Support for Canadian Businesses from the Economic Impacts of COVID-19, Canadas COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: Support for Canadians and businesses, Prime Minister announces more support for workers and businesses through Canadas COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, Canada outlines measures to support the economy and the financial sector. Government extends pandemic recovery programs and business supports Print your calculated amounts for your records. The program was designed to provide employers who had suffered revenue declines during the pandemic with the support they needed to keep employees on the payroll and re-hire laid off employees. Under this program, the maximum subsidy rate for the wage and rent subsidies would be set at 50 percent for eligible entities from October 24, 2021, to March 12, 2022 (claim periods 22 to 26). Today, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the Honourable Chrystia Freeland and Minister of Small Business, Export Promotion and International Trade, Mary Ng, announced that Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) for small businesses will be extended by one month to help eligible small businesses pay rent for September. You only need to calculate this once. The lockdown support percentage for a qualifying property is prorated based on the number of days in the claim period that the qualifying property was subject to a public health restriction. The percentage is determined separately for each qualifying property. The intention of the Wage Subsidy has always been to preserve and protect jobs. As a result, they are able to hire back their three laid-off employees starting June 6, and are even able to add an additional employee starting July 4. The proposed Canada Recovery Hiring Program would help hard-hit businesses hire the workers they need to recover and grow as local economies reopen. It also proposes to gradually decrease the subsidy rate, beginning July 4, 2021, in order to ensure an orderly phase-out of the program as the economy reopens. Download the following table as spreadsheet file (CSV). CERS: Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy | BDO Canada In a press conference this morning, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) till June. They are better off claiming the Wage Subsidy of $9,600 for this period. For June 6 to July 3, their payroll is $24,000. The government is continuing to process thousands of applications worth hundreds of millions of additional dollars of support. Because you are a qualifying tourism or hospitality entity and have a 12-month average revenue drop of 40% or greater, you may qualify for the THRP. As of September 7, 2020, over 106,000 small business tenants have been supported, representing 994,000 employees, for a total of over $1.32 billion in rent support. You have indicated your 12-month average revenue drop is 0.00%. The Wage Subsidy program is meant to serve workers and if, during recovery, businesses are boosting top executive pay, they have clearly demonstrated that they have their own resources to support workers. Specifically, the maximum rate for the wage and rent subsidies would be set at 40 per cent in Period 20 (August 29 to September 25) instead of being reduced to 20 per cent, as announced in Budget 2021. ***** On July 30,2021, the federal government proposed to extend the CERS until October 23, 2021. The existing rules would continue to apply for the purposes of calculating the current-month revenue decline. Continue to the next step to answer a few more questions related to THRP and HHBRP eligibility. with respect to the base subsidy only. The Hiring Program would be available through the Canada Revenue Agency, just as the Wage Subsidy and Rent Subsidy are, and the application portal would open in the coming weeks after Royal Assent of the Bill C-30, the Budget Implementation Act. 2018 Table 1, below, details the proposed wage and rent subsidy rate structure for organizations that qualify for the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program from October 24, 2021, until May 7, 2022. Lockdown Support provides additional support for locations subject to a lockdown or that must significantly restrict their activities under a public health order issued under the laws of Canada, a province, or territory. Under the Canada-Alberta Housing Benefit, the Governments of Canada and Alberta jointly provide funding for the Rent Supplement Program. Employers would be able to shift to the Canada Recovery Hiring Program as they transition to recovery and hire new workers. Federal wage and rent subsidies extended until June | CBC News The Rent Subsidy and Lockdown Support have helped more than 187,000 organizations with rent, mortgage, and other expenses. September 8, 2020 - Ottawa, Ontario - Department of Finance Canada. June 02, 2021 - Ottawa, Ontario - Department of Finance Canada. Have You Received A Monetary Order From The Residential Tenancy Branch ("RTB") And Wondered How To Collect It? On March 3, 2021, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Chrystia Freeland, announced the extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) and Lockdown Support programs to the following periods: Period 14 March 14 to April 10, 2021; Period 15 April 11 to May 8, 2021 From day one of this pandemic, our government has been clear that we will do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes to support them. Our government recognizes that while small businesses needs are evolving, many still require support to face the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. To bridge Canadians through to recovery, the recent federal budget proposed to extend the Rent Subsidy and Lockdown Support until September 25 . Changes to the program are included in Bill C-30, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on April 19, 2021 and other measures, which is currently before Parliament. Extending Business Support Measures Through the Pandemic Percentage your business will claim of the eligible expense maximum: Other affiliated entities will be able to claim up to. On April 19, 2021, the Federal Government tabled in the House of provide direct subsidies to eligible tenants and property owners The existing eligibility rules would also continue to apply, including the required revenue decline of more than 10 percent. Use this calculator to verify applications you made before the subsidy program ended. properties (including any amounts claimed by affiliated businesses) As of November 4, 2022, you can no longer apply for these subsidies. Like with the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy and Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, businesses would be able to access the program through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Telephone numbers and email addresses will be removed. To print this article, all you need is to be registered or login on Mondaq.com. subsidy or Lockdown Support. Details on the September extension will be available on the CMHC website on Wednesday September 9. You have indicated you do not have any affiliated entities that are claiming the rent subsidy for this claim period. February 2020 revenue, March 2021 revenue over To be eligible for a wage or rent subsidy, you must have met: two