Home Page - TeamSportsInfo.com We will notify you if any changes in the schedule happens. Our Home Field is Bay Head Park located on Bay Head road in Annapolis (Broadneck area). If you have any questions about the system, you should call the Supervisor of School Security at 410-222-5083. CAPE ST. CLAIRE REC COUNCIL:FOOTBALL FALL 2019, requires your Family Account username/password. The Cape St. Claires Youth Sailing program is designed to teach the fundamentals of sailing,whether you are a beginner or an experienced sailor. play. See all Chesapeake Sailing Tours 16 Boat Tours Annapolis City Taxi 5 Taxis & Shuttles Chesapeake Bay Bridge 97 Bridges Sandy Point State Park 331 State Parks Maryland World War II Memorial 133 Every player will play a minimum of 10 plays per game for American and National 7 & Under League Instructional Once the football season begins come out and visit Bay Head Park, Home of the Cape St. Claire Cougars, located on Bay Head Road. Vice President, Craig Stevenscraigsscsi@aol.com Cape St. Claire football has launched a brand new site for all of you Cape Football needs. Yes you can get a refund before the posted date for refunds , with the exception of a fees postedand any late sign up fees. MINUTES; NEWSLETTER; ELECTIONS & VOTING; ST. CLAIR SCHOOL; USEFUL LINKS; DISCLAIMER; Search. The team that wins the coin flip has the choice to go on offense first or second. Cape St Claire Cougars Cheerleading, Annapolis, MD (2023) Play with NWC's Travel Teams, Northwest Wisconsin Champions TeamSportsInfo.com is an online sports event portal specializing in the management of tournaments, leagues, camps, and clubs. Read more about our non-discrimination policy here. K & 1st Grade, 2nd &3rd Grade, and 4th & 5th Grade Divisions ONLY. 13 Play minimum per game for Central Conference. NFL Flag SystemNWC Summer Program ParticipationELIGIBLE FOR OTHER TOURNAMENTS (MIDWEST FLAG FOOTBALL)DAYS, TIME AND DATES: .tb_button {padding:1px;cursor:pointer;border-right: 1px solid #8b8b8b;border-left: 1px solid #FFF;border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;}.tb_button.hover {borer:2px outset #def; background-color: #f8f8f8 !important;}.ws_toolbar {z-index:100000} .ws_toolbar .ws_tb_btn {cursor:pointer;border:1px solid #555;padding:3px} .tb_highlight{background-color:yellow} .tb_hide {visibility:hidden} .ws_toolbar img {padding:2px;margin:0px}, Northwest Wisconsin Champions Shorts or Sweatpants are permitted Learn Basic Skills & Concepts Without the Risk. All other divisions must pass for a 1 or 2 extra point try. Go to www.semoball.com click on text alerts in the upper right hand corner then follow the directions.. CYTF is an educational football league established in 1980. The primary purpose of the Goshen Farm Preservation Society is to safeguard and restore the Goshen Farm and its surrounding property for furture generations of residents of the Broadneck Peninsula and Anne Arundel County. 10:45am - Strawberry Princesses Judging Make sure your Strawberry Princesses are at the stage by 10:45! Tackle Football is for kids ages 6 and up. It's a camp designed for beginners to advanced players. Beach Restoration Project ; Community Watch ; Mosquito Program . What do I need to bring? Cape St. Claire . Every player will play a minimum of 5 TeamSportsInfo.com is an online sports event portal specializing in the management of tournaments, leagues, camps, and clubs. Other important dates? The Cape Sports track and field program offers children the opportunity to develop their skills in a variety of sprint, distance, and field activities in competitions through intramural club practices and meets. 11U League Roseville Champion Force Cheer 15 Mile Road, Clinton Township . Laterals are allowed but if the ball hits the ground the ball is spotted where it first hits the ground. in this weight class. 