It took no imagination to envision the possible downsides. Frequently Asked Questions - Duke Kunshan University We won't prepare you simply for a job. Without a higher education policy geared to rapid national development, there would have been no such thing as the joint venture idea. Duke Kunshan University Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan China (Mainland) Get more details Compare 16 Undergraduate programs 5 Postgraduate programs $60435 Average tuition fee Available Scholarship About Duke Kunshan University Breaking new ground in education Duke Kunshan University is redefining what it means to be a global university. Landscape photography is a kind of inquirya visual snapshot of a particular environment. But Duke insisted that we would not decide about the undergraduate program until we had grown confident that we could actually mount Duke-quality education in Kunshan. As you know, we were thrilled with the admissions result. Working in close partnership with the Franklin Humanities Institute, the HRC functions as a key research bridge between faculty and students at Duke and DKU. [19][20], An article in the Financial Times stated that although Duke Kunshan University had signed legally binding agreements with Education Ministry of China that guaranteed academic freedom on campus, many academics had doubts that the agreements would be upheld. A generation later, persuaded that it would languish in such a remote location, this college picked itself up and moved to a new campus in Durham, North Carolina, a new city sprouting up in the then-new economy of the American South where it found financial backers, including Washington Duke. Not a single difficulty could be ducked. [18] Many of the majors have multiple tracks or concentrations that students choose between. I remember vividly what it was like to come to this site. Class of 2023: An eye-opening university experience November 1, 2022 (11:59 PM ET) Early Decision Application Deadline January 3, 2023 (11:59 PM ET) Regular Decision Application Deadline May 1, 2023 (11:59 PM ET) Regular Decision Acceptance Deadline. Through the process, Duke academic departments will determine how courses will count towards the Duke degree. After preliminary negotiations, Provost Lange and I came to Kunshan for the first time in January 2010. In every culture that Im familiar with, this level of instruction served the double function of preserving a core intellectual heritage and equipping a chosen group for leadership roles. To guarantee that Duke Kunshan met the standards of a leading global university, Duke would devise the admissions criteria, we would approve the faculty, we would design the curriculum. Duke first-year students cannot take more than 4.5 credits on this program. The DKU partnership grows Dukes position as an international leader in education and research. Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kunshan is a 20-minute ride by high speed train from Shanghai, China. Articles are produced by staff and faculty across the university and health system to comprise a one-stop-shop for news from around Duke. In China, of course, it was preposterous to think that a city of a mere 1.6 million could host a world-famous school. Brodhead: Where Duke Kunshan University Came from and Why It Matters In a speech Wednesday, the president emeritus encouraged undergraduates to make Duke Kunshan 'the inspiring thing you envisioned when you chose to come' Individualized career support and guidance throughout a student's . Due to this tight link of research innovation to rising living standards, societies wishing the benefits of development have embraced universities as engines of growth and progress. As students return to campus, here's how administrators see it as a potential 'unifying symbol', "Applicants for slots at its Kunshan, China campus swamping Duke projections. "It's about what students need to learn, and that doesn't actually change when you move a face-to-face class online. Letter grades for DKU courses will not appear on the Duke transcript and will not be calculated in the Duke GPA. Copy and paste the URL below to share this page. This made me think that I might speak today about topics rarely mentioned at places that have been around a long time. Leanora Minai of OCS is the editor of the 'Working@Duke' edition. What the world deeply wants are people with active minds, people who are always asking questions, always learning; people who have followed their curiosity in enough directions that they can bring disparate bodies of knowledge together in new ways to solve new problems; people who can communicate confidently and clearly and who can work effectively with others, including those from different origins, to come up with a better answer than anyone could arrive at on his own; people who delight to use their minds for personal growth and for the common good. Tsinghua was born with critical early involvement from Americans. A series of arts and culture programs aim to promote culture and diversity at DKU. Over the past decades, research conducted in universities has led to virtually all of the breakthroughs in science, technology and policy that have improved the quality of human life and lent dynamism to economies around the world. Workshops and Events: including Skill Workshops. GEO will help Duke students at DKU submit DKU courses to the Duke course approval