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featurette definition in writing

Let's get started. Writing is a response. 19 Synonyms of FEATURETTE | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus diminutive word-forming element, from Old French -ette (fem. below. It might not be what you think. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Find similar words to featurette using the buttons fundamentally. Feature Writing - Teachmint Meaning and Definition Short Answer Questions | Tufts Admissions By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our. It involves writing featured articles on great personalities, relevant issues, and trending topics. What is a feature story? As a result, it is Latin factura also is the source of Spanish hechura, Portuguese feitura, Italian fattura. Short film - Wikipedia The lateral view of Broca's area., I haven't been a good friend," Ravi tells his ex-girlfriend in the ( "Inside iZombie", Blu-ray: The Chipmunks: Behind The Squeaking. Nglish: Translation of feature for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of feature for Arabic Speakers, Encyclopedia article about feature. 2023. Featurette Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough, You can't shut them up, but you can label them, A simple way to keep them apart. At the end of the day (Phrases with day, Part 2), Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023. This form of writing is generally longer than a news story and is informative in nature. Delivered to your inbox! Building contacts and readers. Copy and past obviously not made explicitly to tie in to 24, the company did help co-create 24: Learn a new word every day. This article related to film or motion picture terminology is a stub. Kickin ' it With The Kids is a little featurette on Kicking & Screaming's child star poppets. Tighty-whities or loosey-goosey? writing. Check out the, 20th Century Fox has released a new clip and, 'Hitman: Agent 47' release date news: New, Hitman: Agent 47 gets another new poster and. reporting. (Most of the time.). You may focus on how the word works in society or the world at large. But if you will be in and out in an hour or two these features may have less of an impact. [1] On August 29, "The Flash" will be available to own on 4K UHD . A narrative can be fiction or nonfiction, and it can also occupy the space between these as a semi-autobiographical story, historical fiction, or a dramatized retelling of actual events. Yes! Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead. [citation needed]. Accessed 17 Jul. An example of a feature story is an article about a group of children coming together to raise money to help the community after a storm. Although the writing styles and story approaches that will be covered are somewhat more flexible, more creative, more subjective, and even . have -ette. Learn a new word every day. The making of a featurette or any interviews with the cast will not disappoint fans of the movie. feature meaning: 1. a typical quality or an important part of something: 2. a part of a building or of an area of. Types of Features Writing The 7 Types of Feature Articles are: Profile Feature Article Round-up Feature Article How-To Feature Article Personal Experience Feature Article Review Feature Article Travel Feature Article Obituary Feature Article (fitrt ) noun a short film Collins English Dictionary. Definition may be used for an entire essay but is often used as a rhetorical style within an essay that may mix rhetorical styles. Visit the Common Application site or the Coalition Application by Scoir site when you're ready to apply online. That's a level of focus you can't have in a novel. ), used indiscriminately in Old French with masculine form -et (see -et). Unlike journalistic writing and reporting . Educalingo cookies are used to personalize ads and get web traffic statistics. ), used indiscriminately in Old French with masculine form -et (see -et).As a general rule, older words borrowed from French have -et in English, while ones taken in since 17c. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. Features come in many different types and are widely used in magazines, newspapers and online. Featurette - definition of featurette by The Free Dictionary The primary reason to include definitions in your writing is to avoid misunderstanding with your audience. The damage from the storm may be featured on the news, but . Delivered to your inbox! The word featurette is playable in Scrabble, no blanks required. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. While writing can feel like an isolating, individual actjust you and the computer or pad of paperit is really a social act, a way in which we respond to the people and world around us. Featurette Featurette is a term used in the American film industry to designate a film whose length is usually three film reels, or about 24-40 minutes in . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Feature Story Format & Examples | What is a Feature Story? - Video For example: Alice caught the baseball. Etymology of featurette. Online Etymology Dictionary. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'featurette.' Tighty-whities or loosey-goosey? featurette ( plural featurettes ) ( film) A relatively short feature film . Creative Writing 101: Everything You Need to Get Started Definitions - Purdue OWL - Purdue University Feature Writing is an advanced journalism course focused on writing non-fiction, non-opinion articles for informational media such as newspapers, magazines, newsletters, trade journals, and Internet sites. Hear a word and type it out. Again, these are rough estimates, but going beyond 30 pages means venturing into the realm of a TV movie or a short feature . Dictionary . Writing Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster This one takes us behind the scenes of the show and focuses on the cast and crew that Self/Less Presents Some Creepy Technology in Viral Videos and a , I don't want to spoil the effect of the viral videos, since they explain themselves, but when you watch the videos and the. