Washington, DC20016 FAX: 847-605-6011 Honolulu, HI96813 Metairie, LA70002-5949 Loss Run request Box 1608 Phone: 856-779-0600, Rutgers Insurance is actually American European Insurance Group and you can email customerservice@aeiginsurance.com, RVI America Insurance Company P.O. ____________________________________________________, Fidelity Mohawk Insurance Co Phone: 203-485-4200 FAX: 360-825-6885 CRC Group Company Profile | Management and Employees List Binghamton, NY13902 P.O. Southfield, MI48034 Phone: 800-226-0793, LIG, Marine Managers Attention: Loss Runs Department 901 Dulaney Valley Road, Suite 610 Phone: 908-604-3000 Phone 800 452 6911 100 Mercer Drive ____________________________________________________, Fairway Physician Insurance Co RRG Arlington, VA22209-2403 P.O. P.O. Benicia, CA94510 Phone: 603-224-4086 P.O. Philadelphia, PA19103-2772 One Reins Pl, 1700 Magnovox Way Phone: 636-343-9889. One Heritage Place P.O. Phone: 814-926-4661, ___________________________________________________________________________________, Rocky Mountain Fire & Cas Co sophisticated information technology and telecommunications systems and services, without separately having to incur substantial 48 Wall Street, 14th Floor Phone: 800-277-1620, Frankenmuth Mutual Ins Co P.O. Fax 707-996-7912 3260 Penryn Rd. Phone: 517-323-1200, PA Lumberman Mutual Ins. 1-800-634-7064 (toll-free) [email protected] In Australia and New Zealand +61 2 8778 9999 [email protected] This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, whether based on alleged breach of contract, tortious behavior, negligence or any other cause of action, including but not limited to damages or injuries caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, and/or theft, destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of any record. Phone: 201-720-2100, _______________________________________________________________________, League of WI Municipalities Mutual Ins insuranceoperations@sompo-intl.com Attention: Loss Runs Department, LM Personal Insurance Company 10 Falcon Road Box 1520 Phone: 866-588-3247, Tennessee Farmers Assurance Company Arlington, VA22209-2403 Phone: 559-222-7722 THANK YOU CASSIE UPDATED 09/10/2020, Everest National Insurance Co Phone: 802-223-5261, Anonymous user contributed the following on 07/26/18, Union Mutual Fire Ins. Woodland Hills, CA91367-5021 claims@capspecialty.com (preferred) 818-254-1040 / Fax. Any help please? Attention: Loss Runs Department Phone: 507-235-9476 __________________________________________________, Cumberland Casualty & Surety Company Ida Grove, IA51445 Ste 1025 Phone: 916-643-9990, ________________________________________________________________, HDR Insurance Services CNA Center 333 South Wabash Phone: (916) 660-0267, Foremost Insurance Company It is recommended that the user pay careful attention to the contents of any metadata associated with a file, and that the originator of the data or information be contacted with any questions regarding appropriate use. P.O. Box 83720 Irving, TX75015-2762 P.O. Phone: 864-237-6131, Special Insurance Services Phone: 831-459-0980, Email Address for Loss Run Requests: NewBiz@InsuranceForNonProfits.org (same email used for new submissions) confirmed w/ their receptionist 09.30.20, And their website shows their physical address as: Box 9155 177 Madison Avenue New York, NY10006 Thank you! policyinfo@cypressig.com Neenah, WI54957-0468 Phone: 609-243-4200, Municipal Mutual Ins Co of WV Box 1541 Phone: 314-373-3333 Phone: 1-800-262-4483, Fulmont Mutual Insurance Company Box 729 Phone: 916-863-0110, SOI Phone: 713-462-1000 Le Mars, IA51031-1608 Frankenmuth, MI48787-0001 _____________________________________________, CK Specialty Insurance Alpharetta, GA 30005 Milwaukee, WI53204 If the user has obtained information fromCSS Insurance Services LLC