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Additionally, CCHS was chosen as Essexs top secondary institution.In addition to these accomplishments, the school strives to instil creating the leaders of tomorrow in the notion that the capable girls will be leaders in any sector of employment or academic study they choose in the future, or even in the personal hobbies they pursue. State-funded institution with a strong academic reputation and traditional values is The Judd School. Only students who have taken the Common Entrance Assessment (CEA) offered by the Association for Quality Education (AQE) and who have received a mark in the form of a standardised score1 or who have been assigned to a band of scores following the determination of an application for Special Circumstances or Special Provisions will initially be taken into consideration at the Transfer stage. The majority of pupils who pass their GCSEs continue on to the schools Sixth Form to finish their A-levels. You can also find helpful information about the 11 plus exam, such as exam practice resources, information about exam boards and key dates in the calendar. On the GL Assessment website, you can get preparation resources. Sir Thomas Richs School boasts two choirs, an orchestra, and several groups and ensembles on the music front. 16. The vast majority of parents place a high priority on the school and how it affects their children.. In Chelmsford, Essex, England, there is a selective grammar school for girls ages 11 to 18 called Chelmsford County High School for Girls, or CCHS. An academic selection test is required for enrollment in the school. Top 10 Grammar Schools in London (2023 Ratings) In addition to the town of Caistor, the school draws pupils from a number of nearby communities, including Grimsby, Brigg, and Market Rasen. The school also offers covid-secure boarding, at around 11,900 per year. This page has everything you need to know about Newstead Wood School and can help you get started with the admissions process. However, bear in mind that if you choose to apply for this school, your son will need to take the two-part Selective Eligibility Test (SET) as his 11+ entrance exam. According to the Progress 8 benchmark, this school moved from 5th to 1st place, with outstanding results that make it highly selective. There will be a requirement for residency proof. SATs results 2023: everything you need to know 26. The primary entry requirement is the eleven plus test, paired with residency in the catchment region (1.6 miles as of 2015) There are a few spots designated as governess seats for pupils who live beyond the catchment region. Following this, Ofsted also states that boys show strong performance and respectful behaviour. Weald of Kent is an all-girls selective school in Tonbridge with a mixed-gender Sixth Form. St Marys Grammar School, Magherafelt. Success on the 11+ exam and proximity to the school are both taken into account when determining admission to Camp Hill. The school consistently ranks among the finest in England, and in 2010 it had the greatest scores for the English Baccalaureate. Admission is based on academic selection through the Transfer Test, and the school offers a wide range of subjects at both GCSE and A-level, as well as extracurricular activities and sports. Successful candidates may choose to either attend Nonsuch or Wallington. Refer this table in your content? The Skinners School, sometimes known simply as Skinners, is a British Grammar School for boys with academy status that is situated in the town of Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England. She Sets Heights In Her Heart is the schools slogan. Therefore, if your son is into sport, this school would be a solid choice. With 100% of pupils achieving 5+ 9-4s and a Progress 8 score of 1.08, this is without a doubt an excellent choice of secondary school. This fully selective non-fee paying school is one of the countrys most respected institutions for secondary education. The Best Grammar Schools in Essex | Atom Learning Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School. The trusts goal is to expand its schools academic resources and opportunities, helping students achieve academic excellence. This examination is known as the 11+. The schools name was changed to South Wilts Grammar School in 2020 to reflect the fact that beginning in September of that year, male pupils will be admitted to the sixth form. Since then, it has developed into one of the East Midlands most prestigious and successful institutions. All pupils typically take a minimum of nine GCSEs at Key Stage 4, and at least three A-Levels in the Sixth Form. It is located next to the Cathedral School on the grounds of Salisbury Cathedral.Up until June 2020, South Wilts Grammar School for Girls provided sixth form instruction. In 2011, the school converted to an academy, and by 2020, it had 1,308 students. You can unsubscribe at any time. Newstead Wood School is a girls grammar school with academy status in Orpington, Greater London. The school moved to its present site from the centre of Gloucester in 1964. Denmark Road High School is an academy, meaning it has more control over its curriculum than most schools. The schools motto Through Difficulties to the Heights reflects how Wallington educates resilient and compassionate young adults. In addition to ranking GCSE results*, the schools featured in the list display a metric identified as Progress 8. Many