For applications submitted later, final decisions will depend on the availability of the selections committee. Russian requires an official written and oral proficiency examination at Duke for foreign language placement. Communications regarding your compliance status can be found by logging into the Student Health Gateway and clicking on Messages on the left tool bar. Upon accepting the offer of admission, a student will receive an email from our office with a User Name and password in order to complete the online Request for Temporary Visa Form - Part II. English Language Proficiency Test Scores | The Graduate School PhD Program in Nursing Graduate Student Handbook, Duke University Graduate School English language proficiency requirements, Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) Qualifying Exam. The 34.0 course credits may include, no more than 1.0 course credit in physical education activity courses (i.e., two half-credit activity courses, including military science physical activity courses), no more than 4.0 course credits in dance/American Dance Festival technique/performance courses (i.e., eight half-credit courses), no more than 2.0 course credits in house courses (i.e., four half-credit courses), no more than 4.0 course credits in military science, no more than 4.0 course credits electively taken on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading basis (not including courses offered only on that basis), no more than four interinstitutional courses, no more than 6.0 course credits in graduate and professional school courses not listed in the Duke University Bulletin of Undergraduate Instruction. physical education or house course) per semester. The Graduate School will receive the scores as long as you choose institution code 5156. Ethical Inquiry (EI): 2.0 course credits. Tdap vaccine was licensed in 2005 and is not available in all countries. If your initial enrollment was Fall 2020 semester or Spring Semester 2021, the coursework outside the U.S. will count towards your Duke degree but will not count towards your F-1 status because you were not an F-1 student during that time. Our goal is to ensure that students have the resources to attend and thrivefrom application to graduation and all the experiences in between. I have been out for more than 5 months. If you are placed on a U.S. companys payroll, you must have Curricular Practical Training in order for the company to pay you or give you access to their systems. A single course can be used to satisfy up to three Modes of Inquiry, as well as one Area of Knowledge. Duke University Center for International and Global Studies Advanced Placement credits, international placement credits, and prematriculation credits for college courses taken elsewhere before matriculation in the first-year class at Duke cannot satisfy Areas of Knowledge or Modes of Inquiry requirements. It also fosters a capacity for the critical evaluation of knowledge and the methods of discovery. Ask Educational Testing Service to report scores to the Duke University Graduate School. Cross-Cultural Inquiry (CCI): 2.0 course credits. The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): The minimum required score on the TOEFL is 100 on the iBT (or 600 on the paper based test). Yes. One of these three doses MUST be a Tdap and one must have been given within the last 10 years. All certificate programs have a required introductory course as well as a required culminating capstone course. Upload any additional immunization documentation to your your Student Health Gateway under the Medical Clearances- Immunization Reqs Form update button. Campus Box 103960 Please note that your TB testing will remain non-compliant until you complete the test and we receive the results. You are affected if you took a leave of absence or was suspended from Duke. The Duke Unique ID number that Student Health uses is a seven-digit number that starts with either a zero or a one. Although no more than two D grades can count toward the 34.0-course-credit requirement, courses in which D grades are earned satisfy major, minor, and certificate requirements. A maximum of two majors may be recorded on a students record. English for International Students The following requirements must be met by international applicants to all academic programs in the Duke University School of Nursing. 2022-2023 School of Nursing Bulletin. Please send me an electronic DS-2019 and a paper DS-2019. Visit our Resource Guide to learn more and apply for this funding. Dr. Kevin D'Arco, Senior Associate Dean of International Students Our Students. After you have begun an application, you can access your profile in the MyExperientialEdonline application portal. F-1 Visa Classification | Visa Services | Duke - Duke University (See policies in the section Independent Study.). At least half the courses taken to satisfy a certificate must be taken at Duke, although individual programs may require that a greater proportion be taken at Duke. Duke University typically accepts and attracts "A-" average high school students with an average GPA around 3.94. If I am international student in my final semester, currently abroad, and I cannot return to the U.S. due to travel restrictions. Keep in mind that you can still schedule an appointment with the consulate. Incoming students must have at least part of their funding coming from non-family sources (government sponsorship, private scholarship, home institution scholarship, etc.) If you enter the U.S. on the Visa Waiver program (visitor), DHS regulations state you cannot start any credit bearing classes as a visitor and you cannot file for a change of status on the Visa Waiver Program. 