Fresno Unified Offers Evening Registration for New Students and Fresno Unified School District is located in the heart of California. Benefits Department - Fresno Unified School District Slater Elementary School - School Profile Directory. Facebook; If you are in need of insurance cards for Medical, Dental, and/or Vision, please contact the appropriate vendor. Get driving directions. This is a list of public websites and organizational charts for departments.Visit the staff portal to see staff websites. Department Directory | Fresno Unified School District Fresno Unified School District: Employee Directory - ZoomInfo Parent Handbook Spanish | Fresno Unified School District Please turn on JavaScript and try again. FresnoUnified is a place where staff members feel valued, grow professionally and work collaboratively to accelerate the learning for each student. School Locator - Fresno Unified School District The site was first purchased for school use by the Fresno City Schools Board of Education in 1889 for $2,280. Read more about their work, The 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup is just around the corner, and we have another fantastic reason to tune in and cheer for our team! These properties are currently listed for sale., It is a teenage dream to be featured in Teen Vogue and we are excited to share that two of our outstanding students, Joshua Medina, a senior at Sunnyside High School, and Mellohi Russo, a junior at Hoover High School, have been featured in Teen Vogue! For information regarding LEA accreditation, please visit the US Department of Educations Delta Health Systems Walk-In Hours Athletics Department - Fresno Unified School District Office Hours: 7:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. HR Let's Talk Site- Test Site | Fresno Unified Human Resources Fresno Unified School District; Main Phone: (559) 457-3000; Questions or Concerns: (559) 457-3736; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721 Addams Elementary School Health and Wellness Center 1510 N. Lafayette Ave. Immunizations. History of Fresno Unified | Fresno Unified School District Staff Directory | Fresno Unified Facilities Management & Planning Contact Phone: (559) 457-3074 Address: 4600 N. Brawley Ave., Fresno, CA 93722 Alex Belanger, Chief Executive, Facilities Management & Planning, Maintenance & Operations Staff Directory Maintenance Department (559) 457-3261 Projects in Construction Herrera Elementary School construction Phoenix Secondary School construction The wait is over! . Ayer Elementary School - Fresno Unified School District Bullying/Cyberbullying Information and Procedures. Happy Independence Day, Fresno Unified Family! M20 MMDCCXXVII N. et in Cedar mittite Ave. ((XCIII)DCCIII) Elisha Cotton Winchell was the first Superintendent of the two Fresno County Schools in 1860. Maintenance & Operations - Fresno Unified School District Easterby was annexed in 1965 to the Fresno Unified School District. Fresno Unified - School Directory Details (CA Dept of Education) New construction. (collectively referred to as the Directory), contain information about California schools, districts, and Wishing you all a day filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments with your loved ones. Overview The Fresno Unified Athletic Program promotes the physical, mental, moral, and social well-being of students. All Rights Reserved. Fresno Unified School District; Main Phone: (559) 457-3000; Questions or Concerns: (559) 457-3736; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721 Did you hear the amazing news Fresno Unified? As we celebrate this special day let's remember to prioritize safety and make wonderful memories together this Fourth of July! Lincoln, Lowell, Jefferson, and Jackson schools were also constructed between 1890 and 1914. Fresno Unified School District; Main Phone: (559) 457-3000; Questions or Concerns: (559) 457-3736; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721 Bullard TALENT served as a rural training school in the early 1920s through an agreement with the Fresno State Teachers College. the Directory does not contain information for every LEA and the information that is in the Directory may be outdated 4472 N Emerson Ave. Fresno, CA, 93705-1206. The athletic program is an integral part of the total educational process. The CDE makes no Hernandez then discovered the Phillip J. Patio School of Entrepreneurship (Patio), a small magnet high school in the Fresno Unified School District that focuses on business and innovation. Announcements. fresno unified school district eaton elementary school del mar elementary school duncan polytechnical high school herndon-barstow elementary school anthony preschool As Pride Month comes to a close, our message to the LGBTQ+ community is clear: We love you, we support you, and we hold a safe space for you. Family Learning and Technology Support (FLATS) Center, Rapid Alert: Fresno Unifieds Emergency Notification System, The Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining Agreements, Business and Financial Services Org Chart, African American Academic Acceleration (A4), Engagement & External Partnerships Org Chart, Communications