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Source: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission County Assessor's Office | Assessor's Office - boundaries on property deeds to the tax maps when creating this data layer. You can also find links to drop off locations and bulk pick up schedules on the OBX Trash Map. This app includes the locations of and information about Capital Improvement Projects such as Storm Drainage Improvements, Stream and Wetland Restorations, and Pollution Control measures that are funded, designed and managed by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services. Contact: David Farrow, 980-314-4276, Explore City of Charlotte jobs and make your next career move. Contact: James Metz, 980-314-4637, Source: Mecklenburg County Park & Recreation In celebration of GIS Day 2021 test your knowledge of Dare County with this trivia map. Theres no need to download an app to your phone to use Dare Countys mobile GIS. Every link you see below was carefully hand-selected, vetted, and reviewed by a team of public record experts. Source:Mecklenburg County Geospatial Information Services Open Charlotte Manteo, NC 27954, 954 Marshall C. Collins DriveP.O. Contact: James Metz, 980-314-4637, does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Contact: James Metz, 980-314-4637, Perform a free Charlotte, NC public land records search, including land deeds, registries, values, ownership, liens, titles, and landroll. This viewer allows residents to view proposed and pending flood map changes associated with FEMA Flood Insurance Studies to assess the impacts to their property from a Regulatory and insurance standpoint. In celebration of GIS Day 2020 explore the Graveyard of the Atlantic with this treasure map themed map. Viewable: From All Map Views Register of Deeds Office | Register of Deeds Office Every link you see below was carefully hand-selected, vetted, and reviewed by a team of public record experts. The 2011 photography was taken in February of 2011. Polaris 3G is Mecklenburg County's real estate mapping tool that features property info, assessed values, sales, and a lot more GIS layers, including Storm Water information such as floodplains and water quality buffers. Plan review ensures that sufficient post-construction structural controls will be implemented to protect water quality and mitigate the impacts of development on stream flows after construction is complete. Source: Charlotte Area Transit System Source:Mecklenburg County Geospatial Information Service A Mecklenburg County requirement for controlling development along rivers and streams. Full color digital aerial orthophotography, rectified to the Earth\'s surface, and seamlessly integrated into GIS. Storm Water inventoried pipes in Mecklenburg County, NC. Ride the bus or train, purchase fares in advance, Explore City of Charlotte jobs and make your next career move, Police reports and public safety resources. building data. GIS IDs (Needs full C number.) landowner\'s use of those portions of land affected by the easement. scenic quality as they pass through diverse and visually significant landscapes. Box 1000Manteo, NC 27954, Interested to know where to go to have fun in Dare County? The user may select only one layer Land Records Management | Geospatial Information Services - Stormwater and creeks flow directly into lakes that supply drinking water; by state law, those watersheds are under additional zoning and development regulations. Property Ownership and Tax Value Assessment,,,,,, =<70% of average assessed value per foot of all County commercial property, Within mile of a census tract with household income =< area household median income, Within mile of major public transit route. automatically be labeled inside the map whenever this option is chosen. A utility right-of-way confers upon the utility The following map layers may be displayed in the map legend panel of the map. Room 121 All Rights Reserved. There's also a mapping app and map service. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Viewable: From Neighborhood Views areas for freight or passenger railroad transportation. City of Charlotte City Maps Intervals are based on 10 feet. Charlotte Land Records provide information about real estate and property in Charlotte, North Carolina. Source: Mecklenburg County Geospatial Information Services is lightly shaded. In celebration of GIS Day 2019 take a look back to 1996 and see the changes that have occurred in Dare County over the last 20 years. Internet Explorer is no longer supported. FINS is a partnership involving the City of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County and the US Geological Survey. The Water Quality Buffers dataset includes construction buffers identified for each creek or stream. The latest amount of rainfall recorded and the level of streams can be viewed in Fins Live. Source:Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services, Water and Land Resources GIS Maps are produced by the U.S. government and private companies. Perform a free Charlotte, NC public land records search, including land deeds, registries, values, ownership, liens, titles, and landroll. Trash collection schedule, schedule bulky waste pickup and more. Please refer to your browser's options. Mecklenburg County GIS believes in the power of open source software to achieve reliable, flexible, high-performance, and cost effective solutions. In July 2020 FEMA released new flood maps for Dare County. Search for North Carolina GIS maps and property maps. Each section of GeoPortal includes links to the . Search Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services flood zone map by address, parcel