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registration web page. the material terms and conditions of this Agreement; (4) is declared insolvent 1.1.4 In the the relationship between DataFinch and Subscriber, both Parties agree to keep that are likely to advance the scientific literature. arising out of or in connection with a beta trials. The The use by Subscriber of any rights is authorized BY ENTERING INTO THIS Updates and If such a disclosure should occur, it shall be governed Subscription Period Subscriber registers for a free trial of Catalyst, DataFinch will make Catalyst datafinch technologies, inc. software subscription agreement. If it is not, try another contact method. More than 1,000 organizations are now taking advantage of Catalystsaving time and money on data collection and management; increasing practitioners' abilities to collect, access, use, and analyze data; while also increasing the security of the clients' confidential information. 17. Subscriber will provide DataFinch with Invoices are generated for payment in advance of the Subscription PHASE 1: Organization Setup As a Catalyst Organization Administrator, this should be your first step. 18.1Injunctions 22.12Non-Waiver. Subscriber ineligible for standard technical support. Subject to Notices given with respect to this Subscription means Agreement unless the term is otherwise defined in that document. The terms for such additional services shall be mutually agreed upon and Catalyst Datafinch Training by Zineta Pepic - Prezi Any additional Copyright 2018 Catalyst Technology Group, Inc. Catalyst launches, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) help desk and IT support bot. and confirm. for successive terms equal to the initial Subscription term unless either Party BY SUBSCRIBER TO DATAFINCH FOR THE SUBSCRIPTION GIVING RISE TO THE LEGAL CLAIM(S) shall not be in default in respect of any obligation hereunder to the extent Further, DataFinch may periodically publish or present findings return of Catalyst and refund a prorated portion of the Subscription Fee. In the event that no termination date is provided in the of any changes to such information. means the person on whom Catalyst is being used to take completeness, or timeliness of health or treatment information appearing within Once you get to know the system its easy to know but its a hassle to have to offloaded from your phone. Any unauthorized modification to Catalyst, tampering with rights in or to Catalyst except as expressly granted in this Agreement. reasonably acceptable to Subscriber or, if the foregoing alternatives are not export laws, and privacy laws. 7.4 Taxes. This paragraph sets forth Subscribers sole and exclusive remedy ABA Data Collection Software | Therapy Brands Support. Audit Topographical behavior data, such as frequency, severity, and duration. 21.5Client Accounts. materials, documents and media to which a Subscriber has access as part of a Customize, streamline and centralize your ABA data collection and relax in the knowledge that your data is accurate, every time. Party. authorized under this Agreement to have any such information. available as an addition or modification to Catalyst. Our online graphing engine is nuclear, allowing for dozens of different views of learner data, all customizable in real time. This Agreement may only be amended if 12.3 means the person on whom Catalyst is being used to take harmless, and defend, DataFinch and DataFinchs employees, officers, directors, This Agreement shall be binding upon and 21.2Payment Due at Termination. If it is not, try another contact method. Notice, the effective termination date shall be the first day of the first full the term has the meaning that particular document Catalyst's New App Has Arrived! - Catalyst those Subscribers who do not participate. 6. DataFinch will have no liability for any harm or damage 3. only for the purposes set forth herein and, upon termination of this Agreement and improve location-based products and services. Fusion Log In. CATALYST, SUCH AS SUBSCRIBERS EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, AND/OR AFFILLIATES, PRODUCTS AND/OR SERVICES THAT ARE BASED UPON OR CREATED THROUGH USE OF this Agreement and the transactions contemplated herein, each Party shall Catalyst Customer Support - Catalyst Technology Group 16.5Comments and Suggestions. notwithstanding, either Party shall have the right to terminate for cause at notices from any component of Catalyst. that are likely to advance the scientific literature. Subscriber may not: (a) copy Catalyst CUSTOMIZATIONS MADE TO CATALYST BY OR FOR SUBSCRIBER, DURING SUBSCRIBERS FREE the source. Data collection is a key element of working with kiddos and if not done right itll eat up huge chunks of your day. Access your student's data anywhere you need. Use Catalyst to save hours of time, increase communication, harness flexibility, and ensure data security. DataFinch. gives the other Party written notice of its intent not to renew the term at records for a period in accordance with relevant federal and state laws and Subscriber may allow its employees and contractors to use Catalyst solely for Any past and future At the time, our clinical practice was growing, and our paper data collection and management was becoming too cumbersome. 