13 Play minimum per game for Central Conference It's a great way to start off your season a little early. Runner dives, jumps or leaps; ball is spotted where the runner left his feet and a penalty is assessed. Office hours are typically Monday - Thursday 7:30 - 3:00, 2022-2023 Apply for Free/Reduced Price Meals Here. OUR STORY. Northwest Wisconsin Champions > Home Teams alternate first possession each overtime period. Must be filled out and faxed in for release to be granted. Text/Email Jason Worleyanytime with questions 443-534-4690or. Jersey Day - April 4, 2023 The clock will stop in the final minute of each halfon these actions: Penalties. If a team is up by 30 or more pts they only have 2 downs to get a first down and 2 downs to score. We added a 2 Day non-contact football camp a few years back in the summer. $100 - includes t shirt and the cost of the 2 meets- there are NO extra costs or fees Please browse the policy for becoming an officially recognized CSCIA organization here. If you are volunteering to coach an age group, please reach out directly to our program. Catholic Mass - CANCELED - All Welcome, EpiphanyCommunity.org . SO IF YOU WANT TO PLAY MAKE THE DATES. More information is available at: http://capeyachtclub.org. Conferences. The child should have athletic wear, water bottle (only water is allowed on the track)and running/athletic shoes, preferably NOT basketball shoes. Buses start running at 9am on the day of the festival. Coin flip determines choice of possession. Only K &1st can run for a 1 or 2extra point try. There is no minimum weight only max for the weigh groups. 253 likes. MARYLAND LOCATIONS. We added a seond bermuda field in 2015, new set of home side bleachers and picnic tables in the concession area added in the last few years. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Our program has expanded to add 4-6 year old flag football and a steady increase of 10% to our tackle teams each year. Practices: Practices are not . to play. We are NOT offering throwing this summer but please contact the track commissioner if you are interested in working with the local high school throws coach. be designated as a T2T player. Cape St Claire Cougars Cheerleading . 2023 F m/h Friday July 14, 2023 F m/h Saturday July 15, 2023 . No player will be granted more than 2 seasons to compete in this league, Cape St. Claire / Calendar - Anne Arundel County Public Schools Grow in Christian Character. We will practice from6to 7:30PMon the following dates: 6/19, 6/21, 6/26, 6/28, 7/3, 7/5, 7/10, 7/12, (7/17 & 7/19 are TBD), 7/24, 7/26. Nearby gyms & sports facilities. Our activities include events such as Friday night sailboat racing, raft-up rendezvous, cruising trips, on land picnics, swim parties, banquets and informational programs. Mike Sutphin Meetings are open to all, and new members are always welcomed with great gusto please join us! Cape St. Claire / School Home - Anne Arundel County Public Schools 11:00am - Festival Starts Flag Football - Upward Sports FM Practice and Games? For more information and registration information please go towww.capeyouthsailing.comor emailcapeyouthsailing@gmail.com. To that end the organization raises funds, organizes social events, sponsors enrichment programs and coordinates volunteer efforts. Send an email toCapeTrackandField@gmail.com. Every player will play a minimum of 5 plays Cape St. Claire - CSCIA It is NOT monitored constantly, but it is monitored during emergency situations. This website is powered by SportsEngine's Sports Relationship Management (SRM) software, but is owned by and subject to the Under the Lights Powered by Under Armour privacy policy. Ages 10 and under: Players must turn 8 years old by September 1, 2019 to be eligible to The Cape St. Claire Improvement Association manages the affairs of the community, administers the Special Community Benefit District, and publishes the community newsletter the Caper. Email the track commissioner if you want to volunteer to help this season!! We hope you will help us further our mission by donating your time, talent or financial resources to our efforts. Varsity U League Please follow the link to our online enrollment portal where youll complete forms electronically and upload your documents: To electronically submit a student's attendance note, please click here School Attendance Note. Cape Flag Football Spring 2023 registration is CLOSED!!! Teams are made by age/weight limit. this weight class. office@cscia.org. Running spikes are NOT required. If the intercepting teams flag is pulled before they reach the end zone, their offensive possession will begin where their flag