Take hold of the promises of the Word and refuse to give up. Moreover, they kept reporting to me his good deeds and then telling him what I said. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that our adversary, the devil, roams about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.. How did you handle the situation? He will make you jobless, steal your joy, try to shame you, destroy your children all so that you will deny your God. He also chips away at our Compromise in sin will not only affect us, but it affects friends, family, our church, and even the lost. Compromise and sin quickly spread throughout a congregation or ministry. He also chips away at our spiritual health by presenting circumstances in our personal lives that call many broken members away from God. Strategy No. One reason is that being the grandchild of a pastor, i married a pastors sister, her father also was a pastor. They will be watching shows that dishonor Gods design for man and woman or teach other forms of corrupt living. so I sent messengers to them with this reply: I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. He will even slander us to our own earsoffering an array of condemnation. WebIn furthering our knowledge of spiritual warfare, this lesson addresses the strategies of Satan. 1. It would not be a good political move to ignore the pleas of the enemy to have a meeting. As one who worked with youth over seven years, I saw this many times. The worries of this life (fear) kept the Word from ever producing fruit in the thorny ground. Remember what Paul told the Philippians: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Peter immediately rebuked Jesus saying that he would not die. Satan is always looking for an opportune time and typically that comes very shortly after a victory. Nehemiah said, I am carrying on a great project. Satan slandered Jesus through the Pharisees. He knew that men were prone to run after a person who did something sensational, though they were not truly committed. These are just a few. We saw this with Moses and Gideon. Tobiah and Sanballat were trying to use fear to immobilize and paralyze Nehemiah. But rarely have I heard, or read, just how the devil attacks the people of God. Fear keeps them from doing the work of God. We have already dealt with this a little previously, but since it happens twice in this passage, I think it needs a separate point. Attacks From Within One of the methods of Satan is to destroy the church from within. The reason was not based on his omniscience but his doctrine of man. He said it was because Christ knew what was in a man. 2. The next tactic of the enemy was to intimidate Nehemiah through false teaching. The apostle Paul recognized the fact there is an internal battle within each one of us; every believer has an enemy within that we must fight. WebLet him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. David said that those who compromise lose the blessing of God on their lives. We see this all the time in the attacks of the enemy. 4. Because our enemy is both wise and relentless, we must be aware of his tricks and schemes. 2 Tim 2:26). This is something that we need to understand as well to develop discernment. Discouragement With Blessings. the Enemy Attacks Worship Leaders: And Do you remember? Go on the offensive and stop the enemy before he even starts to attack you. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Web10 Ways the Enemy Attacks Church Leaders by Chuck Lawless Church Answers Consultant For more than 25 years, I have studied the biblical reality of spiritual warfare. Listen to what Paul told Timothy: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). Standing He does this to keep us from glorifying God and doing the Great Commission. We will be able to recognize them by their fruits. The Biblical worldview is of a great cosmic battle between the forces of God and the forces of Satan. Paul did not simply tell Timothy to reject fear, he also gave him reasons. In chapter 1, the Lord stirred Nehemiah, a man serving under the king of Persia, to come back to Jerusalem and inspire the remnant to rebuild the wall of the capital city and to help restore the worship of Israel. The enemys tactic of persistence: He wants to wear believers down with his attacks and temptations. We see this same excuse all the time with believers. Application Question: What are common fears that the enemy attacks you with? In order to defeat fear, we must pray. At the same time, they continually spoke good words about Tobiah. Essentially a new cult of Christianity pops up every day, and many people from the church are often led into them. From the very beginning, the devil has used deception to get the best of us. The enemy, though, seeks to turn us back to our self-dependence as things settle downa direction many of us might well be headed. It was the same with Nehemiah. Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. He attacks holiness and he will do whatever he can to intimidate and disillusion you. Its too great of a work. subtle ways the enemy tries to steal your faith Lord by your mercy, I pray that you will disrupt all the attacks of the enemy over me and you will put them to shame in the name of Jesus. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. WebHere are 7 Ways the enemy ATTACKS Church Leaders: 1: Serves them a steady diet of NEW IDEAS In the world we live in, there are a thousand YouTube videos on every Nehemiah is going through an evil day, an evil season of assault on his life and ministry. We see this as Tobiah sends a letter four times to Nehemiah. Attacking immediately after a victory is a common tactic of Satan. Yes, we must put on the armor of God, which is primarily a righteous life. He brings discord and problems to individual Christians and the church by bringing false accusations. However, God wants you to have peace so that you can continue serving him. They were after Nehemiahs work. 2 Chr 26:19). They would have a major fight with a friend or family member, stumble on the Internet, start dealing with depression, etc. However, that is not the only way we guard our The enemys tactic of attacking right after a victory: We must Of course, its always good to pray for young people. Satan uses fear to lead a believer into discouragement. 3 Way the Enemy Attacks Worship Leaders: And What You The Greatest Enemy of the Church | Desiring God It was right after the mountain top experience that they had a valley experience. Jesus understood that even though the crowds were following him, the heart of man is deceitfully wicked. How to Respond When Satan Attacks They also seem to empower idol worship, magic, etc. Sometimes leaders take on the enemy with too little prayer. He prayed. The enemys tactic of infiltration through compromise: This might be the most dangerous tactic. The enemy used persistence in the story of Christ being tempted by Satan in the wilderness. He makes them insecure about their body, their wealth, the car they drive, and the job they have. Murderer. The enemys tactic of deception: He is a liar and the father of lies. 7. He hates marriage, family & the church. Interpretation Question: How did Nehemiah know this was a false prophecy? This is still happening today, and we must be aware of it. 1. Because they rebelled against God during the reign of the kings, the Lord judged them and sent them to exile in Babylon. The enemy hates prayer, Bible study, evangelism, worship and discipleship. Peter had been blessed by God; this was a great victory. the Enemy Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.1 Timothy 4:1-2. This is important because one of the common tactics Satan uses to try to lure people away from God and their callings is through false teaching and false prophets. He is always trying to promote fear, anxiety, and worry in those who follow God. If you find yourself in agreement with lies from the enemy, all you have to do is pray. 2. But, it is also developed through studying the nature of man in Scripture. He fights because the cause is more important than his life, his family, his country, and his home. Division gives the enemy a victory. We see this by the fact that Nehemiah prays and puts the situation in Gods hands. In our case, this strategist is Satan. Permit me to show you how he comes after us (and will probably do so before this day is over). August 12, 2015 The Greatest Enemy of the Church Article by Benjamin Vrbicek Pastor, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania These are times that try mens souls, but who is the enemy the greatest enemy of Gods people? This is true primarily because one wouldnt be fooled by many of the enemys lies. With that said, numerous Christians are like this because they dont constantly use the Word of God. He loses his family, his wealth, and his health, all in a very short time period. One of the enemys primary tactics against Nehemiah was psychological warfare, more specifically, fear. Therefore, Satan works relentlessly to weaken and discourage the Christian, especially through slander. Like Nehemiah, we must know that what we are fighting for is too big to compromise. Knowing the Tactics of Our Enemy - The Church of Jesus Christ of Satan wants to immobilize us and keep us from progressing in our spiritual lives, and therefore, he will come with many different attacks. Amen! Similarly, here in chapter 6, we see many different types of attacks that the enemy brings against Nehemiah. He is calling Timothy to recognize that his insecurities, probably in ministry, were not from God. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.. That is the devils character; he is a slanderer. WebSatan and his angels will try to shroud our thoughts and assert control by tempting us to sin. Application Question: Why does the enemy use slander in the lives of believers? You will find your identity in wealth, education, relationships, or even sin, if you dont know who you are in Christ. First Peter 5:8 warns, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (NKJV). Required fields are marked *. It just says that the nobles kept reporting the good Tobiah had done and sharing what Nehemiah said. Knowing who we are will protect us from much of Satans tactics. to Pray When Satan Attacks Supreme Court decisions to legalize same-sex unions are the latest salvo in Satans long battle against the institution of marriage. SATANS WAR ON MARRIAGE As a former pastor, he understands the challenges ministry presents and works with Church Answers to provide advice and counsel for church leaders. The Bible says for I carry the mark of Christ, let no man trouble me, I send the fire of God Almighty upon all my enemies in the name of Jesus. 7 Ways the Enemy Attacks Church Leaders| Stay Alert - Faith Teams From the beginning of this restoration project, Nehemiah and the Israelites had enemies trying to stop the work. It is anything that proclaims the opposite of Gods revelation. Make a Decision to Stand in Faith. Sneaky Weapons Satan Is Using to Destroy Your Marriage If he can sabotage its members by attacking our faith, it will carry us away from not only the church, but also from God. He lies because he ultimately wants to harm us and keep us from walking in the calling that God has for us. Or should one like me go into the temple to save his life? Wow! Be watchful for the first sign of spiritual warfare and be ready to act fast. Certainly, we should confront lies with truth, but sometimes, in trusting God, we should allow him to be our defense (cf. Confront slander by living a life that is above reproach. This is a common tactic of the enemy. Of course there are other ways the Enemy works to destroy the church. The enemys tactic of psychological warfare: He works through fear and discouragement. Interpretation Question: Can you think of other times the enemy used persistence in Scripture? It can stay rooted for years, causing havoc amongst an otherwise healthy harvest. Proverbs 28:4 says this: Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law resist them.. Many may be facing depression and mood disorders, or mental illness. So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. You might expect an end to the memoirs of Nehemiah or a They lived happily ever after because the wall was completed, but that doesnt happen. The serpent deceived Eve to eat from the fruit, and has been deceiving people since then. Satan constantly says, Did God really say? Is this really true? He persistently attacks the inerrancy of Scripture, just as he has done from the beginning of time with Adam and Eve. Their end will be what their actions deserve. He is our enemy, our adversarythe one who wants to take us out. This was common for prophets in the Old Testament. How does our enemy similarly attack our lives, those in leadership, and Gods work through his people? WebThe enemy hates prayer, Bible study, evangelism, worship and discipleship. He attacks holiness and he will do whatever he can to However, Paul is clearly referring to times when the enemy increases assaults for the purpose of discouraging Gods people and hindering his work. Use Our Spiritual Authority Against the Enemy Knowing the Tactics of Our Enemy As we learned, even Jesus was tempted. Similarly, Satans attacks on us arent so much about us. Paul said to the Philippians, Be anxious for nothing (4:6). Liar. As the verse from 2 Corinthians suggests, the Enemy is so crafty that he will disguise himself in situations that show up in your church and lead members of your congregation away from Christ without them even realizing he is doing it. Satan is the god of this world ( 2 Cor 4:4) who blinds and deceives the whole world ( 2 Cor 4:4; Rev 12:9 ). Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you? Four times they sent me the same message, and each time I gave them the same answer. We see that the enemy also attacked Nehemiah through slander. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairshe wants to please his commanding officer (2 Timothy 2:3-4). In surveys we have been doing since 1996, church members typically affirm the presence of regular prayer in their congregations. Congregational Division. The enemy was trying to use fear to hinder the work of God. The world does that, but you dont have to because your Father will provide. Knowing your identity will help free us from the lies of the enemy. the Signs of Demonic Oppression His intent was to get Nehemiah to protect himself from the enemy by hiding in the temple (v. 10). We see nothing in this text about the Jews or the king of Persia responding to this gossip, and we can have no doubt that it was because of Nehemiahs chaste and holy behavior. Overcome Four Greatest Areas The Devil Attacks To be sure, this fourfold division of society needs more nuancing. Christ didnt entrust himself to these crowds because he understood the nature of man. Respond to the enemys opposition with prayer, work, vigilance, and focus on the Lord. Your email address will not be published. 