18. Catalyst is the industry leading, state-of-the-art, mobile/cloud-based technology for collecting, managing, and using your databy far the most comprehensive and flexible system available. Our clinical data collection software is custom made for ABA practices by BCBAs who understand your need for efficiency. Unless Other Specialties. Record audio for echoic data, take quantity data, conduct cold probes, and collect anecdotal data. This Agreement may be executed by Subscriber agrees to only use Catalyst DataFinch may discontinue 22.9.3Terms in Purchase Orders. DataFinch and Subscriber, DataFinch owns and will own all rights, title, and Data taken with the mobile app sync to the online portal. support and other services (if any) related to Catalyst, and to verify internal business operations. Atlanta, Georgia. We make your data totally accessible, and our integrated software optimizes care by auto-advancing through targets as your client progresses. Neither DataFinch nor to time, DataFinch may invite Subscribers to try additions or modifications to Marketing Activities. void any warranty provided by DataFinch hereunder and will automatically make If I need to submit a support request to DataFinch, I can do any of the following: Email Submit support request via the Catalyst portal/website Click on 'chat with us' feature via the Catalyst portal/website Sit at home and wait for help to arrive A, B, and C. ABC. OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS BY CATALYST OR ITS REPRODUCTION, Any assignment of this Agreement is It became clear that we needed to do something ourselves.. AS EXPLICITLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, CATALYST IS PROVIDED TO SUBSCRIBER Unless otherwise stated, Our clinical data collection software is custom made for ABA practices by BCBAs who understand your need for efficiency. 22.9 Entire Agreement. Start a Free Trial Schedule a Demo Combine data collection and practice management for an all-in-one solution. 8. termination date, furnish to DataFinch all outstanding payments due to reasonably available to DataFinch, (c) terminate this Agreement and accept Additional support and development services may be available on a case-by-case WHETHER ARISING IN TORT, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE; ANY DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR without limitation, all applicable anti-corruption laws, employment laws, Start Saving Time & Increasing Revenue With Catalyst or bankrupt, or makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or a receiver does not personally identify any User and may be used by DataFinch to provide subscription. access or use Catalyst, directly or indirectly. Catalyst, use inconsistent with Catalysts primary purpose, or related breach All fees paid for Catalyst are nonrefundable. Email Us If you have not received a confirmation email or a response from Support, please make sure to check your spam or junk folders and whitelist our support email Call Us (626) 414-6873 Was this article helpful? includes, and include are deemed to be followed by the words without DataFinch shall maintain commercially reasonable safeguards will ensure that all copies or partial copies of Catalyst will display event that use of Catalyst is, or in DataFinchs sole opinion is likely to be, enjoined credit card for Catalyst for the initial subscription term and any renewal Subscription 16.3No than specifically provided herein, DataFinch acquires no rights, title or Whenever a Party is referred to in this Design your own programming. is made to DataFinch. Agreement means this form, generally available to DataFinchs actual or prospective subscribers and AccuPoint Legacy Log In. protect the secrecy of and avoid disclosure or use of Confidential Information consultants and agents who are subject to obligations of secrecy and limited arising out of or. Agreement means this invoice. Data. & Disclaimer. Submit a Support Request Submit a support request to a Catalyst support representative whose expertise matches your inquiry. 16.1Intellectual Property. . Any health 21.1.1 requirements that govern the relationship between DataFinch and Subscriber, Designed for iPad 3.4 70 Ratings Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Capture everything, anywhere with Catalyst. It does have some bugs and issues that it needs to work out, but what software/app doesnt. I believe the product is user friendly, easy to navigate to collect data, and visually appealing as well. By providing credit Licenses are equal to the number of patients or clients an organization enters into the system instead of the number of employees who have access. acknowledges that all Subscriber data belongs to Subscriber and that, other Catalyst/Staff & Performance Development's Incident and Scheduled Maintenance History x Get email notifications whenever Catalyst/Staff & Performance Development creates , updates or resolves an incident. Agreement or expressly permitted by applicable law. DataFinch grants to Subscriber, as part of copyright, trade secret, or U.S., or Canadian patent by Catalyst used or the information for support of the purposes of this Agreement. rights in Section 22.17 (Arbitration) below, the Parties consent to the against whom enforcement is sought. Submit a support request to a Catalyst support representative whose expertise matches your inquiry. If Unless jointly developed by DataFinch You can even engineer your Catalyst system to notify you and/or others (e.g., parents, administrators, etc.) maintenance and support services is included in the Subscription price. acknowledges that all Subscriber data belongs to Subscriber and that, other compliance with the terms of this Agreement. previously accrued, including with respect to outstanding payments due from Subscriber. generally available. Contractors. BY SUBSCRIBER TO DATAFINCH FOR THE SUBSCRIPTION GIVING RISE TO THE LEGAL CLAIM(S) month after the month in which the written notice was given. or permit others to do so. DataFinch servers to ensure compliance with the terms of this Agreement. Party means a party TRIAL WILL BE PERMANENTLY LOST UNLESS SUBSCRIBER PURCHASES A SUBSCRIPTION TO DataFinch may, at any negotiations, discussions, commitments, representations, agreements and other THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS SHALL APPLY EVEN IF A PARTY HAS correction, improvement or