was pulled. If you miss the weigh/ Photo ID times you can NOT play. There may be some interruption due to sports camps at the High School. Login - TeamSportsInfo.com NWC's mission is to provide kids with a quality football experience while keeping costs affordable for every family! The park has 3 complete fields, concession stand, Cougar fan club and restrooms, playground, pavilion, scoreboard (main field) and bleacher seating on game fields. President, Mike Sutphinmsutphin68@hotmail.com Practice Only 1/Hr. Broadneck News, Breaking News in Broadneck, MD - Patch I want the grade they are in at this time, NOT the grade they will be going to next year. It covers selected interior and exterior public portions of the building and grounds. The History: From Wikipedia: A day filled with a Parade, Music (7 Bands), Food, Games, Crafters, Contest, Pony Rides, K9 demos, a Silent Auction, Strawberries in many forms, traditional Moon Bounces, an Obstacle Course, Pony Rides in the Corral, Face Painting, a Coloring Contest, Dunk Booth, Soak a Scout, Sand Art, Bike Demo, K-9 Demo, Martial Arts Demo, Dance Demo, Games, Pizza, Pit Beef, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Snow Balls, Smoothies, Strawberry Baked Goods Contest, Strawberry Jam/Jelly Contest, THE BEER GARDEN, Decorated Bikes, Berriest Baby, and the Princess Contest. Our goal is for the players in the league to have FUN while learning some of the basics of football, team work and sportsmanship in a safe atmosphere. With Upward Flag Football, Kids Play with Purpose! Cape Football has captured many county titles and State rankings over the last few season and look forward to more exciting seasons. Home Page - TeamSportsInfo.com Each possession starts at the 5 yard line except after an interception. Cape St. Claire Friday Night Flag Football | Annapolis MD - Facebook If the QB does not release the ball before time expires, the result of the play is a sack and the ball stays at the line of scrimmage. If the game is still tied at the end of overtime, overtime will be repeated until there is a winner. Upcoming Events There are no events Conferences. Take the tour! - CSCIA Every player will play a minimum of 10 plays per game for American and National Questions? MARYLAND LOCATIONS - Under the Lights Powered by Under Armour Center cannot take a handoff from the QB. Summer. Office Hours: M-F 8:30am 2:30pm Maximum Weight: 90.9 lbs., T2T- 100.9 lbs. Football Coaches & Cheer Leading Coaches for the upcoming 2023 Season. Families should plan on attending a parent meeting during our first practice date for more information on safe and responsible participation during the upcoming season. 3 Players must be on the Line of Scrimmage AND4 players must be behind the Line of Scrimmageor it is an Illegal Formation and a penalty will be assessed; The Center counts as 1 player on the LOS. Our home game field and practice field is Bay Head Park, on Bay Head road. Email: [emailprotected], NWC 2023 SPRING/SUMMER NFL FLAG TRAVEL TEAM PROGRAM, Copyright 2023 Northwest Wisconsin Champions. Games for the most part are Weekends, but sometimes they have a game during the week. Mailing Address: Cape Sports, 1290 Bay Dale Dr, PMB 341, Arnold, MD 21012 Our program is for children and teens from 6to 14 (exiting grades 1-8). The views expressed in this post are the author's own. No weight restriction for 12U League. Cougars - Cape St Claire - Annapolis/MD, Maryland - Football - Hudl Summer 2023 Flag Football Registration OPEN! 2838 Westwood LaneEau Claire,Wisconsin54703, Phone: 715-456-7789 July 2023; Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat; 1. For more information, please go to http://capeconservationcorps.org/. TeamSportsInfo.com is an online sports event portal specializing in the management of tournaments, leagues, camps, and clubs. Players will be allowed to gain 5lbs during the course of the season, and will receive Cape St. Claire Flag & Tackle Football is now open for registration. At our meetings we enjoy a variety of speakers who come to talk about subjects like Foodscaping, Shade Gardening, Compost, Rain Gardens, and Improving the Soil. 513 were here. for more information on becoming a member. During certain events, when the safety or