4. Remember, we are a part of the issue when we participate in the gossip and rumor spreading, and when we are silent to it. When we agree with him, we give authority to him. He prays for their love to abound in knowledge and depth of insight, so that they could discern what was best. 1. Many times we cannot do much more than that. 3 ways the enemy attacks us and how to counter them - Christian See, here is what belongs to you.. Certainly, there are healthy fears, such as the fear of the Lord, but fear that keeps us from serving God or trusting him is not from the Lord. 1. The contents of this chapter, I believe, apply specifically to the spiritual warfare of a believer and especially to leaders. John 8:44 says, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in It said that she constantly harassed him, seeking the secret of his strength, and he eventually gave in. Therefore, in knowing the Word of GodGods truthone will be protected from many of the enemys attacks. the Enemy This seems like a weird promise since he is writing to Christians. The Enemy Warfare is the devils attempt to deceive and divide believers. Many times in seeking to defend our own reputation, we will find ourselves drawn away from focusing on God and the work of God. The enemy will stop at nothing until the world stops worshipping, until you give up on In chapter 4, when Israel began to build, they mocked them saying that even if a fox went on the wall it would fall (4:10). However, when they saw that the building of the wall was progressing, they decided to secretly form an army and come against Israel (Neh 4:8). What steps are you taking to prepare for his attack? This helps me minister to people and not become discouraged. He understood man. Here are 7 Ways the enemy ATTACKS Church Leaders: 1: Serves them a steady diet of NEW IDEAS In the world we live in, there are a thousand YouTube videos on every topic, including how to grow your church. WebThis is why the Bible commands us to Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes (Ephesians 6:11). He lies to many Christians about their identity. Thats the only way he can gain access to you. He seeks to devour us ( 1 Pet. He said that the believers had not matured because they did not constantly use Scripture and therefore struggled with distinguishing between good and evil, just like an infant. The word discern is used of a metallurgist testing a metal to see if it was real. Nehemiah said, Should a man like me hide? Nehemiah knew his identity as governor, but more than that, as a servant of God and the people of Israel. Its also a covenant thats under constant attack by our number one enemy, Satan. Knowing the Tactics of Our Enemy Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. Following our heart can actually get us in a lot of trouble. Do you realize you have an enemy just like Nehemiah? You can connect with Dr. Lawless on Twitter @Clawlessjr and on at facebook.com/CLawless. Timothy, there is no reason to be afraid. How does Application Question: In what ways have you seen compromise harm Christians and Christian communities? 2. Compromise is one of the enemys most dangerous tactics; it commonly destroys individual Christians, churches, and Christian organizations. 3. WebLoners are by nature vulnerable to attack and defeat. The enemy used persistence in the story of Samson and Delilah. The enemys tactic of infiltration through compromise: This might be the most dangerous tactic. Web5 Major Ways the Enemy is Attacking the Church 1 Overemphasis and reliance on recent tradition, beauty, and symbols Once the beauty of a building becomes more important Abnormal fear. Spiritual Warfare: Understanding Satan's Strategies - Bible Study Look again at what he said: For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). And finally, most Christians dont give thanks in everything. Remember Tobiah and Sanballat, O my God, because of what they have done; remember also the prophetess Noadiah and the rest of the prophets who have been trying to intimidate me.Nehemiah 6:10-14. Look at the text below: Then she said to him, How can you say, I love you, when you wont confide in me? The enemy cant force you to sin, but he sure will encourage you to do so. 3. While this list isnt exhaustive, here are some ways we should recognize: Rivalry in the church ( 1 Cor 1:10-17 ). This was the enemies attempt to prevent Jesus from fulfilling His ministry. Consider what Paul taught Timothy about the last days: The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. This is important for us to see and consider. the enemy is attacking Pastors and Church Leaders Church This understanding would also help us put our hope all the more in God. These worries hinder the work of God in them. How should we respond to gossip and slander? Listen to what Peter commanded of the Christians being persecuted in the Roman Empire: Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us (1 Peter 2:12). Next, Tobiah sent four requests to meet with Nehemiah and each time Nehemiah turned him down. We also are called to do the work of the Lord. However, the text says that Nehemiah discerned that they were trying to hurt him (v. 2), and Nehemiah, in response, said that he was doing a great project