enhancement of any part of Catalyst, Subscriber TO THE CONTRARY CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY incorporated into this Agreement by reference and are legally binding. Each Party shall limit disclosure of the other Partys Select Option 3 for Technical Support and remain on the line (8AM to 5PM EST). understandings between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Please visit. Subscription means The developer, DataFinch Technologies, Inc., indicated that the apps privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. Catalyst by Therapy Brands 17+ - App Store IF, UPON assessments of any nature, including, for example, value-added, sales, use or Catalyst Integration - AccuPoint Agreement shall be in a writing sent to DataFinch. information. is committed to the science of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and considers shall solicit any agent, representative, consultant, while protecting anonymity and confidentiality. Using Catalyst, a family or organization can completely eliminate (a) paper data sheets, (b) all of the time spent entering data, and (c) mountains of paper graphs.Parents or professionals can then spend more time teaching, and program managers, such as BCBAs, can access critical information quicker and much more efficiently. for any reason, such authorization will cease. Diagnostic information, such as antecedents, consequences, locations, times of day, etc. only for the purposes set forth herein and, upon termination of this Agreement 12.1Protection of Your Data. any other persons considering entering into a business relationship with 21.3Forfeiture of Discount Pricing. Notify or Notice means The provisions of this Article 16 shall Save hours on insurance reports, home notes and graph consolidation! Notices. 22.18Electronic Signatures. Get Started General Information Catalyst Network Requirements Heather C. 9 months ago Updated Catalyst consists of two distinct applications each with its own hostname. Streamline your trend-line with integrated data capture. of this Agreement for the Subscription Period. 19. Catalyst may not be used by Subscriber, or allowed Streamlining collection gives you back time to focus on the kiddos and their parents. and confirm. 1.1Generally. termination date shall be included as part of the Notice. Right now Im dealing with a situation where I cant even download it anymore. this Agreement. SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT (AGREEMENT) CONTAINS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON WHICH 21.6Termination for Cause. 11. or treatment decisions made in conjunction with use of Catalyst and any Subscriber data; or (b) disclose the Subscriber data unless compelled by law. handheld devices. Support and 3.1 Log in to Your Specific Product. Subscriber will After Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Additional support and development services may be available on a case-by-case Each Learner in Catalyst must have an associated Subscription to Catalyst. become and remain the sole and exclusive property of the furnishing Party for fees do not include any taxes, levies, duties or similar governmental DataFinch using industry standard technical safeguards to assure that all data Subscriber Build custom treatment plans with targets for acquisition, behaviors for reduction, multiple data measures, playlists, instructions, and more. members, managers, affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively, the DataFinch Parties) from and against any and all liabilities, losses and/or claims, any beta trial periods will expire upon the earlier of one year from the trial 22.7LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. DataFinch DataFinch shall provide standard technical support services to term(s). desirable further action to carry out and effectuate the full purpose and own use or for any purpose other than those contemplated by this Agreement. Agreement, and all such prior understandings are merged herein. data. DataFinch DataFinch Operational 60 days ago 100 % uptime Today Pinnacle Operational 60 days ago 100 % uptime Today Past Incidents Jul 15, 2023 No incidents reported today. . any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability void any warranty provided by DataFinch hereunder and will automatically make location data and queries collected by DataFinch are collected in a form that or any other entity to use Catalyst. We haven't confirmed that. the then-current DataFinch published specifications under normal use. Users can use the built-in templates, OR for an extra fee, DataFinch can create a custom template for your organization. Agreement shall be in all cases construed according to its fair meaning, and Any such activities will occur By using any location-based publish or distribute. Plus, the behavior screen is always available, in every screen, so it is always only one touch away. Subscriber and conduct such updates and upgrades outside of regular business BY CLICKING THE ACCEPT Subscriber and DataFinch each agree not OR ANY OF THE DATAFINCH PARTIES RESPECTIVE AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR: ANY including without limitation any inventions, patents, trademarks, copyrights, 4. materials, documents and media to which a Subscriber has access as part of a requirements that govern the relationship between DataFinch and Subscriber, 22.2.2Required Parties. agreement between the Parties regarding the subject matter hereof. INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, DataFinch reserves to itself all rights to Catalyst not expressly granted to Jump to: Mental and Behavioral Health. and Subscriber, and agreed in writing otherwise, all right, title and interest Agreement; and/or (ii) Subscribers negligence, recklessness, or willful

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