10:19 am, 101 Bryan Center, Durham, NC 27710 Will I be able to apply for OPT? VIS ADMISSIONS | Global Education Office - Duke University Brad L. Teague, Ph.D. Students proposing an interdepartmental major must present a descriptive title for the major and a rationale for how the program of study will help them realize their intellectual goals. Use . Duke University: HOME PAGE | Global Education Office STEP 5: Monitor your Duke Email. Spring semester-only applications will not be considered due to housing limitations on the Duke campus. It is the students responsibility to submit the request to their current school. Please note, however, that financial assistance from Duke, if offered, may or may not cover the minimum amount required for a visa eligibility form to be issued. I would like to leave for the U.S. as soon as possible. Enrollment in a full-time, undergraduate course of studies at an accredited university based in a country other than the U.S. STEP 1:Complete the onlineTuberculosis Screening Questionnaire. For purposes of establishing the length of residence of a student admitted in transfer, the semesters completed at the institution previously attended are counted as semesters of residence at Duke. You already have one for me. This report includes campus crime statistics and the University's safety and security policies. The number of meeting hours per term is the same as for regular courses of equivalent credit. It . Why am I receiving this email? If you have a valid passport, an F-1 visa in your passport, an I-20 with appropriate travel endorsement, and there are no current government or airline restrictions, you should be able travel to the United States. Duke has chosen to divide the humanities and natural sciences further to assure that undergraduates engage the full range of substantive concerns and approaches there. Global Partner applicants: Applicants from all partner institutions must submit a letter of nomination from their home institution. The applicants score must not be more than two years old, and an official copy must be sent to Duke University directly from the testing agency. International students are encouraged to thoroughly review the program licensing requirements prior to applying to ensure that all criteria can be met. Please refer to the second question in this FAQ. The directors of undergraduate studies in the two departments must agree to an initial list of courses that the student will take in the two departments and jointly approve any subsequent changes to that course of study. Slideshow: Images of Duke's Scenic Campus, VIS Students Pose for Photos on Abele Quad, 100 level: Elementary (101-102, or intensive 111, or accelerated 112) 200 level: Intermediate (203-204, or intensive 212, or accelerated 213) 300 level: Advanced The school has exceptionally high admission requirements for SAT and ACT scores, generally admitting students who score in the top 2 percent (SAT 1468/1558 ACT 33/35). If the fee has not expired, transfer instructions are at: Students: SEVP Now Accepts Online I-901 SEVIS Fee Transfer Requests. To accomplish this, they need to have a sustained engagement with writing throughout their undergraduate career. Such a rich setting provides students with opportunities to become involved in a community of learning and to engage in the process of discovery that allows them to be active participants in the acquisition, critical evaluation, and application of knowledge. We moved your start date to Fall 2021 but we cannot issue the I-20 or DS-2019 until we receive the new webform. 2023 DUKE STUDENT AFFAIRS. The students must have the ability to express thoughts quickly and clearly in both spoken and written English. Courses in quantitative studies, including computer science, mathematics, and statistical science, help develop skills of inference and analysis. Depending on placement results, students are either exempt from, or placed into, English course(s). A discussion section, with an enrollment limit set by the individual department, is an integral part of a larger regular course, and every member of the class is enrolled. We encourage domestic students to receive their immunizations and complete their TB testing before arriving on campus. Yes, but an estimate is also okay. I was enrolled overseas for the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters and consider myself a continuing student, not a new student. The question is really designed for a person who travels and not necessarily a person who has lived their entire life in a different country. Fax:(919) 681-8492Email Duke Visa Services, "toggle " + jQuery(this).prev().text() + " sub nav", Registrations, Walk-Ins, and Appointments, Travel to Contiguous Territory & Adjacent Islands. Yes. Explore key university buildings and hear from Duke students about life on campus in this virtual tourwith 360-degree photos and videos. Duke University International Student Report - College Factual STEP 2:You will receive an email after completing thequestionnaire. If you started classes outside the U.S. in