security of students may be in question, authorized personnel from local, state, or federal police or fire emergency units may be given access to view images projected on the camera system. Flag Football: Jason Worleyjasonworley19@gmail.com Want your club listed here? We pride ourselves on teaching team work sportsmanship and football skills. ALUMNI FLAG FOOTBALL (SATURDAY JUNE 24TH) City of St. Clair ~ Phone: 507-245-3494 ~ Fax: 507-245-3504 ~ E-mail: citystc@hickorytech.net The Cape Sports track and field program offers children the opportunity to develop their skills in a variety of sprint, distance, and field activities in competitions through intramural club practices and meets. 13 Play minimum per game for Central Conference. Cape St. Claire Friday Night Flag Football Spring 2020 Friday Night Flag Football Details 2020 CAPE SPRING FRIDAY NIGHT FLAG FOOTBALL Please see bullet points for information regarding the league. If the intercepting team has their flag pulled before they reachthe end zone, it is a turn over on downs and the intercepting team goes on offense starting at the opponents 10 yard line. 8 & Under League Search Search Section Full Site This Section Search Tips. The cost will be $100per participant and at this time we donotplan on offering drop in registrations for individual meets. Registration should open on April 1st for the Summer 2023season. All registrations must be done through the Cape Sports website. The dates are going to be June 19- July 28. Cape St. Claire Friday Night Flag Football Fall 2020. President, Mike Sutphin Our Home Field is Bay Head Park located on Bay Head road in Annapolis (Broadneck area). Commissioners: Only one player can be in motion at atime. Please emailSalca01@comcast.netwith any questions. Bay Head Park: Tom Gruver harmony1321@juno.com Locations and Dates to be announced. Opening Day - April 16, 2023 Flag Football Spring 2023 Game Schedule and Results Week 9 June 16th Playoffs and Championships K-1st Grade Division Championship Cardinals + Mustangs vs Storm + Mustangs - Field 1 - 6pm 2nd-3rd Grade Division Semi-Finals #1 Bengals vs #4 Cardinals - Field 3 - 6pm #2 Storm vs #3 Coyotes - Field 2 - 6pm Championship COACHES. Location of practice and games? What's Open, Closed In Broadneck Around 4th Of July, Tickets for The Wiz at the Hippodrome are on sale now, What's Open, Closed In Broadneck On Juneteenth, 5 New Homes On The Market In And Around The Broadneck Area, $50M Fundraiser + New Car Dealer + Best Workplaces: MD Good News, What Looming UPS Strike Would Mean For MD Consumers And Businesses, Much Of MD Under Drought Watch, Residents Asked To Conserve Water, Rare Dinosaur Fossils Found In MD Are 115 Million Years Old. The programs emphasis is on training, running form and building skills. If its an offensive penalty the clock will start on the official unless it is a dead ball foul. Soccer: Ron Keyes Jr.capestclairehoops@gmail.com Please visit the site at www.capestclairefootball.com and let us know what you think. The team that is behind by 30 or more points will start their offensive possession at the opponents 10yard line and get 4 downs to score. 117 likes. Contactwebmaster@cscia.org, Catholic Mass - CANCELED - All Welcome, EpiphanyCommunity.org, July 2, 20239:30 am - 10:30 am Practice can be 4 or 5 Days a week before school starts and 3 Days a week, 2 hours a night once school is back in. Ages 11-13: Players must turn 11 years old by September 1, 2019 to be eligible to play. Summer will be here before you know it and Cape St. Claire Football is already gearing up for the 2013 Football Season. Registration links are above. Are you ready for some Cape St. Claire Football. plays per game. Any blocking done outside the tackles is illegal and will result in a penalty. Register at www.capestclairefootball.com while there are still slots available. Please visit the site at www.capestclairefootball.com and let us know what you think. Maximum Weight: 80.9 lbs., T2T- 90.9 lbs. Any If there is a bad snap, the ball is dead and placed at the line of scrimmage. Full Fun Without Full Contact! The play results in a loss of down but there is NO loss of yardage. This rule ONLY applies to the 9 year old player failing to make the 9U weight limit 2022-2023 