- Dancers who compete at multiple Regional KAR competitions do not have to pay an additional media fee! Contestants will be responsible for showing proof of age to the Competition Director should a question arise. Performances must consist of at least 75% of the original dancers from the Regional qualifying entry. While holding this license you may only judge NDCA sanctioned Local One-Day Events or Multi-Day Competitions. Photos and Videos will be available 7-10 days after the completion of the competition. Beginner. Recommended for Recreational Dancers (Non-Competitive), Not eligible for Studio of Excellence and Cash Prizes. Teen Dance and Miss Teen Dance: Soloists in the ELITE Level, age12-14. An acro/gymnastic trick is defined as movements that pass through or stop at a fully inverted (upside down) position with both feet off the floor (the torso and or hips passing or stopping directly over the top of ones head/shoulders). If a change occurs at the competition, the Competition Director must be notified immediately. There is a maximum of 100 points per judge for a total of 300 points. Gender neutral runners-up have a choice of a cap or tiara and receive a sash. They are considered a COMBINED CATEGORY. Soloists may enter one or multiple performances in the Title competition. All contestants must be pre-registered at the Regional event to enter the Title competition. . and will be in the running to be selected as a 2023 Top 5 Finalist. Email Note: KAR will use this email to inform you of . Luggage Aug 07, 2022. No form of liquid, gel, powder, glass objects, aerosol cans of any type (including hairspray or spray paint) or similar substances may be used that will physically alter the backdrop, wings or surface of the marley floor. level classes for their age group. TEACHERS / ADULTS. the doors open 30 mins before comp starts. Many regional conferences include a Gala Concert as the culminating event of the conference. KAR has 5 levels of competition: INSPIRATIONAL, NOVICE, PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE. The final IDA Outstanding Performance nominees will beannounced in August of 2023 on industrydanceawards.com. Please keep in mind the following variables may affect level placement: ***IMPORTANT*** A performer's performance level may NOT be adjusted after the competition final/digital program is SET FINAL. Performances that display these actions may be scored lower by the judging panel. For the affordable price of $35 per dancer or $45 per family (siblings only), your studio will enjoy ALL your National Photos and Videos including National Title and Star Showcase events. STUDIO SPIRIT AWARD This honorable award will be presented to the studio displaying the most studio spirit, enthusiasm and exceptional sportsmanship. The appropriate level of performance (INSPIRATIONAL, NOVICE, PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE) should be determined by using the. they started a regional comp on Wed. afternoon going all day Thursday-Sunday . PRIMARY KAR Dance Title, Mr. Dance and Miss Dance: Soloists in the PRIMARY Level, age 15-19. HOW DO I FIND THE EXACT LOCATION OF A KAR COMPETITION? INTERMEDIATE KAR Petite Dance, Mr. Petite Dance and Miss Petite Dance: Soloists in the INTERMEDIATE Level, age 6-8. Super Line performances can portray a theme or style of dance, but should not portray a storyline, plot or narrative. The only exception to this rule is if the KAR Customer Care Specialists (CCS) or the Competition Director has pre-approved the delay. You must bring a recent photo no larger than 8x10 with your dancer's name, age, contact information and dance studio written on the back. All other competing dancers must be ready to perform at least one hour prior to their scheduled performance time. Adjudication Only Santa's Workshop June 14, 2021 KAR is dedicated to producing world class dance events that provide rewarding and positive experiences for dancers, teachers, and parents. A tumbling pass is considered one acro/gymnastic trick. /Trios will compete in the age division of the oldest competitor. Junior Dance and Miss Junior Dance: Soloists in the ELITE Level. If your families wait until after the Event to link siblings, there is no discount given and the Media Package is billed at FULL price ($35 per dancer). All contestants must be registered at the Regional/National event to enter the Most Photogenic competition. THESE AWARDS ARE GIVEN AT NATIONAL FINALS ONLY. The PRIMARY dancer CAN move up a level (INTERMEDIATE) and perform in a higher Duet/Trio and/or Group, with a maximum of 2 performances. The recipient of this award will receive a custom award and a $100 cash prize. NATIONAL TITLE WINNERS MUST PARTICIPATE IN THE STAR SHOWCASE OPENING NUMBER TO REDEEM CASH PRIZES. SUPER LINE Performance must contain at least 15 dancers incorporating any style of dance or combination of dance styles. Each winner will be announced and presented with a plaque. There is no guarantee that power outlets will be available for props that require electricity. KAR