process. Read More Experiential Learning Explore how it's done in the real world. Closer to home, Duke completed major renovations to its historic campus and played a crucial role in the revitalization of downtown Durham. Its your turn now, Partner Number Five. 2011 Application for Preparation Approval of Duke Kunshan University submitted to Jiangsu Provincial Bureau of Education, Aug. 2012 Preparation Approval from the, Sep. 2012 Appointments of Duke Kunshan Chancellor and Executive Vice Chancellor, Dec. 2012 Celebration Ceremony of Preparation Approval in Kunshan, Apr. Since Duke is a prestigious school, this had to be a prestigious Chinese university. Located at the heart of the Yangtze River Delta region in eastern Chinas Jiangsu province, Kunshan neighbors both Shanghai and Suzhou, two dynamic cities. At Duke Kunshan University in China, a new normal has set instudents can go without masks in class, attend face-to-face office hours with professors and share meals with friends. Richard Brodhead: What Students Have Learned From Facing Disruption. Dynamic, communal inquiry in a seminar setting is one of the most electrifying activities in the entire world. Duke Kunshan University | World University Rankings | THE AccessSurgery Trial Begins. Duke Kunshan University expects students to hold themselves to the highest standards for honesty, integrity, fairness, and responsibility in their academic and co-curricular endeavors. Each student's immigration status is unique. Duke Kunshan University Humanities Research Center The trial began in June 2023. At last we came to Kunshan. Ukraine, Kiev Instead of a site for transitory gatherings, a Kunshan campus would give a hub for deep research engagement with China. Registration. Soon, discussions had advanced to the point where Duke and Kunshan could sign a Cooperative Establishment Agreement setting out the ground rules for our work together. Once DKU spring courses are published, students with open applications should complete the 'DKU Course Interest Form' in their MyExperientialEd application. [35][36], .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct,.mw-parser-output .geo-inline-hidden{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}31253.67N 1205335.96E / 31.4176861N 120.8933222E / 31.4176861; 120.8933222. Formed through a partnership between Duke University and Wuhan University, and with investment from the city of Kunshan, DKU creates access to a Duke education that is well-suited to the academic, cultural, and professional needs of Chinese and international students, while supporting the scholarly interests of the Duke community in China. English is the official language of instruction at Duke Kunshan University. Global leaders in business and law converged on Kunshan for a conference on cross-border mergers and acquisition. The first universities founded in what is now the United States imported models the colonists knew from England. Yes. Studentsmust take DKU courses or a combination of Duke and DKU courses (if available) while enrolled at DKU. MMS: Duke Kunshan University - Fuqua School of Business Tuition + Costs - MMS: Duke Kunshan University This led to the strategic choice to step up investment in top-tier Chinese universities with the aim of making them competitive with the best in the world. International Admissions - Why Duke Kunshan University? Duke Kunshan is a world-class liberal arts university based in Kunshan, China, that offers a range of high quality, innovative academic programs for students from around the world. Partly though the influence of Executive Vice Chancellor Denis Simon, a leading student of innovation in modern China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Technology chose Kunshan as the site for a conference on emerging patterns of innovation. And so, with caution, we took the next step. China (Mainland), QS Master's Events in Middle East and Africa,, Computation and Design with tracks in Computer Science, Social Policy, and Digital Media, Global Health with tracks in Biology and Public Policy, Material Science with tracks in Physics and Chemistry, Molecular Bioscience with tracks in Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Biogeochemistry, and Biophysics, Find your perfect University program with our matching tool. Research on environmental topics won competitive financial support from Jiangsu Province and the national research council. On-campus dining halls are open for three meals a day, seven days a week, but periodically close for major holidays and when the university campus is closed. No. I will conclude with a thought that is at once totally obvious and actually quite stupefying. Read on Duke Kunshan University. Duke Kunshan currently offers two graduate master's degree programs through Duke Graduate School. Home | Library | Duke Kunshan University The idea was that Duke and Kunshan could together capture one of the handful of JVU opportunities to be approved by Chinas Ministry of Education, with Kunshan providing material support like the land and the buildings and Duke supplying the intellectual capital. Graduate Home - Graduate Programs | Duke Kunshan University [33], Alumni include 1 Rhodes Scholar,[34] 2 Yenching Scholars, and 2 Schwarzman Scholars. We do not expect you to cease to believe what you came here believing. So what if Kunshan could develop a major university? Welcome | Duke Office of DKU Relations