ID, owner name or landmark. USDA Soil Classifications within Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Welcome to 3D Floodzone Interactive Floodzone Mapping. approved for construction. Viewable: From Neighborhood Views NC OneMap is a strategic resource providing a collection of authoritative data and web services. Source: Mecklenburg County Geospatial Information Services 2,961,343 Counties Alamance County Parcels 35,711 Alexander County Parcels 22,063 Alleghany County Parcels 13,967 Anson County Parcels Source:Mecklenburg County Geospatial Information Services NC OneMap Parcel IDs (Needs atleast the first 6 digits. Contact: Peter Q. Zeiler, 980-314-2938, The GIS Property Inquiry Website is a service provided by Dare County which allows the public to view and print maps and aerial photography. For Property Ownership Information Only: 704-336-6175 Viewable: From All Map Views 2023 County Office. Find out what the Dare County community has to offer by exploring community centers, local services, and your district information on the Dare County Community Map. This dataset also includes Pond water features within Mecklenburg County, NC. Opportunity Areas are commercial parcels the have following three characteristics: Viewable: From All Map Views Railroad rights-of-way (ROW) used for the construction, maintenance, or operation Most recent thorough link check: 1/2023. Addresses for all of Mecklenburg County are administered by Mecklenburg County GIS Addressing. Therefore, new or recent construction may not be visible. Leased Land. A qualified sale is normally a Viewable: From Neighborhood Views high pixel resolution. Register of Deeds Office Records and indexes Real Property Records and maintains Vital Records. Filesets from Effective, Preliminary and Draft floodplain determinations for Mecklenburg County, NC, produced in accordance with guidelines and specifications for FEMA Flood Insurance Studies (FIS). Mrkt Analysis. A wetland is a land area that is saturated with water, either permanently or seasonally, that supports vegetation of aquatic plants adapted to the unique hydric soil. Welcome to the City of Charlotte Open Data Portal This is your resource to explore, visualize, and download publicly available data. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. A layer depicting the horizontal extent of the 1% annual chance flood event in Mecklenburg County, NC, based upon existing land use conditions. Suggest Listing The interactive map is designed to help show your property's flood risk and ways to reduce that risk. We recommend upgrading to the . GeoPortal - Mecklenburg County GIS Mapping these plans is the first step in assigning 911 address points. Viewable: From All Map Views 2023 County Office. Floodplain model hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) output file sets and GIS input files for Effective, Preliminary and Draft floodplain determinations in Mecklenburg County, NC, produced in accordance with FEMA Flood Insurance Studies (FIS) guidelines and specifications. There are a wide variety of GIS Maps produced by U.S. government offices and private companies. Source: Mecklenburg County Geospatial Information Services This 1.54-mile segment has 0.4 miles of access entrances and features bridges, boardwalks, underpasses and public art! A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computerized system that can be used to create, store, manage, analyze and display geographically referenced information. You have the right to modify and make derivative data and works. Click on the links below for detailed help on each topic. Source:Mecklenburg County Property Assessment and Land Records Management I want to learn more about. City of Charlotte Open Data Portal - Charlotte, North Carolina Bill Search - This floodplain serves as a basis of regulatory and planning activities at the local level and is utilized by the National Flood Insurance Program to determine insurance rates for affected properties. Tax parcels color-coded by the primary type of land use. Contact: Karen Isley, 980-314-4603, Mecklenburg County believes in the ingenuity of its citizens and the power of open data and open source software to bring that ingenuity to life. All Rights Reserved. Find Charlotte residential land records by address, including property ownership, deed records, mortgages & titles, tax assessments, tax rates, valuations & more. Help others by sharing new links and reporting broken links. The length of each side of a parcel. Here you can search for data, learn about the City's projects and resources, download data for your own use or create brand new maps and apps. Contact: Jane Johnson, 704-336-2980, Charlotte Explorer is a common view application for City of Charlotte's spatial data warehouse and some of the operational data from business systems, including Storm Water data. The city and town jurisdictional boundaries within Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Dilworth, Fourth Ward, Plaza-Midwood, and Wessley Heights. Viewable: From Neighborhood Views Charlotte City Council will review and make decisions on rezoning petitions. Cornelius, Jason Abernethy, 704-896-2460, Advanced Search. Standardized parcel data for every NC county may be downloaded from NC OneMap as a single file geodatabase. Viewable: From Neighborhood Views It is an organized effort of numerous partners throughout North Carolina, involving local, state, and federal government agencies, the private sector and academia. Sign up for email updates from the City of Charlotte, including information on upcoming events, initiatives, and opportunities to share your input on key topics.

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