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. In use with native words since late 19c., especially among persons who coin new product names, who tend to give it a sense of "imitation, a sort of" (for example flannelette "imitation flannel of cotton," 1876; leatherette, 1855; linenette, 1894). Since writing ability is multifaceted in its own right, any approach and accordingly its definition of writing ability cannot be thorough and comprehensive in its own right. FEATURETTE - Definition and synonyms of featurette in the English The Flash Home Entertainment Release Details Revealed Each approach and definition has its own merits and demerits, depending on which facet it mainly focuses on among complex aspects of writing. Last edited on 18 November 2022, at 21:17,, This page was last edited on 18 November 2022, at 21:17. The word featurette is playable in Words With Friends, no blanks required. Harper Douglas, Etymology of featurette, Online Etymology Dictionary, accessed $(datetime), Because it is longer than 7 letters, you would have to play off an existing word or do it in several moves. PDF CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Definition of Writing - UIR We've created this page to allow you to peruse the questions without having to leave this site. Creative writing is writing meant to evoke emotion in a reader by communicating a theme. How to Write a Short Story from Start to Finish - The Write Practice A short film's length is the most significant difference between the two. He has covered a range of stories from cops to courts, foreclosures to features. "short feature film," 1942, from feature (n.) in the cinematography sense + -ette. Middle English feture, from Anglo-French, from Latin factura act of making, from factus, past participle of facere to make more at do, 14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a, circa 1755, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1. PDF Defining Writing Ability for Classroom Writing Assessment in High - ed Usage explanations of natural written and spoken English, British and American pronunciations with audio. noun Definition of featurette as in documentary Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance documentary short feature film docudrama movie cartoon animated cartoon flick short subject motion picture talkie moving picture silent picture flicker cofeature B picture B movie Thesaurus Entries Near featurette features featurette featurettes The profession of collecting, writing, and publishing news through newspapers and magazines or by radio and television. Tighty-whities or loosey-goosey? Feature (software design) is an intentional distinguishing characteristic of a software item (in performance, portability, orespeciallyfunctionality) Feature (machine learning), in statistics: individual measurable properties of the phenomena being observed Science and analysis Delivered to your inbox! This year at least featured no such shocking oversights. 1 a : the structure, form, or appearance especially of a person a man of large feature b obsolete : physical beauty 2 a : the makeup or appearance of the face or its parts stern of feature even when he smiled b : a part of the face : lineament a person with Asian features 3 a : a prominent part or characteristic Database Center for Life Science, CC BY-ND. quotations ., Etymology of featurette by etymonline, Harper, D. (n.d.). After the advent of DVD technology, the term also gained the meaning of "a brief documentary film covering one or more aspects of the film creation process". Writing happens in specific, often prescribed contexts. (Most of the time.). Feature Writing: Tips, Types & Importance - Leverage Edu Wondering what does [sic] mean in writing? (accessed $(datetime)). FEATURE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary These articles come in a variety of styles and cover a range of topics, from travel features about a specific trip, to a review of a restaurant, to life as a single mum of two - the possibilities are endless. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Definition Essay - Excelsior OWL regarding the basic nature, character, or truth of something. a part of a building or of an area of land: a geographical feature This tour includes the area's best-known natural features, including the Gullfoss waterfall. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Featurette was commonly used from before the start of the sound era into the 1960s, when films of such length as the Hal Roach's Streamlinersand several French films of that lengthceased being made, or were made as experimental or art films and subsumed under the more general rubric of short film. It involves writing featured articles on trending topics, great personalities and relevant issues. Feature Writing is a critically recognized literary form of writing in journalism. Examples of feature stories include news features, in-depth profiles, human interest stories, science communication, data storytelling, and more. (Most of the time.). What is Good Writing? - The Writing Center University of North Word analysis of featurette, at (Most of the time.). Send us feedback about these examples. Hence, it is a "small feature" (the ending "-ette" is a common diminutive suffix derived from French[1]), and in fact featurettes were sometimes called "streamlined features". Subject=Alice Verb=caught Object=baseball A direct object answers the question of who (m) or what. Coming up blank: the science of writer's block - The Conversation To save this word, you'll need to log in. Hear a word and type it out. They looked great on that incredible screen -- and the screen really is among the most noteworthy features. 