is proud to present the NEW STIMULATING SET! ELITE KAR Junior Dance, Mr. Leap! The INTERMEDIATE dancer CAN move down and compete in the PRIMARY level, with a maximum of 2 performances. *Dance Team/Drill - Precision choreography that also incorporate dance technique *Hip Hop - Street style of jazz that incorporates contemporary and fad . INTERMEDIATE KAR Teen Dance, Mr. The 2022 November and December competitions are considered the beginning of the 2023 competition season. Examples: A PRIMARY and ELITE Duet must compete in the ELITE level with the age of the oldest dancer. Starting, dancing, and/or ending the performance in the audience is not permitted. Applause Talent's journey began over 30 years ago in Ohio. All on-site Title registration and fees must be submitted at the competition at least one-hour prior to the scheduled performance. COMPETITION GUIDE - Divisions & Awards - KAR - Google Sites At National Finals, the ELITE level is also eligible for these awards. Cash awards will only be presented in divisions with 3 or more eligible acts. **NEW FOR 2023** Title entries can now be submitted online through the. Studios have access to their own Music Manager upload page within their Studio Centeron the KAR website. They are considered a COMBINED CATEGORY. Dances not performing within 10 acts after their scheduled performance time may not be eligible for Overall High Point awards, unless pre-approved by the Competition Director or the KAR Customer Care Specialists. The ELITE level is also eligible for Judges Choice awards. National Title winners will be presented with a tiara or cap, trophy, sash and a $250 cash prize. To The Pointe Dance Centre. For each Regional competition, there will be one Junior Most Photogenic winner (age 11 & Under) and one Senior Most Photogenic winner (age 12 & Above). Female runners-up will be presented with a tiara and sash. Dancers are expected to perform in the order of the final/digital program, unless granted special permission by the Competition Director or pre-approved by the KAR Customer Care Specialists prior to the competition. ALL entries must be registered with a dance studio and represented by a studio owner or director. In the event there is a tie between 2 studios we do not break ties. The ACDA adjudication process is a unique model for presenting dances and receiving feedback. Please contact the KAR office if you need further clarification on our prop and set rules. An additional 1:00 minute total for set-up/removal of props may be purchased for a flat fee of $25.00. All balances must be paid in FULL prior to the competition. To be considered the exact routine, the performance MUST (1.) At Regional Competitions, the winner in each level will also receive a $500.00 scholarship for the studio to participate and attend any 2023, IDA (Industry Dance Awards) PEOPLES CHOICE AWARD This award is presented to a Small Group, Large Group, Line, Super Line or Production that the judges, best represents the entire competition with exceptional talent, choreography and showmanship. Performances must consist of at least 75% of the original dancers from the Regional qualifying entry. If a studio has any protests or complaints, the Studio Owner/Director must submit an Infraction Review Form to the Competition Director 30 minutes prior to an awards segment. KAR Dance Competition - Rules & Regulations , substitution of dancers from the Regional qualifying entry is permitted in all divisions/categories except Solos. KAR hopes to honor Antoine and keep inspiration alive within the dance community through the remembrance of his lasting legacy. Studio Owners/Directors must check the Release of Liability Clause on every official entry submitted. This level is designed to celebrate and recognize dancers that have exceptional mental and/or physical disabilities or special needs. (4 or more hours a week - not including rehearsals) ** Eligible for Overall Showcase awards. Studio Owner. Each performance will be evaluated on the following five judging elements: 3.) Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and will be limited to the amount of performance time available. KAR also reserves the right to cancel any event that does not meet the minimum number of applicable entries. KAR will provide ONEhandheld microphone. An act that re-performs may only be re-adjudicated if during the original performance, the technical error was committed on KARs behalf. Failure to comply with this rule may result in a point deduction to the performance being recorded and/or photographed as well as confiscation of the recordings and/or photographs. . The Rose. Full Legal Name Note: Please fill this in as it appears on your ID or Drivers License. The judging panel deems a performance to be promoted to the next level on site at the competition through our Level Promotion Program. ALL CASH PRIZES MUST BE REDEEMED IN THE STUDIO CENTER. competition venue. If your families wait until after the Event to link siblings, there is no discount given and the Media Package is