Page, the user must be aware that electronic data can be altered subsequent to original distribution. _____________________________________________________, Cranbrook Insurance Company 100 Bank St., Suite 610 lascc@farmersinsurance.com Waterford, VA20197 P.O. Topeka, KS66601 FAX: 407-926-9419 5242 College Drive, Suite 203 Boca Raton, FL33487 ______________________________________________, Circle Star Insurance Company RRG P.O. COOPERCITY, FL33328 Email: noticeofloss@darwinpro.com claims@mxmsig.com, Maxum Indemnity Company 800-598-6324 Updated 09/02/2016, Direct from Maxum Specialty Insurance Group Updated email for Loss Runs is: lossruns@mxmsig.com, MBIA Insurance Corporation FAX: 908-604-3526 (Loss Run Fax) Phone: 516-365-6690, Pace Risk Retention Group, Inc. State Farm Fax number is incorrect. 1311 Mamaroneck Avenue, Suite 135 New York, NY10281 633 Shiloh Pike De Witt, IA52742-0290 1042 Lindbergh Drive NE One W. First Avenue, Suite 400 P.O. FAX: 800-329-5140 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Flagship City Insurance Co Phone: 386-677-4453, is under Amtrust as well Argoprolossruns@argoprous.com San Francisco, CA94111-1904 Long Grove, IL60049-0001 Phone: 503-472-2141, Oriska Insurance Company Westfield Center, OH44251-5001 Skip to content [email protected] (914) 617-8600. 3500 American Blvd West, Suite 700 9 Cornell Road Box 83777 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Tennessee Restaurant Association Lloyd Blvd. __________________________________________________, FUBA Glendale, CA 91203 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, An official website of the United States government, To electronically submit and track submission and status for, Coordination of Benefits & Recovery Overview. Please remove our number. Phone: 847-572-6000, Called the Evanston number and was advised this is the email to send loss runs to, noticed Markels was different and should be updated. 1528 Lakeview Road Phone: 219-455-2000, Fortress Insurance Company Farmington Hills, MI48334 Phone: 724-376-7296, ___________________________________________________________________________________________, Qualitas Ins. Phone: 212-770-7000, address updated by anonymous user on 09/17/18, 333 Guadalupe Street PO Box 149104 Austin Tx. Box 290 Attention: Loss Runs Department, Transguard Ins Co Of America Phone: 866-923-3742 Box 830 Phone: 973-258-9500, Ringgold Mutual Insurance Association Santa Cruz, CA 95060, Thanks Randi Reynolds for the update 10/02/2020, Nonprofits Mut RRG , Inc Farmington Hills, MI48334 Thank you Matt- It has been updated on the list. Box 1113 Product pricing will be adjusted to match the corresponding currency. Grand Rapids, MI49503 Traer, IA50675-0058 CRC Group is one of the largest wholesale providers of property and casualty insurance in the U.S. Our over 2,400 employees in 81 offices nationwide placed nearly $6.5 billion in premium last year. Lowell, MA01854 Phone: 770-836-0120, Plainview Mutual Insurance Company Phone: 213-747-6492 All warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, freedom from contamination by computer viruses and non-infringement of proprietary rights ARE DISCLAIMED. 436 Walnut Street P.O. 3661 W. Oakland Park Boulevard, Suite 300 Whether it's the _______________________________________________, Ten Parkway North Phone: 814-652-6111, Evergreen National Indem Co Phone: 732-946-5000, LMI Insurance Company Verified. Box 1699 Box 2009 Phone: 925-300-4500, Valley Insurance Company Salem, MA01970-6506 Phone: 480-483-6500, Trans Pacific Insurance Co Loss Run Information and Letter of Experience FAQ, 100 William St. 5th Flr. Phone: 608-829-4200, Plaza Insurace Company Phone: 877-649-6682 FAX: 847-605-6011 (Main) Des Moines, IA50306-0712 P.O. Warwick, RI02887-0350 P. O. Burlington, VT05402-0530 FAX: 800-811-5722 350 Church Street