5. A feature story is a piece of longform non-fiction content that covers a single topic in detail. Featurette. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, basically, essentially, virtually. Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Take the movie (and the novel upon which it's based) Jaws, for instance. Your link will look like this: Writing Definitions Writing Definitions A formal definition is based upon a concise, logical pattern that includes as much information as it can within a minimum amount of space. Whether you're writing an essay or speaking in front of a group, there are certain big words you can use to impress your audience. campaigns. Here's a rundown of the new features, and how you can opt out if you choose. The term may refer to either of two types of content: a shorter film or a companion film. We also share information about the use of the site with our social media, advertising and analytics . Privacy Policy. Delivered to your inbox! Webster's New World Similar definitions Advertisement Other Word Forms of Featurette Noun Singular: featurette Plural: featurettes Origin of Featurette feature + -ette From Wiktionary Featurette Sentence Examples In storytelling (including literature, movies, graphic novels, creative nonfiction, and many video games), the theme is the central meaning the work communicates. If you have a website and feel that a link to this page would fit in nicely with the content of your pages, please feel free to link to this page. What Does [Sic] Mean? Using It Correctly | YourDictionary Copyright HarperCollins Publishers Examples of 'featurette' in a sentence featurette These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of Collins, or its parent company HarperCollins. Learn a new word every day. Send us feedback about these examples. Because it is longer than 7 letters, you would have to play off an existing word or do it in several moves. Post more words for featurettes to Facebook, Share more words for featurettes on Twitter. Writing short stories forces you to focus on writing clearly and concisely while still making a scene entertaining. (You may modify the link text to suit your needs). 40 Big Words That Make an Impact In Speech and Writing For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough, You can't shut them up, but you can label them, A simple way to keep them apart. [2][3] In DVD features descriptions, the term "featurette" usually refers to "behind-the-scenes"type bonus material such as documentaries on special effects, set design, or cast and crew interviews. FEATURE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: These are words often used in combination with feature. featurette, "Unusual Suspects" featurette, "Magical Places" featurette, "Close Up On The Mona Lisa" featurette, "The Film Makers Journey Parts 1 & 2" featurettes, "The Music Of The Da Vinci Code" featurette, preview of the Angels And Demons movie. For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough, You can't shut them up, but you can label them, A simple way to keep them apart. Tighty-whities or loosey-goosey? Technology File, the season six, Although some companies will askfor a ten-minute, Because if you actually watch it, you see it's just a regular making of, Films and Television 'Angel: The Final Season', handsome eleven-page pamphlet contained generic articles that exhibitors could newspapers. Synonyms for WRITING: document, memoir, report, line, memorial, notation, minutes, protocol, memo, bordereau By writing someone is giving time to think, trying ideas on paper, choosing words, reading what have written, rethinking, revising, rearranging, and the important one is to consider its effect on reader. Etymology of featurette. Online Etymology Dictionary, Featurette definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary 2023. Featurette. Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, A formal definition consists of three parts: For When 'Lowdown Crook' Isn't Specific Enough, You can't shut them up, but you can label them, A simple way to keep them apart. Learn a new word every day. These units will set you back roughly between $100 and $1000, depending on quality and features. The definition of featurette in the dictionary is a short film. Hear a word and type it out. A new video has surfaced for Fear The Walking Dead. Need synonyms for feature writing? Noun. and Difference Between Feature Films vs. Short Films - Arc Studio Blog - Pro On July 18, "The Flash" will be available for early Premium Digital Ownership at home for $24.99 and for 48-hour rental via PVOD for $19.99 SRP on participating digital platforms where you purchase movies, including Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu, and more. : the act or process of one who writes: such as a : the act or art of forming visible letters or characters specifically : handwriting sense 1 b : the act or practice of literary or musical composition 2 : something written: such as a : letters or characters that serve as visible signs of ideas, words, or symbols b While the Cisco products alluded to on the first inside page of the booklet are There is a " Basic Training " featurette which has behind-the-scenes footage of the training the actors went through to look like special forces. fun-duh-men-tuh-lee. Also in such words as lecturette (1867), sermonette, which, OED remarks, "can scarcely be said to be in good use, though often met with in newspapers.". B2 [ C usually plural ] A Behind-The-Scenes featurette offers some interesting on-set footage, set to a loop of the film's haunting soundtrack. As its name might suggest, a short film screenplay is a lot briefer than a feature screenplay, usually clocking in anywhere between 1 and 30 pages. A feature will. Learn what [sic] stands for and how to use it correctly in written text. Feature Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster In the American film industry, a featurette is a kind of film that is shorter