Although the institution is a joint venture between Duke University and Wuhan University, it is an independently accredited university. My Accounts; DKU Home; About. There was literally nothing there -- but then again, in 1924, there had been nothing but forest and a pig farm where Duke University was soon to stand. Duke Kunshan University | Duke Today Emily Colleen McWilliams (Duke Kunshan University), "Evidentialism and A native of Fairfield, CT, Brodhead . Starting today, you will help set this schools character and habits. As more social sectors require more mental training, higher education has opened its doors far beyond the small populations it was first designed to serve. This is why the record of your official coursework will not begin to capture what you have learned here. The Ebola outbreak was a frightening event that year, and I remember Chinese and American students arguing over the rights or wrongs of medical quarantine -- and thus beginning to understand how a single reality can hold very different meanings if you come from a culture that puts highest priority on the individual rights or on the well-being of the larger community. Fudan, Shanghai Jiao Tong, these are in Shanghai! Duke Kunshan University is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all faculty, students, and staff. AccessSurgery Trial Begins | Duke University Medical Center Library Online Please note that the DKU curriculum does not match up with the Duke curriculum, and DKU currently does not have a senior class. Universities in Kiev | List of Kiev colleges and institutes - UniPage Kyiv was founded in 482. In 1147, the Grand Duke of Kyiv and - Reddit This city went from a rural backwater to a center for technology and advanced manufacturing -- and from a GDP of US$198 million in 1980 to GDP of US$52 billion in 2017, and from a 1980 per capita income of US$378 to a 2017 per capita income of US$32,000, one of the very highest in China -- in little more than one generation. Everyone understood that this was a once-a-century decision, a venture with grave risks but the potential for extremely high rewards. DKU welcomed the inaugural class in its undergraduate degree program in August 2018. Under this idea, China would acquaint itself with the best global standards of research and pedagogy by inviting certain foreign universities to establish their models of education in new institutions in China. It then went about building academic strength including in professional schools that surrounded the undergraduate college. At a time when all higher education needs to prepare students for a world where China will be a factor in every possible issue -- economic, diplomatic, climatological and all the rest -- this was a chance for Duke to become far more deeply knowledgeable about China across the board. To our further good fortune, Professor Haiyan Gao, a distinguished scientist and chair of the Duke Department of Physics who had spent her childhood in Kunshan, agreed to become Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. What is the mission of Duke Kunshan University? In addition to the in-person ceremony for members of the Class of 2023 in China, DKU has partnered with Duke to invite graduating students to a commencement ceremony and reception in . Email notices will inform students of closures. Then and only then would we learn the answer to the existential question: Now that we had built it, would anyone come? from 1,000 USD; Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University. The Dayu Bay shopping area, located 10 minutes from campus, offers some additional restaurant options. Students must bein compliance with all Duke, DKU,and governmental travel restrictions and immigration rules. Admissions | International Admissions - Duke Kunshan University Admissions How to Apply International students can apply to Duke Kunshan University using the Common Application website. Let me be explicit about what Duke Kunshan requires from you for the experiment to work. Go downtown and visit the museum of the history of Kunshan. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The campus is being constructed in phases, with Phase I designed by American design and architecture firm Gensler. We were discussing forming a Chinese university that confers a Duke University degree. And, most daunting but most tempting of all, what Kunshan and China were seeking gave Duke a chance not to replicate what we already do at home but actually to reconsider undergraduate education from the ground up, to devise a new educational model that would draw on the best of existing practice yet be free to answer afresh the question, What does a student actually need to know in the first half of the 21st century and how can that training best be accomplished? A university that could seize those opportunities would have done far more than build a China campus. Some of these became major successes almost instantly: Duke Medical School, started from scratch in 1930, was regarded as a leading medical school a mere 10 years later. Having had broad experience of other universities before coming to Duke, I can testify to Dukes distinctive attitude toward the new. About DKU | Duke Office of DKU Relations Palo Alto was mostly farms before Stanford was created there. Dont miss the chance. International Master of Environmental Policy As the centre of Kyivan (Kievan) Rus, the first eastern