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The effectiveness of the 2021 Bible Study and Home Cell 13:1-3.CONCLUSIONUntil we come to know and accept Gods love for us, we will not be able to love Him andothers, and we cant serve Him acceptably.MEMORY VERSE - 1 Cor. 40 3. See Matt.25:16-232a. Remember, theLORD will definitely demand a strict account from us all on how we manage what He hasbestowed on us.MEMORY VERSE: Matt.25:23His Master replied, well done, good and faithful servant! STUDY THREETheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: WHAT IT MEANS TO SERVE THE LORD; GIVING OF SELFText: Rom. Endures foreverPsa. Explain the practicality of a walk with God according to Mk. Called to renounce his faith by the village chief, the convertdeclared, \"I have decided to follow Jesus.\" In response to threats to his family, he continued,\"Though no one joins me, still I will follow.\" His wife was killed, and he wasexecuted while singing, \" The cross before me, the world behind me.\" This display of faith isreported to have led to the conversion of the chief and others in the village. (Mk.1:35-37; 4:34-36; Jn.9:1-7; Lk.6:12 & 13.2. Read Isaiah 59: 1-2 and Rom. Peter and Johns zeal for the Lord was so strong that they could notkeep quiet, even when they were threatened. A careful look atour text reveals that the action of the unfaithful servant does not depict respect or tremblingwith fear. Make godly friends and yield good fruits for heavenly reward.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. 2:1 3, how can we get the best from Gods word?3. STUDY FIVETheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: KINDS OF FEAR; CONSEQUENCES OF HEALTHY FEAR (JOSEPH)Text: Gen. 39: 1 9; 41:41Aim: This study aim to show the profit of living a life that fears God, using Joseph as a casestudy.IntroductionThe life of Joseph gives a vivid picture of the benefits of having the fear of the Lord (healthyfear). A fast growing cell group in the Sukat Evangelical Church, Sucat, Paranaque Opening at 10:00 AM tomorrow. Jn. Get Quote Call 098336 83539 Get directions WhatsApp 098336 83539 Message 098336 83539 Contact Us Find Table Make Appointment Place Order View Menu. 8:8), hence all would-be-servants of God must be re-born by Him.DISCUSSION GUIDE:1. Support your responses with relevant Scriptures.2. Just as the name implies "CELL", it is a simple care group of every family represented in Salvation Ministries with a maximum attendance of ten (10) adult 'members that will split into another "Cell Family Care Group" when they exceed ten (10) adults in that "Family Care Group", Every Cell Care group must multiply rapidly giving birch to other c. John theBaptist criticism of high authority earned him being beheaded even though Herod did not wantto kill him, but to avoid being embarrassed before his guests. Cf. Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC) is a wonderful and powerful church [] Faith is evidential; substance to show for. STUDY THIRTY-FOURTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO SERVED GOD FEARLESSLY: MORDECAI/ ESTHERTEXT: Esther 4:10-17AIM: That Christians should trust God and serve him even in the face of the worse opposition.INTRODUCTIONThe lyrics of the hymn, \"I have decided to follow Jesus\" are based on the last words of a manin Assam, north-east India, who along with his family was converted to Christianity in themiddle of the 19th century. The second is the training and equipping of existing members to lead a home cell group themselves. THEME: STUDY FIFTEENTOPIC: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTEXT:AIM: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD OF GOD 2 Tim. It is arequirement to ascend to him, in his place of worship and holiness. What are the benefits of being born-again? 12: 1I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies as aliving sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service (KJV) 3 8: 12 (d.) Freedom from sin Prov. (a.) He wants to work in and with us, but this is only possible as we walkwith Him.MEMORY VERSE: Amos 3:3Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? (NIV) 17 Dunamancy - Search - D&D Beyond (Lk. On theother hand, the bible discourages every other kind of fear that is that which comes as a resultof threats or dangers perception (2 Tim. STUDY SIXTheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: KINDS OF FEAR; UNHEALTHY FEAR/NEGATIVE FEARText: Psalm 91: 3, 2 Tim. Mt.16:25b; Jn.12:25b, 26.CONCLUSIONServing the LORD without fear entails the willingness or readiness to bear the cross daily.Peter and John were ready for anything when they declared, Judge for yourselves whether itis right in Gods sight to obey you rather than God. This is Dunamis Home Church Guideline, follow it for your