Abstract The purpose of this article is to bring to focus an historical perspective to the subject of spirituality in nurse education. Religion, spirituality & chronic illness: A scoping review and implications for health care practitioners. Let's have a personal and meaningful conversation instead. Caring in community (or for one another) - both the relationships with our secular colleagues and with fellow Christians. explore how you can help further Concordia's mission through giving. Doing simple things like listening to what the patient has to say, and conversing and responding with the patients needs, acknowledging the patients thoughts and ideologies, and making sure to help the patient find peace of mind through your presence, are the things that can be done to uplift the spirit and mitigate the spiritual distress that the patient is suffering from. However, health care professionals are poorly prepared and health managers are not allocating all the resources needed. This includes ensuring that spiritual care is voluntary for both patients and providers. From the nurses perspectives, numerous and distinct factors can hamper the provision of spiritual care, all of which deserve deep reflection. Knowledge of the principles underlying such beliefs is necessary to provide adequate patient-centered care. The professional boundaries between nurses and chaplains in healthcare settings constituted another hindrance. Kirsten Nicole But I truly believe actions do speak louder than words & as the song goes, They will know we are Christians by our love.. It also showed that the importance of spirituality in nursing is recognized in professional standards worldwide [10,19,63]. Unconditional, patient-centred care - because as Christians we believe that every human being is made in the image of God, we can know that each individual has value and dignity. Older nurses, married, higher levels of education, work experience, worked longer hours, received education in spiritual care, working in medical departments all tended to score higher on the SSCRS. To determine nurses attitudes toward spirituality and spiritual care in an educational hospital in Iran. Intelligence Comes Directly From Her. All of these factors can influence how patients and health care professionals perceive health and illness and how they interact with one another . 2. The significant gap in research into methods for developing spiritual care competencies in nursing students must be addressed. Masthead Christians and Christian organizations have often been at the forefront of healthcare and continue to influence it in many ways today. (2) Ways in which, despite lack of training, nurses can provide spiritual care by screening for spiritual needs and preferences, referring patients for spiritual assessment, and providing a range of spiritual care. Although a quality assessment of studies included in a scoping review is not mandatory, we conducted a preliminary assessment of the quality of the included papers using the Critical Appraisal Skills Program checklist [36]. Such an approach is critical if the definition of spirituality and the provision of spiritual care is to be inclusive and embrace diversity within society [29]. In other words, despite the fallen nature and sin of our patients and colleagues (and our own), each one of us has a longing for God (because that is what we were designed for), but which we can't satisfy apart from Jesus. Summary Conclusions: The provision of spiritual care by nurses and physicians has been recommended by the findings of several studies (Phelps et al., 2012), and recommended by nursing organizations (NANDA 2014). This applies to how we relate to and work with our colleagues as well as how we care for our patients and their families. Spirituality is manifested uniquely in each individual and among different religions or spiritual groups (e.g., Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and others). For example, a healthcare practitioner can show respect for a patient during a home visit by recognizing religious differences via the presence of symbols and signs (e.g., home altars featuring Hindu statuettes, Buddha icons, or crucifixes). Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism do not qualify as religions because they are not organized and formal [30]. Regarding the inclusion of spirituality at a practical level in care, three categories emerged: personal influences, organizational influences, and social influences. It helps one focus on his purpose on this planet, shows a hope beyond the sufferings being endured, and ensures an ultimate journey to inner peace and fulfillment. Whilst the provision of spiritual care and assessment of spiritual needs is a vital part of the nurse's role, literature suggests that nurses do not always engage in spiritual care with their patients or assess their spiritual needs. It is a conversation where the patient is listened to, the spiritual needs evaluated and requires specific expertise and time (Bowden, J., Murphy, P., & Peery, B, 2016). What are the different levels of expertise? In some cases, patients religious and spiritual beliefs may be vital in decisions relating to their health [22,54]. More knowledge and training on different religions and spirituality are required to meet patients spiritual needs to better overcome these hurdles. You could. [45] concluded that religion was like the elephant on the table because it was stated that it was not a nursing competence. Robyn Bowman In a multifaith society, recognizing spirituality as an integral part of the person and a fundamental goal of health services is vital to comprehend the factors hindering or facilitating the provision of spiritual care [14]. