This leaves us with one more problem to solve: how to deal with your doubts when they come back. Because, yes, Jesus died for you. God met me where I am through this post. But when you expose and confront them, you take away their faith-stealing power and get back your confidence in God. I am no stranger to sadness. You feel like your grief never ends and you cant reach out to God just like King David did in the Psalms. The One who had you in His mind's eye before you were even conceived. Deuteronomy 31:8. And youve seen where your feelings are lying to you. God does not treat us equally ( I really wish he did) he treats you differently than the way he treats me so how I come up with my theories and thoughts is based on the treatment I get from him now I understand were not supposed to look at others and just keep our eyes focused on him but I believe that that is the problem he wants you so fixated on him that you dont see whats going on around you totally oblivious blinded as the Bible states. If the people at your church ever caught wind of your belief that God doesnt love you, theyd probably squirm in discomfort, tell you to count your blessings, and pelt Bible verses at you from up on their pedestals of righteousness. Often our feelings of guilt don't correspond with the reality of our guilt. No purpose and keep asking what could you do to serve. 38 likes, 1 comments - anilaiam (@saransh_ki_sena) on Instagram: "The thing about dark characters like Saransh is.. Billy Grahams My Answer: Does God Really Love Me. Camp Meeting 2023 | July 10th 2023 Mike Blanton Who is this? Jesus It is VITAL to understand t. I am alone and hungry. Two opposing sides cant agree. He immediately grants the desires of your heart and the whims of your impulsive human nature and this is a sign God doesnt love you. If God knows I am hurting, why doesn't He help me? Instead, when you trust Gods perfect timing, you take the hand He offers you, let Him pull you from your pit of despair, and say sayonara to that faith-killing death trap forever. You have to pray about it and let God see your true desire for it.) The Bible says, "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins" (1 John 4:10). Compared to the suffering on your TV every day, how can God possibly care about your insignificant problems? If God didnt love you, He wouldnt think countless thoughts about you. I see those wayseven though I probably miss many of thembecause I look for them, and stopped looking for proof that God doesnt love me. People say He wants you to trust Him. Youre reading these words for one reason: God loves you and wants you to come back to Him. If he doesnt want to show up himself or send an angel can he not send true Christians to guide them to him? I know, because youre here, looking for reasons to stop believing the painful thought, God doesnt love me.. July 10th 2023 Mike Blanton Who is this? I grew up being taught to believe and trust God. Help me to trust that you dont require proud perfection, but humble submission. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. "We come to this place for magic," Nicole Kidman purred as she ascended some steps on a suburban Philadelphia AMC screen in sparkly pinstripes last Friday night. I was desperate for soul-saving hope that maybejust maybe, despite everythingHe loved me after all. He sees your every move and this includes your mess-ups (true). Words dont matter, only actions matter. I know, I know God's timing is perfect and He will give us the desires of our hearts. Those years when I thought God didnt love me were straight-up the most miserable of my life. Praise Jesus! You wont find another one exactly like it anywhere on Earth. Here is what that means for your life. I try to be a Christ-like person, but too often fall short in my thoughts. we can neverreally flow Gods powerful love. This right here helps me cheer up to get a good nights rest. You wouldnt have found this article if God didnt care about you! I didnt think I mattered to Him. God loves you more than the words in any article on the internet can say. February 11, 2022 Photo by Fa Barboza on Unsplash "I don't feel God's love." Have you ever said or thought these words? Thank you so much for you insightful words. He talks to us the more you talk to Him. I've gave my life to him, prayed my heart out, gone to church, read the Bible, I've done daily devotions, everything I can. I was having trouble sleeping tonight. These problems exist in your heart, which means they exist, period. Through Paul, God answers with a resounding NO. Thank you for pouring out what God put into you. God already knows whats in your heart. ~Jeremiah 29:12. How awful it felt to think that God had abandoned him. You are yearning for signs of His work and presence in your life, for His voice in your ear, for His Holy Spirit to heal and guide you. If so, the enmity between you and your Creator is gone, and you have entered a secure and loving relationship with God. So you conclude that God has bigger things to handle, and now youre positive: No, God definitely doesnt care about me.. But its essential. I felt like you were speaking my very thoughts and made the encouragement at the