home fellowship and be blessed in Jesus name, . STUDY ONETheme: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTopic: WHAT IT MEANS TO SERVE THE LORD; LOVING HIMText: Deut. Davidexperienced these divine protection over the Beer, Lion and Goliath , so also was Daniel in theden of Lions, and Shedrach , Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace. See Rev.2:10; Job 1: & 8 and verses 20-22; 2:9 & 101b. Dunamis Courses Page - Church of the Servant Making the most of the time,because the days are evil. 22: 37 39Aim: To help us understand how we can serve God through our absolute love for Him.IntroductionIt is important to know that service to God begins first with our love for Him. To You be all the glory, in Jesus' Name - Psalms 118:24. Why was the LORD Jesus focused in His act of obedience to the Father? TUESDAY Home Cell - 6:00pm (GMT +1) THURSDAY Midweek Service - 5:00pm (GMT +1) Devotion/Prayers. Romans 8:11, 26; Gal 5:22-23, Acts 4:31; 1Cor. Do you consider the defense of Aaron in verse 22-24 strong enough to excuse him?CONCLUSIONAarons Inability to control the pressure from the Israelites made him a victim ofrebellion and conspiracy. 10:8 10.3. a. What does it cost a Christian to serve God fearlessly like Shadrach, Meshach andAbednego?CONCLUSIONBishop Polycarp said that it is unthinkable for him to repent from what is good and turn towhat is evil. Dunamis Cell Group. and we should be ready to obey Hiscommandments no matter what it may cost us. (Eph.2:11-12, 1 Pet. Describe the boldness of Peter in John 18:10 and the timidity displayed in Matthew 26:35.3. STUDY SIXTEENTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS POTENCY OF FAITH.TEXT: Heb. How would you describe Esther's boldness in saving her people in relation to serving Godfearlessly?2. August, 2018. What was John the Baptist wrong-doing that led to his death? Denying themselves meansletting go of that which ordinarily gives them pleasure, so as to serve the Lord effectively.Giving of our self is not just restricted to our relationships with God alone but it also affectsour day to day walk with our fellow neighbors. After Gods love in givingHis Son for us, it would be monstrous not to love.Gods love to us is prior to our love to Him; His love is from everlasting, as well as toeverlasting.The love God therefore wants from us is to be a reflection of his love for us; that is whatmakes our service unto Him not to be burdensome. How easy it is to give in to thecrowd and to let ourselves be pressured into doing wrong.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Thank You also for the multiplications and cell plantings of last month. a propeller, an energizer, a stimulator, etc. He stood his ground; he remained steadfast andfaithful to God in all his tribulations and adversity. Watch Dunamis Live Service From the Glory Dome Job 2:9 & 10. May the good LORD help us through this study to absolutely devote our time to Godsfaithful service.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION:1. The gift and talents the LORD places at our disposal are meant for the upliftment ofHis work and humanity. (a.) What is divine protection and give example of your personal experience of God's divineprotection over your life or someone else?2. The leader, as well as participating members need to put these things into action for best results. We rather saw from the text that he (the unfaithful servant) portrayed a high degreeof arrogance you reap where you did not sow. It is therefore pertinent,that we give of our time, talents, and treasures willingly without murmuring as a form ofservice whether as a direct act to God or as an indirect act through men.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. For God hath not giving us the spirit of fear but of power and of love and of asound mind.Memory Verse : Psa. May our relationship with God be renewed as we study.DISCUSSION GUIDE1. In our text, wewere specifically told that Jesus obedience to the Father Almighty was complete even at thepoint of death. 5:14-15, Rom 12:1-11; 1 Pt. And SimonPeter, though he fell when he denied the master, but because he didn't let go his good friendsand associates, he was saved.MEMORY VERSE: Prov. If you call on him, he will answer you.Remember that the effective prayer of the righteous avails much.MEMORY VERSE: Romans 12:12Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. (ESV) 19 Discuss the differences in healthy fear and unhealthy fear.3. He expects us to devote ourtotality to Him. Difficult. 66:2; James 1:21 25; 1 Pet. 3. Enlarging the Leadership capacity of existing leaders 3. 