parents are attracted to the school because it offers a broader curriculum at Sixth Form as it follows the IB rather than A-level programme; you can see more comments that parents have made about the school. The second Monday in January of that year will be the cutoff date for test registration. It is an Additional Member of the Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference and was given academy status in March 2011. Giles Scoble is the headmaster at the moment. Furthermore, last year each Pates student achieved (on average) 0.79 of a grade higher than their target in every GCSE they took, placing them in the top 5% of all schools nationally. However, bear in mind that if you choose to apply for this school, your son will need to take the two-part Selective Eligibility Test (SET) as his 11+ entrance exam. You can read more about Sutton Grammars Year 7 admission. Tunbridge Wells Girls Grammar School. Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet, is the primary UK Grammar School. Score* King Edward VI Grammar School Invicta Grammar School is the highest ranked school in Kent for the second year running Scores of 11-year-olds across the county will have sat the Kent Test this week with the hope of getting into a grammar school. Thats why services like Think Academy are offering free trial maths lessons, designed to help 11+ candidates learn nifty tricks to quickly answer questions in the exam, and ultimately pass. Girls aged 11 to 16 attend this non-denominational, single-sex school, which is coeducational in the sixth form. Why use a league table? Offering the Vesey experience, students can expect exclusive access to a wide range of high-quality extracurricular activities and outstanding academic excellence. If there are openings, a test is also offered for admittance into Years 91011. In 2009, all of the girls who took the GCSE exams earned five or more A*-C grades. Ilford welcomes boys from all religious backgrounds making the school very diverse and one that focuses a lot on students character development. Students will also need to be familiar with the format of the Stage 1 tests, which is multiple choice and marked by a computer, so students must answer correctly. It is therefore essential to start preparing early. Frederick Knott, who gave Knott House its name, served as the schools first principal. Therefore, competition is high, and gaining entry to one of the countrys top 30 proves even more of a challenge. The school specialises in languages, and was one of the first schools in the UK to offer Mandarin. Additionally, CCHS was chosen as Essexs top secondary institution. If there are openings, a test is also offered for admittance into Years 91011. The students attend Sutton Girls from all across Birmingham, with many of them travelling great distances to participate. The two admission key stages for King Edward VI Five Ways School are typically Year 7 for Main School and Year 12 for Sixth Form. All female applicants must take the Lancaster Girls Grammar School Entrance Examinations, which will be held on Saturday, September 24, 2022.Girls are given places based on their performance on the entrance exams. The school received an outstanding rating in the most recent Ofsted assessment. Today, it is a Grammar Academy and part of the Alpha Trust, a multi-academy trust of schools including The Gilberd School, Manningtree High, and Home Farm Primary School. While we offer an advanced online maths course specially designed to help prepare Years 4 and 5 pupils for the 11 plus exam, we also provide many free online resources to help both parents and children prepare. Wirral Grammar School for Girls has a history of academic excellence, has been named a high performing school by the Specialist Schools Academies Trust, and has obtained a Outstanding rating from Ofsted in every category. The 11 plus for this schools examination provider is CEM, and you can find several preparation materials via the schools website. Rugby, Warwickshire, Englands Lawrence Sheriff School is a grammar school for boys. Grammar schools best value added | The Good Schools Guide Matilda Martin. Known for academic success, they are selective, meaning that they admit pupils based on their academic ability. When compared to nearby prestigious schools, 87% of students from King Edward VI, 73% from Bablake, 66% from Rugby High School, and 64% from Rugby School received the certificate. 50. Getting admission to the top 20-30 schools can become challenging for your child. The school has many notable alumni, including the comedian Jimmy Carr, the rugby player Matt Dawson and politician Christopher Grayling. The school specialises in languages, and was one of the first schools in the UK to offer Mandarin. Beginning in the fall of 2020, the school began accepting girls directly into its sixth form, with 45 students entering Year 12. If you are also looking to send your child to a private school also as known as independent school, our guide to best private schools in the UK could be a great help! GCSE Results Table 2022 For UK Schools - Top UK Boarding Schools They have had 3 locations since 1876: Priory Estate, Camp Hill House, and Meriden Street (Kings Heath). Dartford Grammar School was awarded the title 'IB Secondary School of the Decade' by the Sunday Times in 2020. Its crucial to visit their website, download the entrance test request form, and return it to the school before submitting the common application form