FAX: 610-688-3774 CommercialBranchRequests@chubb.com New York, NY10005-2428 Fargo, ND58108 Phone: 320-762-0730, Holyoke Mutual Ins Co in Salem Attention: Loss Runs Department, updated by Trish Doles on 06/19/18 (Thanks Trish), piclossrunrequests@protectiveinsurance.com, Protective Insurance Company- for workers comp= sbwcunderwriting@protectiveinsurance.com, Public Employer Risk Management Association, Inc. Attention: Loss Runs Department Birmingham, AL35259-9689 Phone: 618-498-3012, Jewelers Mutual Insurance Co Phone: (727) 578-2800 I am trying to request a loss run report from Lexington Insurance Co. INSUREDS: Request should be on your letterhead (if exists) signed by an owner or officer of the company. FCCI Email Adress: lossruns@fcci-group.com P.O. Phone: 678-309-4000 200 S. College Street, NC1-014-11-38 P.O. Phone: 913-339-5000, Erie & Niagara Insurance Assn Phone: 330-262-9060, Sooner Insurance Company _______________________________________________________, Ferdinand Farmers Mutual Ins Co, Inc P.O. 2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300 Phone: 763-433-2344, Rural Mutual Insurance Co Clive, IA50325-8258 P.O. (360-671-3959). Attention: Loss Runs Department Phone: 641-456-3430 __________________________________________, Clermont Insurance Company Kansas City, MO64131 Phone: 814-944-0417 Box 306 Loudon, TN37774 Because of CRC's extensive investment in technology, its members and customers Phone: 602-427-3234 Global Hawk loss run email islossrunrequest@gcib.net. Phone: 515-327-2777, Indemnity Co of California FAX: 716-632-0410 654 Main Street - Sublimis Phone: 847-402-5000 c/o Marsh Management Services, Inc., 151 Meeting Street, Suite 301 Fairmont, MN56031-4461 13403 Northwest Freeway Los Angeles, CA90017 Phone: 800-226-0793 New York, NY10038 Phone: 800-777-4283 Parish, NY13131 Sarasota, FL34240-8424 Phone: 212-312-2500 P.O. 650 Davis Street Cleona, PA17042-1322 3440 Toringdon Way, Suite 300 Phone: 314-493-8000, National American Ins Co (OK) Lansing, MI48908-0440 Sincerely, Customer Service NORCAL Group 1.844.4NORCALnorcal-group.com, NorCal Mutual Insurance Company San Ramon, CA94583 Phone 877-497-2637 Thank you again for the awesome list. United Specialty Ins Co For policies beginning with MAT lossruns@narisk.com, policies beginning with MTX claims@texcaz.com. 800 NW 6th Ave Ste 335 Mission Road, Suite 1006 Box 69 Phone: 800-226-4777, Zurich Programs and Direct Markets To excel, a wholesaler must do more. One General Drive Phone: 989-636-0047 Box 6019 2389 W. March Lane, Suite 200 3260 Penryn Rd. All United National/United National Specialty/Diamond State/Penn America/Penn Star Loss Run requests go to lossrun@global-indemnity.com 250 Commercial Street 310 F.M. Box 2478, Terminal Annex 100 Commons Way, Suite 210 Morristown, NJ07962-1930 ________________________________________________________________, _________________________________________________________________, Colemont Insurance Brokers San Antonio, TX78288 Phone: 888-654-7100 P.O. Otherwise, refer to the contact information provided on this page. 633 East Market Street Ace Legacy ACE loss runs USA only WSGrequestlossruns@ace-ina.com Branchville, NJ07826-0400 Phone: 207-777-1055, Ever-Greene Mutual Ins Co Phone: 877-587-1763, UPDATED 06/13/22 lossruns@newallianceins.com, Preferred Contractors Insurance Company Livermore, CA94551 212 South Fourth Street Phone: 866-304-3079, XL Specialty Insurance Company Phone: 423-586-6041, Hamilton Mutual Insurance Co 333 Westchester Avenue FAX: 860-277-2876 CRCP-Commercial Repayment Center Portal- Contact Us ______________________________________________________, Ellington Mutual Insurance Company Scottsdale,, AZ85258-2466 Phone: 330-345-2005, Pilgrim Insurance Company Woodland Hills, CA91367 San Francisco, CA 94111 Dryden, NY13053-0635 FAX: 866-228-4613 (Cypress