Fall 2020 or Spring 2021, you are not eligible to apply for Optional Practical Training. Why must I process another webform application? A maximum of one research independent study (coded R) may also count toward the requirement of writing-intensive courses (W) in the disciplines. I was residing outside the United States and taking Duke online classes in Fall 2020 and I am waiting for my SEVIS file to be reopened. This doesnt mean you received the dose inappropriately it just means it doesnt match NC law. . For most of the university, we report Fall and Spring enrollment periods. You can choose the dropdown box for hepatitis B unspecified. Thus, students must take at least 3.0 course credits worth of writing courses at Duke: a) Writing 101 in their first year and b) two writing-intensive courses (W) in the disciplines, at least one of which must be taken after their first year. Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. How does this affect my F-1 or J-1 status? Spring 2021 is my final semester at Duke University. Note that this information is for all students who were scheduled to arrive in Fall 2020 but deferred to Fall 2021. You must provide us with these missing items within 30 days of the first day of class. Forms cannot be signed by family members. Student Vaccination Requirements for Fall Semester | Duke Today Some of the programs that do not have summer initial enrollment are the Graduate School and the Undergraduate programs. We cannot assist you because it is your payment. Duke University Admission requirements, GPA, IB, SAT scores needed Fall 2021 Guidelines for International Students. International students will be given the opportunity to complete their TB . We will only accept a qualitative titer if the report defines what numeric reference they use to determine a positive or reactive result. During the first year: one full-course seminar (i.e., a 1.0-credit course, not partial credit courses). Our decisions are based on a student's comprehensive application materials, with or without test scores. Departmental and program majors require a minimum of ten courses; interdepartmental majors require a minimum of fourteen courses. Enrollment Prerequisites Our program requires all admitted students to complete the courses and required units listed below before starting classes. 02. This year, 25 Duke graduate students received the Graduate Awards for Research and Training and four undergraduate students won the Undergraduate Summer Awards for Research and Academic Activities . The foreign national should not plan to work in the United States since one's ability to pay must be based upon resources available at the time of application. What are my options? Please check back in a few days for access. These services will be billed to the students insurance company. Any applicant who does not currently hold a United States permanent resident card (green card) or who has never studied at a US institution must submit scores from: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), administered through the Educational Testing Service (specify institution code 5156 to ensure that TOEFL scores are reported to Duke), or. You can leave those fields blank. International students in the MSN and DNP Programs are required to obtain an F-1 visa in order to attend the executive on-campus sessions required by the program. At the core of our academic programs are our globally-recognized faculty surrounded by an environment of visiting artists, distinguished lecturers, and wide-ranging support services designed to assist your academic pursuits. Minors require a minimum of five courses. Complete the application and submit it and other required materials by the appropriate deadline above for academic year and fall semester admissions. Students must complete the requirements of the curriculum listed belowand explained more fully in the following sectionsto satisfy the requirements for the degree. (Additional funds must be verified if a student plans to bring a spouse or children.). 2022-2023 Duke Undergraduate Instruction Bulletin. Dukes remarkable reputation brought many intellectuals and successful people to campus, and gave me the chance to talk to people I didn't even dream of meeting.. Thus, they need to develop and apply skills in ethical reasoning and to gain an understanding of a variety of ways in which, across time and place, ethical issues and values frame and shape human conduct and ways of life. Assistant Dean and Director Failure to complete the online forms may cause a delay in processing your records. Unlike the F-1 program, the State Department, which governs the J-1 program will not allow us to issue electronic DS-2019s. The courses required for majors are specified by the department or academic program, and include a progression from lower to upper level courses. I want both as soon as possible. If after reading through this page you have further questions, please send us a message. Please do not attempt to sign up for university housing outside of the specific VIS instructions. Students are encouraged to register for an FL designated course no later than the first semester of their sophomore year. Applicants should be full-time students of a university or college based outside the U.S. For Duke Kunshan University students interested in studying at Duke, please contact the Duke Kunshan University