5:19), Jesus established this pattern of service for us. 12:14; Gen. 6:9; Job 1:1AIM: To teach us that we cannot render any meaningful service to God without fear if we do not live a holy life.INTRODUCTION:Living right or righteousness is the platform on which God relates with his people. Was he spiritually blind? Service isa compulsory requirement in the worship of God, it flows from inside-out. Five activists arrested at the Dunamis International Gospel Centre for wearing #BuhariMustGo T-shirts by the Department of State Services (DSS) have now spent 28 days in detention as the secret . A manwho does not submit to the Spirit of God is not one of His sons. How can one be born anew? standing always for what isright, let your yes be yes and your No be no at all times). STUDY TWENTY-ONETHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: NECESSARY REQUIREMENT RIGHTEOUS LIVINGTEXT: Heb. Have you ever experienced true worship? But I gain nothing by doing all this if Idont have love (ERV). 7:9. Jesus thought His disciples todeny themselves and taking up their cross if they must follow him. Dunamis is used 117 times in the New Testament and has a distinct meaning apart from the other three power words. The Lord constantly speak to us and give us His direction John 10:3 5. Some people are afraid of life; some areafraid of marrying, of starting a new business, visiting their village, coming out for testimonyetc. Winners' Chapel | RCCG Sunday School Manual | DCLM Daily Manna - FLATIMES 26: 69-75AIM: To teach us that when we dont have healthy fear for God we are bound to make some life-time and serious mistakes because we are spiritually blind and insensitive.INTRODUCTIONTo be spiritually blind is to lose sight of God. Is there any pattern, time and place for worship? Download Home Cell Manual Love Feast 12-06-2018 PDF for free. Rom 13:9 (d.) Loving not the world 1 John 2:15-173. Thus, to bear Ones cross daily as figuratively used in our text means willingnessto undergo suffering, trial, punishment and to expose oneself to reproach and death for thesake of Christ (Mk.8:34; 10:21; Lk.9:23); it means to expect painful situations everydaybecause of allegiance to Christ. STUDY FORTY-THREETOPIC: BIBLICAL FIGURE OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: PETER, BEFORE PENTECOSTTEXT: Matthew 26:69 75AIM: To examine the personality and disposition of Apostle Peter in some givensituations and consider how the findings could be of help to us today.INTRODUCTIONThe account in our text portrays the picture of Apostle Peter before the Pentecostexperience. 2. 1: 33), fear the enemy (Psa. John 4:24. 684 ratings. 48. 4:6 To show believers the constitution of effective service.INTRODUCTIONJust as it applies in every structured organization God has provided us with an enduring guideto help us serve Him well. The question is, are you willing to lay down yourlife for him to raise it again?MEMORY VERSE: Daniel 6: 10Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windowsbeing open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, andprayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. Polycarp an earlydisciple of Christ was about 86 years when he was burnt alive.The three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown intoNebuchadnezzar's fire, which was of no effect in their body because God chose to deliverthem.DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. 2:9 and discus the function of love in relation to the gift of eternal life from the Father.1 Cor. 3. Judge yourselves Acts 4: 19. *STRATEGIC CHURCH LEADERSHIP - Dunamis Gospel Messages - Facebook Equipamientos de muebles de diseo para el hogar. What is the benefit of an effective prayer life? In Eph.5:16, the Apostle Pauladmonished believers to make adequate use of their time. Inthese, God gave them simple instructions to abide by in order to enjoy his benevolence untoeternity but the enemy the devil deceived them.Read Gen 3: 6, 7. STUDY EIGHTTHEME: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTOPIC: CONSEQUENCES OF UNHEALTHY FEAR: SPIRITUAL WEAKNESSTEXT: Gen. 3: 1-7, Rom. What is the danger of remaining a churchgoer without the Holy Spirit?CONCLUSIONServing God is a spiritual matter hence carnal people cannot comprehend the wave of the HolySpirit. Philip, Herodshalf brother was another of Palestines three rulers. THEME: STUDY FOURTEENTOPIC: SERVING THE LORD WITHOUT FEARTEXT: NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS NEW BIRTHAIM: John 3:1 17 To show believers that being born again is the first pre-requisite to serving God.INTRODUCTIONEvery average human being in his/her ordinary state is dead, lost and not useful to God andHis kingdom. 15:3.2. 23: 4 5); knowing that he is always with us and ready to meet our needs at every pointin time.Questions for Discussions1. Fear can blindfold a man when its not handled properly.Therefore eschew unhealthy fear to see well spiritually.MEMORY VERSE: Matt. Oh that men andwomen in this generation will weird such mantle of authority.