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2006, Printed from: https://www.cmf.org.uk/resources/publications/content/?context=article&id=26522, WHEN YOU COME TOGETHER LET ALL THINGS BE DONE FOR BUILDING UP. There is a need for studies on spirituality in the healthcare setting, especially nursing, in Asian countries [6,30] and in diverse ethnocultural and practice contexts [5]. Tricco A.C., Lillie E., Zarin W., OBrien K.K., Colquhoun H., Levac D., Moher D., Peters M.D.J., Horsley T., Weeks L., et al. They examined the negotiation of the dynamics of religious, spiritual, and ethnic plurality in hospital and home health services and analyzed how social, economic, and political contexts and gender shaped these dynamics. If there is a place you can take your patient that has wall art and books celebrating spirituality then it can really help them. [7], Atharim et al. Beyond a single institutional religion (Christianity) in Western countries and the European continent, religious diversity reflects growth in new spiritualties, with different spiritual expressions in many societal contexts, especially among people who identify as spiritual but not religious [14,18,22,39]. Ultimately he became a servant, taking the punishment we deserve through his death on the cross (Philippians 2:5-11). Small and simple things, like praying with them, holding their hand, listening to their theories, sharing your positive vibes, etc., is all that takes to soothe a heavy heart and a troubled spirit. This has led to Christian missionaries setting up schools and hospitals everywhere theyve visited, often remaining the largest healthcare providers, even today. (c) Providing a Range of Spiritual Care: Nurses can provide spiritual care by attending to several important spiritual elements. 1The University of New Mexico 2Monmouth Medical Center 3Emiraza College PMID: 29630268 Bookshelf ID: NBK493216 Excerpt The diversity of religions around the world creates challenges for health care providers and systems to provide culturally competent medical care. 5 Methods To Create an Effective Educational Institution, Dive In: The Cognitive Benefits of Language Immersion Programs Hind Louali, 8 Reasons to Pursue a Masters in School Counseling, Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Trends. A trust-based relationship between healthcare professionals and patients is essential to realizing spiritual care. Health care chaplaincy: A scoping review of the evidence 20092014. [45] stated that what united the interviewees was their shared religious identity, which led to comfort and connection. And knowing how to refer patients to complimentary support systems, whether support groups or counseling or local charities, ensures that patients have far better outcomes overall. Caring from a Christian Worldview: Exploring Nurses' Source of Caring, Faith Practices, and View of Nursing; Faith and Ethics, Covenant and Code: The 2015 Revision of the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements; Evangelism in Patient Care: An Ethical Analysis; Bridging the Racial Divide: Nurses Leading by Christ's Example The site is secure. Imago DeiIn the Image of God : Journal of Christian Nursing - LWW In this situation, nurses preferred not to be involved in spiritual care. The spiritual assessment helps articulate not only spiritual needs and resources, but develops a spiritual care plan and desired contributing outcomes. When a patient is unwell, or is suffering from a terminal illness, he or she goes through a series of trauma which affects the physical, emotional, as well as the spiritual health. This means that a disproportionate number of hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities are administered by Christian charities. The following provides an example of the problems that can arise when religious diversity and personal beliefs are not respected/understood. Based on the findings of most of the studies, nurses consider spirituality to be pivotal in nursing [6,7,8,13,22,24,28,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46] and attribute various meanings to spirituality and spiritual care, most of which are centered on their religious beliefs [6,7,8,13,22,24,28,39,40,41,42,43,45,46]. Research further supports that spiritual beliefs and religious practices influence overall health and well-being. As a nurse, your role puts you directly in the middle of some people's most traumatic life experiences. Impedes science 3. The results of the study indicate that the knowledge of the nurses concerning spirituality and spiritual care was insufficient. Registered Charity no. Spirituality is often viewed in broad terms, in which it is defined by the individual and is not necessarily connected to organized religion [17,18]. An exploratory study of spirituality and spiritual care among Malaysian nurses. Caring forPatients of different religions : Nursing made - LWW Former secretary of North Carolina's Department of Health and Human Services, Mandy Cohen, MD, MPH, stepped into the role of CDC director on July 1, 2023. Recourse to spiritual powers leads to reductions in anxiety and concern among patients and their families,. This was evident in one homecare patients comment: the world comes to my home [45] (p. 15). International Council of Nurses The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses: ICN 2021. The twin skills that I use is that of listening and reassurance. Nurses should also be sensitive to the spiritual impact of a hospitalization on the patient and family, as well as the spiritual resources that may need to be involved. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, https://casp-uk.net/casp-tools-checklists/, https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2018/05/29/being-christian-in-western-europe/, https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/09/05/u-s-adults-are-more-religious-than-western-europeans. We prayed for one another as stories about our families/difficulties were shared. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. CASP Checklist. To identify barriers in providing spiritual care to hospitalized patients. On a National Inpatient Priority Index of patient satisfaction, assessing over one million patients, emotional and spiritual needs ranked second (Clark, Drain, & Malone, 2003; McClung, Grossoehme, & Jacobson, 2006). The woman who laid the foundation of the first secular nursing school in the world, Florence Nightingale, herself embraced the role of spirituality in the nursing profession. A Nursing Practice Model Based on Christ: The Agape Model - LWW This analysis indicated that nurses generally consider spirituality interconnected with spiritual care and the fundamentals of nursing. In Middle Eastern countries, research has focused exclusively on the Islamic religion. When they reached a consensus on evaluating the included papers, their evaluations were shared with the entire group of authors. Following a literature search, in total, 787 articles were initially selected. The results revealed that research on spirituality and health has been predominantly conducted in Western countries on the Christian religion. In Europe, the leading Christian religions, particularly Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and Protestantism, are the most widespread. The Journal of Christian Nursing strives to provide relevant material to encourage you in your journey. Be physically present and available to help client determine religious and spiritual needs. Susan Cramer. We should be seeking to serve God by working to the best of our ability in whatever we're doing. Are there special approaches you take to ensure that you reach your patients appropriately with the Gospel? For most Muslims, religiosity pervades all aspects of their daily lives, including their working lives [13,48]. The influence of spirituality and religion on critical care nursing: An 10. The participants considered that spirituality is a fundamental aspect of nursing. Its amazing how when patients and/or families are given permission to talk about their faith with you they are more than willing to do so. Stage 4: Charting of information and data in the included studies. Islam was rarely cited [13]. Providing person-centered spiritual care is an essential dimension of dignified care in multicultural settings. Nurses do not consistently integrate patients spiritual needs into their daily practice, either because they do not have the time to explore patients spiritual demands or because they perceive they lack the skills to provide their patients with spiritual support. Is a crutch 2. Spirituality is your existence on this earth beyond the physical or material aspects; the connection of your inner self with the energy that flows in the universe. The Malaysian Nurse Forum Facebook closed group was used for data collection with 208 completed questionnaires. The religious belief system itself may influence the thinking of other participants. We all are aware of the fact that when a person is suffering from grief because of the fatal illness that one is dealing with, many patients claim to see a white light. The KolmogorovSmirnov test was conducted to indicate that data were sampled from a population with a normal distribution. It is therefore important for the nurse to know where this is filed and review it as it may have direct impact on the care of the patient. Causes inflation. Data were analysed using SAS software program, version 9.2. In many societal contexts, spirituality is interpreted as religion [6,40]. Throughout the process, any disagreement in terms of article selection was resolved by discussion. [(accessed on 18 July 2022)]. uniting & equipping Christian doctors & nurses. In previous research, Reimer-Kirkham [14] conducted a critical analysis of religion, politics, nursing, and healthcare and demonstrated the role of religion and spirituality in health institutions and how health institutions were committed to respecting different forms of religion. New CDC Director Mandy Cohen's Impact On Nursing Field | NurseJournal (PDF) The Impact of Spirituality on Health - ResearchGate This invites clarification, communicates respect for the patient, and allows the patient to determine what, when and who is involved in the prayer, which many consider to be an intimate shared action. Data were collected by using a Personal Information Form and the Spirituality and Spiritual Care Rating Scale (SSCRS). One definition of spirituality contends that spirituality is a dynamic and intrinsic aspect of humanity through which persons seek ultimate meaning, purpose, and transcendence, and experience relationships to self, family, others, community, society, nature, and the significant or sacred. The religious beliefs of the people result in many health care beliefs and practices which are significantly different based on the persons religion. The publications retrieved described how nurses defined spirituality as interconnected with spiritual care in the context of religious diversity. Coalition of Christian Nurse Practitioners. Get equipped to speak up confidently and with conviction about what you believe and why in your church, workplace, community