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how long did kaede's execution last

[20] In the spring of the fifth year of his reign, in May 1274 BC, Ramesses II launched a campaign from his capital Pi-Ramesses (modern Qantir). He started looking for the CD of this song, and placed it in the player in the speakers. I'll never forgive them for breaking the rules and killing Kaede. Kaede sets out to protect the maiden and to allow her to After she collapsed on the floor, Shuichi helped her up and reassured her. After Chapter 1, Kaede will still be the protagonist through her final wish which will be from Chapter 2 carried by Shuichi, the new main playable character who will continue to move forward in honor of Kaede, continuing to spread her will and final wish among the group. [29] This was, state the Egyptian texts, a false report ordered by the Hittites "with the aim of preventing the army of His Majesty from drawing up to combat with the foe of Hatti". Akamatsu Kaede Lives - Works | Archive of Our Own Shuichi tries to stand up to Monokuma but Kaede tells him not to worry and that she is ready to be punished. [47], In addition to these lengthy presentations, there are also numerous small captions used to point out various elements of the battle. Another mystery solved! imagenes, superdanganronpa2, weas. Shuichi cheers her up and claims he is nervous too since this is his first pop concert, but is looking forward to it with Maki and Kaito Momota. Close Friends/Classmates/Admiration & Attraction on Shuichis Side; Kaede is deadMutual Feelings(Free Time Events/Love Across the Universe)Dating(Love Hotel Event) Kaede's execution song (Der Flohwalzer) - YouTube [citation needed] This division would come to play a critical role in the battle. Shuichi trusting Kaede not to tell anyone about the mastermind. The new lighter and faster two-man Egyptian chariots were able to pursue and take down the slower three-man Hittite chariots from behind as they overtook them. The victim deserved it. He thanks her for for the invitation and Kaede says she has a lot of songs for Shuichi to hear. Saimatsu is mostly rivaled by Saiouma, but can sometimes be rivaled by Irumatsu, Nursery Rhymes or Saimota. When the two of them are about to go to the basement, Kaede tells him to go in front to proceed with caution. Legend Part I, Chapters 12-17 Summary and Analysis 2: The New Kingdom (1978), pp. Kill the mastermind (both failed). gtag('config', 'UA-86296525-1'); The execution of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein took place on 30 December 2006. In the eighth and ninth years of his reign, Ramesses extended his military successes. Shuichi's presence appears to comfort Kaede, due to his status as a detective. They first meet in the prologue, where the protagonist, Kaede, wakes up in a locker without remembering how she ended up here. When Kaede apologized to their fellow students, her apology seemed to be mainly at Shuichi. After a while, Kaito punched Shuichi in the face, telling him that he pisses him off the most, shouting at him that Kaede believed in him and passed her wish on to him, and yet he did not say anything to face Monokuma. [46] The inscriptions are repeated multiple times (seven for the Bulletin and eight for the Poem, in temples in Abydos, Temple of Luxor, Karnak, Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum). a theory ive seen thrown around a little bit is how kaede's execution was actually something around 6 hours long, as apparently thats how long the music piece is, but on fact checking the only thing i found was in the comments of an amino post ( saying that 1) the clock behind her shows the time passing when it speeds up and 2) the timeline of events means that the execution has to be at least 8 hours '' Rantaro's body was discovered at 9 pm, let's add 2 hours of investigation, 11 pm, and 2 hours of trial, which makes it 1 am, but as we recall, the trial ended when it was morning time, so if we say that her execution was 8 hours, that makes it 9 am, which is morning time ''. His action was successful in driving the looters back towards the Orontes River and away from the Egyptian camp,[34] and in the ensuing pursuit, the heavier Hittite chariots were easily overtaken and dispatched by the lighter, faster Egyptian chariots. It is believed to have been the largest chariot-involved battle ever fought, involving between 5,000 and 6,000 chariots in total.