Apply for Free/Reduced Price Meals Here Enrollment Information Anne Arundel County Public Schools is using a remote process to enroll students for grades PreK-12. this weight class. Intercepting team begins their possession where their flag was pulled. We will play games at Home as well as locations around the county for away games. This age old event seems to become more and more popular each year. Register for a user account. Click Here to Register . Players will be allowed to gain 5lbs during the course of the season, and will receive Sign up for community event notifications or breaking news! Soccer Fall 2023 All the information you need to know about the Annual Cape St. Claire Strawberry Festival Beach Restoration Project ; Community Watch . Cape St. Claire Cougars Tackle Football Cape Cod Youth Flag Football The park has 3 complete fields, concession stand, Cougar fan club and restrooms, playground, pavilion, scoreboard (main field) and bleacher seating on game fields. When and where are practices and meets? U18 - U8 Competitive Teams. Flag Football Spring 2023 Ages 6-7: - Players must be 6 years old by December 31, 2019 to be eligible to play. Every player will play a minimum of 10 plays per game for American and National July 11, 2023 F m/h Wednesday July 12, 2023 F m/h Thursday July 13, 2023 F m/h Friday July 14, 2023 F m/h Calendar. What doI need? Eau Claire League Track & Field Commissioner Josh Webstercapetrackandfield@gmail.com per game. If you would like to have your organizations offically recognized by the CSCIA, you may apply by filling out thisapplication. 1223 River Bay Rd, Annapolis, MD 21409, USA, July 16, 20239:30 am - 10:30 am 10U league. Cape Cougars Football - Facebook CLICK ON THE PICTURE BELOW TO GET SIGNED UP! No head gear including hats, headbands or bandanas How are teams are made up? Families Maintain Balance. 2 Runs total per offensive posession. Registration for the upcoming Spring Season at Bay Head Park is now open. For more information, please visit for more information. Eyeglasses are permitted only with a strap While you're at it you should pick up your Cape Cougar Fan gear right next door to the concession stand. No weight restriction for 11U League. an additional 5lbs during playoffs Under the Lights Flag Football Hosted By Cape St. Claire. Chart is on the main page. The following documents are required for enrollment: Hint: Be sure to have your documents saved and ready, in PDF or JPEG format, before you enter the portal because the system cannot accept incomplete registrations and youll have to re-enter all data fields. turning 15 before December 31, 2019 is ineligible to play in this league. Gloves are permitted, This website is powered by SportsEngine's. Documents - CSCIA If there is a special circumstance, email the Track Commissioner for clarification. Non-Discrimination Policy. Pay online for school items, fees, and activities with Visa or Mastercard, Primary proof of residency: mortgage, deed, or lease, Secondary proof of residency: utility bill, bank statement, or paystub in the last 60 days, To electronically submit a student's attendance note, please click here, Anne Arundel County Public Schools prohibits discrimination in its educational programs, and in employment, on the basis of. Participants are introduced to sprint, distance, and field events and then will compete in those events based on the coaches input. 1223 River Bay Rd, Annapolis, MD 21409, USA, July 30, 20239:30 am - 10:30 am The ball carrier can spin to avoid their flag being pulled but cannot flag guard. Cape Football Commissioner. Gorc Wildcats vs Cape St Claire Cougars - YouTube LKS Cosmos Nowotaniec- ORLIK Nowotaniec . We are also proud of our hard working players and we hope to add you to our Cape football family. Cape Cod Youth Flag Football is an NFL Flag League based in Barnstable Massachusetts. 