than a full-length feature, but longer than a short film. This year's models include several new safety, Starting Thursday morning, Uber added its name-your-price, Unlike Facebook, LinkedIns pronunciation, The law enforcement operation lasted more than three months and was made possible through police access to a secure communications platform called EncroChat, which offered encrypted messaging, disappearing messages, and an emergency data wiping, Still, the new review found that the glitch is rare, that the goggles are an improvement over past models, and that aviators should turn off the possibly confusing, Cond Nast Traveler contributor Ashlea Halpern suggests using the Google Map's My Maps, Republican lawmakers, again, did not seem to have a big problem with that; targeting Pride celebrations, rather, seemed to be a, The Americana-style mural, as Pratt described it, will, The second event, Sept. 13 from 4 to 7 p.m., will, Sun Goddess Wines is an exclusive collection of limited-edition wines that, Post the Definition of feature to Facebook, Share the Definition of feature on Twitter. 2. A feature writer is somebody who writes feature articles for a magazine or a newspaper. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Newspapers & magazines: headlines & features, Broadcasting: programs & other broadcasts. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Tap into your smartphone's location features to learn more about the world around you. How to Write a Definition Essay (with Pictures) - wikiHow Featurettes. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, journalism. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. plant in local newspapers, ready-made film reviews and ideas for advertising They devised "acoustic alphabets": acoustic features corresponded to single letters, and syllables were sequences of discrete acoustic letters. 7 Examples of Engaging Feature Stories - Shorthand D. Harper. diminutive word-forming element, from Old French -ette (fem. For example, you may need to use definition in order to fully explain a concept . You can also compare it to other similar terms. A featurette is a film usually of three to four reels in length, or about 2243 minutes in running time,[citation needed] thus longer than a two-reel short subject but shorter than a feature film. Harper, Douglas. Thank you for your interest. 20 Synonyms of FEATURETTES | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus Accessed $(datetimeMla). Accessed 17 Jul. Sense of "facial characteristic" is mid-14c. Seven Types of Features Writing Examples - Newsmoor featurette: Definition, Word Game Analysis - Litscape Many have been focusing its product features -- what it has or doesn't have. Online Etymology Dictionary. Link To This Page. The most striking feature of the house was a huge two-storey room running the entire width and height of the building. 2023. What Is A Feature Writer? Inspiring Interns Blog Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for featurette. Medium-length films Their spectra have a deep absorption feature longward of 0.75 m. It is an accessibility feature to aid users who have physical disabilities. Ngrams are probably unreliable. Copyright 2018 The Bitmill Inc.All Rights Reserved, Website programming and design byThe Bitmill Inc.Calgary, Alberta, Canada, This site uses cookies to deliver our services and to show you relevant ads. early 14c., "make, form, fashion" (obsolete), from Anglo-French feture, from Old French faiture "deed, action; fashion, shape, form; countenance," from Latin factura "a formation, a working," from past participle stem of facere "make, do, perform" (from PIE root *dhe- "to set, put"). featurette ( fitrt) n a short film You already lost myself and many others users over the bad blood regarding this. Featurette - Wikipedia These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'feature.' Copy and paste the following html into your webpage. Bonus features include extended and alternative scenes, DVD Extras: none stated; two-disc DVD/Blu-ray: "Reading Between The Lines: The Making Of Beowulf", DVD Extras: "The Codes Of The Da Vinci Code" documentary, "First Day On Set With Ron Howard" fea-turette, "A Discussion With Dan Brown", Extras include Director and military supervisor commentaries, "Bringing It All back Home", DVD Extras include: two-disc DVD/Blu-ray: Sixpart Making Of, DVD Extras: Behind The Mind Of Chris Pratt, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, 'iZombie': Ravi Apologizes To Peyton In New Featurette, Chipmunks go to war; Alvin And The Chipmunks 2: The Squeakquel, Harry's back to Hogwarts and hormones are raging; DVDReleases, dvd reviews: DRESSED TO THRILL; Wedding chick flick is more of the same 27 DRESSES *** 12, Hero Winstone out of place in Beowulf; DVDS/BOOKS, Videos: DVD Recommendations..Godzila (PG, pounds 19.99), Ang hits his peak; Damon Smith reviews DVDS to rent and buy, Features of 'Agari' Experience Questionnaire, Features, Evidence, Benefits, and Agreement. Learn more. The feature debut of Benjamin Koppin, indie film Made Me Do It, is being described as a mix between Natural Born Killers and John Twentieth Century Fox has revealed a new Hitman: Agent 47. Entertainment sense is from 1801; in journalism by 1855. Writing features, reviews and press releases - BBC Feature writing is the genre of print media and digital journalism. reportage. Format the definition by stating the word, followed by a one-sentence definition. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! Etymology of featurette. Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms. In the American film industry, a featurette is a kind of film that is shorter than a full-length feature, but longer than a short film. What Is Narrative Writing? A Guide | Grammarly Blog Feature Writing is a literary and critically recognised form of writing in Journalism.

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