billed at FULL. Failure to comply may result in point deductions. Extended time is only available for Small Groups, Large Groups, Lines, Super Lines and Productions. Dancers who do not perform within 10 acts of their scheduled time may be ineligible for Overall High Point awards. In the event that an infraction was overlooked during a Regional competition, it will be taken into account, Finals. No acro/gymnastic tricks are permitted. The same criteria listed above will determine the awards at NationalFinals. Each act will receive one award per performance and individual award buttons for the dancers in the act. Changes to performances at an event will incur a $10 fee per change. All contestants grant permission for KAR to use photography and videography of their performances for promotional purposes including advertising, publicity and posting on social media outlets. on the KAR website. The Music Manager will assign the file names automatically once upload is complete. When sliding props or moving scenery, do not alter or damage the backdrop, wings or marley dance floor. No gifts can be presented to the judges in conjunction with a performance. ID Dance has a 1/3 rule with competitive divisions. National Title winners will be presented with a tiara or cap, trophy, sash and a $250 cash prize. These esteemed awards will be presented to the choreographers who have displayed exceptional choreography with their Group and Line performances at National Finals. Palladium is a rare white metal of higher value than Gold. The KAR Dance Convention Scholarship is not valid for in-studio conventions, is non-transferrable and cannot be redeemed for studio credit. ALL entries must be registered with a dance studio and represented by a studio owner or director. Each winner will be presented with a custom award at the Star Showcase. Jumping off the front of the stage is not allowed. Please refer to all of these guidelines when determining level placement. Score sheets will only be available to Studio Owners/Directors in the Studio Center3-4 days after the completion of the competition. KAR hopes to honor Antoine and keep inspiration alive within the dance community through the remembrance of his lasting legacy. Dances not performing within 10 acts after their scheduled performance time may not be eligible for Overall High Point awards, unless pre-approved by the Competition Director or the KAR Customer Care Specialists. Inform a KAR employee of unsuitable or suspicious activity, Stay safe and have fun while attending KAR events, Super Line (15 or more performers may comprise of performers from all levels and ages, Production (15 or more performers may comprise of performers from all levels and ages, Division types are determined by the actual number of participants competing on stage at the competition, regardless of participants originally registered. Any dancers substituted remain subject to the Regional leveling and qualifying rules. MODERN Performance must consist of interpretive movements using modern. High Point Banners and cash awards will also be given to the highest scoring SUPER LINE and PRODUCTION performances. Each Production has an 8:00 minute time limit for performance and is given a maximum of 5:00 minutes total for set-up and removal of props. All entries must be submitted online through the. BEST COSTUME AWARD These awards will be presented to group performances in each of the PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE levels based on design, originality, fit and appropriateness. Dance competitions allow dancers to compete in all styles of dance. About Us Applause Talent Acrobatic dance is a fusion of Dance and Acrobatic tricks. Male winners will be presented with a cap and a trophy. KAR will provide. All 2023 Regional Title winners and Title runners-up will be eligible to compete at the 2023 National Title Competition as long as the Studio registers at least 1 group performance at National Finals. Any special requests for the assembling of props must be discussed with the Competition Director upon arrival atthecompetition venue. CHOREOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR AWARDS These esteemed awards will be presented to the choreographers who have displayed exceptional choreography with their Group and Line performances at National Finals. A one point deduction will be applied to the total cumulative score. An ELITE dancer CAN perform in the non-leveled Super Line and Production Categories. Thedancespace. KAR - Judge Center - 2023 Judges Application Form KAR Dance Competition - KARtv Dance Awards If a studio is registered as a participant in our DAC Award Donation program, their Duet/Trio, Small Group, Large Group, Line, Super Line and Production performances will not receive an award at the awards ceremony. The projected level will be determined when the tentative digital program is created. PRIMARY KAR Petite Dance, Mr. Petite Dance and Miss Petite Dance: Soloists in the PRIMARY Level, age 6-8. ***In the above categories, lip-syncing and