[150][148][151] Accordingly, he sortied from Cdiz on 16 June[152] and, after detaching two of the transports for their voyages to the Caribbean, passed Gibraltar on 17 June[150] and arrived at Port Said, at the northern end of the Suez Canal, on 26 June. The most pivotal battles of the Spanish-American War were fought in July, 1898, 125 years ago. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Hostilities between Spain and the United States have broken out. On April 20, 1898, McKinley signed a joint Congressional resolution demanding Spanish withdrawal and authorizing the President to use military force to help Cuba gain independence. The high-speed 757mm Mauser round was termed the "Spanish Hornet" by the Americans because of the supersonic crack as it passed overhead. Wood was given command of the regiment that quickly became known as the "Rough Riders".[124]. They saw it as a way to advance the cause of equality, service to country hopefully helping to gain political and public respect amongst the wider population. [28] In response, Spain severed diplomatic relations with the United States on April 21. A contingent of Spanish troops, having fought a skirmish with the Americans near Siboney on June 23, had retired to their lightly entrenched positions at Las Guasimas. The US declared war on Spain on April 25, 1898,but dated the beginning of the war retroactively to April 21. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on December 10, 1898. The Spanish-American War (article) | Khan Academy To pay the costs of the war, Congress passed an excise tax on long-distance phone service. A battle in San Germn concluded in a similar fashion with the Spanish retreating to Lares. Unrecognized by the primary belligerents. A U.S. naval board found convincing evidence that an initial explosion outside the hull (presumably from a mine or torpedo) had touched off the battleships forward magazine. [143], Yellow fever had quickly spread among the American occupation force, crippling it. [171], The idea of American imperialism changed in the public's mind after the short and successful SpanishAmerican War. [84] Many in the business and religious communities which had until then opposed war, switched sides, leaving McKinley and Speaker Reed almost alone in their resistance to a war. Jenkins and Merritt Dead", "Annual report of the Surgeon General of the US Navy 1898", The War Lovers: Roosevelt, Lodge, Hearst, and the Rush to Empire, 1898, "Not likely sent: the Remington-Hearst "telegrams", William McKinley First Annual Message December 6, 1897, "War With Spain 1896. At the same time, Cuba and Spain, traditionally the largest importers of Puerto Rican coffee, now subjected Puerto Rico to previously nonexistent import tariffs. Kaplan, Richard L. 2003. The Artists' Perspective. The SpanishAmerican War also served as a coming of age for several influential Marines. [] The logic of war was thus subject to a basic task: to preserve the integrity of the inherited patrimony and to safeguard the throne of the, Prez, Louis A., Jr, Cuba: Between Reform and Revolution. Individual state's contributions to the SpanishAmerican War: This page was last edited on 14 July 2023, at 07:03. What were the causes of the Spanish-American War? American Catholics were divided before the war began but supported it enthusiastically once it started.[54][55]. Having been occupied since July 17, 1898, and thus under the jurisdiction of the United States Military Government (USMG), Cuba formed its own civil government and gained independence on May 20, 1902, with the announced end of USMG jurisdiction over the island. U.S. History American Imperialism Spanish-American War Topic: U.S. History Time Period: American Imperialism Spanish-American War Although the sinking of the Maine provided an immediate trigger for the Spanish-American War, long-term US military and economic interests provide a more nuanced context for the US invasion of Cuba. Introduction - Spanish-American War: A Resource Guide - Library of Congress [59] At the same time, many African Americans, facing growing racial discrimination and increasing retardation of their civil rights, wanted to take part in the war. Agriculture began to shift toward coffee production, which required less capital and land accumulation. [24], As far as Spain was concerned, there was a nationalist agitation, in which the written press had a key influence, causing the Spanish government to not give in and abandon Cuba as it had abandoned Spanish Florida when faced with a troublesome colonial situation there, transferring it to the U.S. in 1821 in exchange for payment of Spanish debts. [144], On August 7, the American invasion force started to leave Cuba. [196] The tariff system also provided a protected market-place for Puerto Rican tobacco exports. Let Spain, he wrote, abandon reconcentration in fact as well as in name, declare an armistice, and accept U.S. mediation in peace negotiations with the insurgents. PARC, Golden Gate National Recreation Area On April 21, 1898, the United States declared war against Spain. He was assassinated in 1897 by Italian anarchist Michele Angiolillo,[52] leaving a Spanish political system that was not stable and could not risk a blow to its prestige. His speech, as The Wall Street Journal