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Independence Lake (California) - Wikipedia [6] [7] At an elevation of 6,949 feet (2,118 m) [1] in the upper reaches of the Truckee River basin, it has been less affected by development than most lakes in the area. To avoid accidental introduction of invasive species, the Nature Conservancy does not allow outside vessels or float tubes to be used at this lake. Surrounded by a rugged topography cloaked in ancient forest, the setting is as wild as any along the Mountain Loop Highway, except for one noticeable difference. Minnesota Fishing Regulations. Not for kids under 8yrs moderate to intense uphill climb. Quite a commitment to get to the trail but it didnt disappoint. Nearby Lakes. There are a couple snow patches before the lakes you have to go over, but not more than 20 feet or so. Let Independence Title help you with your Texas property transaction! The mostly single lane dirt road (start from the Elba Park on the northwest side of town) is fine for any AWD/4WD vehicle with average clearance, but there are sections with a lot of medium size loose rock and would suck to hit one at the wrong angle and puncture a tire this far from anywhere. Murtaugh would love to hear from them. Along the road, numerous wildflowers and birds can be seen. Contributions to WTA are tax deductible, and we are committed to making the best use of every donation to our mission. Community Custom Cabins. On the way out we went the other way to Elba, this dirt road was a little better and no big drop offs. Trail map leads to locked gate. (530) 430-8912 Independence Lake County Park 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Admission Fee Yes (daily or annual pass is available) Features Beach Bicycles Allowed Bike Racks Birdwatching Boat Launch (Max. The trail takes you to a beautiful overlook and back. The trail from here to Independence is short but rough with plenty of large roots, rock and mud to navigate as well as a few unnecessary and steep downs and ups. Independence Lake CA can be accessed easily from Lake Tahoe by taking California Highway 89 north to Truckee.,, Hiker Headlines: Road and Trail Openings, Hurricane Ridge, New Trail Funding. Follow Jackson Meadows Road west for 1.5 miles turning left at the sign for Independence Lake. The satellite coordinates of Independence Lake are: latitude 487'21"North and longitude 12131'59"West. But there is no reason to wait until next year. Extreme Sports Locations Surrounded by a rugged topography cloaked in ancient forest, the setting is as wild as any along the Mountain Loop Highway, except for one noticeable difference. Just some fun rock hopping along the ridge. High School Find Best Western Hotels & Resorts nearby Sponsored. (530) 362-8259 Denton County. Explore top cities in the United States. Search MapQuest. This destination is all about the search for solitude in the often crazy and busy South Fork Stillaguamish River valley. Independence Lake Trail Loop: 69 Reviews, Map - AllTrails Lake Waconia. Lake Minnetonka. im happy she made it to the top. The satellite coordinates of Independence Lake are: latitude 487'21"North and longitude 12131'59"West. Well kept and easy to follow trail, lovely variety of views, several established campsites by the lakes. The most difficult part of the hike is the drive in we came from twin falls and drove in from the west (Oakley) the road is not great I would only want to attempt in an SUV. Lake Dallas, TX 75065. Search and view in Google Maps points of interest such as: museums, churches, hospitals, railway stations, restaurants, petrol stations, post offices, pharmacies ) located near Independence Lake (WA): The text of the current page is available under the license {cc by-sa/3.0}, for the maps refer to the license {}, attention! To obtain road distance you can select route planner. pretty steep at places. United States Minnesota Independence Lake Independence. Explore this 4.2-mile out-and-back trail near Sierraville, California. trip reports for this trail. Independence Lake, Nevada County, California. Note that you do not have the right to enter private property without the owner's permission. Took the road from Oakley to the trail, Wowzer was it rough,rocky and narrow. 