Slavic state, 1,000 years ago, it acquired the title "Mother of Rus Cities."It was severely damaged during World War II, but by the mid . About the Duke Kunshan campus By 1900 Trinity had become one of the best-known liberal arts colleges in the South. It was in that spirit that Duke launched Duke Kunshan University (DKU) a joint venture university in China. In 2022, Kyiv City Council rescinded this decree, saying it was due to a "historical misunderstanding." Youll grasp right away how this made Duke receptive to the Kunshan proposal. For example, some brands might take advantage of unsubstantiated claims trending online about product components, and offer ingredient-free alternatives that purport to be healthier than the current offerings in the market, sometimes at a higher price. This is done by providing as many DKU students as possible with a unique and memorable excursion experience in China, to explore its culture, history and natural offerings. A 90-foot statue stands at the new main entrance to the Duke Kunshan University campus. And what is sometimes called the human-capacity-building work of universities has grown in parallel with their research function. Meanwhile, 8,000 miles away, a group of Duke faculty led by Professor Noah Pickus began planning the distinctive curriculum that would embody our best ideas about twenty-first century education. But until this week, I have never met first students, the very first freshman class to enter the school. We seek to create a world-class liberal arts and research university that offers a comprehensive range of academic programs, both for students from China and throughout the world. All courses that you take at DKU will be taught by Duke faculty or DKU faculty. Find the latest world rank for Duke Kunshan University and key information for prospective students.. When I visited the first Duke Kunshan classes in fall 2014, students told me that by living so closely together, Chinese and American students learned how one anothers languages are actually spoken in daily life, which can be quite different from the way they are taught in school. MMS: Duke Kunshan University Application Instructions Help us get to know you better We want to ensure that you submit your best possible application, so we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our application requirements and process in advance of applying. We welcome your comments and suggestions! The oldest universities in Europe -- the University of Bologna, the University of Paris, Oxford, Cambridge -- have been in operation for nearly 1,000 years. Later, with many others, Wuhan lent us the excellent Feng Youmei, who will become chancellor this fall. News | Duke Kunshan University Faculty Jobs - Employment | Duke Kunshan University The second vowel is pronounced as a separate syllable, and sounds like the "ee" sound in "keel.". Aerial view of Duke Kunshan University campus, Academic building at Duke Kunshan University. This brings us to Partner Number Three. First, in the long history of universities, cross-border borrowing has been the norm, not the exception. The way people begin a project always has outsized impact on how the work continues. Stanfords intellectual energy helped transform its surroundings into Silicon Valley, the epicenter of the new economy. Course descriptions for past DKU courses can be found on the Registrarpage. In maintaining historically unprecedented levels of development since 1978, China has paid shrewd attention to the changing function of higher education. Geoffrey Mock of University Communications is the editor of the 'News' edition. This was the case in every other JV institution. Come make Duke Kunshan University the inspiring thing you envisioned when you chose to come. The emergence of China is the most significant new fact in contemporary world history. Visit DKU Website to Learn More Undergraduate students declare their major in sophomore year. An exceptional group of international faculty recruited by Duke specifically for Duke Kunshan's unique curriculum. Photos courtesy of Duke Kunshan University. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. At DKU, you will find an undergraduate education that opens you up to a world of possibilities! Tuition & Cost Of Attendance - Duke Kunshan University The former associate dean of the School of Electronic Information at Wuhan University succeeds Dr. Xiaolin Chang, who served for a decade as Duke Kunshan's first vice chancellor for government relations. [12], Duke Kunshan University admitted its first undergraduate students as part of the Class of 2022. Undergraduates also receive a graduation certificate and diploma officially approved by the Chinese MOE. Some of the MOE approved majors have multiple tracks. By working together through so many massive challenges, the Kunshan, Duke and Wuhan partners began to build the single most critical ingredient needed for success: mutual understanding and growing trust.. Here you need to know something about the special character of Duke, and since you will one day be Duke University alumni, its fitting that you should be acquainted with the history. No one can have any idea how much work was required on how many different fronts, by people who already had full-time jobs, laboring at tasks they had never done before. Duke Kunshan University (DKU) is a university in Kunshan, Jiangsu, China. Sign up for free IELTS