[15][16][17]. world. Kaede Akamatsu is a character featured in Harmonic Souls: An Alternate Continuity, the second entry in the Ultimate Virus AU series by PetildaFan. Though the latter two decide to go home afterwards, Kaede asks Shuichi if they would like to go somewhere with just the two of them, which he agrees to; giving her newfound courage for the concert. accomplish her mission. Articles such as this one were acquired and published with the primary aim of expanding the information on with greater speed and efficiency than has traditionally been possible. The series follows the students of Hope's Peak Academy who are forced into a life of mutual killing by a sadistic teddy bear named Monokuma. To find the length of her ahoge, we must calculate 12.38993710691824% of 167cm. She is about to beat Kaede when she pulls out a hidden knife and stabs June in the side. She tells Shuichi that she has been playing the piano since she was a child, and that she sometimes played so much that she even forgot to eat and sleep - she then won competitions thanks to her talent. Calm and determined, Ramses quickly remarshalled his men and launched a counterattack. at a young age by a legendary swordsman named Gaisai, who also adopted and Both sides claimed Kadesh as a triumph, and Ramses had his temples festooned with celebratory reliefs. Shuichi doesn't answer, but blushes as he looks down. [45] The Egyptian version of the battle is recorded in two primary forms, known as the Poem and the Bulletin. Watching your classmates be brutally executed by a cartoon bear as punishment for their recently-committed murders is a staple in the Danganronpa series. Some fled northward to the Amun camp, all the while being pursued by Hittite chariots. You won't even know you're on a path. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony | List of Deaths Wiki | Fandom [Spoilers] Drv3 Theory - the Truth About Kaede Akamatsu How about we add the fact that the one thing they DID do subversively (the ending) basically just invalidates the franchise itself? Finally, Kaede asks if Shuichi will "do what she wants to do with him right now" and he pulls her closer to him. The battle led to the worlds first recorded peace treaty. With their shock advantage gone, the Hittite chariots seemed slow and ungainly; the lighter Egyptian vehicles outmaneuvered them with ease. He enters the room and asks Kaede if she is alright, to which Kaede replies that she is not sad or anything. Clash 2, Card Fighter This time, he proved more successful against his Hittite foes by successfully capturing the cities of Dapur and Tunip,[41] where no Egyptian soldier had been seen since under Thutmose III, almost 120 years earlier. Semi-Canon (Heavily Implied Mutual Feelings in-game, and confirmed Mutual Feelings in Freetime Events. first adressing the clock, assuming that it even says the correct time, that means that the execution started at 10:05. during the execution the minute hand can be seen making 12 full rotations (yes i counted on 0.25 speed) this already brings up some issues. After picking up the cameras and bringing them to Miu, Kaede comments on Shuichi's incredible plan (I was just thinking about how amazing you are coming up with this plan, Shuichi.) To which Shuichi blushes once again, and Kaede adds that she did not think that Shuichi would be *that* reliable when she first met him. Finally, the Ptah division arrived from the south, threatening the Hittite rear. An enlarged replica of the agreement hangs on a wall at the headquarters of the United Nations, as the earliest international peace treaty known to historians. Saimatsu | Shipping Wiki | Fandom Kaede then introduces herself as the Ultimate Pianist, and adds that her friends call her Piano Freak instead. One day, when he was twelve, he and Yuki returned from an errand to discover their master slain and Moriya standing over his corpse. In the Talent Development Plan, Kaede and Shuichi have several interactions that exhibits their school-life together and the close relationship between the two of them. Main installments: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc | Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair | Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School | Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Spin-offs: Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls Adaptations: Danganronpa: The Animation Per wiki policy, Spoilers Off applies here and all spoilers are unmarked. Danganronpa V3: All Executions, Ranked - TheGamer June manages to pin Kaede to the ground anyway and is declared the victor. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. That is especially true of Hattusili III for whom the battle marked an important milestone in his career. Shuichi apologizes, which makes Kaede understand that he has seen them. He began to close his eyes and have flashbacks of Kaede and what she had previously said to him in the classroom. For more information, please see our As the Hittite forces approached the Egyptian camp again, the Ne'arin troop contingent from Amurru suddenly arrived, surprising the Hittites. Kaede Akamatsu's Beta Execution - YouTube It's a promise, okay! That's why I play piano. this article contains spoilers from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Saimatsu CANON Danganronpa Canonical? ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); King of Fighters: Maximum Impact was released and whadya know, Rock has a Kaede jacket as an extra She is the younger sister of Sakuta Azusagawa who suffered amnesia and gained a different personality after her ordeal with Adolescence Syndrome stemming from online bullying. Saimatsu Sign in to edit SPOILER WARNING! The duo meet a little later in the classroom suggested by Shuichi to continue preparing their plan. Military battle between Egyptians and Hittites around 1274 BC. But All the more reason why we need to to stay calm. After Chapter 1, he took off his hat in Kaede's honor, and was suddenly motivated to keep moving and get out of the school for her. Semi-Canon (Heavily Implied Mutual Feelings in-game, and confirmed Mutual Feelings in Freetime Events.) However, it is revealed that Kaede possesses the power of the Shuichi decides to talk to Kaede about the classroom and why he decided to choose this one. 92, No. Kaede admits that she likes hearing Shuichi's heartbeat and that it's her favorite melody and if Shuichi encourages her, she can do anything. Will you come with me, please?). )", in Cambridge Ancient History (1975) p.253; Gardiner, Alan, The Kadesh Inscriptions of Ramesses II (1975) pp. Why did Kaede die? - Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Q&A for That's amazing! When Shuichi says that he doesn't really think he deserves his talent and that he got it by just happening to solve a case, Kaede replies that not many people can just happen to solve a case, and that he should be more proud of that. So I dont have to say you were the one that got away.. Kaede Akamatsu no longer existed in their world. according to him. Wilson, John A, "The Texts of the Battle of Kadesh", Joyce Tyldesley, Ramesses II: Egypt's Greatest Pharaoh, Penguin Books, 2000. pp.7071. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). In Chapter 3, when Korekiyo Shinguji asks him if he wants to try speaking to the dead, Shuichi is interested in the idea for a second, thinking that there is only one girl that he wants to talk to once again. 3941. After explaining the reason of his choice, Shuichi continues to explain his plan to Kaede. That's always a good thing for a fighting game hero or anti-hero to The thin strip of territory pinched between Amurru and Kadesh did not make for a stable possession. In the meantime, more information about the article and the author can be found by clicking on the authors name. After that, like the first time, they try to remember something about their arrival here, without success. When Kaede points this out, Shuichi often replies things like What? Kaede SPOILER [SPOILERS] DRV3 THEORY - THE TRUTH ABOUT KAEDE AKAMATSU Here is my theory for why Kaede Akamatsu, the blackened for Chapter 1, and fauxtagonist of DRV3, concocted an insane plan, and vainly attempted to commit murder, for her 'friends' . This was perfectly written and I could not ask for a better explanation. legendary dragon Seiryu, one of the Four Sacred Beasts of Chinese Chiaki Nanami - Danganronpa 1 Execution Full 48.2K 8 Chiaki Nanami - Super Daganronpa 2 Execution Full 25.5K 9 Chiaki Nanami - Danganronpa V3 Execution Full 204K As Ramesses and the Egyptian advance guard were about 11 kilometers from Kadesh, south of Shabtuna, he met two Shasu nomads who told him that the Hittite king was "in the land of Aleppo, on the north of Tunip" 200 kilometers away, where, the Shasu said, he was "(too much) afraid of Pharaoh, L.P.H., to come south". What was the real reason, Kaede planned to commit murder to save her "friends"? When Kaede accuses him of not wanting to find out the truth, Shuichi screams at her that he will find out the truth about her actions, so that everyone can finally believe in her. After the duo asks the Monokubs some questions, Kaede decides to ask Shuichi if he is also an Ultimate Students, to which he replies that his name is Shuichi Saihara and that they call him the Ultimate Detective. Why the DRV3 C1 Killer Isn't Innocent | Danganronpa Amino In her audition video, she revealed that she wants to join the Killing Game because she believed that she had the perfect personality for it, not having any faith in humanity whatsoever. [citation needed], During the late Eighteenth Dynasty, the Amarna letters tell the story of the decline of Egyptian influence in the region. As he aged, Kaede became an avid swordsman and powerful warrior, surprising even himself. Shuichi blushes while asking her what she was talking about, and Kaede assures him that she was serious, and she would like Shuichi to show her what he looks like without his cap when they leave this place. While talking to Ryoma at the courtyard, he points out that he always sees Shuichi and Kaede together all the time or one of them is always nearby the other. On top of this, one of the reasons i have seen people show for the execution being this long (i cant find anybody outright saying this online but when i was first told this by a friend this was the reasoning they gave me) the music piece itself was 6 hours long but Der Flohwalzer is a beginners piece which is a couple minutes long at most, and nowhere can i find any sources for versions of it that are hours long. Shuichi is seen trying to rescue her in the beginning of her execution, in which he was shown trying to reach