Policies) FAX: 408-227-7732 Note: Submit all payments, forms, documents and/or correspondence to the return mailing address indicated on recovery correspondence you have received. Johnston, RI02919 Phone: 323-932-3200, NES Phone: 281-293-6680, South Carolina Farm Bureau Mut Fax: 804-273-1435, Utica National Loss Run Requests Hartford, CT06155 _____________________________________________, Cedar Hill Insurance Harrisonburg, VA22801 Box 9022070 Phone: 972-629-4301 Simply Text, Phone or Chat! FAX: 225-272-8712 1800 2nd Street, Suite 909E San Francisco, CA94105 50 California Street, 14th Floor Washington, DC20076-0001 475 Steamboat Road ___________________________________________________, Cologne Reinsurance Co of Amer ____________________________________________________, Fidelity Security Life Ins FAX: 866-924-3742 CRC Group's main industries are: Insurance 45 Fremont Street, Suite 800 Everett, PA15537 Portland, OR97232-2038 info@verusins.com, Vehicular Service Insurance Co, RRG Phone: 252-539-2339 Box 30660 Office:(800) 661-6029 Phone: 802-864-6269 1 Wolverine Way, M62 East 385 Washington Street P.O. Phone: 800-227-2757 Box 129 FAX: 973-948-7190 Santa Ana, CA92707 Albany, NY12203-5964 Chicago, IL60602-4811 Phone: 215-864-4000 Phone: 352-332-8800, Omega One Insurance Company Contact the Commercial Repayment Center (CRC) If you need assistance regarding a Documented Defense or specific information related to a Group Health Plan recovery case, please contact the CRC. Box 350 Phone: 989-652-6121, Foundation Insurance Company Contact Us - Fleet Home Page 40 Main Street Ste 500 Phone: 866-481-9363, ________________________________________________________________________________, RiverStone Resources LLC Phone: 212-478-3400, Syndicated Services ____________________________________________, Discovery Insurance Company The inbound call services CRC provides include: Utility Outage Calls: Handling of power outages, partial power situations, emergency information, disconnected accounts, and more. Warren, NJ07061-1615 Confirmed by William McNulty on 08/31/18 all contact information for loss runs from state farm are wrong if anyone has information they would be willing to share let us know and we will get it up on the site! Sacramento, CA95814 FAX: 858-350-2616 (Workers Comp) P.O. Phone: 800-228-8559, Toyota Motor Insurance Corporation of VT Frank Winston Crum Loss run email FCGA@frankcrum.com 540 West Northwest Highway ), Amanda Katulich contributed on 06/07/19 ( thank you ), Commercial auto loss runs can be sent to bauw@mercuryinsurance.com, austincommercialautouw@mercuryinsurance.com, UPDATED 06/13/22Mercurys commercial property loss run requests can be emailed to:commercialproperty@mercuryinsurance.com, Company Phone215-706-6300EmailLossruns@music-ins.com, Economy Preferred Ins Co (Metlife Commercial), metcommercial@metlife.com (888)231-1497 UPDATED ON 02/10/2020, updated on 11/13/2020 Met Life Email: 9062MetLifejuris@sedgwickcms.com, update on 01/21/2021 MetLife Commercial ismetlifelossrun@metlife.com, MFS Mutual Insurance Company Phone: 800-841-3000 Frankenmuth, MI48787-0001 Email: cboyer@hullco.com CNA Center 333 South Wabash Montpelier, VT05601-0306 4655 Salisbury Road, Suite 110 _____________________________________________________, Excess Reinsurance Company Phone: 360-825-2591 Phone: 802-658-0092 Box 307 Phone: 860-674-2660 Louisville, KY40250-0700 If you have adopted a title please use our online desk copy request form to request your desk copy. Phone: 814-926-4661, Sompo Japan Insurance Company of America Phone: 616-447-3600, Michigan Millers Mutual Ins Co Exton, PA19341-1275 Phone: 787-273-7800, Real State Insurance Corporation Bethpage, NY11714-9020 Glen Allen, VA 23060 FAX: 561-615-5592 Message. 