to your local authority. The school was established in September 1997 and is situated where the former St. Columbs College had stood. It is located near to Kedermister Park, just north of the A4. In this school, boys achieve outstanding academic success and are also equipped with relevant university skills and later careers. Additional support for understanding grammar schools and preparing for the 11 plus exam. The Grammar School of King Edward VI at Stratford-upon-Avon, also known as King Edward VI School or abbreviated K.E.S., is a grammar school and academy that has historically been exclusively for boys in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. The school is historically known for its outstanding academic results. Out of a total of 4,190 secondary schools in the UK, grammar schools account for just 232. The school specialises in languages, maths and computing. Watch the induction video for parents, a virtual tour, equipment lists, and more all serving to provide you with a fantastic insight into what you can expect from this school. In Bartley Green, Birmingham, England, there is a coed state grammar school called King Edward VI Five Ways (KEFW) for students ages 11 to 18. It is adjacent to Lamorbey Park, Rose Bruford College Drama School and Hurstmere School. . Dartford Grammar School is a school for boys located in Kent, just outside London. In acknowledgment of the exceptional instruction in science and mathematics, Skinners, an all-boys grammar school today, has received specialist status in those subjects. Additionally, it now has the standing of an academy (30 August 2012). Our interactive map reveals many of the hidden facts about these schools. Colchester County High School for Girls. Please take note that Lancaster Girls Grammar School does not evaluate nonverbal reasoning. The school and college performance tables report the results of pupils at the end of key stage 4 ( KS4) in secondary schools. County Londonderry, County Antrim, and County Tyrone children attend the school because it is surrounded by three counties. Tonbridge Grammar School is a grammar school in Tonbridge, Kent. Successful candidates may choose to either attend Nonsuch or Wallington. A sports prefect, a performing arts prefect, and a charity prefect are appointed roles within each house. The schools results are excellent: in 2019, three-quarters of A-level results were awarded A*-B, with almost half awarded A*s and As. It is just across from St. Thomas More High School for Boys and shares a canteen with Westcliff High School for Boys. Furthermore, last year each Pates student achieved (on average) 0.79 of a grade higher than their target in every GCSE they took, placing them in the top 5% of all schools nationally. However, if spaces open up in Years 7, 8, 9, or 10, there could be chances for in-year admissions. AGSBs excellent GCSE and A-level results consistently place it as one of the best grammar schools in the UK with outstanding teaching quality. *The fourth column shows average points per student across all their A-levels, where A=10, B=8, C=6, D=4 and E=2 No. Candidates will usually sit for a test at the end of primary education, at the age of 11-12. It was also among the first to offer the AQA Baccalaureate. Alistair Hopkins is the schools 27th headmaster, having assumed the role in January 2017. 38. 1. However, some pupils may be enrolled after making an appeal to Buckinghamshire County Council. Its no wonder, therefore, that many parents turn to tutors for help maximising their childs chances of securing success. Top Rated Home Blog 10 best grammar schools in the UK and where to live nearby A grammar school education is such an attractive option that many families in the UK will willingly move to a grammar school area. In addition, the school has a dedicated Language Centre and Music Suite. In 2022 A Levels, 55% of the grades awarded were A*/A and the overall results show a 10% increase on last years results, with 80.5% of results being A*-B grade. On the Ravenhill Road in Belfast, Northern Ireland, there is a coed Catholic grammar school called Aquinas Diocesan Grammar School. In Bartley Green, Birmingham, England, there is a coed state grammar school called King Edward VI Five Ways (KEFW) for students ages 11 to 18. 2022 A level results: 96.1% A*-B. It was named after John Hampden, a member of the local parliament and a British Civil War commander, and in June 2011 the school became an academy. In Southend-on-Sea, Essex, and the surrounding districts, there is a prestigious grammar school and academy for girls called Westcliff High School for Girls, often known by its initials WHSG. Grammar schools are selective state schools that offer admission to pupils based on their 11 plus exam results. The School is a coeducational school established in 1927, is for students aged 11-18, and now edcates around 1099 pupils. Parents of Year 6 students can learn more here, Self-styled as Kegs, this all-boys grammar school is located in the heart of Essexs county town and holds academy status, meaning it enjoys greater flexibility in the academic curriculum, school holidays and extracurricular activities. In Chelmsford, Essex, England, there is a selective grammar school for girls ages 11 to 18 called Chelmsford County High School for Girls, or CCHS. An academic selection test is required for enrollment in the school. Today, it is a Grammar Academy and part of the Alpha Trust, a multi-academy trust of schools including The Gilberd School, Manningtree High, and Home Farm Primary School. The school runs a space project entitled Project Horizon, which sends a balloon with cameras and other hardware on a journey to the stratosphere each year. Due to the schools admittance policy, which is based on the eleven-plus, students come from as far away as Oxford and Milton Keynes. 