Kaede's hand but his attempt failed, and Shuichi had to watch Kaede's punishment for 8 hours with the remaining students. Kaede (The Last Blade) - Fighters Generation There is also during Gonta's introduction where Kaede was worried about what would happen to Shuichi if he told Gonta that he didn't like insects, so she pretended that Shuichi liked them. Kaede Azusagawa ( , Azusagawa Kaede) is one of the main characters of Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai. In Chapter 4, after Kaito went to the bathroom during the training, Maki asks Shuichi if he liked Kaede. If you never know the lies from the truth, then you can't choose a path. the second issue is with the timeline given, specifically ''the trial ended when it was morning time'' the issue with this is that, as far as im aware, it doesnt explicitly say anywhere what exact time the trial finishes and while there are visual cues that would lead someone to believe it ends in the morning, they actually dont hold up on further inspection. I know you can do this. After Kaede's execution, Shuichi broke down on the floor in tears, thinking that everything had just ended, repeating to himself that he felt like he was in a fiction. Now after days had passed after this, then his majesty was in Ramses Meri-Amon, the town which is in the Valley of the Cedar. However, there are some issues with this. In Danganronpa, during Kaede's execution her. Besides the inscriptions, there are textual occurrences preserved in Papyrus Raifet and Papyrus Sallier III,[48] and a rendering of these same events in a letter from Ramesses to Hattusili III written in response to a scoffing complaint by Hattusili about the pharaoh's victorious depiction of the battle. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. 7 Bookmarked Items in Akamatsu Kaede's Execution. Omissions? Save the other students from getting killed in the Killing School Semester (minutely succeeded; 3/16 participants survived). Rantaro Amami - Died from blunt force trauma, hit in the back of the head by a shot-pull ball thrown by Tsumugi Shirogane, who later framed Kaede Akamatsu for the murder. As they continue their preparations, Kaede says that this will definitely work, and that this plan might actually protect everyone. To this we may need to add those of the Ne'arin, for if they were not native Egyptian troops their number may not have been formed from chariots detached from the army corps.[26]. Does Kaede actually die? - Sage-Advices According to Tsumugi Shirogane, Kaede Akamatsu was a fan of a series featuring Killing Games, Danganronpa, created by Team Danganronpa. In addition to these allies, the Hittite king also hired the services of some of the local Shasu tribes. Interested in participating in the Publishing Partner Program? Coliseum. She wants Shuichi to convince everyone with his detective skills, so that everyone can finally get out of this trial. How long do you think the executions last? : r/danganronpa - Reddit They have their weapons of war at the ready. She says she doesn't understand how you can like someone you just met, especially in a situation like this. Privacy Policy. Joyce Tyldesley, Ramesses: Egypt's Greatest Pharaoh, Penguin Books, 2000, p. 73. Kaede and Shuichi are introduced as the main duo from the beginning of the game. The victim was abusiveThey droves the culprit's relative to suicide. But the people who are willing to find the truth are the ones who can decide their fate. 500 machines were allocated to each corps. She is one of Nagisa Shiota's best friends. Shipping Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The Ra division was caught in the open and scattered in all directions. Kaede | Elfen Lied Wiki | Fandom [35], Battle scene from the Great Kadesh reliefs of Ramses II on the walls of the Ramesseum, Logistically unable to support a long siege of the walled city of Kadesh,[3] Ramesses gathered his troops and retreated south towards Damascus and ultimately back to Egypt. The people who Kaede wants the best for are trailing out of the cafeteria one by one, and there's nothing she can do about it. In Chapter 2, Shuichi will have different reactions if the player interacts with elements related to Kaede: Shuichi still thinks of Kaede from time to time. ]"[33], Ramesses was able to defeat his initial attackers and to return to the Egyptian lines: "I was before them like Set in his moment. On the Hittite side, King Muwatalli II had mustered several of his allies, among them Rimisharrinaa, the king of Aleppo. When they go to the library for the second time, Shuichi confides to Kaede that he has a new hypothesis, and that he thinks that the mastermind of the killing game is hiding among them. Then His Majesty said to them, "Where is he, the enemy from Hatti? He continues by telling Kaede about his past in details, and that the case he solved to become the Ultimate Detective was just chance; he solved the crime before the police, and people started calling him the boy detective.

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