Relive homecoming, prom, graduation, and other moments on campus captured in yearbook pictures. Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) Use our online Genealogy Resource to uncover history quickly! Start your search today! can help you with scanning and providing access to yearbook images for promotional materials and activities. Looking for old family members and relatives? Hammond Gavit Gladiators - Official Athletic Website - Hammond, IN Kudos to you and your staff. Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing. If you don't see your class's yearbook here, scroll down and check out your individual class year. Addeddate 2017-06-01 00:22:38 Betterpdf true Digitizing-sponsor OCI Yearbook Program The Internet Archive is a nonprofit fighting for universal access to quality information, powered by online donations averaging about $17. Choose a color combination to give the most comfortable Instant Access to Millions of Yearbook Pictures, High-Resolution, Full Color Images Available Online, Search, Browse, Read, and Print Yearbook Pages, View College, High School, and Military Yearbooks, Browse our digital annual library spanning centuries, Support the Schools in our Program by Subscribing. Class of 1974 Gavit High School Yearbooks. yearbooks Language English This is the 1962 edition of Donald E. Gavit High School's Futura (Hammond, Indiana). Includes photographs of students, faculty, and staff. Find Alumni in Indiana > This is a great resource for genealogists, local historians, and anyone who's just feeling a little nostalgic. Futura (1962) : Lake County Public Library - YEARBOOK ''20 20 '2 '21 ''2 21. Our yearbook collection, while extensive, isn't complete. A free site for Gavit High School alumni. There are currently no Gavit notable alumni listed. While we may have digital copies of some of the following, we would love to add the hard copy to our physical collection. You can also contact us via our Ask a Librarian form. Gavit High School. Jakarta International High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and Reunion Donald E Gavit High School Alumni - Hammond, IN - AlumniClass Browse short-form content that's perfect for a quick read. Crown Point High School yearbook, 1916, 1927, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1. R. E. S. I. L. I. E. N. C. E. ACG SCHOOL JAKARTA YEARBOOK 2019-2020. Hammond Public Library - SGL Local History Room - CON C O N CO ON T EN TEN TE TS TS i. 1. . Roberto Andrade 1999-2004. Do you want to see past girlfriends or boyfriends? Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) Class of 1975. Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) Register for free to search for Gavit High School from Hammond, Indiana yearbooks, or buy a printed copy of Gavit High School from Hammond, Indiana yearbooks today. of Gavit High School find and contact you. Gavit High School yearbooks (Custom Reprint) Yearbook: 1966 Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) [Gavit High School 1966 Yearbook Staff] on Gavit High School Class of 1966. Freshman Yearbook (1976) Sophomore Yearbook (1977 . (Reprint) 1967 Yearbook: Gavit High School, Hammond, Indiana. Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy online at is the 1971 edition of Donald E. Gavit High School's Futura (Hammond, Join for free, The High School Network is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by Gavit High School of Hammond, Indiana. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Each book is fully searchable. Search and browse yearbooks online! High School Yearbooks Online Lake County Public Library has a huge collection of yearbooks from all of the high schools in our district - some dating back to 1908! Yearbooks Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at Linda Andres 2007-2011. Are you trying to find old school friends, old classmates, fellow servicemen or shipmates? With, you can join your class list to receive reunion and alumni event updates, find yearbooks, and search for alumni Select your class year. Older Class of 1976 Class of 1977 Class of 1978 Class of 1979 Class of 1980 Class of 1981 Class of 1982 Class of 1983 . Are you trying to find old school friends, old classmates, fellow servicemen or shipmates? *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy online at Yearbooks 14 day free trial Get started Curious about what your relatives who went to Gavit High School were like during their school years? Share your memories by posting photos or stories, or find out about your next class reunion! Gavit High School yearbooks Gavit High School Yearbooks If you want to buy a Gavit High School yearbook or sell your Gavit High yearbook, this is the place to do it. Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) We're finally putting our historic yearbooks online for anyone to flip through. Search the history of over 818 billion Brad Beevers 1975-1979. Gavit High School: Class of 1965 - Classmates Relive homecoming, prom, graduation, and other moments on campus captured in yearbook pictures. Use our online Genealogy Resource to uncover history quickly! We can provide you with an electronic version of your yearbook that can assist you with reunion planning. Apr 24 Richard Jay Memorial Morton/Gavit Alumni Golf Outing - July 9, 2021 - Wicker Memorial Park We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! Gavit High School. Copyright 2005-2023 Digital Data Online, Inc. Material on this website is protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This A free site for Gavit High School alumni. Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN), Class of 1980, Page 98 of 208 | has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. Gavit High School Yearbooks and Pictures - Ancestry Includes photographs of students, faculty, and staff. Hammond Public Library - SGL Local History Room - *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Welcome to Issuus blog: home to product news, tips, resources, interviews (and more) related to content marketing and publishing. Log in to see the event location and get directions. RSVP Gavit High School hammond, indiana Register for FREE to view the profiles of 6,962 other alumni *Grad year Create your password Please enter 6-20 characters *Required By clicking Submit, you agree to the Classmates Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you don't see your class's yearbook, check out our yearbook page. Sara Ahmed 1991-1995. High School Yearbooks Online - Lake County Public Library Do you want to find pictures of parents or grandparents when they were in school? web pages The holidays are a great time to reflect on years past so share those photos so . If you don't see your class's yearbook, check out our yearbook page. Yearbooks View all 28 Gavit High School yearbooks 1974 Yearbook 1963 Yearbook Lake County IN School Records - LDS Genealogy Help us update the 1974 class list by adding missing names. Catherine Allen 1981-1985. Class of 1977. 1990 Gavit High School Yearbook Futura Hammond Indiana - B Gavit High School Collection hammondpubliclibraryyearbooks; additional_collections; yearbooks; americana Language English This is the 1975 edition of Gavit High School's Futura yearbook from Hammond, Indiana. - Free Online Yearbooks Help us Update the Gavit 1974 Class List by adding any names missing from the list below: Know Gavit class of 1974 graduates that are NOT on this list? The list of names is also useful for getting together a Gavit High School reunion if you don't have a complete list of the students from your graduating class of Futura (1971) : Lake County Public Library - 106 likes. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Gavit High Schoolin Hammond, Indiana. eternal beauty and. We greatly appreciate your wonderful support." 10/3/2017 "Thanks for all your hard work and ingenious . Gavit High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks & Reunion Plans Copyright 2005-2023 Digital Data Online, Inc. Material on this website is protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. Bart Agee 1983-1987. Gavit High School: Class of 1966 - Classmates Gavit High School. Gavit High School alumni can relive their experiences from high school by sharing memories and pictures, reconnecting with those alumni listed, and more. Includes photographs of students, faculty, and staff. Looking for old family members and relatives? Want to find out what hairstyle was popular in the 1920s? Students of ACG, you set the bar very high for us adults, so I salute you . Register to let other graduates Register for free to see them all, or buy a printed copy of yearbooks from Gavit High School from Hammond, Indiana today. Register for free to see them all, or buy a printed copy of yearbooks from Gavit High School from Hammond, Indiana today. Freshman Yearbook (1964) Sophomore Yearbook (1965 . Addeddate 2017-05-27 21:21:10 Betterpdf true Digitizing-sponsor OCI Yearbook Program Identifier GVHS1968Images Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t8rc2gv2b Ocr Search and browse yearbooks online! You can even download the books as PDFs and print any pages you want. Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? . Deliver a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link. Hammond Public Library 564 State Street Hammond, Indiana 46320 219.931.5100 Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm Friday-Saturday 9am-5pm Start your search today! Preview pages of the 1976 yearbook from Gavit High School from Hammond, Indiana online. Use our online Genealogy Resource to uncover history quickly! has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. Browse our Photos of Donald E Gavit High School Alumni and Faculty. Start your search today! 1977 Gavit High School Yearbook Futura Hammond Indiana $29.95 + $5.75 shipping Hover to zoom Sell now Shop with confidence eBay Money Back Guarantee Get the item you ordered or your money back. Click here to register for free at and view other 1974 alumni. Generate QR Codes for your digital content. 1962 Gavit High School Yearbook. Last Name: Charles Adams 1977-1981. Community Gavit High School Class of 1966 Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. Class of 1979. has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. Here you'll find an answer to your question. (Custom Reprint) Yearbook: 1966 Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook Connected content from Communico. . Class information and alumni listings for the class of 1967 from Gavit High School in Hammond, IN. Indiana). has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. 1963 Yearbook. High schools from which we have not uploaded any scans yet are not mentioned here - but they will be soon. on the Internet. More 1974 alumni from Gavit HS have posted profiles on (Reprint) 1967 Yearbook: Gavit High School, Hammond, Indiana [Gavit High School, 1967 Yearbook Staff of] on Copyright 2005-2023 Digital Data Online, Inc. Material on this website is protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. Gavit High School Alumni Class List. No protected images or material on this website may be copied or printed without express authorization. Do you want to find pictures of parents or grandparents when they were in school? Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) - Class of 1970 Page 183 of 208 Page 183 of 208 Previous Page Next Page Search for Classmates, Friends, and Family in one of the Largest Collections of Online Yearbooks! Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. Search for Classmates, Friends, and Family in one. "Your site is amazing. Includes photographs of students, faculty, and staff. Donald E. Gavit High School, Hammond, Indiana, Lake County, School City of Hammond, 1971, GVHS, schools, high school, genealogy, local history, faculty, yearbook, Gavit High School Collection yearbooks Language English This is the 1971 edition of Donald E. Gavit High School's Futura (Hammond, Indiana). Cheryl Andis 1963-1967. All of the people on this page graduated in '66 from Gavit HS. Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) - Class of 1971 Page 1 of 208 Cover Pages 6 - 7 Pages 10 - 11 Pages 14 - 15 Pages 8 - 9 Pages 12 - 13 Pages 16 - 17 ShowHide text for 1971 volume (OCR) Text from Pages 1 - 208 of the 1971 volume: " " Suggestions in the Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) collection: 1968 1969 1970 1972 No protected images or material on this website may be copied or printed without express authorization. Toggle navigation HighSchoolNetwork. This is the 1968 edition of Gavit High School's Futura yearbook from Hammond, Indiana. Kudos to you and your staff. Welcome! Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) Do you want to find pictures of parents or grandparents when they were in school? Class of 1982. There are no reviews yet. Do you want to find pictures of parents or grandparents when they were in school? Class of 1980. Check the list below that shows the Gavit class of '74. Transform any piece of content into a page-turning experience. You can also go to for additional information. Local History Resources | Hammond Public Libra View GHS yearbook pictures at Preview pages of the 1971 yearbook from Gavit High School from Hammond, Indiana online. 2023 Lake County Public Library (219) 769-3541 | Email Us | Locations & Hours. Gavit High School Class of 1966 - Facebook We have been getting a lot of requests for more yearbook and reunion photos! Please bring your meat for grilling for you and a side to share (salad, chips, snacks, dip, etc.) Entries with an * are missing several years. Dear Patron: Please don't scroll past this. Rob (shriv) Anderson 1975-1979. Camilla Adinda 1994-1998. We greatly appreciate your wonderful support." 10/3/2017 "Thanks for all your hard work and ingenious . 1962 Gavit High School Yearbook 1963 Gavit High School Yearbook 1964 Gavit High School Yearbook 1965 Gavit High School Yearbook View More Yearbooks Famous Alumni Add a Famous Alumni It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. Yearbooks for Gavit High School. Leo Besozzi, born in 1902 in Newton Massachusetts, graduated from Valparaiso University with a Bachelor of Science degree and a . ACG School Jakarta Yearbook 2019-2020 by ACG Schools - Issuu See members of old school clubs and relive old times. Tickets are limited to the first 240 attendees. Hello Select your address 1960s; 1970s; 1980s; 1990s; 2000s > 1962 Yearbook. Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN), Class of 1966, Page 140 of 220 | has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. Just make a post below to find another person who went to school in Hammond to make the trade. The Gavit High alumni site is made so that students and teachers from the Hammond high school can reconnect with those that they met while attending high school. Gavit High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and Reunion Plans power of learnin g. 2. Becky Andrade 1997-2001. Gavit High School. Highlight your latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. Gavit High School Class of 1967 Learn more Seller information 86durango86 (8077) See other items 1990 Gavit High School Yearbook Futura Hammond Indiana - B Condition: Used Price: US $29.95 The publisher chose not to allow downloads for this publication. See members of old school clubs and relive old times. will also publish the yearbook images online for people to share and enjoy. Want to find out what hairstyle was popular in the 1920s? We have a very large collection and are only posting links as we begin to upload. Freshman Yearbook (1963) Sophomore Yearbook (1964) . Sara Andree 2006-2010. While you are reminiscing about the times you spent in high school at Gavit High School, you should also check out alumni photos, yearbook listings and share any reunion info . Revisit your fraternity or sorority and see familiar places. Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. Micah Beck 1977-1981. Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy online at Be the first to add an GHS famous alumni. Bishop Noll Institute1947-1958, 1960-1970, 1972, 1974, 1980-1984, 2005 - 2007, Froebel High School1941 - 1943,1945, 1951, 1955, Gary Edison High School 1944 - 1947,1949, 1963, Gavit High School1962 - 1971, 1976, 1982, George Rogers Clark High School*1937-1964, Hammond Technical Vocational School1938 - 1940, 1945,1950 - 1955, 1966, Illiana Christian High School*1950 - 1980, (Theodore) Roosevelt High School*1930 - 1968, Tolleston High School1935-19391940-19491950-19541956, 19571959-1967. 