Global Education Can I enroll for the summer? Click the Forms tab on the left tool bar to complete the online forms. Independent Study may not be taken in a professional school, unless listed as a course in the Duke University Bulletin of Undergraduate Instruction or offered through a Trinity College of Arts & Sciences department or program. Each student must assume responsibility for the amount needed beyond what Duke may award. At least half the courses for a students major field must be taken at Duke, although individual departments and programs offering majors may require that a greater proportion be taken at Duke. We have asked your departments to issue new Webforms applications, which must be completed before we can issue I-20s for Fall 2021. Duke-originated courses include some Duke Kunshan University courses and the Duke-originated courses offered in Duke-In study abroad/away programs. If a student is being awarded any financial assistance from Duke, this information is utilized in the visa approval process. Please check with your academic department as there are many different Duke Hybrid programs and it is hard to give a single answer. All TB testing will consist of an IGRA blood test. This is out of a total of 16,172 students, 6,717 of whom are undergraduates. Thus, a student may declare as a maximum: two majors and either a minor or a certificate program; a major and two minors; a major and two certificate programs; or a major, a minor, and a certificate program. As a research university, Duke seeks to connect undergraduate education to the broad continuum of scholarship reflected in its faculty. A student may pursue an interdepartmental major in two Trinity College departments or programs that offer a major. You can have blood titers drawn to prove immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella. Duke University's Recommended Private Lender List; Private Education Loan Applicant Self-Certification; You will need to establish a login to start the application. Can I enter the U.S. on a B-1/B-2 (visitor) and request a change of status to F-1 or J-1? A minimum 3.0 undergraduate GPA on a 4.0 scale. The process is described below. Of the 34.0 course credits required for graduation, a maximum of 2.0 course credits passed with a D grade (D, D+, D-) can be used toward the 34.0 course credits requirement. Once a student is accepted and committed to Duke's Undergraduate Visiting International Student Program, Duke's Visa Services Office will provide the student with proper documentation to obtain a student visa for study at Duke. Additional Policies ), By supplementing the classroom and lecture methods of instruction, small group learning experience courses assure students have opportunities to engage in discussion, develop skills, refine judgment, and defend ideas when challenged. What are my options? Fall 2021 Guidelines for International Students - Duke University Rest assure that if you make any errors when youre entering your vaccines (date or brand) our staff will correct on your record when we are reviewing. For the minimum residence period, at least seventeen courses must be satisfactorily completed at Duke. Your registrar will be notified and you will not be able to attend class or register for future classes. What We Look For - Duke Undergraduate Admissions Very rarely, a student will be granted a tenth semester of study by an academic dean. Due to high volume, it may take up to 4-6 weeks to process your records. At least four of the seven courses required by each department are to be taught within the department. The VIS program is fully administered by Duke University's Global Education Office for Undergraduates (GEO), including the application and admissions process. Students have 30 days after the first day of class to meet immunization compliance and TB requirements. ETS will require you to select a department code. These exams are independent of the score submission requirement. The total number of courses that a department/program may require at any level in the major and related departments may not exceed 17.0 course credits for the bachelor of arts degree and 19.0 course credits for the bachelor of science degree. Duke University - Admission Requirements, SAT, ACT, GPA and chance of The Visiting International Student program is an opportunity for foreign-national students enrolled at universities outside the U.S. to study at Duke University. A full-time course load is at least nine credits per semester for the fall and spring semesters, and at least six credits per semester for the summer semester. A course may count toward only one Area of Knowledge, but toward multiple Modes of Inquiry. All pages of the TB Screening Questionnaire must be submitted. Civilizations (CZ). All Visiting International Students must be sponsored under the J-1 visa category ( Proof will be required as part of the application process: Students from abroad who do not use English as their primary language must demonstrate the ability to deal with idiomatic English as spoken in an academic setting. If you believe you cannot enter during this time, you should consider deferring the start date of your F-1 program to Spring, 2022. Students who receive an S (Satisfactory) will receive credit toward general education requirements, including curriculum codes, and the course will count toward the 34.0 course credits for graduation and continuation. . Duke University School of MedicineVisiting Medical Student Eligibility / Application Requirements International Medical Schools. I was admitted by another school last Fall 2020, I could not travel because of travel restrictions. The first three of the six required Modes of Inquiry address important cross-cutting intellectual themes that represent enduring focal points of inquiry and involve application of knowledge to which many disciplines speak. We're looking for students ready to respond to those opportunities intelligently, creatively, and enthusiastically. 