and in the public square. Sango P.N., Forrester-Jones R. Intellectual and developmental disabilities, spirituality and religion: A systematic review 19902015. All materials were managed via Zotero software, and identical references were eliminated. (4) Spiritual self-care for nurses. Contributes to the population explosion 7. Nurses likened spirituality to a unifying force that enables patients to seek peace, meaning, and resolution in life during periods of healing from illnesses [52]. I see this as a privilege and a time to share the love of Christ with them. As a nurse, your role puts you directly in the middle of some peoples most traumatic life experiences. After meticulously reading all the included research, the synthesis and interpretation of data were performed, and finally, the results were obtained [31]. Nursing burnout is an increasingly prevalent problem that has personal as well as patient safety implications . Many of the studies used validated tools to explore the spiritual observations of the nurses [7,13,29,43]. Causes wars 5. Reimer-Kirkham et al. The Bible calls for us to aid the poor, house the homeless, and care for the sick. This review included only studies published in English between 2010 and 2020, and it does no justice to the complexity of spirituality and religious diversity in nursing expressed by manuscripts written in other languages. Spirituality and Religious Diversity in Nursing: A Scoping Review Atarhim M.A., Lee S., Copnell B. Chew et al. Johnston H.E. KEY WORDS: Christian worldview, holistic care, medical model, nursing, spiritual care Thanks for your comments! Similar results were reported in studies conducted in Turkey [43,46], Jordan [9], and Iran [42]. For example, The Religion and Spiritualty in Cancer Study (M. J. Balboni et al., 2014) found that most nurses (74%) had the desire to provide spiritual care; however, 40% felt they provided such care less often than desired. Conceptualization, C.M. This research received no external funding. A nurse is the most appropriate person to do so as he/she is the one that spend most of the time with the patient. This article originally appears as a chapter in the new CMF book, Lighting the Way: a handbook for Christian nurses & midwives, 1. Jesus does not just save us as individuals, but the Father has adopted us into his family (Romans 8:14-17). And many nurses of all faiths end up working for such facilities simply because they are so numerous. Spirituality is an umbrella term covering an extensive array of personal meanings, interpretations, and associations [28]. and earn the widely recognized Regis DNP degree. [39,45] focused on studies in which religious and ethnic diversity received equal attention from healthcare managers, caregivers, and care recipients. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews Checklist (PRISMA-ScR) flow diagram. Analysis of the Charges (Unfortunately, some of the charges are true.) Religion is defined as a subset of spirituality, encompassing a system of beliefs and {Citation}practices observed by a community, supported by rituals that acknowledge, worship, communicate with, or approach the sacred, the divine, God (in Western cultures), or ultimate truth, reality, or nirvana (in Eastern cultures) (Koenig, 2008). 5 September 2018. Therefore, to be efficient in nursing, one needs to be efficient in identifying and catering to all these needs, especially the spiritual needs, which most of the time, are left unnoticed and unattended. Clinical practice and religion strongly exerted influence on spiritual healing [24]. I am RN doing online BSN. Publishers Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and explanation. The role of the healthcare chaplain: A literature review. Al-Ghabeesh S.H., Alshraifeen A.A., Saifan A.R., Bashayreh H.I., Alnuaimi K.M., Masalha H.A. PMID: 29239975 DOI: 10.1097/CNJ.0000000000000474 Abstract This study explored Christian nurses' views of their source of caring (Deity or other), adherence to biblical faith practices, and view of nursing as a job, career, profession, or calling. Moreover, this review did not explore spirituality as residual religion in detail. These factors were considered possible hindrances that created doubt or confusion among nurses and patients regarding spiritual care choices. A company limited by guarantee. The purpose of this article is to describe: (1) The state of the science in terms of the positive clinical impact when spiritual care is provided to patients by healthcare providers. The six-stage methodological structure applied was as follows: Stage 1: Identification of the research question. These include (a) spiritual screening or spiritual history, (b) referral for spiritual care, and (c) providing a range of basic spiritual care. Despite this, spirituality is often considered tangential to clinical care and not offered to patients, especially those with serious illness (Astrow, Wexler, Texeira, He, & Sulmasy, 2007; T. A. Balboni et al., 2007; Daaleman, Kuckelman Cobb, & Frey, 2001; Ehman, Ott, Short, Ciampa, & Hansen-Flaschen, 1999) regardless of national guidelines for quality end of life care including attending to patients religious and spiritual needs (Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care; Christina Puchalski et al., 2009). The Christian Contribution to Medicine Over two millennia, Christian doctors and nurses, inspired by the example and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth, have been at the forefront of efforts to alleviate human suffering, cure disease, and advance knowledge and understanding.
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