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. Why do so many Christians live in fear today? Should we struggle or influence our promotion like the people of the World or theunbelievers, like the Nigerian parlance; ' if you cannot beat them, then join them?CONCLUSIONDivine Promotion is God's given promotion, earned through fearless service orrighteousness and should be pursued as it is progressively continuous unto Eternity.MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 75: 6 - 7 ; For promotion cometh neither from the East, nor from the West , nor from the South. Christ paid the ultimate price for our salvation unconditionallythereby making it possible for us to receive; eternal life, forgiveness of sin (Eph. State what the word of God is profitable for vs. 16 ii. 6:6CONCLUSIONThe lack of contentment has driven many in our society today into ungodly practicessuch as ritual killings and involvement in the occult. Jesus taught the disciples in homes. 3:1).We love because He first loved us (1 Jn.4:19). It is a power source that reproduces itself without reduction in intensity. The basisof a genuine faith is Gods word. It is for us to learn and do same. It is also important to note that God takes delightin such services and honors anyone who dares to offer this kind to Him.Memory Verse : John 4: 24God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth (KJV) 2 Paulknew the influence friendship and the association we keep has on a person, so he admonishedfollowers of Christ not to be mismatched with people who are not followers of Christ.In our society today, we see Christian girls getting engaged to Muslim men, in the name of \"Ilove him and he will repent some day.\" Birds of the same feathers should flock together, notthe other way round. Explain the consequences of serving God without love. 15:16-20) yet He was without sin(Heb.4:14-16). Every service out of this code of conduct is not acceptable to Him.The word of God remains the only guide that show us how God wants us to serve Him. God said, I will make my Ministers a flaming fire andwill hedge them with a hedge of fire. Discuss. 118: 6) whichconsequently will bring about total bondage. Dunamis International Gospel Centre Behind Old Federal Secretariat, Area 1, Garki - Abuja Home Cell Manual 6.00 - 7.30 pm 19 Sat. 8: 35 and mention those things that can cause us to be separated from God. If yes, can you share your experience?ConclusionAs a believer, we should inculcate the habit of worshipping God at all times, places and in allconditions or situations as it will enhance our services to God, our relationship with Him. 15: 16),riches (Prov. You can type an amount in the . How would you describe the action of Gehazi in 2Kings5:20-24?3. If then the light within youis darkness, how great is that darkness 7 12: 13:Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; fear God, and keep his commandment forthis is the whole duty of man(KJV) 4 1:7; Psa. What is the reason for the increasing number of prayer houses today? Download. If your faith is brought under trail, will you be able to stand for Jesus Christ?3. 5:2QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION 1. 2:14). Esther 4 : 16.CONCLUSIONWe should be determined to render fearless service at all cost, bearing in mind that nomatter the problems the enemies are putting on our ways we will be delivered from allof them.MEMORY VERSE: Obadiah 1:17;But on Mount Zion will be deliverance; it will be holy, and Jacob will possess hisinheritance. Apparently,he did because of the fear of death, thus his love for his Master was swallowed up bythe sting of death. What does it mean to pant after God? He says the prayer of thewicked is like an abomination before him, but He blesses the righteous and with favour hesurrounds him as with a shield. Ps. It simply shows us that all He (Jesus) did in the name of the Father werealways done in strict obedience. 2. How do we express our love for him? Post navigation. HOME CELL MANUAL (18-07-2023) - Salvation Ministries - SMHOS You will discover that the woman and man didnt utter a word but actedupon what the devil had directed them against the Gods master-plan for them. 3: 9), death (Heb. 23 Is the Church of today bold enough to confront the government of evil deeds? 30: 5 (b.) John 12: 24, Luke 6: 38ConclusionChristian service will not be complete if giving of self is excluded. Gal 5:16, 25; Act 9:31; Rom 8:1, Acts 5:32 2. (2b) Can there be any Christlike spiritual and moral values from such association?3. Its only by faith that we walk (2 Cor.5:7) and stand (2 Cor.1:24b) in this kingdom. Hegraciously gave us all that we might have life and eternal hope. 27 Amos 3:3, Gen. 12:7b, 8b; 13:3 42. 