304 Research Drive (map) To obtain a visa for study in the United States, a foreign national must furnish theircountry's United States consulate with proof of their ability to meeteducational expenses. If your U.S. consulate requests a paper I-20, let us know and we will process one as soon as possible. Personal copies and attested or notarized documents are not acceptable. While your state or country of origin may have different immunization requirements, you must comply with North Carolina laws and Duke requirements. It reflects Dukes desire to dedicate its unique resources to preparing its students for the challenging and rapidly changing global environment. But preparing for college is much more than the flurry of activity during those last few months. We apologize for the inconvenience. Majors, including interdepartmental majors, are designed to give students breadth and depth in a particular discipline or interdisciplinary area. Duke administers over 40 of its own study away programs. Use institution code 5156. 114 South Buchanan Boulevard EIS is an innovative, research-based program that serves as Dukes primary resource for the teaching and learning of English as an additional language. Students are expected to acquire some mastery of a particular discipline or interdisciplinary area as well as to achieve a breadth of intellectual experience. Can I get a new I-20 and use the same visa? VIS participants are limited to undergraduate courses and may not take classes in Duke's graduate level professional schools such as Fuqua School of Business, the Law School, the Medical School, etc. 2.0 course credits must be completed in each of the following five areas. The criteria must include at least fourteen courses split evenly between the departments. Effective writing is central to both learning and communication. Students should have an awareness of how language frames and structures understanding and effective communication. We will issue a new I-20 and send it to you. You will have many opportunities to receive the flu vaccine on Dukes campus. Please send the lab reports, complete with reference ranges. Only the company can confirm your payroll status. Once a student is enrolled in the ABSN or DNP Program, the visa approval process is initiated by the Duke University School of Nursing Admissions Officer. The curriculum has two components: general education requirements and the major requirements. Please receive as many doses as possible before your arrival and we will help you complete the series at the appropriate time frames when you arrive at Duke. The courses required for a minor are specified by the department/academic program. Courses taken on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis may not, however, be used to satisfy the requirements of any major, minor, or certificate program (including prerequisites), unless the Director of Undergraduate Studies gives special permission. Duke requires the quantitative titer. Curriculum: Foreign Language (FL) Requirement - Trinity College of Arts CGFNS offers a three-part International Certification Program: 1) a credentials review, which includes secondary and nursing education, registration and licensure; 2) the CGFNS International Qualifying Exam testing nursing knowledge (administered four times per year at multiple locations worldwide); 3) an English language proficiency examination. If you are a current international Duke undergraduate student already receiving need-based aid, you may be eligible for additional funding for your various needs while at Duke, like medical expenses and grad school fees. Visiting International Students may take up to four academic courses, plus one to two non-academic courses (e.g. However, applicants not affiliated with one of Duke's VIS Global Partners are advised to apply for fall semester only, as there is limited space available for academic year students. Since this is still a complicated situation and may change based on DHS guidance, we urge you to review the FAQs below to clarify your specific situation. Duke has set internationalization as an institutional priority to prepare students to live in an increasingly diverse and interdependent world. VIS participants join regular Duke University undergraduates in the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences or Pratt College of Engineering of Duke University as non-degree students. Click here for assistance or call 1-800-782-6945. Undergraduates at Duke are expected to complete either the bachelor of arts or the bachelor of science degree in eight semesters of enrollment. Develop and follow programs and projects to ensure compliance with operational, design, regulatory and Naval Reactors Program requirements.
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