401 E. Las Olas Boulevard, Suite 1540 Saxonburg, PA16056-0307 updated by anonymous on 11/25/19 ( thank you ), For Vanliner Insurance Company they have an easier email address lossruns@vanliner.com, Vantage Casualty Insurance Co If you don't currently have a login and would like to get set up please fill out this form. __________________________________________, Danielson Insurance Company 1281 Murfreesboro Road Phone: 904-296-2887 your outage calls. ______________________________________________, Cincinnati Equitable Ins Co Columbia, MO65218 I received the below response from Sutter Insurance when requesting loss runs. Cinncinnati, OH45202 Phone: 847-605-6000 Phone: 212-551-0600, FAX: 855-200-1158 (ProSight Specialty Ins), Email: Lossrunrequest@prosightspecialty.com (Loss Run email) UPDATED 09/10/20, UPDATED ON 07/12/2021 by anonymous contributor: Prosight Specialty Insurance Phone 800-774-2755 (lossruns)Fax 855-657-3534, _____________________________________________________________, GEICO Government Employees Ins Co Indianapolis, IN46204 Box 365 P.O. ______________________________________________, Dairyland Insurance Company lossruns@cochraneco.com Canton, MA02021-1030 Box 487 417 West Allen Ave., Suite 105 Phone: 516-576-3400 P.O. Contacts | CMS Phone: 661-224-9343. __________________________________________________, Claim Prof Liability Insurance Co A RRG ______________________________________________________, Fidelity National Insurance Co Box 147018 NORCAL Group policyholders can access policy, billing and other information via the MyACCOUNT customer portal at any time, which can be found on the NORCAL Group homepage (http://www.norcal-group.com/). Phone: 641-488-2222, Iron Horse Insurance Company Phone: 800-282-6848 651-310-4949Loss Runs Fax, Northland/Travelers loss run request emailniclossr@travelers.com, Phone: (925) 449-1100 Email: Info@ntageneral.com, NJ Car RRG Edwardsville, IL 62025 Phone: 877-737-6269, _________________________________________________________________________________, Public Service Mutual Ins Co Box 510 P.O. One Tower Square Towson, MD21204-2685 _______________________________________________________, General Fire & Casualty Co FAX: 989-652-2105 Box 240429 San Antonio, TX78288 Co. policysupport@eains.com FAX: 302-830-4545 Jacksonville, FL32204 National Casulaty Company (non-farm)- Workers Comp= nwaghelp@nationwide.com, National Continental Insurance Company is a subsidiary of Progressive, the email for auto loss runs is commercialauto@email.progressive.com, National Fire and Marine for Medical malpractice claims, They are owned by Medpro: medproinduction@medpro.com or fax 800-398-6726, email address to order loss runs: lossruns@nationalindemnitydotcom, Loss Runs requests for Oak River Insurance Company can be emailed to lossruns@nationalindemnity.com (preferred method) or faxed to 402.916.3030., updated on 01/21/21 lossruns@nationalindemnity.com, National Liability & Fire Insurance Co __________________________________, Blue Ridge Insurance Company Lexington, KY40588-1580 Phone: 802-658-9405, Pinelands Insurance Company RRG Inc Box 937 Erie, PA16530 2500 Hillsboro Rd Ste 105 Customer Support | PrismHR Phone: 212-405-1650, Nissay Dowa General Ins Co USB Phone: 314-373-3333, Gateway Insurance Company Email for loss runs is uwservice@atlas-fin.com, Gateway/Pennsy Underwriters Sacramento, CA95821 __________________________________________________________, CSE Insurance Group 20 Kimball Avenue, Suite 305 Phone: 312-782-2749, UPDATED ON 07/12/2021 Loss run Fax: 312-782-2023, P.O. Charleston, SC29402 Phone: 225-769-9923, Loudon Cty Farmers Aid Assn A Cty Mut ___________________________________________, California Medical Group Ins Co RRG Phone: 407-382-1400, FMI Insurance Company FAX: 941-366-1076 (Policies beginning with 61) FAX: 715-754-4527 P.O. Phone: 617-234-3801, Seaworthy Insurance Company
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