11: 32). a) Discuss. Discourse Psalm 105 : 15 in the face of false accusations , mudslinging , back biting,petitions in the Christian families and churches.3. What will be our attitude if our deliverance is delayed or fail to come and give anexample of a personal experience? The Holy Spirit enables us to tarry in His presence in prayers anddiligent search of the scriptures. Ps 106:3, 112:4-8, 7:9; Job 36:7; Ps. Mt.16:25a; 1Jn.2:23a; 2Pl.2:1; Lk.9:26.3. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is realand that He rewards those who truly want to find Him. (NCV) 16 Home Winners' Chapel. When this is attained in ourlives, it is then we can boldly and fearlessly testify/serve our God.MEMORY VERSE: Job 27:3 4.As long as my life is still whole within me, and the breath of God is in my nostrils, my lipsshall not speak untruth, nor shall my tongue utter deceit. Stop being a spiritual weakling.MEMORY VERSE: Rom. 3:16CONCLUSIONWhat first qualifies anyone to serve God is not ability, but New birth. 8:16The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God (NKJV) 18 Every Christianmust be careful who they keep as friends, else they can be corrupted and become vile. Many people today inNigeria and elsewhere are living in fear of death and torture because of the gospel but the spiritof God has been a great source of hope to . Peter had earlier boasted that nothing will make him deny hisMaster, however his action turned out a far cry to his initial confession. Note the following; Lot was Abrahams nephew, Abraham was the one in charge whoGod was directing, Abraham was blessed so also Lot. They are to list the message titles and share revelations derived from such messages. Whoever does nothave, even what he has will be taken from him. 14; 23: 26; 15: 9-12; Acts 12: 7 - 11; Ps. 5:17AIM: To teach Christians that fearless service to God requires effective prayer life.INTRODUCTIONThe requirement of prayer cannot be overemphasized in the life of a Christian because it is thelife line with which a man connects with God. Many in our generation are serving the LORD but not incomplete obedience. Choose no other name, for God is God.QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION1. 3:16 17; i. 91: 1.AIM: The aim of this study is to teach us that great deliverance awaits us fromall the obstacles and challenges the agents of Satan want to put on our way, as long aswe render fearless service.INTRODUCTION: As long as we continue to render fearless service, our God willpursue our pursuers, fight our battles and give us victory over all our enemies. 26: 69-75? Like this book? The power to serve God comes only from theHoly Spirit (Act 1:8). In ourstudy text, the last of the three stewards failed woefully in this direction. This void of ignorance makes man to fear man,(Ezek. 13:4-8; 1 Jn. 11:6 b. It was the model used by the early church (Acts 2: 42-46). But Peter and John replied; we rather obey you other than God? How would you relate this to Herods action of beheading John the Baptist? 8 Every act of Giving attracts a reward (Luke6:38), and positions our life to be better than the way they use to be. The lack of contentment results ingreed, and greed produces insatiable desires which in turn lead to death. This is because acarnal man does not understand the language or the things of the Spirit. 2:5.2. a. why is faith necessary in serving God? The bible againsays that Elijah was a man like us but he prayed earnestly that rain should not fall and it wasso. Rom. 2:24-25). 1 Cor. We were nothing but ordinary clay when God pickedus up, molded and breathe life into us. God will never compromise his standard ofrighteousness because of any man (Matt 5:20). The true believer ofChrist is known to be very bold and fearless when their faitMEMORY VERSE: Esther 4: 16. (Numbers 14:21, Isaiah 11:9 and Habakkuk 2:14) According to 1 Cor.6:19 20, what is our present status?3. 3 /5. English Live Stream - Salvation Ministries - SMHOS 0 Text: 1 King 12:1 WHAT IS LEADERSHIP 1. So, effective and acceptable service in thiskingdom begins after one is being born-again.MEMORY VERSE - John. It is different fromeye-service that we see all around us today.MEMORY VERSE - Gen. 1: 27 So God created man in his image, in the image of God hecreated him; male and female he created them. Pleaserespond from these passages: Jn.14:15; verses 23 & 24; 15:9-11.CONCLUSIONEvery service done in the name of the LORD without complete obedience to His will,command and instructions are vanity. Night is coming, whenno-one can work. Dunamis - Baby boy name meaning, origin, and popularity Welcome toDunamis gospel int'l. Dunamis (Doo'na-mis) is the Greek word that means POWER. . What are the things which can hinder us from being led by the Holy Spirit?

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