remarked on March 19, converted a great many people on Wall Street. Religious leaders contributed to the clamour for intervention, framing it as a religious and humanitarian duty. [citation needed] In the second half of the nineteenth century, technological advances increased the capital requirements to remain competitive in the sugar industry. Marine sharpshooters returned fire from the boats and the Marblehead and Nashville began firing shrapnel shells in an attempt to force the Spanish completely out of the area. The Junta dealt with leading newspapers and Washington officials and held fund-raising events across the U.S. But even greater were our interests from the standpoint of humanity. After isolating and defeating the Spanish Army garrisons in Cuba, the U.S. Navy destroyed the Spanish Caribbean squadron on July 3 as it attempted to escape the U.S. naval blockade of Santiago. The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) was formed in 1914 from the merger of two veterans organizations which both arose in 1899: the American Veterans of Foreign Service and the National Society of the Army of the Philippines. Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal recognized the potential for great headlines and stories that would sell copies. The conflict had complex beginnings. In a separate note, however, he made it clear that nothing less than independence for Cuba would be acceptable. [127] In the almost three hours of combat, two men were killed, two mortally wounded, and four more seriously wounded and they succeeded in severing two of the three cables running out of Cienfuegos. As the head of the Spanish delegation to the Paris peace negotiations, the liberal Eugenio Montero Ros, said: "Everything has been lost, except the Monarchy". [184] Passed as a rider to an Army appropriations bill which was signed into law on 2 March 1903, it effectively prohibited Cuba from signing treaties with other nations or contracting a public debt. [63] Throughout the negotiation process, the major European powers, especially Britain, France, and Russia, generally supported the American position and urged Spain to give in. [citation needed] Two of Spain's most powerful warships, the battleship Pelayo and the brand-new armored cruiser Emperador Carlos V, were not available when the war beganthe former undergoing reconstruction in a French shipyard and the latter not yet delivered from her buildersbut both were rushed into service and assigned to Cmara's squadron. [181], The Teller Amendment was passed in the Senate on April 19, 1898, with a vote of 42 for versus 35 against. [132] Supporting fire by Gatling guns was critical to the success of the assault. [i][112][118] This battle marked the end of FilipinoAmerican collaboration, as the American action of preventing Filipino forces from entering the captured city of Manila was deeply resented by the Filipinos. The demand for intervention became insistent, in Congress, on the part of both Republicans and Democrats (though such Republican leaders as Sen. Mark Hanna and Speaker Thomas B. Reed opposed it), and in the country at large. The Spanish American War (1898-1901): Overview | SparkNotes De Lme immediately resigned, and the Spanish government tendered an apology. Though the damage inflicted on the city was minimal, the Americans established a blockade in the city's harbor, San Juan Bay. On June 20, 1898, the protected cruiser USSCharleston commanded by Captain Henry Glass, and three transports carrying troops to the Philippines, entered Guam's Apia Harbor. Robert Bowen Collection On April 21, 1898, the United States declared war against Spain. The U.S., on the other hand, expanded economically throughout that century by purchasing territories such as Louisiana and Alaska, militarily by actions such as the MexicanAmerican War, and by receiving large numbers of European immigrants. Weyler deprived the insurgency of weaponry, supplies, and assistance by ordering the residents of some Cuban districts to move to reconcentration areas near the military headquarters. Marines were assigned to naval vessels to protect the ship's crew during close quarters combat, man secondary batteries, and provide landing parties when the ship's captain needed them. Humanitarian concern for the suffering Cubans was added to the traditional American sympathy for a colonial people struggling for independence. London: Greenhill, 1998, Killblane, Richard E., "Assault on San Juan Hill,", Maass, Matthias. However, the U.S. imposed various restrictions on the new government, including prohibiting alliances with other countries, and reserved the right to intervene. Jonathan Krohn, "Review of Tone, John Lawrence. Overview The Cuban movement for independence from Spain in 1895 garnered considerable American support. The tax remained in place for over 100 years until, on August 1, 2006, it was announced that the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the IRS would no longer collect it. As United States agitators for war well knew,[30] United States naval power would prove decisive, allowing expeditionary forces to disembark in Cuba against a Spanish garrison already facing nationwide Cuban insurgent attacks and further devastated by yellow fever. They began working on the final wire and