There's a new podcast featuring Hajime Hinata, K1-B0, Nagisa Shingetsu and K1-B0! I don't blame her for feeling envious. 42: Celeste. Guh, spare me from that hellish torment. There's so much to do. If you wanted to tease me, seriously, go somewhere else. This is but an illusory space, therefore the livestock exist outside of the ring of fate. It feels different from a picnic since we're on the sand. Hinazumi is the het ship between Hajime Hinata and Mahiru Koizumi from the Danganronpa fandom. Ryuichi invites Hajime to come with him due to his understanding nature, which gets Hajime to politely but instantly decline. Nobody expects ninja reflexes, Hajime. I'll try to look at it the same way. Seeing students like that makes me the happiest! You're part of the reserve course, yet you act like you understand! That's what the Sayaka I know would do. His lack of talent makes Hajime very insecure, and he sometimes views himself as being less than his peers. Hajime Hinata | Wiki | Danganronpa Amino en Espaol Amino It even had unrequited love developments that you'd enjoy. they also love to have seggs. There's something special about beachside curry. A pet would be a bit too much for me to handle though. I never thought I'd get along with a princess or gangster like it was normal. Card Stats Contents 1 Introduction 2 Graduation 3 Friendship Events 3.1 With Aoi Asahina 3.2 With Ryoma Hoshi 3.3 With Nagito Komaeda 3.4 With Makoto Naegi and Shuichi Saihara 3.5 With Chiaki Nanami 4 Seasonal Events I can keep moving forwardI'm sure of that. Butthere's more to life than just talent. I'm not sure if I'd call it pesky, butat least in my case, I don't feel like I can rely on it. Hard to ship people who have nothing but disdain for each other. I'm sure that if you're here, you're already quite familiar with how this works, but I'll still link the original post here for anyone who's late to the party. Izuru kamukura & Hajime hinata | Wiki | Danganronpa Amino 25: Nekomaru. Some things are easier to say to people you just happen to run across. It's just something that came to mind but I'm glad you agree. I've garnished your dishes with flowers from the island. Gender Canonical? "Would you just shut up, man?" Hajime Hinata passed their History test! N S U This article contains information and transcripts for Hajime Hinata 's Ultimate Talent Development Plan events. In Chapter 6, the Izuru reveal happens. It's only natural to rely on it. For many years, the Academy researched the talents of the Ultimates. (0.3797/d/www9) New Wikis. Danganronpa S Development Mode/Hajime Hinata There, it's done. Thing is, will even regular swimming be okay? For Hajime, it is given to him once he undergoes a transformation to become Izuru Kamukura and embodies all talent. and is very near and dear to my heart. Hajime Hinata is a former student of Hope's Peak Academy's Reserve Course Department and participant of the Killing School Trip featured in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. 2: Makoto. Killed Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, the Ultimate Yakuza (Gangster), Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess, and Peko Pekoyama, the Ultimate Kendoka (Swordswoman) without ascratch. Specialization isn't even necessary. That would be nice Oh, I could use that mask. Hajime helped Sonia make sure she doesn't give into beastiality. Um, out of all the items of DR, can I request a DRAE wristband? It's a lot of work preparing magic tricks, huh? Seemsfine? C: Decent characters, that could definitely be improved. Just a heads up, but while you were ranting and raving, Sonia went elsewhere. I will only cover characters from DR1, DR2, DRAE, and DRV3. The ability to stand above others, courage, strength That'll all be useful going forward. He's the annoying friend who you wish would talk less but you keep them around because they constantly surprise you. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Mikan x Hajime should die. Ranking. His Izuru side shows immense ability in everything, and often doesn't listen to anyone else, sometimes attacking or hurting others to see what will happen. Well, of course. Hard to ship people who have nothing but disdain for each other. Feel free to correct me. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. In conclusion, there are redundant verification mechanisms to maintain safety in this world. Who knows how I'll feel when that day actually comes. Hajime Hinata, while being a relatably bland protagonist, has an intriguing backstory, and a personality that contrasts with the rest of the protagonists. Like I said, the art is great, and it's a breeze to read! 21: Kaito. NOTHING. Maybe someday I'll bother to create a repertory of all the posts so you can find your favorite ships, but that will be at a later time. This place is just another tool for Ultimates to hone and polish their talents, huh? Specifically, beach activities. I know it's a fake flower, butgiving it to a girl is still kinda embarrassing. Kinda puts things into perspective when you consider I don't have any talents. I can help make dogs. Well, I'mglad to hear you're motivated! Hajime Hinata (disambiguation) View source Hajime Hinata may refer to the following: Hajime Hinata, the protagonist of the game Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. Heh, sorry. There's a younger guy who can take over my position. Few others would waste their time talking to this pile of human garbage. If you could summarize depression in two characters, this would be it. The entire vibe of this ship just screams fuck Junko Enoshima. Sorry this is so sudden, Hajime Nobody else was around to help today. Much work would need to be done to improve them. :3. I'm sure you could do it, Mondo. Even if it *is* a faithful reproduction of the original Jabberwock Island. A past employer once requested that I play a game with them. You're always taking pictures of us, but I'd like to take some of you too, Sonia. I had no idea. I do not have butterflies! Also yes. Hajime Hinata | Danganronpa: The Aftermath Wiki They may choose to immolate me at their whim! Danganronpa 2 early promotional material. I wonder if I've grown at all. I guessbut man, hearing it straight from you really bums me out. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School, Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair characters, Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School characters, Ultimate Talent Development Plan characters, Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp characters, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I wasn't expecting that! I gotcha. Why AREN'T we barbequing here anyway? Last Updated: 04 Feb 2018 Recently, the researchers were finally able to reach the experimental stage of the project. I guess action or suspense movies are more appropriate for high-school guys, huh? Hajime was never on the best terms with his parents, although he has a lot of respect for his aunt. Get out there. Despair Arc. Oh, I hear you. Maybe just be more careful with your words than usual? Wait, don't we need four people? Neopets; Bravely; Bound By Flame; Danganronpa It's cute doggy now! Despite knowing this action will upset the Future Foundation, Makoto chooses to believe Izuru and the others can be saved. He also purposefully erased his memory ofClass 77-B in order to make the third mutual killing game (the events ofDanganronpa 2) more interesting for himself. At least the dance won't go anywhere. What will they be? 1 Introduction 2 Hope Fragment 3 Friendship Events 3.1 Gonta & Hajime 3.2 Himiko & Hajime 3.3 Monokuma & Hajime 3.4 Byakuya & Hajime 3.5 Sayaka & Hajime 3.6 Hajime & Gundham 3.7 Hajime & Hiyoko 3.8 Ryoma & Hajime & Nagito 3.9 Kirumi & Hajime & Chiaki 3.10 Leon & Hajime & Chihiro 3.11 Hajime & Mahiru & Mikan 4 Special Events 4.1 Potential of Talent Share the best GIFs now >>> I'd love to work together with my dear friends as idols together, forever and ever. 44: Tsumugi. To protect such rare talent, the Academy completely concealed all evidence of Izuru's origins and identity. On each character's birthday, I'll create a detailed write-up on said character. Update: Lmaoooo hey guys it's the author of pretty much all of the pages on this wiki. You don't even realize that? I haven't exactly found anything to specialize in or devote my life to, but Moving forward, I'm going to take a more proactive approach to things that interest me. This was the culmination of everything I've learned. Hinata Hajime/Reader Saihara Shuichi/Reader Monokuma (Dangan Ronpa)/Reader Togami Byakuya/Reader Fujisaki Chihiro/Reader Kuzuryu Fuyuhiko/Reader Tanaka Gundham/Reader Soda Kazuichi/Reader Ishimaru Kiyotaka/Reader Oma Kokichi/Reader Kuwata Leon/Reader Komaeda Nagito/Reader Love him to bits. English Hajime Hinata Aliases & Titles Talent Characteristics Debuts Portrayals " It won't be just hope. Created the Alter-Ego Junko virus and Hacked it into the Neo World Program. This update includes: Sometimes they're shown along with the other "Trial Point Getters". I'll learn the controls right away. Makoto Naegi Does that have anything to do with good or bad luck? Hajime Hinata (disambiguation) | Danganronpa Wiki Yesit is sort of a bummer to think about. Hajime Hamburger I'm used to having a fresh audiencebut I can't cut any corners. All is as Atua intends. In which case, I make for a terrible friend, always making you come to me. It's the bromance of Kazuichi, but with twice as much bro and twice as much tsundere. Izuru Kamukura ( Kamukura