and Parent University Org Chart, Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Learning, Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Learning Org Chart, Early Learning / Equity & Access Org Chart, English Learner Services Org Chart 2021-22, Equity & Access / Early Learning Org Chart, Relevant Engagement in Art and Literacy (R.E.A.L. We feel that the ultimate mission of Fresno Unifieds Athletic Department as an integral part of the total educational program is to ensure and enhance the quality of life for youth by providing competitive activities that will produce young men and women able to enter the community and become constructive, contributing members of society. The Fresno Unified AthleticProgram promotes the physical, mental, moral, and social well-being of students. 2023PHNX - EthereumERC20 Congratulations to the class of 2023. The student population is diverse, with approximately 100 languages and dialects spoken. Fresno Senior High School was established in 1889, and the first principal was T.L. If you need assistance with updating your phone number or address, please contact the Employee Service Center at 559-457-3514, or email them at The 1950s brought more growth to the area creating the need for additional schools to be built. California Department of Education We are so proud of you and wish you all the best in your college and career journeys! These are also known as bank-owned or real estate owned (REO). However, parents/guardians/students have the right to deny release of information. Wishing you all a day filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable moments with your loved ones. Fresno Unified School District Back to School Profile Directory. Health Services 2348 Mariposa St Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: (559) 457-3301 Fax: (559) 457-6095 The bonds funded the construction of a considerable number of schools including the third and final location for Fresno High school, Edison High School, Roosevelt High School and Burroughs, Fremont, and Franklin elementary schools. We just opened up a new center that will offer more emotional and social support to our students starting this new 23/24 school year! Ayer Elementary School - Fresno Unified School District Ayer Elementary School Welcome Back Letter for 2023-2024 Ayer-Welcome-Back-Letter-2023-2024-1 Download Bell Schedule for 2023-2024 Ayer-Elementary-Bell-Schedule-23-24 Download Announcements 22-23 School Site Council SSC #1 Agenda 9/18/2022 SSC #2 meeting: 11/17/2022 Ayer Newsletter Links Facebook; 2309 Tulare St., Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 457-3000 Non-Discrimination Policy: Fresno Unified School District does not harass, intimidate, or discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, age, creed, religion, political affiliation, gender,gender identity or expression or genetic . State and Federal Programs (559) 457-3934; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA; Staff Directory Ewing Elementary School - Fresno Unified School District 1430 N Street Due to the growing population of Fresno, bonds were successfully passed in 1914, 1919, and 1925. For questions or complaints, contact Teresa Plascencia, Equity Compliance Officer, 2309 Tulare Street, (559) 457-3736,; and David Chavez, Title IX Coordinator, 2309 Tulare Street, (559) 457-3593, ; and Sean Virnig, District Section 504 Coordinator, 1301 M Street, (559) 457-3220,; and Andrew de la Torre, Title II / ADA Coordinator, 2309 Tulare Street, (559) 457-3520, They ensure they can continue their education and graduate with a solid plan for a bright future beyond high school. Below are links to resources for LEA CDS coordinators for submitting corrections. The Bullard School District became part of Fresno Unified in 1958-59. Real Estate & Homes For Sale - 9404 Homes For Sale California Department of Education (CDE) as a public convenience., Career Opportunities for Non-Teachers & Classified, New Hire Checklist for Certificated Substitutes, Learn About the Fresno Internship Credential Program, Learn More About Transition to Teaching (T2T), Learn More about Fresno Teacher Residency Program (FTRP), Quick Tips for Teaching Credential Programs, Ethics/Code of Conduct & Workplace Harassment Online Training Help Sheet, Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining Agreements, Bullying/Cyberbullying Information and Procedures. PDF Parent/Guardian/Student Notification & Information Handbook 20232024 Back to School 2023-24 | Fresno Unified School District Fresno Unified School District; Main Phone: (559) 457-3000; Questions or Concerns: (559) 457-3736; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721; Facebook; Balderas Open House Thursday April 20, 2023, 5:00-6:00 pm ***** SSC Meeting in the library on 3/23/23 5-6 pm Entrepreneurship for All: How A Fresno High School and the CIE Are Family Learning and Technology Support (FLATS) Center, Rapid Alert: Fresno Unifieds Emergency Notification System, The Foundation for Fresno Unified Schools, District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining Agreements, Bullying/Cyberbullying Information and Procedures. (559) 457-3000. Don't forget to