Dr. Nathan A. Pitts-Ashburton Elementary/Middle, Graceland Park/O'Donnell Heights Elementary/Middle, Mary Ann Winterling Elementary at Bentalou, The Historic Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Elementary, The Historic Cherry Hill Elementary/Middle, See Frederick Douglass High in the ranking list, reviews and ratings detail for Frederick Douglass High, Defining Race and Ethnicity Data, National Center for Education Statistics. Douglas High School | Home Please note that a smaller student/teacher ratio does not necessarily translate to smaller class size. Percentage of Underserved Students Who Are Proficient, Percentage of Non-Underserved Students Who Are Proficient, Gap Between School and State Among Underserved Students. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Overview Student Body Test Scores Map Overview of Douglass School Douglass School is ranked 740th within Texas. custom-join-team-owl. See All News . On-campus programs can give high schoolers a taste of college life. Tweets by DouglasHSTigers Other schools in the district include Primary (grades K1, Douglas Intermediate School (grades 23), Douglas Upper Elementary (grades 45), and Douglas Middle School (grades 68). custom-athletics. National Percentile on College-level Exams. show you a personalized ranking of which colleges are the For more information about how the Department of Education defines ethnicity, see, Students eligible for free or discounted lunch at Frederick Douglass High, About Students eligible for discounted/free lunch. The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides low-cost or free meals to students in U.S. public and nonprofit private schools based on household income. Enter your preferences and profile information, and we'll Be the first to know when there is an update for It won its third consecutive 3A State Football Championship in 2010. Student/teacher ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of students by the total number of full-time equivalent teachers. Percentile Score on State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR), State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Scores Relative to U.S. News Expectations. Manage Settings Students at Frederick Douglass High are 89% African American, 9% Hispanic. MLB Draft features 12 players with ties to Colorado - Colorado High The total minority enrollment is 26%, and 39% of students are economically. test scores: Maryland State Department of Education, rankings: SchoolDigger.com, Enrollment information for Frederick Douglass High. Baltimore, MD 21217-1339. Home - Douglas High School Texas administered the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) to high school students. Find Us . Click here to submit your review. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Its mascot is the Bearcat, and its school colors are blue and white. Used with permission. This Wyoming school-related article is a stub. Frederick Douglass High is fed by the following schools:Elementary : Abbottston ElementaryElementary : Arlington ElementaryElementary : Armistead Gardens Elementary/MiddleElementary : Barclay Elementary/MiddleElementary : Bay-Brook Elementary/MiddleElementary : Beechfield Elementary/MiddleElementary : Belmont ElementaryElementary : Billie Holiday ElementaryElementary : Callaway ElementaryElementary : Calvin M. Rodwell Elementary/MiddleElementary : Cecil ElementaryElementary : Charles Carroll Barrister ElementaryElementary : City Springs Elementary/MiddleElementary : Collington Square Elementary/MiddleElementary : Commodore John Rodgers Elementary/MiddleElementary : Cross Country Elementary/MiddleElementary : Curtis Bay ElementaryElementary : Dallas F. Nicholas Senior ElementaryElementary : Dickey Hill Elementary/MiddleElementary : Dorothy I. Many districts contain only one high school. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. 2301 Gwynns Falls Parkway. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. District: Baltimore City Public Schools. Schools . In some instances, schools hire teachers part time, and some teachers are hired for specialized instruction with very small class sizes. Douglas High School 33 Davis St Douglas, MA 01516 (508) 476-4100 Tara Bennett - Interim Principal Desi Vega - Assistant Principal What's Happening 2022-2023 High School Improvement Plan District & Schools State Report Cards Posted on 02/05/2021 Read More. Public 9-12. Total Economically Disadvantaged (% of total). Height ElementaryElementary : Dr. Bernard Harris Senior ElementaryElementary : Dr. Nathan A. Pitts-Ashburton Elementary/MiddleElementary : Edgewood ElementaryElementary : Eutaw-Marshburn ElementaryElementary : Fallstaff Elementary/MiddleElementary : Federal Hill Preparatory AcademyElementary : Fort Worthington Elementary/MiddleElementary : Francis Scott Key Elementary/MiddleElementary : Franklin Square Elementary/MiddleElementary : Frederick ElementaryElementary : Furley ElementaryElementary : Furman Templeton Preparatory AcademyElementary : Gardenville ElementaryElementary : Garrett Heights Elementary/MiddleElementary : George Washington ElementaryElementary : Glenmount Elementary/MiddleElementary : Govans ElementaryElementary : Graceland Park/O'Donnell Heights Elementary/MiddleElementary : Gwynns Falls ElementaryElementary : Hamilton Elementary/MiddleElementary : Hampden Elementary/MiddleElementary : Hampstead Hill AcademyElementary : Harford Heights ElementaryElementary : Harlem Park Elementary/MiddleElementary : Hazelwood Elementary/MiddleElementary : Highlandtown Elementary/Middle #215Elementary : Highlandtown Elementary/Middle #237Elementary : Hilton ElementaryElementary : Holabird AcademyElementary : James McHenry Elementary/MiddleElementary : John Ruhrah Elementary/MiddleElementary : Johnston Square ElementaryElementary : Lakeland Elementary/MiddleElementary : Leith Walk Elementary/MiddleElementary : Liberty ElementaryElementary : Maree Garnett Farring Elementary/MiddleElementary : Margaret Brent Elementary/MiddleElementary : Mary Ann Winterling Elementary at BentalouElementary : Mary E. Rodman ElementaryElementary : Matthew A. Henson ElementaryElementary : Medfield Heights ElementaryElementary : Montebello Elementary/MiddleElementary : Moravia Park ElementaryElementary : Morrell Park Elementary/MiddleElementary : Mount Royal Elementary/MiddleElementary : North Bend Elementary/MiddleElementary : Northwood ElementaryElementary : Park Heights AcademyElementary : Pimlico Elementary/MiddleElementary : Robert W. Coleman ElementaryElementary : Roland Park Elementary/MiddleElementary : Rosemont Elementary/MiddleElementary : Sandtown-Winchester Achievement AcademyElementary : Sinclair Lane ElementaryElementary : Steuart Hill Academic AcademyElementary : Tench Tilghman Elementary/MiddleElementary : The Belair-Edison SchoolElementary : The Historic Samuel Coleridge-Taylor ElementaryElementary : The Mount Washington SchoolElementary : Thomas Jefferson Elementary/MiddleElementary : Thomas Johnson Elementary/MiddleElementary : Violetville Elementary/MiddleElementary : Walter P. Carter Elementary/MiddleElementary : Waverly Elementary/MiddleElementary : Westport AcademyElementary : Wildwood Elementary/MiddleElementary : William Paca ElementaryElementary : Windsor Hills Elementary/MiddleElementary : Wolfe Street AcademyElementary : Woodhome Elementary/MiddleElementary : Yorkwood ElementaryMiddle : Booker T. Washington MiddleMiddle : Katherine Johnson Global AcademyMiddle : Stadium SchoolMiddle : The Crossroads SchoolMiddle : The Historic Cherry Hill Elementary/MiddleMiddle : Vanguard Collegiate Middle, Map and boundary of Frederick Douglass High. Get one-on-one help building your admissions strategy from CollegeAdvisor's team of over 400+ Admissions Experts. It is one of four public schools in Douglas, a town of about 6,100 people, and part of Converse County School District 1. These figures display how well the school as a whole performed in reading, mathematics, and science. custom-calendar. These counts and percentages of students and teachers are from data reported by schools to the government. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; 543 North Waller Avenue Chicago, IL 60644 Phone: (773) 534-6176 Fax: (773) 534-6172 Chicago Public Schools Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources CPS Non-Discrimination Statement. Test-takers have the option to complete the online exam at home or in person at an official testing center. Douglas High School 1500 E 15th Street Douglas, AZ 85607 (520) 364-3462. This approach is child-centered and emphasizes active learning. Douglass School is ranked 740th U.S. News calculated a College Readiness Index based on AP/IB exam participation rates and percentages of students passing at least one AP/IB exam. This measures the proficiency on state exams among typically underperforming subgroups. In the 2021-22 school year, 784 students attended Frederick Douglass High. Frederick Douglass High School in Baltimore MD See reviews and ratings of this school from students, alumni, staff and others. Some students take the class early to try to gain an edge in college admissions. International Baccalaureate (IB) data provided by International Baccalaureate of North America. Frederick Douglass Academy High School Frederick Douglass Academy High School. Frederick Douglass High was not ranked this year due to insufficient test score data. More Headlines . Frederick Douglass High. Live Feed . (410) 396-7821. The most meaningful gifts often don't cost money, teachers say. National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education. Want to learn how to stand out to Admissions Officers at your top colleges? AP and Advanced Placement are registered trademarks of the College Board. This school does not have enough reviews yet.