end oh so sweet! That said I believe the uncomfortable truth is that if God does care, he is unable to help because it is mans time and God is limited in what He can do currently. Find your way home, choose goodness. This is right where Im at. Big time. He hooked it to his computer then gave me his old mouse, saying it worked out great because he saw my mouse wasnt working anymore, and this way, he didnt have to spend extra money buying the mouse he wanted. Writing slows your mind and helps you focus. Life being what it is, just about everyone has experienced significant emotional pain or trauma. The fact that you are thinking about God means that He cares about you. Chin up. God shows His hatred of me because He has damned me to Hell either way having to spend an eternity either with Satin or with my creator. These are expected, though, because, welllife. And sometimes, I feel like Hes completely abandoned me.. Write about them in your private journal or the comments section below. Thank you for giving me light and insight on God really loving mr. Youre welcome! This is due to God's lack of actual involvement in my life. This is the same Thomas who went on to be an apostle, by all accounts evangelizing in Asia and dying for the cause of Christ. Where is God now! So deliberately recall specific times when Hes come through for you. Because He says so. God is not removing his hand fromyou, he is putting his hand on you. Right after my boyfriend passed away I was getting these signs that made me know he, Nichole and Teresa, I lost my dear angel one year ago October. Plus how to get through future moments of doubt. The panic attacks I experience make me want to just lay down and never get up. Under your feelings of doubt about Gods love lies one or more of 3 fundamental questions to which you want answers. When we hit the wall of faith, what tumbles down, often, is not the actions of our faith. Be ready with a plan to conquer your thought, I feel like God doesnt care about me.. But you arent dead. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Im Kris, and I believe you dont need a burning bush moment to confidently take your next step. My life looked great, and I was embarrassed and ashamed for being unhappy. A Prayer For God's Amazing Power When we pray, we often turn to God to unleash blessing upon our lives. The only possible explanation is because God loves us. But that being said, REALLLLLY, tho God is ignoring me. | Kristine Bolt, 4 Sure Signs God Is Answering Your Prayers | Kristine Bolt, How to Be Happy Again: 7 Simple Ways to Make Things Better | Kristine Bolt, 15 Tips From The Bible to Overcome Overeating (Free Overeating Bible Study! Always alone. So the question becomes, why arent you hearing Him? Your mind tries to say it's true, and you try and speak positively about how God will be there for you. Has He said and shall He not do it? He was into high end computer games. Our outsides end up displaying works that our insides are not so certain about. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from Gods love. I can give God a try again, because he first gave me a second chance with the gift of his sons sacrifice. Remember what happened to Lots wife! Sound of Freedom movie: In a crowded theater, I saw what this movie is Does God even care that I hurt? I've given up on God because He doesn't seem to care about me. I know He will be a feminist about finances, meaning both of you should work, but old fashioned about housework and childcare meaning those thinks will be your responsibility. I have never seen, heard, or felt anything from God. If I had not confessed the sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened. Will you? Like you can't FEEL His love for you? Every single one of your problems matters to God. If anything he sets me up to fail time and time again and I find the higher road anyway. When God Doesn't Give You a Mate - Focus on the Family I know it must be a hardship on you every day but I know people are benefiting from it and I believe those that do not know how to pray are learning. By Im reading Simply Tuesday by Emily P. Freeman and I thought of her book as I read your first paragraphs here today. Every night I lift my voice, but I find no relief. Please help! February 10, 2016 He will quickly grow bored of sex with you and turn to pornography and other women. We can never on earth understand the reasons for horrific suffering such as the Holocaust much like believers cannot convince you that you words ring untrue. Just like He made every wonderful thing you see around you. In a nutshell like the Bible says there is no one higher. At least it keeps a roof over your head, food in your belly, and your closet decked out with the latest from the outlet mall. But He also died for, 3.You Feel That Your Problems Are Insignificant. You really think He stopped loving youor that God never loved you at all. Your stuff just doesnt compare. By Dan Delzell, Christian Post Contributor What person or what incident caused you to think that God doesn't love you? God does not love me. Does God Want Me to Stay in an Unhappy Marriage? Why have you abandoned me?" I have severe anxiety. This is a good read with many good points. Rather than hitting the wall of defeat, why not hit the floor dancing and swinging and moving to the new beatof his love. We much take these situations and never allow them to repeat. I know if my kids were in danger Id step in and do whatever I could. You are alive and you have strong feelings about God. Why Doesn't God Help Me When I Need It? - Walk with the Wise Thanks again. I feel completely alone! 