sign up your student for swimming classes. Fresno Unified School District; Contact. Fresno Unified School District. representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to Directory information. If no insurance card is provided, sports physicals are $15. Let Finn's story inspire you to embrace your true self and find happiness. The history of the Fresno Unified School District is the story of consolidation over decades of growth. Overview The transportation staff works very hard to provide a safe means of transportation for our students, which in turn helps to support our student's education and District's goals. Happy Independence Day, Fresno Unified Family! The Student Directory Information is a list of the names and addresses of all middle and high school students enrolled in our district. Contact Fresno Unified School District - Maintenance & Operations 4600 North Brawley Avenue, Fresno, CA, 93722 Phone: (559) 457-3261 Fax: (559) 457-3709 24 Hour Emergency Dispatch: (559) 457-3000 Water Conservation & Graffiti Hotline: (559) 457 -3600 Every Drop Counts! Fresno Unified School District has an elaborate history dating back to the 1800s. Contact | Fresno Unified School District 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721. NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT: FUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, age (40 and above), religious creed, religion, political belief or affiliation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, mental or physical disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy or parental status, childbirth, breastfeeding/lactation status, medical condition, military and veteran status, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics or any other basis protected by law or regulation, in its educational program(s) or employment. special needs who attend school within the Fresno Unified School District. An early retirement incentive is being offered based on an agreement between the district, FTA, FTA-Building andTradesProfessionals, SEIU, IAM&AW, Management and CSEA (CSEA 125 & 143pending ratification). "One day, Patio was doing recruitment, came to our classroom and started talking about what they do," he recounted. school/district administrators that is voluntarily self-reported by local education agencies (LEAs) to the Lynn Williams, a proud Bullard High alumni, will be one of the 23 players representing the red, white and blue. Release of Student Directory Information - Fresno Unified School District | Web Policy If you would like to exercise this right (or confirm/modify any previous requests), please fill out one of the forms below and return it to the school officeno later than September 9, 2022 for Fall or April 28, 2023 for Spring. Staff Directory The State and Federal Programs Team Office Location We are located on the second floor of the Education Center at 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721. Fresno Unified School District - Grades K-12 California, It is a teenage dream to be featured in Teen Vogue and we are excited to share that two of our outstanding students, Joshua Medina, a senior at Sunnyside High School, and Mellohi Russo, a junior at Hoover High School, have been featured in Teen Vogue! Department Directory This is a list of public websites and organizational charts for departments. Human Resources; HR Main Phone: (559) 457-3500; Certificated Sub Desk: (559) 457-3492; Classified Sub Desk: (559) 457-3475; Fingerprints: (559) 457-3504; Address: 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA; Staff Directory; Smart Finder (Subfinder) Fresno Unified School District. Plan Ahead for the Start of School by Getting Immunizations Questions: (559) 644-0336. Other schools and school districts established during this period included Roeding District, which was created in 1898 and merged into the Fresno Unified School District in 1951, and Kirk School which was annexed to the Fresno Unified School District in 1980. When: Thursday, Aug. 3 and Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023 4-7 p.m. Where: All Fresno Unified schools For preschool: July 19, Aug. 2 and Aug. 9, 2023 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. McLane High School, Rm. Awesome news Fresno Unified family! Career Opportunities for Non-Teachers & Classified, New Hire Checklist for Certificated Substitutes, Learn About the Fresno Internship Credential Program, Learn More About Transition to Teaching (T2T), Learn More about Fresno Teacher Residency Program (FTRP), Quick Tips for Teaching Credential Programs, Ethics/Code of Conduct & Workplace Harassment Online Training Help Sheet, Labor Relations & Collective Bargaining Agreements, Bullying/Cyberbullying Information and Procedures, Fingerprints - Volunteers - Parent University. School Directory. Address: 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA, 93721. You can submit updates directly to the LEA CDS Coordinator School Directory; Department Directory; School Calendars; Job Openings; Staff Portal; . Address . Fresno Unified School District has an elaborate history dating back to the 1800s.
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