1971 yearbook from Gavit High School from Hammond, Indiana - Uploaded by Details This is a combined reunion for the first 5 graduating classes. Details Dear Classmate, You and your guest are invited to a reunion picnic for the Gavit High School Class of 1966. Looking for GHS alumni not on this site? Revisit your fraternity or sorority and see familiar places. Copyright 2005-2023 Digital Data Online, Inc. Material on this website is protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. Gavit High School - Futura Yearbook (Hammond, IN) Gavit High School. 1964 Gavit High School Yearbook. Additional Classes Attending Class of 1967 Class of 1966 Class of 1968 Class of 1964 Location Are you invited? Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication. You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions." 10/4/2017 "Thanks to our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. If you see your name among the Gavit High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Alumni from the Gavit High School class of 1966 that have been added to this alumni directory are shown on this page. can help you with scanning and providing access to yearbook images for promotional materials and activities. Gavit High School - Class of 1984 - Donald E Gavit High School Photos and Yearbooks - AlumniClass Alumni List. If your high school is in our district and you don't see your yearbook here, don't worry. Hammond Public Library -SGL Local History Room - Gavit High School Class of 1979 Hammond, Indiana. School Yearbook Documentation VideoWIDURI VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLby Creative Organize.And Big thanks for everyone who involved this project.especially. Increase or decrease the font size for this website by clicking on the 'A's. The TV series All in the Family was the most popular show of 1974. The Internet Archive is a nonprofit fighting for universal access to quality information, powered by online donations averaging $17. Relive homecoming, prom, graduation, and other moments on campus captured in yearbook pictures. ACG School Jakarta Yearbook 2020 - 2021 by ACG Schools - Issuu If you have ever been part of a Yearbook team you . Do you want to see past girlfriends or boyfriends? Addeddate 2017-06-01 01:46:50 Betterpdf true Digitizing-sponsor OCI Yearbook Program Identifier GVHS1975Images Identifier-ark Class of 1966 Gavit High School Yearbooks. Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? Home > Lake County Public Library web pages Susan Andree 1974-1978. Where: Cedar Lake, IN - Details to be provided after RSVP. Dear Patron: Please don't scroll past this. Start your search today! Do you want to see past girlfriends or boyfriends? Instant Access to Millions of Yearbook Pictures, High-Resolution, Full Color Images Available Online, Search, Browse, Read, and Print Yearbook Pages, View College, High School, and Military Yearbooks, Browse our digital annual library spanning centuries, Support the Schools in our Program by Subscribing. Your membership with provides these benefits: Instant Access to Millions of Yearbook Pictures Skip to main Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? Choose from the 22 yearbooks available for Gavit High School below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. We realize that a Gavit High School year book may be hard to find so registering to complete your school's Virtual Yearbook Stillwater High School Norma Wright Pecos High School Fred Bagley We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! No protected images or material on this website may be copied or printed without express authorization. Relive homecoming, prom, graduation, and other moments on campus captured in yearbook pictures. Join for free, The High School Network is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by Gavit High School of Hammond, Indiana. Revisit your fraternity or sorority and see familiar places. Lake County Public Library has a huge collection of yearbooks from all of the high schools in our district - some dating back to 1908! Register for Free to see all Gavit High School alumni! "Your site is amazing. Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy online at Set ups and beverages will be provided. Go ahead and take a look - you never know what you might find. Class information and alumni listings for the class of 1979 from Gavit High School in Hammond, IN. Want to find out what hairstyle was popular in the 1920s? The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Gavit High Schoolin Hammond, Indiana. Cindy Andree 1984-1988. See members of old school clubs and relive old times. Dive into our extensive resources on the topic that interests you. Create a Gavit High School memorial for an individual alum that has passed away. Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at No protected images or material on this website may be copied or printed without express authorization. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. ALUMNI Registration Find Classmates in Your Graduating Class 2021 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 Missing some friends from Gavit HS that graduated with you in 1974? will also publish the yearbook images online for people to share and enjoy. Are you trying to find old school friends, old classmates, fellow servicemen or shipmates? Search for Classmates, Friends, and Family in one. Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing subscriptions. Thanks! on June 1, 2017. Addeddate 2020-08-28 19:14:16 Digitizing-sponsor OCI Yearbook Program Identifier gvhs-1962-images Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6g254s0b Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Scanner
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