6 Popular Prayer Myths We Need To Ditch Today! Related: 10 Encouraging Bible Verses in Times of Struggle. But we dont want pie-in-the-sky, just-because-I-said-so, count-your-blessings-and-shut-up-reasons. So which of these reasons have you feeling abandoned by God? If god wanted me to believe he would do something. I know it has me, and all the horrible suffering Ive had in my life. As a result my life come out out of control again. Your problems matter to God. Toll Free: 1-877-247-2426. He laughs at my misery and piles it on. God is not a man, that He should tell or act a lie, neither the son of man, that He should feel repentance or compunction [for what He has promised]. Your job is to listen to Him, then be brave and do the wise things you know to do! Maybe youre tired of constantly dealing with loss, disappointment, and heartache. Thank you so much! and he will do the same for you! Some loose change, right? How to Stop Believing: God Doesn't Care About Me How Do I Reciprocate God's Love? Past actions dont necessarily apply to the here and now. I guess that the easiest way to say this is straight forward. He is a God of righteousness (true), therefore, just about every moment, he is watching to see the bad you will commit so he can relegate you to the corner, dunce hat and all (false). Will you believe? And Jesus Himself said that the Bible is Gods truth (John 17:17). So, what makes our heads what to spontaneously combust with disappointment, shame and disgust after we fumble the ball of faith? In psalm after psalm, David poured out his most negative and uncomfortable feelings. But why is it wrong to want more from your job than a roof and groceries? It was peoplepeople who enacted it and people who failed to act against it! Its the other niggling everyday things that mostly do the job. I thank you so much for writing this and the prayer. Is love actually love, when theres no action? Why Do I Feel like God Doesn't Love Me? God is faithful. Theres your worldly yardstick again, measuring God as if Hes people. But nothing. After repeated hits against this wall, ourinner words eventually ring untrue making ourouter words ring shallow. Place the blame for evil on Satan, not on God. Instead, lets get some solid, Biblical wisdom to help you see Gods love for you. Why doesnt He help me? 6 Dangerously Powerful Prayers That Bring Instant Answers Is anything bigger than he? He says He loves you unconditionally and ceaselessly. One reason you feel like God doesnt love you is that He seems silent in your life. I have no friends, no Job , no boyfriend,and I am 30. If you truly hate evil it should drive you full steam back to God. Who cares? Maybe you lied, cheated, and wrecked someones life. I had been unemployed for God is always listening. Ill call it out to make sure you dont miss it: the lie is in your fickle feelings and thoughts that He doesnt love you. No matter how well and how long you take care of him when hes sick or hurt, he wont reciprocate. Kind of embarrassing really but God knows all. Your thoughts big and little are welcome below! Sometimes it was the result of my unrepentant sin. So get rid of the thought that God doesnt care about you or your first-world problems. Please look into local health services. You may be mad at God because he didn't prevent the bad from happening to you, but he is not to blame for the bad thing, Satan is. Hopefully in eternity His will is done as stated in Revelation. I had to rush, My baby Reggie Roo, Gosh this pain is like nothing before, I am so overwhelmed with sadness that I had, I totally believe you! You sound in such heartbreaking pain. I googled, Am l truly born again, and this is is what came up. But what have you gotten from God in return? I love God and Jesus, I just wish that they would return the feeling in a way that I can perceive. Why do I feel like God doesn't love me, or even worse why do I feel Someone once said you get what you focus on, and they were right. Thank you God that you care about the details of my life, my heart and my spiritual progress. TAKE OUR QUIZ AND FIND OUT They'll never say the words, "My wife doesn't love me," to themselves or to anyone else, but they feel it nonetheless. 9 Reasons to Fight for Your Relationship. Wow. Maybe its about voluntarily surrendering your free choice since were not omnipotent and Earth proves it. And while these expected hurts can test your faith, its the small, everyday pain that builds up and undermines your belief about Gods care for you. I pray for him to guide me and to lead me to do his will. I can't explain the pain in my guts that I feel every minute. Hypocrites Truth #2:God is not removing his hand fromyou, he is putting his hand on you. I feel like God hates me and is causing all my trouble.