webinars and prep material, Ethics and Leadership with tracks in Philosophy, Religious Studies, and Public Policy, Global China Studies with tracks in Chinese History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Economics, and Political Science, Global Cultural Studies with tracks in World Literature and World History, Media and Arts with tracks in Creative Practice and Art History, U.S. Studies with tracks in American History, American Literature, Political Science, and Public Policy, Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences with tracks in Computer Science and Mathematics, Environmental Science with tracks in Biogeochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, and Public Policy, Global Health with Tracks in Biology and Public Policy, Material Sciences with tracks in Physics and Chemistry, Molecular Bioscience with Tracks in Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Biogeochemistry, and Biophysics, Behavioral Science with tracks in Psychology and Neuroscience, Cultures and Movements with tracks in Cultural Anthropology, Sociology, and World History, Institutions and Governance with tracks in Economics, Political Science, and Public Policy, Political Economy with tracks in Economics, Political Science, and Public Policy, Duke Kunshan University, Duke Kunshan University (DKU) is a partnership of Duke University and Wuhan University to create a world-class university offering a range of academic programs and conferences for students from China and throughout the world. Having asked every question they could think of, the Duke faculty and trustees gave their warm endorsement to the Duke Kunshan program in late autumn of 2016. They are also exciting learning opportunities for students to have face-to-face conversations with artists and experts from all over the world. The digital era and the ubiquity of social media have intensified the impact of misleading advertising. In the almost magical way I have grown somewhat used to, within 10 years, the Duke Global Health Institute was a powerful presence on campus and around the world and ranked among the top four such programs by outside reviewers. Duke Kunshan's graduate and undergraduate degree programs lead to Duke University degrees. Articles are produced by staff and faculty across the university and health system to comprise a one-stop-shop for news from around Duke. He quickly shared this conversation with Duke Provost Peter Lange and myself. New DKU graduates excitedly prepare for the procession into the Karsh Center ceremony. If you are interested in studying away at Duke Kunshan University this year, please complete the online application on MyExperientialEd. See why", "Duke Kunshan University accepts 250 students to its class of 2022", "13. Dr. (Helen) Hong Xu, University Librarian of Duke Kunshan University, has been elected as a Standing Committee member on the IFLA Library Buildings and Equipment Section for the term 2023-2027. During the COVID-19 public health crisis, GEO is piloting a unique opportunity for Duke University undergraduates to study away at DKU. Where to look for scholarship opportunities, How to apply to scholarships relevant to you, A list of available scholarships around the world, Are you planning to take an English language test? Read More Curriculum Learn all the basics while building professional skills. If you are too timid to seek out conversation with your instructors, you will miss the rich relationships your classes could bring. Then there were all the academic operations to be created out of thin air. [22][23], Duke Kunshan is located in a 200-acre campus in Kunshan, a city in southeastern Jiangsu province. [31], Duke Kunshan University alumni are coterminous with Duke Alumni,[32] being conferred Duke University undergraduate or graduate degrees (accredited by SACSCOC) upon graduation. A difference of Duke Kunshans offerings from what is found at even the best liberal arts colleges is that they typically construct a curriculum out of separate departmental offerings and hope students will make the links. With students from China, the U.S., and around the world, Duke Kunshan will be global from Day One. In 1147, the Grand Duke of Kyiv and ruler of the Kyivan Rus', Yuriy Dolhoruky, issued a decree founding Moscow. Last let me say a word about liberal arts education. Home | International Admissions - Duke Kunshan University DKU shares Dukes expectations of high-quality course content and strong academic rigor. Learn. Duke students at DKU will have Duke academic advisors who are trained to understand their unique situation at DKU. All DKU 100-level courses should be suitable for first-year students. Duke Kunshan University : Rankings, Fees & Courses Details | Top [14], All undergraduate applications for Duke Kunshan are submitted using the Common Application. However, the current blockchain design Admissions | International Admissions - Duke Kunshan University Phase 2 was completed in 2023. The co-directors work with an advisory board of scholars from both universities. We were enormously fortunate that Wuhan University under then-President Li Hongxiao saw the importance of the project for China and enlisted Wuhan as Partner Number Four. Duke Kunshan University (DKU) is a collaborative partnership of Duke University, Wuhan University and the Municipality of Kunshan, China.
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