and could not go down (v. 3). The fact that the prophet talked about closing the door indicates that the prophet was calling him to enter the Holy Place, which was only for priests (Num 18:7).2 For him to enter would have been sin and possibly led to his death. I asked how he stayed strong. Unforgiveness. Satan uses fear to stop believers from doing Gods work. The enemy will use his fear tactics skillfully and creatively to cause you to raise the banner of its MY life and when this happens, hes got you. These conflicts create division, and ultimately distract us from where our focus should be: on God. But, actually, its Satans job description. Nehemiahs building of the wall wasnt preaching the gospel, but it was something that everybody eventually realized was accomplished by God (Neh 6:16). The international community remained silent on all Israeli border aggressions, but moved quickly after the resistance set up a tent at the border, he said. Some commentators have said we always live in the evil day, the time between Christs first and second coming in which we are always under the attack of Satan. When word came to Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab and the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall and not a gap was left in itthough up to that time I had not set the doors in the gatesSanballat and Geshem sent me this message: Come, let us meet together in one of the villages on the plain of Ono. But they were scheming to harm me; so I sent messengers to them with this reply: I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Here are three ways that the enemy attacks us: Deception. The enemy will even raise up leaders from within the church to hinder the work of God. Suite 900-337 Compromise spreads very fast like yeast. 1.) Unforgiveness. Choosing to remain angry, or unforgiving, towards someone will also steal your faith. They say, God where are you; I cant hear your voice? They find their time in the Word and worship as dull. 10 Ways the Enemy Attacks Church Leaders They come to you in sheeps clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 5 Major Ways the Enemy is Attacking the Church 1 Overemphasis and reliance on recent tradition, beauty, and symbols Once the beauty of a building becomes more important than the reason the building was built, there is a problem. Practically, when our soldiers go to battle, they are fighting not just to protect themselves, but to protect what is behind them. Web7 Ways the enemy ATTACKS Church Leaders 1: Serves them a steady diet of NEW IDEAS In the world we live in, there are a thousand YouTube videos on every topic, including how to grow your church. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes. How did Nehemiah protect himself against the attacks of the enemy? Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. 2 Corinthians 6:14, 17-18. Confront slander by telling the truth. He wins, at least temporarily, when failingswhether among laity or staffdistract the church from fulfilling the Great Commission. I take the Sword of the Spirit! by Chuck Lawless One of the ways the enemy works to attack these areas of your life is by planting little seeds of doubt, often in the form of questions. It maximizes its impact, especially if the church stands collectively against the enemy. Interpretation Question: Why does the enemy work so hard to bring compromise amongst believers? Be Commentary Series (77). Part of the reason many of us fall to the deceptions of Satan is because we really dont know who we are in Christ. Abraham was afraid to not have a child, so he married a second wife, Hagar, and sinned against God. The forces of evil are not small in number. Its important to see the enemys intent of bringing fear behind the tactic of false teaching and the letters because it was also the same intent behind the tactic of slander. They compromise their teaching because the doctrine is unpopular in the culture. This is not only seen in the fact that they gave their daughter to someone from the surrounding nations, which was forbidden by God, but also in that they were praising Tobiah who had been antagonistic to Israel from the beginning. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books. But the reality is that few members can attest to the power of prayer in their churches. the Enemy Tries to Destroy the Church Its like a weed that is hard to pluck out. Neh 2:9). Our enemy, Satan, uses fear for similar purposes with us. Unforgiveness. You are so true what you said, sometimes the church family n or the church family blood family are the messiest. The enemys tactic of slander and gossip: He will slander God, slander others, and he will slander us. What temptations to compromise does the enemy constantly attack you with? Application Question: In what ways has knowing your identity in Christ helped set you free from various sins and temptations? He simply told them it was not true. We also see that Hosea was called to marry a prostitute to represent how Israel was adulterous in her relationship with God (Hosea 1).