24. In 2015 Herschel grammar school saw 17% of their students achieve 8-9 A* grades. In 2022 A Levels, 27.5% grades A*, 59.6% grades A*-A, 81.8% grades A*-B. Some parents have uprooted home and relocated so that they live within a schools catchment area. Over 1100 pupils attend the school, with 240 enrolling in our Sixth Form. For its achievement at GCSE and A level, the school has consistently been listed among the top 10 state schools in the nation for achieving good results over a long period of time. Its no wonder, therefore, that many parents turn to tutors for help maximising their childs chances of securing success. 10 best grammar schools in the UK and where to live nearby The school dates back to 1392 and was rebuilt in 1528 with funding from Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester, and teaching has continued uninterrupted since. A grammar school with academy status, Southend High School for Girls is located on Southchurch Boulevard in the eastern part of Southend-on-Sea, Essex, England. The School is a coeducational school established in 1927, is for students aged 11-18, and now edcates around 1099 pupils. Admissions procedures for prospective students aiming to join in September 2024 as a Year 7 student. The Best Grammar Schools in Kent | Atom Learning Can't see your local secondary school? The National Grammar Schools Association (NGSA) highlights that only 164 of all England's secondary schools are grammar schools, the equivalent of less than 1%. You can read more about Sutton Grammars Year 7 admission here. The school now educates around 1344 pupils aged 11-18, pupils at the school are divided into a series of six houses.In 2022 GCSEs, 70% of the grades were awarded a 9-7, the best results the school has achieved.68 students were awarded all 10 of their GCSE grades at 9 or 8.In 2022 A Levels, 55% of the grades awarded were A*/A and the overall results show a 10% increase on last years results, with 80.5% of results being A*-B grade. We have, hool also as known as independent school, our guide to best private schools in the UK. The best secondary schools in Greater Manchester according to The In 2019, 74% of pupils achieved grades 8-9 at GCSE, and almost 60% achieved A* A grades at A-LEVEL, with Year 12 students receiving offers from the nations top universities. : once in 2012 and again in 2020. St Olave's Grammar School is . Both campuses are easily accessible from the railway station and A21. King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls. As a result, your son will only need to sit the Selective Eligibility Test (SET) to secure a place. Therefore, if your son is into sport, this school would be a solid choice. Although CCEA is its preferred education board, the school also utilises AQA and Edexcel for several topics. The admission process for Weald of Kent is through the Kent GL Test, which you can read more about here. This means that the GCSE results are high, with most pupils completing their A-levels with equally impressive grades. Every Key Stage 3 student studies either French and Spanish or French and German (replacing Latin in 2002, which is now available as an additional subject studied off-timetable). It now has around 1050 students aged 11 to 18. Female pupils have lately been admitted to the sixth form. Students do well in the GCSE, consistently achieving a pass percentage of 100%. Approximately 1,013 students attend it presently, 261 of them are in the sixth form. Additionally, it belongs to the Governing Bodies Association and the Independent Schools Council. A total of 62 of the 84 UK institutions ranked in the QS . Best Grammar Schools In The UK - Top 50 Grammar Schools In UK The school has successful teams in various sports, particularly netball, hockey and badminton. The school became an academy in 2011. It frequently appears in lists of Birminghams top universities. The school has been given academy school status since 2011. Sats attainment in English primary schools still below pre-Covid levels One of the oldest schools in the country, it is unusual in that it only offers the International Baccalaureate programme and does not follow the National Curriculum. But should you simply send your child to the nearest grammar school, satisfied that theyre on a trajectory bound for success? In 2022 A Levels, 30% grades A*, 58% grades A*-A, 80% grades A*-B. In Stratford-upon-Avon, England, there is a fully selective girls grammar school known as Stratford Girls Grammar School (formerly Stratford-upon-Avon Grammar School for Girls). It has roughly 1000 students total, including about 380 in the sixth form. It is adjacent to Lamorbey Park, Rose Bruford College Drama School and Hurstmere School. League tables - The Telegraph It has a focus on science and languages. The Kings School is a boys grammar school in Grantham, English Lincolnshire, with around 1,000 pupils aged 11-18, sharing some of its sixth form teaching resources with the local Kesteven and Grantham Girls School. Founded in 1952, the school moved to its present site to the west of the town centre in 1958. The Old Lancastrians