succeeded in partially cutting it until the still heavy Spanish fire and mounting casualties forced the Navy officer in command, Lieutenant E. A. Anderson, to order the boats to return to the cover of the larger vessels. Spanish-American War - Primary Sources: America (U.S.A.) History The Spanish forces at Guantnamo were so isolated by Marines and Cuban forces that they did not know that Santiago was under siege, and their forces in the northern part of the province could not break through Cuban lines. These officers were Matthew Butler, Fitzhugh Lee, Thomas L. Rosser and Joseph Wheeler, though only the latter had seen action. The Spanish-American War lasted only about ten weeks in 1898. [125], The first combat between American and Spanish forces in the Caribbean occurred on May 11, 1898, in the harbor near the city of Cienfuegos. Gary R. Mormino, "Cuba Libre, Florida, and the Spanish American War". On July 1, a combined force of about 15,000 American troops in regular infantry and cavalry regiments, including all four of the army's "Colored" Buffalo Soldier regiments, and volunteer regiments, among them Roosevelt and his "Rough Riders", the 71st New York, the 2nd Massachusetts Infantry, and 1st North Carolina, and rebel Cuban forces attacked 1,270 entrenched Spaniards in dangerous Civil War-style frontal assaults at the Battle of El Caney and Battle of San Juan Hill outside of Santiago. Causes of the War. ", quickly appearing. General Consideration of the Object of the War, the Results Desired, and the Kind of Operation to be Undertaken", The Battle of Manila Bay by Admiral George Dewey, "Historical Setting Outbreak of War, 1898", The SpanishAmerican War in Cuba: Battle of Las Guasimas, The Battles at El Caney and San Juan Hills, The Crowded Hour: The Charge at El Caney & San Juan Hills, "The First Marine Battalion in the Spanish-American War", Information from abroad: War notes, Issues 18, The relations of the United States and Spain: the SpanishAmerican War, Las relaciones polticas, econmicas y culturales entre Espaa y los Estados Unidos en los siglos XIX y XX, Italian government declared its neutrality, "Milestones: 18991913: The United States, Cuba, and the Platt Amendment, 1901", Confederate & Federal Veterans of '98: Civil War Veterans who served in the SpanishAmerican War, Philippine Insurrection, and China Relief Expedition by Micah J. Jenkins, "Telecom tax imposed in 1898 finally ends", The Spanish American War in Motion Picture, "War, Modernity, and Motion in the Edison Films of 1898", "Crucible of Empire: The Spanish American War", "Agrarian History of Puerto Rico, 18701930", "Ambivalent embrace: America's troubled relations with Spain from the Revolutionary War to the Cold War", "Chronological History of US Foreign Relations: 16071932", "William McKinley's Values and the Origins of the Spanish-American War: A Reinterpretation", "Emergence to World Power 18981902" Ch. Spanish-American War | Causes & Effects | Britannica [citation needed]. Ultimately, Spanish prisoners were returned to Spain with their "honors of war" on American ships. Protestant churches and most Democrats were supportive, but business interests called on Washington to negotiate a settlement and avoid war. Spain clutched at the only straws in sight. During May, the Spanish Ministry of Marine considered options for employing Cmara's squadron. [197] The Library of Congress archives contain many films and film clips from the war. Paul T. McCartney, "Religion, the SpanishAmerican War, and the Idea of American Mission", Dewey characterized the German interests as a single import firm; Admiral. The insurgent leaders would now settle for nothing short of complete independence. La Restauracin, 1875-1902. Miles disembarked off the coast of Gunica. The battle ended indecisively in favor of Spain and the Spanish left Las Guasimas on their planned retreat to Santiago. "[75], After Maine was destroyed, New York City newspaper publishers Hearst and Pulitzer decided that the Spanish were to blame, and they publicized this theory as fact in their papers. All military actions in Puerto Rico were suspended on August 13, after U.S. President William McKinley and French Ambassador Jules Cambon, acting on behalf of the Spanish Government, signed an armistice whereby Spain relinquished its sovereignty over Puerto Rico.[146]. The Spanish-American War, also known as the Cuban-Filipino War, was a pivotal moment in American foreign policy in 1898. Both organizations were formed in response to the general neglect veterans returning from the war experienced at the hands of the government. [34], The SpanishAmerican War brought an end to almost four centuries of Spanish presence in the Americas, Asia, and the Pacific. Captain Glass had opened sealed orders instructing him to proceed to Guam and capture it while en route to the Philippines. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. p.138. Other American business concerns, specifically those who had invested in Cuban sugar, looked to the Spanish to restore order. The prospect of getting the United States involved in the fight was considered by many Cubans as a step in the right direction. In 1823, the fifth American President James Monroe (17581831, served 181725) enunciated the Monroe Doctrine, which stated that the United States would not tolerate further efforts by European governments to retake or expand their colonial holdings in the Americas or to interfere with the newly independent states in the hemisphere. Spanish-American War and the Philippine-American War, 1898-1902 The defeat and loss of the Spanish Empire's last remnants was a profound shock to Spain's national psyche and provoked a thorough philosophical and artistic reevaluation of Spanish society known as the Generation of '98. Spain, however, still refused to concede independence, which McKinley evidently now considered indispensable for restoration of peace and order in Cuba. [40] Cuba's total exports to the U.S. were almost twelve times larger than the export to Spain. [citation needed] Thus, despite that Cuba technically gained its independence after the war ended, the United States government ensured that it had some form of power and control over Cuban affairs. On April 6 representatives of Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Russia called upon McKinley and begged him in the name of humanity to refrain from armed intervention in Cuba. Congress declared war on April 25 and made the declaration retroactive to April 21. [36] Liberal Spanish elites like Antonio Cnovas del Castillo and Emilio Castelar offered new interpretations of the concept of "empire" to dovetail with the emerging Spanish nationalism. [190] The men of the First Battalion were welcomed as heroes when they returned to the States and many stories were published by journalists attached to the unit about their bravery during the Battle of Guantanamo. [123] No Spanish warships had visited the island in a year and a half. Spanish-American War, (1898), conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. Spain, counting on the sympathies of all nations, will come out in triumph from this new test, by shattering and silencing the adventurers of those countries which, without cohesiveness and post, offer to humanity shameful traditions and the ungrateful spectacle of some embassies within which jointly dwell intrigues and defamation, cowardice and cynicism. [160] After over two months of difficult negotiations, the formal peace treaty, the Treaty of Paris, was signed in Paris on December 10, 1898,[161] and was ratified by the United States Senate on February 6, 1899. First Lieutenant John J. Pershing, nicknamed "Black Jack", oversaw the 10th Cavalry Unit during the war. Lieutenant Carter P. Johnson of the Buffalo Soldiers' 10th Cavalry, with experience in special operations roles as head of the 10th Cavalry's attached Apache scouts in the Apache Wars, chose 50 soldiers from the regiment to lead a deployment mission with at least 375 Cuban soldiers under Cuban Brigadier General Emilio Nunez and other supplies to the mouth of the San Juan River east of Cienfuegos. After the sickness and death of British consul Edward Henry Rawson-Walker, American admiral George Dewey requested the Belgian consul to Manila, douard Andr, to take Rawson-Walker's place as intermediary with the Spanish government.[157][158][159]. Early in the month, as U.S. forces pounded the Spanish Navy at sea, on land, troops including Lt . "[155] Fearing for the safety of the Spanish coast, the Spanish Ministry of Marine recalled Cmara's squadron, which by then had reached the Red Sea, on 7 July 1898. By the time of his letter, 75% of the force in Cuba was unfit for service. [29] Both sides declared war; neither had allies. The Spanish-American War was an 1898 conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western. The Spanish-speaking middle classes of the 19th century were mostly educated in the liberal ideas coming from Europe. The U.S. Army employed Civil Warera skirmishers at the head of the advancing columns. But in the late 1890s, American public opinion swayed in support of the rebellion because of reports of concentration camps set up to control the populace. The Spanish government was caught upon the horns of a cruel dilemma. The tobacco industry went from nearly nonexistent in Puerto Rico to a major part of the country's agricultural sector. The Spanish-American War was a conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States, effectively the result of American intervention in the ongoing Cuban War of Independence . "[80], However, this new "yellow journalism" was uncommon outside New York City, and historians no longer consider it the major force shaping the national mood. [46], Antonio Cnovas del Castillo, the architect of Spain's Restoration constitution and the prime minister at the time, ordered General Arsenio Martnez-Campos, a distinguished veteran of the war against the previous uprising in Cuba, to quell the revolt. A speech delivered by Republican Senator Redfield Proctor of Vermont on March 17, 1898, thoroughly analyzed the situation and greatly strengthened the pro-war cause. [136] At the western approaches to the city, Cuban general Calixto Garcia began to encroach on the city, causing much panic and fear of reprisals among the Spanish forces. Introduction - The World of 1898: The Spanish-American War (Hispanic The U.S. annexed the former Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Guam. Spanish-American War | Summary, History, Dates, Causes - Britannica Both papers