2023 SportsEngine, Inc. The flag program has become a huge hit with kids and parents and is a great way to teach the little guys some fundamentals before moving up to play tackle football. Connect with CAPE! This post was contributed by a community member. The Society also intends to identify, protect and facilitate the study, preservation and communication of knowledge regarding other historically significant sites associated with the Goshen Farm. player turning 8 years old before December 31, 2019 is not eligible to play in this weight Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). ***ELIGIBLE FOR TOURNAMENTS (MIDWEST FLAG FOOTBALL) DAYS, TIME AND DATES: SUNDAY AND WEDNESDAY All dates times: 5:30-7:00PM (except May 27th) Summer Program Begins: June 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 Off 4th of July week (July 2nd and 5th) . We also add new helmets and pads each year. (410) 757-1223 We have worked hard along with AACO rec and parks to make many improvements to the park. Football Coaches & Cheer Leading Coaches for the upcoming 2023 Season. 2006 105lb County Championship at Navy Marine Corps Stadium Grow in The Sport. Festival Timeline - Cape St. Claire Strawberry Festival Commissioner Ron Keyes 410-703-4415 capestclairehoops@gmail.com The County holds 3 weigh in/ photo ID dates. Cape St. Claire Football program is a youth tackle and flag program. Meetings are the first Tuesday each month, running fall to spring and pausing for the summer months. Add a drink and chips and call it lunch. For inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, please use the contact information on the right. Pole Vault participants must posses upper body strength and body awareness- typically gymnasts, cheerleaders, dancers, wrestlers. The views expressed here are the author's own. The end zones are an additional5 yards each. Any player turning 12 years old before September 1, 2019 is not eligible to play in Rey's Custom Flags Mission 78572 . Elevating all studentseliminating all gaps, 931 Blue Ridge DriveAnnapolis, MD 21409(410) 222-1685(410) 222-1687 (fax), Amy ShandrowskyPrincipalashandrowsky@aacps.org, Rochelle BarrettAssistant Principalrwbarrett@aacps.org, Sexual Harassment/ Child Abuse Training Video, Online School PaymentsPay online for school items, fees, and activities with Visa or Mastercard, School Locator/Transportation Eligibility, Anne Arundel Recreation and Parks - School Age Child Care, Please call if you need the office during the summer, 410-222-1685. Meet ribbons and/or medals will be given in all events for all age group Defensive Penalties inside the 10 yard line will result in half the distance to the Goalline if applicable. an additional 5lbs during playoffs. Conferences. Our programs are 4-6 year old Flag football, 6-14 year old tackle teams. 1 mouth piece (mouth piece replacements are at a charge of $2.00), Game pants and jerseys to be handed out at a later date . Anne Arundel County Public Schools is using a remote process to enroll students for grades PreK-12. 2023 SPRING AND SUMMER FUN! Ages 12 and under: Players must turn 10 years old by September 1, 2019 to be eligible ST. CLAIR DAYS 2023; UTILITIES & SERVICES; COUNCIL MEETINGS. Treasurer, Pat Renepjrpr5@verizon.net The concession stand is open every Saturday during games and serves hot dogs, hamburgers and sausages fresh off the grill. 12U League per game. We also have two potluck dinners each year, and our annual plant sale each May. Want to post on Patch? All extra points are from the 3 yard line. 2023 Opening Day - April 16, 2023 Playoffs - June 4, 2023 Super Bowl Sunday - June 11, 2023. IMG_5313. Cape St. Claire Strawberry Festival | Annapolis MD - Facebook The following documents are required for enrollment: Child's documents - Birth Certificate Immunization Record Recent Report Card or Transcript Parent's documents - Home Page - TeamSportsInfo.com There is no weight limit for a 9 year old playing in the Cape Flag Football Spring 2023 registration is CLOSED!!! Players keep game jerseys at seasons end. Rec and Parks do not care about vacation schedules, back to school night or Fiddler on the roof plays. If you show up with Game Jerseys or Pants for practice, YOU WILL BE SENT HOME. Possession begins at the opponents 10 yard line. Please visitcapegardenclub.wordpress.comto see us at play or for more information about upcoming meetings and events. A play in which a player takes a hand-off from the quarterback, and then throws a forward pass will be considered a pass play, and not count as a teams run play.
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