Contact Us. City of Hampton 22 Lincoln Street Hampton, VA 23669 Phone: 757-727-8311 . A line of business is being eliminated and the Washington, D.C.-headquartered company is hoping to avoid layoffs by landing another contract or client, said Rosemary Hanratty, IBEX senior director. Florence G. Kingston Director Email 2400 Washington Ave. 3rd Floor Newport News, VA 23607 Main Phone: 757-926-8428 Phone: 800-274-8348 (toll free) Fax: 757-926-3504 Phone: (803) 914-2140. Hampton County Council employs professional consultants to clean up Phone 614-292-1315 Fax 614-292-3658. Link: Economic Development. Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), >> Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). Community/Economic . Nikki has worked as an external consultant on planning projects such as the 2021 GO Virginia Region 5 Growth and Diversification Plan. She is also a certified Geographic Information System Professional (GISP). GIS Specialist ISF476 - Hampton, VA - Official Website Paul Bayer. Fort Monroe Makes Space For 757 Makerspace | Peninsula Chronicle Hampton Roads Alliance 3 Commercial Place, Suite 1320Norfolk, VA 23510 P: (757) 627-2315 F: (757) 623-3081, 2023 Hampton Roads Alliance. Economic Development eNews | Hampton, VA - Official Website . Former mayor, city manager named to Hampton Economic Development Sure, we will be doing a lot of heavy lifting as well, but Hampton Countys people are what makes the engine run and we have been met with eagerness and helpfulness. State funding has been frozen due to late or incomplete audit reports. Prior to his return to the HRPDC, Eric managed the Climate Services program at the Manomet Center of Conservation Sciences in Massachusetts. The 2020 Inside Business Power List (The Next 50) The Hampton Roads CEDS was prepared by HRPDC staff in collaboration with the Hampton Roads Alliance, Re . Economic Development - Hampton Charter Township, MI The 40-year-old Hampton native was a member of the city's economic development authority and worked full-time as the director of economic development at the College of William and Mary before . Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Staff Directory Hampton County, SC CivicEngage In addition to coordinating GIS activities at the HRPDC, she also administers the regional GIS open data portal, HRGEO. Parks & Recreation. Hampton City Branch. Norfolk, VA 23510, Sean Washington Subscribe today to receive valuable, up-to-date insight on the Hampton Roads region. Economic Development | Hampton, VA - Official Website Staff. 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EDA Loan & Grant Review Committee Meeting, Small Business Cafe Summer Series Finance and Accounting, Hampton's Threat Tec on list of fastest growing private US companies. Agendas & Minutes. Welcome to the Economics Department HRPDC Economics staff provides detailed information, analysis and forecasting relevant the Hampton Roads economy. Hosted tours and campus events with Admission Staff. HAMPTON757 Makerspace, the company that opened in Norfolk back in 2013 to provide artists, designers, engineers, inventors, students, fabricators, entrepreneurs, and hobbyists with a place to bring their ideas to life, has opened a new location on Fort Monroe. Senior Bus. Bylaws (PDF). Starred(*) Fields Are Required! "Heather and her teams work with you will help to build a profile of the ideal candidate for these positions, ensuring that the next staff leaders can harness the potential of our team, and move us toward growth and sustainable success.". . In that capacity he led the Southern Watershed Management Program, developed comprehensive plans for several member localities, updated the regional solid waste plan, and coordinated the regional Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program. The Charter Township of Hampton Board of Trustees and staff are committed to promoting economic growth and development within the Township to attract, retain and expand businesses of all sizes and types. COVID-19 Small Business Assistance Program - Hampton, VA Karen E. Jones Director of Administration. Incentives and Capital Overview - Norfolk Department of Economic Economic Development Authority . We can facilitate the relocation or expansion process through services such as finding the perfect office space or licensing and permit guidance. Being able to come back to Hampton County to assist during this transition is really a passion project for me," said Jones. The Department of Economic Development's mission is to increase revenue for the City by encouraging and facilitating growth of Hampton's tax base and taxable sales, minority businesses and employment opportunities. Develop budget and program of work for 2021. Andrew Hampton. . Our dedicated team members are here to help support your business needs and are eager to assist with any questions you might have about doing business in the Hampton Roads region. Staff Details. Hampton Roads Workforce Council. The program is designed to help small businesses adversely impacted by Gov. Possess excellent interpersonal, analytical, and organizational skills. May 9, 2023Report. The Climate Services program provides guidance to communities in New England on balancing climate preparedness with social well-being and economic resiliency. Developed Bluffton Technology Park with other stakeholders. Hampton Roads Planning District Commission, Hampton Roads Juneteenth 2023 Celebrations, Translated Public Notices, Reports and Documents, Hampton Roads Regional Benchmarking Study, Regional Economic Development Strategy (REDS), 2017 Hampton Roads Hazard Mitigation Plan, 2022 Hampton Roads Hazard Mitigation Plan, Potomac Aquifer Recharge Oversight Committee, HRPDC Overhauls Regional Benchmarking Reporting, HRPDC Releases Latest Regional Benchmarking Study, HRPDC Discusses Regional Economic Competitiveness, Hampton Roads Economic Monthly: March 2023, Hampton Roads Economic Monthly -March 2023. Whether you are looking to expand an existing operation, build a new business, or relocate to an exciting new area here . Over the past calendar year, Hampton County's local government and administration have admitted that millions in legally protected fiduciary funds had been misspent. Hampton Economic Development One Franklin Street, Suite 600 Hampton, VA 23669 Email Economic Development Phone: 800-555-3930 (Toll-Free) Phone: 757-727-6237 (Direct . Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance; Contact Info (757) 664-4338 999 Waterside Drive Suite 2430 Norfolk, VA 23510. Generate Leads Using eVA - Workshop #2 Read on. Analyzed prospective companies financials prior to real estate and incentive negotiations. Any such complaint may be in writing and filed with HRPDC and/or the appropriate state or federal agency within 180 days of the alleged discriminatory occurrence. Economic Development in Hampton, VA - Town Square Publications ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEWS Generate Leads Using eVA - Workshop #2 Read on. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Center, WorkOne 757-727-8311 Lynch, Steven Interim Director: 757-728-5168 Borland, Susan . Recruited Kronotex and Grant Forest Products in cooperation with regional alliance, resulting in over $400 million in investment. Hampton Economic Development | LinkedIn Economist; Beth Vandell, Program Support Specialist (1), Greg Grootendorst, Chief Economist; Katherine Rainone, Regional Economist; and Matt Smith, Sr. Staff Directory | Office of Innovation and Economic Development, The It also serves as a vehicle for encouraging development projects in other areas of Hampton. Led successful Capital Projects Sales Tax referendum. Email Nikki has strong roots in Hampton Roads and has a wealth of knowledge about our regions economy. Identified and certified over 2,000 acres of new greenfield product in the County. Senior Water Resources Planner (1), K.C. Economic Development Strategy Plan for Hampton Township Board Presentation Aug 10, 2020 Camoin Slide Presentation Camoin Presentation Recording Economic Development Strategy Plan - FINAL Appendix A: Community Survey Results Appendix B: Baseline Economic Analysis Appendix C: Site Intelligence Reports (below) He is a member of the American Planning Association and the American Institute of Certified Planners. Eric Walberg, AICPPrincipal for Planning and Economics. Dev. Served as an HR consultant for a variety of SC companies and communities. Economic Development eNews Stay up to date with development news. ", "Once assessments are complete, the Swiftwater team will assist County Council in recruiting and hiring the next County Administrator and Finance Director," the statement added. Administers land sales and development in the Hampton Roads Center office park and provides a vehicle to encourage development projects in all areas of the city. Peninsula Home-Based Business Network: 2023 Lunch & Learn Series Read on. He served on the Policy Board of the Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Program and was a member of the Virginia Wind Energy Task Force. Economics - Hampton Roads Planning District Commission OUR MISSION: The mission of the Economic Development Authority (EDA) is to create jobs, maximize the utilization of Norfolk's real estate, foster business capital investment, increase revenue by growing the tax base, focus on efforts to build on the strengths and the needs of neighborhoods, and support minority and small businesses. "Its been meaningful to see familiar faces at meetings, around town, and within the Countys internal infrastructure. The Hampton Economic Development Authority had previously pledged $50,000 over three years to the 757 Angels in pursuing grant opportunities that require matching funds, said Interim. Devised and implemented innovative marketing principles and promotional events to tap new markets in public and non-profit sectors. Staff Directory Hampton, VA CivicEngage . Recruited in China, Hong Kong, Canada, Korea for South Carolina. Serves as President of Swiftwater Strategies, a subsidiary of MRB Group. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Will be closed:2022December 23, 2022December 26, 2022December 30, 20222023January 2, 2023January 16, 2023February 20, 2023April 7, 2023May 29, 2023July 3, 2023July 4, 2023September 4, 2023October 9, 2023November 10, 2023November 23, 2023November 24, 2023December 25, 2203December 26, 20232024January 1, 2024January 2, 2024, CISMA Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas. Served as COO of an SC non-profit, Envision SC, which is focused on the globalization of education and connectivity in SC schools. Prior to joining the HRPDC, she served as a Research Associate at the Dragas Center for Economic Analysis and Policy at Old Dominion University. 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Created and implemented branding and marketing campaigns for three business lines: workplace solutions, economic development consulting, and human resources. Fax: 757-727-6895. Lead the team behind significant announcements totaling over $1.45 billion in new capital investment. Hampton Roads Regional Benchmarking Study | Economics | Departments Economic Development | Hampton, GA "There was so much that I got out of it." Participants must be available for a three-hour class every other Thursday starting Dec. 5 and must be available the other Thursdays, Dolan said. Managed over 200 people throughout the County organization. Our dedicated team members are here to help support your business needs and are eager to assist with any questions you might have about doing business in the Hampton Roads region. She has also produced economic impact reports for both government and non-profit clients. Online Payments. Contact Us. Business Dev. Regional Planner (1), Ben McFarlane, Chief Resilience Officer (1), Whitney Katchmark, HRPDC Principal Water Resources Engineer (1), Katie Cullipher, HRPDC Prinicpal Environmental Education Planner; KC Filippino, HRPDC Senior Water Resources Planner; Jill Sunderland, HRPDC Senior Water Resouces Planner; Barbara Brumbaugh, City of Chesapeake (1), KC Filippino, Senior Water Resources Planner (1), Greg Grootendorst, Chief Economist and Katherine Rainone, Regional Economist (1), K. C. Filippino, PhD. Requests made within seven days will be accommodated to the greatest extent possible. Developed Beaufort Commerce Park, the first tenant park in Beaufort County. Our Team - Hampton Roads Alliance Consult on strategy of organization and conversion from 501 C 3 to 501 C 6. My Dashboard. Administrator during its reconstruction and rebuilding process. Established and maintained relationships with key site selectors around the nation. Rev. Prince William County Branch. Hampton Economic Development | 108 followers on LinkedIn. Successfully attained over $10 Million in grant funding during tenure and oversaw a $14 million budget.
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