The process of dying/being brought back effecting the character could even explain losing the old ASsassin abilities if you're concerned about explaining that, if not then you don't need to worry about that angle. After recovering from the terrible wounds she sustained during the Zanosk attacks, Cylena has decided its time to rejoin the world, as the the group needs help in defeating him and his acolytes. Round out your rogue with this D&D 5E multiclass guide. These rogues take knowledge from the dead and become immersed in negative energy, eventually becoming like ghosts. This concept can be a bit similar to the previous one in execution - they even match well together - but instead of focusing on the kill, you just disguise yourself to get information, an item, or whatever you need at the moment. A cleric to whom you confess your crimes? If you're looking for some variety where your rogue cut their teeth, you needn't look further. The small town of Blinkenberg was once an active trading crossroads between many of the surrounding towns. She did tell Dremmel that she had never been on a quest before, and that if she ever got the chance she would go on a quest to find some item or person or something or another. What's more interesting is imagining how a Rogue's unique abilities are a specialization within the military and how that might've influenced your character's career during and after a war. I've noticed a lot of people talking about how the rogues they play are usually assumed, by the group, to be thieves and criminals. 134 And if that didn't bore you to death, the life you returned to when school was over was stuffy and strict. When you don't have a high strength score, it's best to stay unnoticed if you can, right? Overlapping with our world is another almost identical in design but starkly different in virtually every other way. They usually stay by themselves, don't interact much or do well with others, and speak through actions rather than words. Alternatively, your character can be abandoned and finding their parents could be the journey. Creating Good Character Backstories with AI, D&D Minotaur Character Backstory Examples, Barbarian Backstory Generator Examples: GPT-3, Fantasy Spell Description Generator Examples with GPT-3.5. Your capability on and off the battlefield was recognized time and time again, and, as a result, you're now a key player in maintaining the nation's post-war relations. She tried to steal a stick of saltwater taffy from a shop. Short version: my rogue died in Barovia and was brought back by the cleric with revivify. 23 Rogue dnd ideas | rogues, rogue dnd, fantasy armor - Pinterest Either way, I've come up with a few ideas of my own but I'd love to hear other people's! When the job calls for one. Saphira is feisty and independent. All rights reserved. If it matters, the party is currently level 7. A private investigator. Dremmels childhood was filled with fun times and mischief. But the fun part here would be that you actually didn't do anything, and you're basically keeping the lie going so you don't lose status. It probably comes with drawbacks in Barovia due to various necrotic damage resistance enemies that are undead, but I'm fine with that. 5. Many shadar-kai of the Shadowfell are masters of these macabre techniques, and some are willing to teach this path. With some arcane education in your past, the Arcane Trickster is a perfect choice for this backstory. Open up a shop in Waterdeep? Rogue: Phantom (UA) - DND 5th Edition Build classic rogue with thieves' tools, finesse weapons and Stealth. Thematically I really like it, and the phantom rogue is fun to play, but from a metagame point of view is the move into necrotic damage going to serve you well in your setting? The first thing she noticed about the outside world was the difference in the people. Growing up in the streets of Grabisco, Cherel was a bit of a scoundrel and a pickpocket. While there, he met a priest of Ixion who took him under his wing and taught him how to serve the deity. She wears brown and black garments to blend in with her surroundings. It could be someone you love is cursed, and you're searching for the only possible solution. An arcane trickster who trained under a wizard but never fully got a good hold on casting or memorizing spells, but does remember some of what they learned. Dremmel is very carefree and doesnt worry about what others think of him. A good concept to make a reckless hero - or even villain, if you want to do an evil player character. You can choose one or even multiple concepts and combine them, to make a more fleshed-out character. Just don't throw the party under the bus for your obsessions. STR 14 INT 15 WIS 13 DEX 19 CON 12 CHA 15. Essentially, you already are a famous hero - people know you, and thank you for whatever good deed you've done. Maybe you are a follower of Mask, the deity of shadows and Master of Thieves. Phantom Rogue Backstories - Rogue - Class Forums - D&D Beyond Use Phantom abilities: Whispers of the Dead, Wails from the Grave. Hes not much for fashion, but he doesnt look like a slouch either. Dremmel joined up with them and became an adventurer. Many rogues walk a fine line between life and death, risking their own lives and taking the lives of others. When in battle, he is serious and wears black leather armor with red highlights, bearing a letter R on his back. She is quick to say what she thinks, but shes not a complete idiot. A character with a good background can give a Dungeon Master several wonderful ways to hook a character into dashing into danger. Dremmel is on a quest to explore as many ruins and tombs as possible. Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition has made multiclassing easy, and there are no two classes better suited for a combination build than the Rogue and Ranger. This is also a fun concept for those who enjoy social interaction and high Charisma in their characters. A useful background doesn't have to be a full-fledged biography. See more ideas about character art, character portraits, fantasy characters. Dipping: Multiclassing very few levels into a secondary class. Hes very muscular for an elf and can run fast for long distances. The cleric was not sure where she wanted to go, but she wanted to be on a quest at some point in her life. The outsiders were taller and sported hair so short it was often bald. Rocco Giusto June 29, 2022 Last Updated: August 27, 2022 "What are you?" "Half-faded souls of the dead. When out and about the town, he usually wears a black shirt with a few buttons at the bottom of it, with a pair of well worn pants and leather walking boots. Nov 24, 2021 - Explore Jess Flo's board "phantom rogue khashtar" on Pinterest. He is incredibly serious and disciplined, refusing to let his emotions get in the way of his training. Together they solve dilemmas, engage in battles, explore, and gather treasure and knowledge. The villagers of Kallos had long necks and short legs, with lanky growths of hair coming from every possible crevice. A fun backstory to use if your character has access to magic too, like an Arcane Trickster, for example. This background could easily fit the Assassin archetype, doubling down on how deadly you are when the battle conditions are in your favor. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Joel Miller from The Last Of Us is a very good reference here, for example. Cherel is a free spirit, but he has a knack for getting into trouble. I do. She settled in the tiny village of Smalldale, which is on the borderlands between the Kingdom of Grelzia and the Kingdom of Ladale. RELATED: Dungeons & Dragons: Things You Should Never Do As A Rogue. Opens in new tab The kingdom's last war was bloody and drawn out. Secondary Class: The class that is supplementarily added to the core class. But sometimes you want to look outside the box, and with how versatile rogues are why not? Become a patron of the arts? Since then, she has traveled far and wide, visiting many small towns along the way. Still, those familiar with the Eberron campaign setting would say otherwise. His skin is a pale grey, and his eyes are a striking red color. He was exploring the Kingdom of Grabisco as well as the surrounding lands when he happened upon a group of adventurers just outside the village. He left his family and relatives to become an acolyte himself. His eyes are a dark shade of green. That's why I made this video. D&D revolves around teamwork, so a character that antagonizes working with others can be an issue. Reddit, Inc. 2023. You could be a devout follower of a dark god or a creature born entirely of the shadows of others, crafted with only the purpose of bringing death to others. For more information, please see our His hair is dirty blonde and is usually just left to do what it wants. In this video Im going to take a look at the Phantom Rogues key feature, discuss ways you can use the theme of the subclass to develop your character, provide some ways you can reflavor the subclass, and give you some ideas on how you can play the Phantom Rogue in the official 5th Edition settings.----------Support the Channel:Subscribe for more Character Build Guides, and Player Tips: this video with a friend: a Dungeoneer and support the channel directly at Patreon! to pick up a copy of Tasha's Cauldron of Everything? D&D 5E Guide: How To Multiclass - Rogue - Bell of Lost Souls Cherel has recently been called to the city of VonDanu to go on a quest for the priests of Ixion. Short version: my rogue died in Barovia and was brought back by the cleric with revivify. Its under no obligation to be truthful, and it answers as concisely as possible, eager to be free. These rogues take knowledge from the dead and become immersed in negative energy, eventually becoming like ghosts. Give your rogue the entertainer backstory, high charisma, and proficiency in performance and bam! That even leads up to interesting sessions in the game besides simply adding to your story, considering everyone at the table enjoys this type of roleplay. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Calling on spirits for aid, the Phantom Rogue has a unique bond with death. It blends the magical upbringing with the skills you've picked up to survive, even adding some humor to your character as to how they've utilized their talent through the Mage Hand Ledgerman class feature. Considering Rogues have the ability to do enormous amount of damage in a single hit, especially if you are an Assassin, being an actual professional killer is a good concept to go with. The heavy plate Paladin will not help you on your stealth checks, after all. 1. Please halt! That's why you hung up the uniform, so you could join the masses and blend into the sea of faces. Cylena has long black hair and dark brown eyes. The merchant took a liking to the young Dremmel and trained him in the arts of stealing and hiding. He learned a lot, but he felt like he was missing something. Phantom is a perfect class that doesn't jive with the Tabaxi aesthetic. Reimagining the rogue's abilities like Evasion and Sneak Attack with the lucky opportunism that comes from a youth thinking fast on their feet makes for a pretty wholesome, charming character. He can be hired as a professional Dungeon Masterfor in-person or remote games. An archaeologist (as previously mentioned), or someone who delves into dungeons and old temples and stuff in order to get items for museums (or someone they work for, maybe a collector?) And if you did want a magic-using bard without sacrificing rogue abilities, there's always being an arcane trickster and/or taking the magic initiate feat. But your friends could distract people while you do something else; it's all about synergy. With some arcane education in your past, the Arcane Trickster is a perfect choice for this backstory. This is probably what most players already go for with their Rogues - or at least try to - but it needs to be addressed. The DM chooses the trinkets form or has you roll on the Trinkets table in the Players Handbook to determine it. He doesnt like to travel or adventure alone. But maybe you decide to take the route of magical ineptitude, in which the Thief subclass even implies some trouble-making in your school days. Games Every Rogue Multiclass Combo In D&D, Ranked By Isaac Williams Updated Apr 5, 2023 Rogues in Dungeons & Dragons are already great at what they do, but multiclassing can give them some extra options both in and out of combat. At 3rd level, echoes of those who have died begin to cling to you. The two agreed that they would travel together for a while. D\u0026D 5th edition sales \"were up 41 percent in 2017 from the year before, and soared another 52 percent in 2018, the game's biggest sales year yet\". And you do have the noble background to attach here. You'll need to convince, intimidate or lie your way around your problems. Rarrgh travels the lands of Grabisco and beyond, looking to make a name for himself. She was caught. Tasha's Cauldron of Everything introduces the Phantom Rogue to D&D 5E, which uses the power of the undead to combat their enemies. Backstory Ideas For Your Rogue In DND - TheGamer Most of them live up to the worst stereotypes of the class, making a living as burglars, assassins, cutpurses, and con artists. Focusing on those two stats will make it possible for the Rogue to multiclass into Bard, as a minimum DEX score of 13 is required for this. Regularly engaging in MMOs, MOBAs, TTRPGs, TCGs, Chess, and the occasional FPS, there isn't a corner of the gaming world that Dace refuses to explore. Rogues are just as capable in combat as a Fighter. Every rogue needs someone outside of this wild life of disarming traps, chasing treasure and backstabbing basilisks to keep them centered. They can either keep to themselves and become a collector, or sell to whoever is interested in it for a lot of money. Well, there are answers to that: they can do it for the thrill of the crime, or they can do it simply because they know they can get out of it. During this quest, Dremmel had time to talk with the cleric abit more about her faith and all the things she was doing to help him become a better cleric, even though he was not formally a member of her order. A character with a good background can give a Dungeon Master several wonderful ways to hook a character into dashing into danger. He carries a simple short sword. Regardless, it's a fun idea for deceptive characters. When the group disbanded, it was up to each member to find new people to go adventuring with and Dremmel decided that he would travel with Brelaxin. Check out LitRPG Adventures Workshop today! Rogue Multiclass Options 5e: The Best Synergies To Choose There's beauty in contradiction. In addition to creating new rogue backstories, you can browse our RPG library full of thousands of generated backstories, magic items, monsters, locations, governments, taverns, and more. Is it a romantic partner that you havent revealed your true lifestyle to? Rogue Subclass Tier Ranking (Part 3) In Dungeons and Dragons 5e Once he gets to know someone, he is easy to talk to. He had a high Charisma, and he doubled his Proficiency in Deception.
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