general eligibility conditions that relate to all subsidies additional requirements that were specific to the subsidy you were applying for, and revenue drop requirements for the subsidy you were applying for COVID-19 Wage Subsidy - MLT Aikins - Western Canada's Law Firm Canada: Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) Updates Contained In The The Government of Canada is also proposing to extend the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy for furloughed employees until August 28, 2021. Applications are closed. New Support For Commercial Tenants: Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy Lockdown period must be at least 7 days long. implemented by the Federal Government on November 19, 2020, to These organizations can now apply directly for the subsidy for the period from September 27 to October 24, 2020 through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) My Business Account, or Represent a Client portals. To bridge Canadians through to recovery, the recent federal budget proposed to extend the Rent Subsidy and Lockdown Support until September 25, 2021. CERS replaces the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance program (CECRA). to ensure Canadian small businesses have the support they need. The 12-month average revenue drop is the same for all claim periods, so if you have already completed a calculation for period 22 or later, you can use the amount from your previous calculation. The Lockdown Support would also be extended until October 23, 2021, at its set rate of 25 per cent. Currently, a separate wage subsidy rate structure applies for furloughed employees that is aligned with the benefits provided through Employment Insurance (EI), which ensures equitable treatment of such employees between the two programs. An additional elective alternative baseline remuneration computation will be available for Periods 14 to 16 (March 14 to June 5, 2021). For example, a business that began operating in May 2019 that switched from the alternative approach to the general approach from Period 5 onwards would be required to use April 2019 as its prior reference period for Period 15, even though it would have had no revenue during this month. Targeting COVID-19 Support Measures - Canada.ca The process to register a lien against title is hardly onerous. Our plan to extend business support programs and introduce the new Canada Recovery Hiring Program will help businesses support their workers through the final stretches of the pandemic and hire new workers at a pace that works for them. The . The current wage subsidy rate structure for employees furloughed for at least one full week will also be extended to Periods 14 to 16. The federal government will extend pandemic lifelines into September The calculators are for historical information only. The maximum expense to which the CERS base rate can apply is $75,000 per location, subject to an overall cap of $300,000 that must be shared among affiliated entities. If this requirement is not met, the business will not be eligible for the CERS or Lockdown Support. You will not receive a reply. As with the Wage Subsidy, eligible employers would receive support after each four week period of the program. A key change in the new program is that CERS can be claimed . Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) claim periods 1 to 14 did not match the claim period dates for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS). The CRA is not collecting or retaining any of the information you enter on this page. These programs would also be extended by one additional period, with a maximum rate of 20 per cent in Period 21 (September 26 to October 23). Today, the government is proposing to use this authority to update the subsidy rate for currently eligible employers. Government Temporarily Expands Access to Lockdown Program - canada.ca You will need to include these location addresses in your application: compare your claim period reference month revenue to a certain time before the COVID-19 pandemic, compare your previous claim period reference month revenue to a certain time before the COVID-19 pandemic, and, use the better of the two rates (deeming rule). March 2019 revenue, over average of January and that has to close its in-dining services as a result of an Ontario The passage of the budget implementation act provided the government with the authority to further extend these programs until November 20, 2021. to the base rent subsidy received), so long as such organizations This new monthly cap would be available to all eligible employers and organizations that meet the new eligibility requirements for the rent subsidy under the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program and the Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program. These claim periods correspond with CEWS claim periods 8 through 21. Existing applicants will need to reapply for the month of September. continued support for COVID relief programs including the Canada The Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) provides financial assistance for eligible fixed property expenses, including rent and interest on commercial mortgages, as well as lockdown support. The Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) applies to businesses, charities, or non-profits with a CRA business number on September 27, 2020, or a payroll account on March 15, 2020, and who have . The Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) and Lockdown Support . We need this to enable us to match you with other users from the same organisation. As a result, the weekly wage subsidy for such employees continues to be the lesser of: Employers can continue to claim their portion of Canada Pension Plan, Employment Insurance, Quebec Pension Plan and Quebec Parental Insurance Plan contributions for employees furloughed for at least one full week. Print the information from the calculator in order to use it in your application. Current CECRA application deadlines will also be extended to accommodate this extension. Alongside an extension of the Canada Small businesses are the backbone of our economy, and through these historic investments, we are helping bridge them through the pandemic and thrive well into the future. Mondaq Ltd 1994 - 2023. For July 4 to July 31, their payroll is $26,400. Claim periods 1 to 14: CERS started with claim period 1 on September 27, 2020, and ended with claim period 14 on October 23, 2021. Read more about eligible revenue (opens in new window), Pre-crisis revenue and prior reference period options, You will not receive a reply. The current rate structure for the CEWS for active employees, the CERS and the Lockdown Support will be extended to Periods 14 to 16, as summarized in Table 1 below. To provide greater flexibility to organizations in these circumstances, the government proposes to allow an eligible organization to elect to use the alternative approach to calculate its revenue decline for Periods 14 to 17 (March 14 to July 3, 2021) if it was not carrying on a business or otherwise carrying on ordinary activities on March 1, 2019. Review your location data and print or download a spreadsheet for your records. Federal Government extends Wage Subsidy and Rent Subsidy programs until
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