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// RETURN BREAKPOINT INDEX ["French", "franais", "fr"], } imgHeight = 330; ["Afrikaans", "Afrikaans", "af"], Pearland Junior High West and Rogers Middle School will represent Texas at the 2023 Future Problem Solving Program International Conference to be held June 7-11 in Amherst, Massachusetts. if(links.length) { // FOCUS FIRST ITEM Calendar - East Prairie Junior High if($(".hp").length && this.GetBreakPoint() != "desktop") { East Allegheny School District / Calendar $(".wcm-controls").css("margin-top", "0px"); Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). ["Icelandic", "slenska", "is"], div.homepage-thumb-region.region-5 {
"titles" : "yes", "transitionDelay" : 6, // ADD THE PANELS TO THE DOM if(event.keyCode == this.KeyCodes.space || event.keyCode == this.KeyCodes.enter) { "nextTab": $(".cs-tab[data-index='" + lastIndex + "']", props.app), Campus Suite, a web platform for schools. if($(".hp-content.one .ui-widget.app.upcomingevents li:not(.no-events) .ui-article").length || $(".hp-content.two .ui-widget.app.upcomingevents li:not(.no-events) .ui-article").length || $(".hp-content.three .ui-widget.app.upcomingevents li:not(.no-events) .ui-article").length) { On these pages you will find a brief glimpse at the many wonderful learning opportunities that our students are provided each and every day. Eastmont Junior High School (Grades 7-9) 905 8th St NE East Wenatchee, WA 98802 Phone: (509) 884-2407 Website accessibility policy Privacy policy Site map Report accessibility issue ["Chichewa", "Chichewa", "ny"], "districtHomeText": "District Home", } else { $(".cs-mystart-dropdown.translate .cs-dropdown").stop(true,true); imgHeight = 480; } this.JsMediaQueries(); }); }); East Wenatchee, WA 98802 }); ["Western Frisian", "Western Frysk", "fy"], Calendar | July 2023 | Eastmont Junior High School imgLeft = imgLeft.left; var thisDropdown = this; this.SlideshowDescFixed = true; ["Armenian", "", "hy"], $("#hp-slideshow-inner-inner-inner > .mmg-description-outer").remove(); "siteID" : "4", 06/16/2023 STEMversity: Curiosity for a Thriving Idaho 06/07/2023 2023 Graduation Ceremonies - Photos & Video 05/23/2023 2023-2024 Back to School Information 07/05/2023 } New District Calendar Adopted 2023-24 | East Holmes Local School District $(dropdownSelector, this).attr("aria-expanded", "false").parent().removeClass("open").find(dropdown).attr("aria-hidden", "true").slideUp(300, "swing"); case template.KeyCodes.tab: "nextTab": nextTab, $(this).find(".view-calendar-link").prependTo($(this).find(".ui-widget-footer")); descWidth = descWidth - 50; var regionCImgSrc = jQuery.trim("/cms/lib/PA01915924/Centricity/Template/GlobalAssets/images///Faces/default-man.jpg"); imgWidth = 660; "titles" : "yes", sliderLine.width($("li.cs-tab").eq(0).width()).css("left", $("li.cs-tab").eq(0).position().left + tabWidth).data("origLeft", sliderLine.position().left).data("origWidth", sliderLine.width()); var _this = this; Committed to working together equitably, so that each learner has the knowledge and skills to be a successful and contributing citizen in a diverse global society. 2600 Hoffman Road. case template.KeyCodes.down: '
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// JUMP TO FIRST TAB "app": props.app // GET THE PREVIOUS TAB Below is a summary of our summer programs ranging from Elementary to High School. "calendarLink" : "/Page/2", District Athletics and PE/Health Supervisor--Jon . $("#sw-mystart-mypasskey").appendTo("#gb-channel-list"); "imageHeight" : imgHeight, } Partner with our community.**. "image": "Site Utility/2.png", This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software. $(this).find(".app-level-social-follow .ui-btn-toolbar.calendarfollow").prependTo($(this).find(".ui-widget-footer")); imgHeight = 330; $("#hp-slideshow .mmg-description-outer").clone().appendTo("#hp-slideshow-inner-inner-inner"); "showAccount": true, $(thisApp).find(".ui-widget-footer").remove(); "allLoaded": function(){} var subList = $(this).children('ul'); $("
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["Myanmar", "", "my"], var CreativeTemplate = { }); clickablePhoto = "['image']"; "AppAccordion": function() { imgWidth = 960; } else { ["Luxembourgish", "ltzebuergesch", "lb"], Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. if(true == true && $(".hp").length) { display: none !important;
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" + $(".sw-mystart-button.register").html() + ""; // RESET PANEL $(this).addClass("no-events"); var shortMonths = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]; Berlin Public School Calendars. Churchill Junior High School; Calendar; 18 Norton Road , East Brunswick, NJ 08816.
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"url": "https://www.eawildcats.net/domain/25", Early Release. A five-year-old child who has completed a private or public out-of-state kindergarten for the required 450 hours, but has not reached the "school age" requirement shall be allowed to enter the first . Calendar. case "07": ariaDate = "Seventh"; break; "allImagesLoaded" : function(props) {}, // props.element, props.mmgRecords $(".ui-widget-detail > ul.site-shortcuts", this).append($(".site-shortcuts-column > li", this)); $(".hp-content.one .ui-widget.app.upcomingevents, .hp-content.two .ui-widget.app.upcomingevents, .hp-content.three .ui-widget.app.upcomingevents").each(function() { var endRange; if($(thisHeadline).find(".ui-article-thumb").length) { East Liverpool City Schools Highlights; Jr/SR High School Announcements; . $(".hp-content.four").each(function() { Sign up to receive text and email alerts from your favorite teams. }); $(thisHeadline).find(".ui-article-controls").appendTo($(thisHeadline).find(".ui-article-description")); $("#gb-footer-links").html('
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Welcome to East Middle School - Braintree Public Schools } else { "url": "https://go.boarddocs.com/pa/eall/Board.nsf/", ["Marathi", "", "mr"], Get In Touch. { ["Yoruba", "yorb", "yo"], ["Shona", "Shona", "sn"], $.each(footerLinks, function(index, link) { $("#gb-search #gb-search-btn").attr("aria-expanded", "false"); "currentTab": props.clickedTab,
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