Izuru), also known as Izuru 1.0, is one of the two main antagonists of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, and a major character in the Danganronpa series. Then step like *this*! OhI must have sounded so full of myself. He is an alternate identity of Hajime Hinata. Hajime Hinata Voice - Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (Video Game It really is strange. Huge I have experience with most genres, so by all means, please do not hesitate to rely on me. Hajime Hinata/Image Gallery | Danganronpa Wiki One is only on Hajime's route, where the two discuss their potential plans for the future, bonding over the fact that Makoto's Ultimate Lucky Student Talent being too unreliable to use for a potential career and Hajime having no talent at all allowing them to have multiple options for their futures compared to their more talented classmates. All characters / acessories / stages are listed in alphabetical order I'm surprised you put up with me. Tsumiki Mikan. Hell yeah. Precisely! If you have time to bug me, go see your kids. 26: Teruteru. However, he does not have the same admiration towards Hope's Peak that he used to, turning bitter regarding the school, due to having firsthand experience of its corruption. There's a new podcast featuring Hajime Hinata, K1-B0, Nagisa - Twitter Slash I've always wondered about how the reserve course was run! I was like, whatever, guess I'll try something. Height Just boys being boys. 38: Rantaro. What is it? Today, I will cover Hajime Hinata, Ultimate ??? Bowlroll Download. This is an opportunity to obtain proximity with beings normally timid in the physical realm. That's why I'm asking you for help, dummy. I've always believed that hard work leads to infinite potential. All rights reserved. Danganronpa MMD Model Masterlist [2021] - DeviantArt Privacy Policy. That's crazy talk, man! You know the bromance is strong when you feel betrayed when they stop trusting you in chapter 4 of SDR2. Death Battle Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. You're totally right--everyone's out and about, so I'm sure everything will work out. Isn't that right? Oh, uh, yeah. Hard not to with how much you talk about things falling from the sky or spontaneously combusting. Furthermore, both having canon implied love interests (Sayaka and later Kyoko for Makoto, AI Chiaki and Chiaki for Hajime). Oh, come *on* What do you want from me!? But which talent? 3: Nagito. If you wouldn't mind, can you let me take some too? Gundham Tanaka. Even Hajime. 30: Gonta. || DR3 Future Foundation Conference Room Stage added Height You wound me, madam! I agree, I think society would be better off like that too. Type (?) I can't choose the future!, I will fight for my future! :bulletpink:Comics : Any kind of comic goes here Though I suppose some might for a friend. 6: Hajime. Hajime Hinata There's just bits and pieces peeking out through your interpretation of the Byakuya character. Chiaki was Hajime's closest friend in Hope's Peak Academy. Reddit, Inc. 2023. The only reason this ship exists is because of them both surviving to the end of SDR2. Hajime Hinata is the main protagonist of Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, and is a survivor of the Island Life of Mutual Killing and a resident of Jabberwock Island. Thank you so much. he'[s homophobic and proud and he is a fetus Hajiyoko the ship between Hajime and Hiyoko Saionji Hinabuki the ship between Hajime and Ibuki Mioda Hinamiki the ship. Just imagine if Kyoko didn't have to do all the actual detective work for Makoto. (04 AUG 2011) Danganronpa 2 character profile overview. Ms. Sonia in a swimsuit chatting with another girl Man, if only I was born as a girl. Don't be sorry. I know about them, of course! I thought you finally accepted manga into your life! That's right, Mikan. It's just thatyou can't just do what you love and nothing else. The two are shown to be grateful to each other for their assistance, nodding at each other in thanks at the end of the Danganronpa 3 anime. Hajime Hinata | Shipping Wiki You make the flower petals like this, attach the stemand there ya go, done! I'd love to learn more about them. Kirumi Toujo, Kaede Akamatsu, Gonta Gokuhara, Rantarou Amami, Kiibo, Shuichi Saihara, Korekiyo Shinguji, Ryoma Hoshi (needs password help), Miu Iruma, ||Accessoriesfor Panta Can || Stages of Hope's Peak Gym, Bowlroll Download (Comes with Junko & MM!Junko Hair accessories), Bowlroll Download (Comes with Kazuichi Souda model), Bowlroll Download (Comes with Gundam Tanaka model), GetUploader Download *SPOILERS INCLUDED IN SLIDERS*. 