2019100402 Public Agency. Set Field Guide Location. The primary coordinates for Independence Lake places it within the CA 96161 ZIP Code delivery area. Please take advantage of the boats we make available to the public!). Since 1995, we've built travel guides that promote great outdoor destinations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Independent Bank, LAKE DALLAS BRANCH - US Bank Locations Who was or is Danny`s father&mother? Continue with Recommended Cookies. Washington Trails Association is 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Independence Lake Trail: 34 Reviews, Map - California | AllTrails The Independence Lake is located in Snohomish County, Washington, United States. The Nature Conservancy and Land Trust have secured the area now, with plans to construct user-friendly trails and campgrounds. Part of the trail is a stream with runoff, but you can do pretty well to avoid it by walking on rocks. 5 AM-10 PM Main Number 763-694-7860 2309 County Road 19 Maple Plain, MN 55359 The Nature Conservancy owns a 2,325 acres parcel of land around it, which it manages privately . by Blair Koch | Sep 1, 2010 | Getting-Out | 3 comments. Lots of flowers and birds early July, only a couple patches of snow remaining at the lakes. The property was acquired from NV Energy, which with its predecessor Sierra Pacific Power had held the 2,300-acre property since the late 1930s. Dogs are welcome, but must be on a leash. Subscribe to our free email newsletter for hiking events, news, gear reviews and more. [1]The distances indicated are measured in a straight line, the road distances can be appreciably different. BUT THE PEOPLE.. the people up there today had no regard for others. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Lots of water on the trail too. Rain jacket on, rain jacket off, countless times. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Best for 4 wheel drive. Rolling Hills County . The GNIS Feature Detail Report for Independence Lake does not include property ownership information. A few snow patches but nothing too bad, great hike, we had the lake all to ourselves! It shows the trail goes around the lake but there are no motorized vehicles beyond the parking lot. To get to the lake, take Forest Service Road #07 at Little Truckee Summit, proceed for 2 miles, and turn left onto Forest Service Road 350 for seven miles. Turn left (north) on the Coal Lake Road #4060 and continue 4.8 miles to the trailhead at the end of the road. To get to the lake, take Forest Service Road #07 at Little Truckee Summit, proceed for 2 miles, and turn left onto Forest Service Road 350 for seven miles. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Let Independence Title help you with your Texas property transaction! Generate High-Quality PDF. Wildflowers/Meadows Ridges/passes Established campsites Mountain views Old growth Good for kids Lakes OARS - American River Rafting near Yosemite, Enjoy Independence Lake, a beautiful and remote Sierra reservoir, Paddling this lake is fun in a kayak or canoe, Fish for some Lahontan cutthroat or Kokanee salmon. Counties. More than we bargained for in our 24 RV. At an elevation of 6,949 feet in the upper reaches of the Truckee River basin, it has been less affected by development than most lakes in the area. Note that you do not have the right to enter private property without the owner's permission. has more info on this. Food. (Please note that if you are a real estate agent or broker and not the owner of the subject property, we will need to discuss your options for requesting title information). The best part is the free kayaks that are available to anyone who signs a waiver. Official websites use .gov A .gov . Copyright 2023 HTL, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Follow signs to the lake. Visitors can take the full 7 mile hike or summit nearby Cache Peak for a birds eye [] Continue on past several tarns before reaching a second ridge with views of Glacier Peak. Lots of mosquitoes which motivates a fast pace. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Conservancy offers a clean restroom and plenty of places to park and picnic tables. Restrictions: 10 hp motor max. Rodeo Independence Lake County Park offers a multitude of recreational activities for park visitors, and features diverse habitats including wetlands, prairies and great stands of oaks. Entertainment "Zonability" Report (provides zoning information, with mapping and definitions in these cities only). The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Independence Lake (in Nevada County, CA) FIND YOUR WAY OUTSIDE is a trademark of AllTrails, LLC. I did see a fifth lake however. Below is shown the table of main cities with the corresponding distances[1] of the main cities from Independence Lake (WA) measured both in kilometers and in miles. Easy to follow trail until you get to the lakes then trail gets very hard to follow. This was my 3rd climb, this time with my daughter. 