denounced Spain but had little influence outside New York. [135] During the nights, Cuban troops dug successive series of "trenches" (raised parapets), toward the Spanish positions. McKinleys response was to send an ultimatum to Spain on March 27. The U.S. also established a de facto perpetual lease of Guantnamo Bay. Meanwhile, Spain was going far in the acceptance of McKinleys terms of March 27so far that Minister Woodford advised McKinley that, granted a little time and patience, Spain could work out a solution acceptable to both the United States and the Cuban insurgents. [70]:244, While McKinley urged patience and did not declare that Spain had caused the explosion, the deaths of hundreds of American[71] sailors held the public's attention. [48] In a political speech President William McKinley used this to ram Spanish actions against armed rebels. The Americans, gratified with their social progress, have drained off our patience and have instigated the war through wicked tactics, treacherous acts, and violations of human rights and internal agreements. McKinley paid close attention to the strong antiwar consensus of the business community, and strengthened his resolve to use diplomacy and negotiation rather than brute force to end the Spanish tyranny in Cuba. Roosevelt returned to the United States a war hero,[184] and he was soon elected governor of New York and then became the vice president. [139][140], On April 23, a council of senior admirals of the Spanish Navy had decided to order Admiral Pascual Cervera y Topete's squadron of four armored cruisers and three torpedo boat destroyers to proceed from their present location in Cape Verde (having left from Cdiz, Spain) to the West Indies.[141]. Cnovas made clear in an address to the University of Madrid in 1882[37][38] his view of the Spanish nation as based on shared cultural and linguistic elementson both sides of the Atlanticthat tied Spain's territories together. The main theatres of combat in the Spanish-American War were the Philippines and Cuba. They humiliated themselves, giving in to the invader as the slave bows to the powerful lord. Octavio Ruiz, "Spain on the Threshold of a New Century: Society and Politics before and after the Disaster of 1898", Scott Wright, "The Northwestern Chronicle and the SpanishAmerican War: American Catholic Attitudes Regarding the 'Splendid Little War,'", However, three Catholic newspapers were critical of the war after it began. By the 1890s, Cuba had unsuccessfully battled Spain for independence for many years. A similar point of view that is shared by Carlos Dard: Once the war was raised, the Spanish government believed that it had no other solution than to fight, and lose. It also provided for a permanent American naval base in Cuba. On the same day, the United States Navy began a blockade of Cuba. Spanish troops successfully defended Fort Canosa, allowing them to stabilize their line and bar the entry to Santiago. Santamarina, Juan C. "The Cuba Company and the Expansion of American Business in Cuba, 18981915". The 1898 invasion of Guantnamo Bay happened between June 6 and 10, with the first U.S. naval attack and subsequent successful landing of U.S. Marines with naval support. The evacuation was not total. [184] The notion of the United States as an imperial power, with colonies, was hotly debated domestically with President McKinley and the Pro-Imperialists winning their way over vocal opposition led by Democrat William Jennings Bryan,[184] who had supported the war. At the same time, the inclusion of Puerto Rico into the U.S. tariff system as a customs area, effectively treating Puerto Rico as a state with respect to internal or external trade, increased the codependence of the insular and mainland economies and benefitted sugar exports with tariff protection. [144], On May 24, 1898, in a letter to Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge wrote, "Porto Rico is not forgotten and we mean to have it".[145]. [96], On April 23, 1898, a document from Governor General Basilio Augustn appeared in the Manila Gazette newspaper warning of the impending war and calling for Filipinos to participate on the side of Spain. Hostilities were halted on August 12, 1898, with the signing in Washington of a Protocol of Peace between the United States and Spain. These two effects led to a decline in the coffee industry. Benjamin Wetzel, "A Church Divided: Roman Catholicism, Americanization, and the SpanishAmerican War.". Revolts had been occurring for some years in Cuba against Spanish colonial rule. Marques, Madrid: 1898. When the USS Maine sank, the United States believed the tragedy was the result of Spanish sabotage and declared war on Spain. Info Alerts Calendar Fees Spanish-American War and the Philippine-American War, 1898-1902 The 51st Iowa Volunteers leaving the Presidio and heading for the Philippines in 1898. [166][167] The press showed Northerners and Southerners, blacks and whites fighting against a common foe, helping to ease the scars left from the American Civil War. Most American leaders believed that the cause of the explosion was unknown. This later led to the PhilippineAmerican War,[119] which would prove to be more deadly and costly than the SpanishAmerican War.
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