9: Kazuichi. But even so, there's one thing I can say. I'm not sure how good I'd be at it but sure, I'll give it a shot. If I tried to draw this, it'd look *way* worse For all your praise, I can tell it fell short of being enthralling My battle damage grows. Is stronger, faster, tougher and smarter than every other Danganronpa character (Including people who can: fight skyscraper sized robots, dodge machine gun bullets, elbow drop the floor to make it collapse and survive the fall with no injuries, hold onto a vehicle moving at escape velocity, survive a barrage of missile hitting them with no damage and survive the roof of a building falling on them with no permanent damage). So you're fine. The character has two identities: Izuru first appeared in the 2011 light novel prequel Danganronpa Zero by Kazutaka Kodaka as a mysterious high school student whose actions resulted in genocide, while a computer avatar copy of Hajime appeared as the . With that train of thought, you might just be someone with a talent who can become anything. Hajime is just enough of a blank slate to work decently well with any of the girls in SDR2. I was told before that I could become anything I wanted. I'm not usually part of your classes, for one. I'll seek out the finest despair forevermore. Unknown (Likely late teens) Nobody's ever been left out of a gathering before. poses together, referencing their roles as the main characters to solve the mysteries at the Class Trials. Privacy Policy. 15: Kyoko. He can also be snarky, although most of this comes from being frank or blunt rather than being sarcastic. The two first met at a water fountain near the school, when Chiaki bumped into Hajime while playing a game. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Much better. Couldn't be me! Yeah, that! The tier list is based on how interesting the character is. He's more social than most, with all of his peers looking up to him and trusting him. Can Gonta have balloon dog? 147 lbs. Let's not get ahead of ourselves! If you put it that way, maybe I'll have to run into you again sometime! Once he has awaken from the program, Hajime brings the rest of his classmates to assist Makoto in stopping Ryota Mitarai from using his brainwashing anime on the rest of the world. I just wish I could have lent you a hand before you fell over. . Although this is a bad thing, it's easier to forgive due to his protagonist status; a normal guy amongst a group of anything-but-normal ultimates adds diversity, and allows the crazier characters to be more properly crazy. 5'8" I suddenly feel like I need to push myself harder. It's because you were all so accepting of me. bvh, Ever since he was a kid, hajime had epic luck and was lucky enough to be accepted into hoper of the peaks literature club despite being the pissbag he is. Might be higher if their free time events weren't just her making Hajime her bitch. Happy new years! Hajime also tends to be serious and leader-like, although he does enjoy joking around, and will go along with his more eccentric friends. Majime, Ahoge Lovers, Ahoge Duo. Because while Hajime deserves healthy relationships. [2] Modeler: _. This series will have a tier list, that gets slowly filled in as I cover characters. Oh, I was already planning on asking you, Hajime. Awakened Hajime Hinata Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Dislikes Can't say I've ever seen one of those Maybe we can watch one next. The two of them are willing to hang out together, with Shiori being remorseful and sad for the behavior of her brother and his wife, for the neglect that they showed to him. I-I get it. Despite being a genre I don't normally read, I read it all night. What, you making a snide jab at my taste!? OhI guess it is, huh? They are genuine down to feel, warmth, and breath. Whoa! You'reJunko from Makoto's class, right? I had no idea you were putting so much into solo work. Hajime Hinata (Post-Tragedy) Right now, I'm more focused on what I'm supposed to do., please hurt my friends im sick of their bullshit, now from the top make it drop thats a wap thats a wap now get a bucket and a mop thats a wap thats a wap im talking wap wap wap thats a wap thats a wap macaroni in a pot thats a wap thats a wap, I'm just trying to show my gayness the best I can., If I recalla Octagon has 8 sides." Whoa, you guys! Submit it here! Gonta don't know how to say it! Hey guys long time no see! I belong to Byakuya, I'll have you know! No, I think it's exactly as you say, Hajime. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. I've just never actually taken part before. Despite this, he thinks of her as intelligent and capable, with a lot of respect for her. :bulletpink:Edits: Show off your edits right here! Love or Hate: Hajime Hinata : r/danganronpa - Reddit Do you see what I see, Hajime? Or are you planning on avoiding her the entire time? Don't tell me you're planning to break off from the group! Him thinking he has a talent was one of his major motivators, so learning otherwise made him more insecure, resulting in an inferiority complex. Hajime Hinata | Identity V Wiki | Fandom Shipping Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Is able to completely withhold his presence making him undetectable. During the final trial of Danganronpa 2, he, Kyoko Kirigiri, and Byakuya Togami all choose to join the Neo World Program to encourage the survivors, including Hajime, risking being trapped in the program forever with faith that they will make the right choice. Yes, you're right. That reminds meSonia said that everyone in her country knows how to operate a tank. (Pls don't kill me), Hajime often worries about Ryuichi's tendencies to get himself into danger, but he is also on good terms with him. His appearance is as (intentionally) generic as one would expect from a regular high schooler. I have nothing in common with a nobody like you! Hinaegi is a slash ship between Hajime Hinata and Makoto Naegi from the Danganronpa fandom. Background Info Camping, huh That sounds like fun too. n/a, For his appearance he is pretty average looking except for his ahoge. Hajime Hinata - Danganronpa Wiki The theme of this work was "the peculiarities of daily life"! Danganronpa 3. It says it's a mascot based on the island spirits. Being a protagonist, he is meant to be relatable, and thus does not have many character traits. Now say chee--. He doesn't necessarily fit with everyone. Character He could barely tolerate the real Junko, why do you think he'd want the knock-off version? 43: Himiko. Outsider solidarity and all that, y'know? Hajime Hinata Gonta a failure as a gentleman You're saying that you're sure there will be more fun in my future, right? From frustrating incidents, to fights with co-workers, and just plain jobs from hell None of these examples are uncommon, and yet I'd never think about quitting my idol career. However, his aforementioned blandness, plus his minimal impact on plot (barring 2-6 and his leading of the class trials . Danganronpa: The Aftermath Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Leave anything related to bug to Gonta! Likes DOB This world is much safer than the real world, keep in mind. Ormaybe it's because you have Atua on your side that you're able to be so laidback? They also both have some levels of insecurities due to their lack of actual talent or particularly standout qualities. I want to try the folk dance, but I'm scared I might embarrass myself. I made this when I was like 14 as part of an RP with a few of my friends and forgot about it up until recently. It's fine. I think everyone's forgotten that you actually come from the reserve course. Hmph, *someone* is boring. Who knows! He was a Reserve Course student, with no talent, before becoming involved in the Izuru Kamukura project and escaping to the real world. Indeed! Wow, that's Kirumi for you She really *can* do anything. His role in 2-6 solidifies him as likely the best protagonist. She's more eager than ever since our lodging began. But it doesn't mean you'll get there., Even so, I will keep on living. Izuru was the end product of Izuru Kamukura Project, and as a "genius out of the ordinary . But I'm glad you like it! Killed Kazuichi Soda in order to draw out Nagito. I will fight alongside the future that everyone created for me! But that doesn't mean any old piece of crap will do. Go and *die*! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Cosmetics. Please do not hesitate. How to Create Your Own What-If Death Battles, General Death Battle TN and Template Blog, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Actuallythe game I'm playing has some items that are tricky to farm solo. Oh man. Rightand I'll be cheering on all of you all the while. She started crying, saying she didn't want to think of the future. I mean, it was kind of a last minute decision to eat on the beach, wasn't it? I simply lend my body to Atua Everyone says that art is complicated, but the chosen of Atua feel art in their very bones. Male Hmm.. We aren't staying the night, but it feels a little like camping. Eheheh New potential, huh What kind of potential could *I* have? Izuru was known as the symbol of mankind's hope and he was given the title of Ultimate Hope. This project was named theHope Cultivation Plan, though it was also called theIzuru Kamukura Projectafter the academy's founder. He was a Reserve Course student, with no talent, before becoming involved in the Izuru Kamukura project and escaping to the real world. May I borrow the game for a short while? Now for a short tier of healthy ships with not a lot of chemistry. So you do understand! There's definitely a level of begrudging respect between these two.
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