705 2nd Ave, Suite 300 Head out on this 12.4-km out-and-back trail near Albion, Idaho. Contact. In the 1970s, the lake and surrounding mountains were targeted for a major four-season resort development, which, fortunately, never came to fruition. Some trees down on the path but not bad. On a Friday there were one or two others camping, though no direct contact: so it isn't solitude but still feels out there. Contact Us. Access is limited. Day Tripper: Make the hike to Independence Lakes This trail is great for birding, hiking, and mountain biking, and it's unlikely you'll encounter many other people . In 2011, the Forest Service plans to have a new trail loop, traversing past all the lakes before heading up a saddle and then coming back full circle to the main trail. Sierra. Saw quite a few people, but still managed to find some solitude. 5 miles along the lake is far more appealing to me than 6 miles on a service road. Jerome Ketchum Lake is beautiful and even had some snow this weekend (June 11) Looks like nice beach and trails. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 317-908-1800. Lake Independence, Independence, MN, Lake - MapQuest Sierraville, CA Photo by Muktown. What is camping like up at the lakes? Nine, one-week sessions are available and limited to 30 campers each week. The road to get there requires a high clearance vehicle and there were 2 spots that required driving through 8-10 of water. Blue Heron Bay Spray Park - Ann Arbor Independence Lake is one of five properties in the upperLittle Truckee RiverWatershedthat have been conserved by the Truckee Donner Land Trust and/or its conservation partners. The Arts Enjoy! Fishing is typically best within the first two ponds, although fish can flood into the downstream lakes during peak spring flow. Youll know you are on the right track when you come upon the immense double-trunked Alaskan yellow cedar. Its about three miles from the trailhead to the first of four lakes included in the Independence system. We made it to the first lake no problem, a little snow going to the second, and nothing but snowy hills to the 4th. Put it there instead of on Cache peak because the area is named after the smaller mountain. All boats are available to the public at no-charge. One East First Street, Suite 1007 Reno , NV 89501. Cross Streets. Directions to trail-head from Oakley Idaho. 10 HP) Boat Rental Concessions Disc Golf Dogs Allowed Fishing (license required) Geocaching Horse Shoes Meeting Rooms Non-motorized Vehicles Allowed Observation Platform Food. Blue Heron Bay Spray Park | Washtenaw County, MI An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS A lock The road in to the trailhead is a bumpy dirt and gravel road with narrow passage. Be prepared for the climate. Featured Business. Independence Lakes - Visit Southern Idaho Its just a beautiful spot, right here in our backyard. Your information will be sent to the email address you give us below. Independence Lake Trail: 72 Reviews, Map - Washington - AllTrails The magically blue lake sits in a steep and rugged little basin, its varied shoreline ripe for exploring.The trail continues high above the water along the west side of the lake before descending to a marshy meadow at the north end. Yuba River Ranger District Very rocky. Today, the 2.4 mile lake, at an elevation of 6,949 feet, is noted for its pristine location and for being home to one of only two, self-sustaining lacustrine populations of Lahontan cutthroat trout. Easy hike for all levels. Independence Lake Boat Launch. Buhl Located on scenic Lake Independence, Baker Park Reserve offers 2,700 acres of natural landscape and accommodations for almost any activity from golfing to camping to cross-country skiing, and so much more. Lots of wildflowers. . Suggest downloading the trail to navigate. The land and lake were recently purchased by the Nature Concervancy and there will be more traffic to come, as they implement boat rentals and more activities on the lake. Anyone know? bugs are not bad at all! Bing Maps - Directions, trip planning, traffic cameras & more some snow but nothing you can't avoid easily if you want to. Pierce Lake Golf Course . Made In Southern Idaho He longs for more opportunities to saddle up a horse or lace up his hiking boots to make the quick jaunt into the lake system, nestled at just over 9,000 feet, in the valley between Mount Independence and Cache Peak. The place is catalogued as Lake by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names and its elevation above