are the former pupils. The school also uses the Selective Eligibility Test (SET) to determine entry in addition to its own entrance exam as part of a two-stage test. Students will also need to be familiar with the format of the Stage 1 tests, which is multiple choice and marked by a computer, so students must answer correctly. Recent additions to the facilities include an Economics, Entrepreneurship, Careers and Outreach Centre opened in 2020. However, fewer pupils met the expected standard than in 2019 (65%). In 2019, the schools sixth form welcomed female students. Both institutions are still located on nearby properties. However, its essential to acknowledge that it may only supplement your search. Children who fulfil the testing requirements and are applying for admission to Year 8 at the beginning of the next academic year will be asked to take tests during the Annual Testing Round. The rankings are determined based on the average performance of the schools in public examinations, which include A-Levels, GCSEs, International Baccalaureate, Pre-U, Advanced Higher, Higher, and National 5 outcomes. Uniquely, this school does not hold second stage interviews. The Board started proceedings in January 1894 and, despite much debate, construction of the school was completed at the end of 1897. In addition, the school uses the Durham University (CEM) test.Children who fulfil the testing requirements and are applying for admission to Year 8 at the beginning of the next academic year will be asked to take tests during the Annual Testing Round. Weald of Kent is an all-girls selective school in Tonbridge with a mixed-gender Sixth Form. Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Irelands Strathearn School is a grammar school for girls ages 11 to 18, which is optional. There are 163 grammar schools in England. With consistently excellent marks for both GCSE and A-level grades, CCHS is one of the most academically successful and consistently high-achieving secondary schools in the United Kingdom. Herschel Grammar School is a coeducational grammar school in Slough, Berkshire. Chelmsford County High School for Girls. In Newport, Shropshire, Haberdashers Adams is a grammar school that provides day and boarding instruction for boys and girls ages 11 to 18 and 16 to 18, respectively. List of Grammar Schools in the UK | GoStudent | GoStudent In terms of Progress 8, the schools dropped from 9th to 24th place in the last 12 months but continues to sustain a solid position in the nations top 50 league table.3. On February 1, 2011, it became an academy and is now in charge of itself. We found 171 best grammar schools in England Snobe Rating Private / Independent Boarding All Girls All Boys Ofsted Outstanding St Olave's and St Saviour's Grammar School Bromley , BR6 9SH Secondary School Age 11-18 yr Only Boys State 99% Grade 5+ at GCSE 17.8 Student-Teacher Ratio A Favourite Compare Ripon Grammar School Ripon, Harrogate , HG4 2DG This means pupils achieve a whole grade higher at GCSE than predicted based on their primary school attainment and ranks highly amongst all schools in its local authority. Other than the top academic results, Camp Hill Boys also offers a range of extracurricular activities for its students, such as sports, art, and music. Last year 100% of students achieved a level 5 or above for GCSE Maths and English, and 63% of all GCSE grades awarded were levels 7-9 (old style A or A*). Fortunately for you, our league table also includes location information. Herschel Grammar School is a coeducational grammar school in Slough, Berkshire. Sutton Grammar School is a selective all-boys grammar school that welcomes girls from Sixth Form. Friends School, Lisburn, a Quaker voluntary grammar school established in 1774, is located in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. I will update the table frequently so please keep an eye on it. The school has an extensive Religious Studies module in its curriculum, including various religions and philosophical ideologies. Mrs. Linda Wybar is the head mistress at the moment. All pupils must have received a high score on the Eleven Plus test in order to enrol in this institution. In addition to a range of sports teams and clubs Herschel Grammar School also runs an extensive Duke of Edinburgh scheme. With its exceptional academic achievements and Outstanding Ofsted rating, the school is a popular choice among girls grammar schools in the Kent area. The school was originally founded in 1908 (15 years after its sibling school, Devonport High School for Boys, was founded) and has been at its current location since 1937. Sir Thomas Richs School has a range of sports clubs and teams, and unusually for modern schools allows pupils to take part in a structured games programme during the afternoons. In 2022 A Levels, 20.6% grades A*, 46.6% grades A*-A, 70.6% grades A*-B. You can use the + and - buttons to zoom into a specific area and find out more. The school caters for up to 150 pupils aged 7-19 and sixth formers with a range of academic abilities and complex needs. Best Grammar Schools in London Filter By Ofsted Rating Outstanding 4 Good 5 Inadequate 2 Phase of Education Secondary 13 Middle Deemed Secondary 1 All-through 1 Gender Boys 7 Co-ed 5 Girls 3 Locations England 171 London 18 Greater London 18 School type Group Academies 7 Independent Schools 6 Local Authority Maintained Schools 2 SEN 2 Boarding 1

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