sea level is equal to 3697ft. Aquatic invasive species such as quagga mussels, New Zealand mud snails, and Eurasion water-milfoil can easily infiltrate into the region and severely disrupt the lake's healthy ecosystem and the delivery of clean drinking water. I would day hike it again. I suggest you do not park at the trailhead. Hansen Shoshone Explore! Copyright 2023 HTL, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Trailhead is open. Burley Get Current Demographic Data for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes, View Boundary Maps, for Cities, Towns, and ZIP Codes, Locate Physical, Cultural, and Historical Features, New York physical, cultural and historic features. NV Energy has committed $1.4 million for investments into the Lahontan cutthroat trout recovery program at the lake. (Note that outside watercraft is not allowed for aquatic invasive species prevention. No boats, float tubes or paddlecraft from outside the preserve are permitted to protect the area from invasive species. Cool lake if it wasn't so windy. Official MapQuest website, find driving directions, maps, live traffic updates and road conditions., Tahoe National Forest- Truckee Ranger District, Tahoe National Forest - Sierraville Ranger District. Beautiful location. Some can be 13 years old, compared to the typical 5-year life span, he said. Popular horse trail for those who take their dogs. (530) 478-6176,, Join Tahoe National Forest for its annual Kids Fishing Day at Packer Lake. For 50 years, Independence Lake has been the target for development, with the threat of permanent closure. Add your business Surface Area: 844 Acres. Refer to California Department of Fish and Wildlife regulations specific to Independence Lake for up-to-date regulations on limits of fish and tackle. A 2.6 mile trail follows the lakeshore from the parking area to the head of the lake. each image on the page has its own license. Almo I only found 3 of the lakes. Austin, Bastrop, Bee Cave, Buda, Cedar Park, Dripping Springs, Elgin, Georgetown, Hutto, Jarrell, Jonestown, Kyle, Lago Vista, Lakeway, Leander, Liberty Hill, Lockhart, Manor, Marble Falls, Pflugerville, Rollingwood, Round Rock, San Marcos, Taylor, Westlake Hills, and Wimberley. Besides patience, all an angler needs to lure in a cutthroat, or the rare Grayling, is a line set with a bobber and worm, said Osterhout. Pleasant stroll (mostly level) along north shore of this pretty lake. Nevada City, CA Ashby said the distance with the loop makes for a moderate 12-mile hike. Shopping. The trailhead into Independence Lakes is located about 20 miles south of Albion, along state Highway 77, also known as the Elba/Almo Highway. This is a fine dirt road to drive, but the technical is a 1 or 2. Therere some large, deep snowy patches after lake 2, and lots of down treesespecially before lake 1that block the trail. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Darrington Ranger District, Day Hiking: North Cascades (Romano - Mountaineers Books). Shaded, wildflowers. The primary coordinates for Independence Lake places it within the NY 13331 ZIP Code delivery area. Found all 4 lakes. Just north of Lake Tahoe, this alpine lake has a unique aspect that attracts many for some great recreational opportunities. WTA worked here in 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2011 and 2010! Length 3.1 miElevation gain 62 ftRoute type Loop. The most difficult part was fording a creek that I would estimate a Honda Civic could do (even with the heavy snow run off this year). Independence Lake. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Keep up the good work. First two lakes are easy to find - after that the trail is tricky to follow and the final 4th lake is quite challenging to locate. Please send us your feedback by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly. The best times to visit this trail are April through October. The long dirt road access makes this a less casual excursion and does detract from what would have been a stellar outing. Houston Get Driving Directions. Print/PDF map. In 2010, The Nature Conservancy, in partnership with the Truckee Donner Land Trust, the Northern Sierra Partnership, and several other conservation partners, acquired a large portion of the property surrounding Independence Lake. Julie Sigda . Phone: 940-321-4684. Fishing is a bit slow this year. Big Bay, Michigan 46.8158 N, 87.7285 W This small town calls for Big adventure. No matter the season, there's always something fun to do. Hiked this trail on June 24.

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