talking should be kept to a minimum, so as not to portray a character. PLEASE NOTE: NEW for the PRIMARY Level- There is now a limit on the number of pirouettes, turn sequences and tumbling skills a PRIMARY performanceis permitted. Each recipient will be presented with a $500 scholarship at the Star Showcase. IF REDEEMED AFTER THE 30 DAY DEADLINE ONLY A STUDIO CREDIT WILL BE OFFERED. The only exception to this rule is if the KAR Customer Care Specialists (CCS) or the Competition Director has pre-approved the delay. Levels should be determined by the dancers overall ability in accordance with the Leveling and Technical Skill Set Guidelines below. They must also agree that the time, manner, and method of judging the competition is at the discretion of Kids Artistic Revue. No exceptions. Each winner will be presented with a custom award at the Star Showcase. Overall High Point awards and cash prizes will be presented to the top scoring act. AGE DIVISIONS PERMITTED AND HIGH POINT PRESENTATION. All participating teachers, dancers and spectators are expected to display good sportsmanship. At our National Finals, all photogenic entries must be in FULL-COLOR. To be considered the exact routine, the performance MUST (1) contain 75% of the original dancers and choreography (2) be registered in the same level and age division and (3) utilize the original music selection. A separate entry fee will apply for each Title performance. The appropriate level of performance (INSPIRATIONAL, NOVICE, PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE) should be determined by using the LEVELINGandTECHNICALSKILL SET GUIDELINES located below. the ONLY level that is eligible to compete for Title and receive Prize Monies. The dancer must also be registered and participate at a National event. Act 328. Each Super Line has a 5:00 minute time limit for performance and is given a maximum of 4:00 minutes total for set-up and removal of props. Official online entries must be completed in their entirety. Any number of acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. It is very important that your familiessign up and link their account to your studio. Dancers are only permitted three acts for a costume change. Any number of acro/gymnastic tricks and breakdancing are permissible. At all National Finals there may be GROUP performances on the first day of competition. All Star Showcase performances will receive a participation banner. Any infractions of the rules and regulations may result in point deductions and/or disqualification. Earns a superior score by the judging panel, Executes Technical Skill Sets that are more advanced than the current level guidelines, Receives the Competition Directors approval to be promoted. 1st time at Applause. THIS AWARD IS GIVEN AT NATIONAL FINALS ONLY. U p t o 2 6 8 . A tentative schedule with the performance time of each act will be available via the online. MODERN Performance must consist of interpretive movements using modern techniquesuch as natural movements focused on the core of the body with coordination between breathing and movement as well as a dancers relationship with the floor. The Title competition is an additional competition open to soloists in the PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE, and ELITE levels who pre-register for their respective Regional competition and are listed in the final/digital program. Productions have an 8:00 minute performance time limit. Knowledge and awareness of technical skills, Understanding and execution of body lines, placement, flexibility, control, stage presence and timing, Spatial awareness and executing intricate choreography for their age division. All National Title winners. The recipient of this award will be presented with a $150 cash prize and a Studio Spirit banner. This honorable award will be presented to the studio displaying the most studio spirit, enthusiasm and exceptional sportsmanship. Junior Dance and Miss Junior Dance: Soloists in the INTERMEDIATE Level, age 9-11. To be eligible for this award, a studio must have a minimum of one act represented in the Solo, Duet/Trio, Small Group and Large Group/Line divisions that perform in the same level of competition. Solos, Duets and Trios are not permitted extendedprop set-up/removal time. SONG AND DANCE Performance must consist of both singing and dancing of any type. Failure to comply with this rule may result in a point deduction to the performance being recorded and/or photographed as well as confiscation of the recordings and/or photographs. Solos, Duets, Trios, Small Groups and Large Groups are expected to set-up props in 1:00 minute and remove props in 1:00 minute (2:00 minutes cumulative). Best Costume winners will receive a plaque. Changes to performances at an event will incur a $10 fee per change. High Point NOVICE Group/Line, the highest scoring Super Line and the highest scoring Production are invited to re-perform for exhibition only at the 2023 Star Showcase. PDF 2022 Rules & Regs - Crowd Pleasers Dance There will be NO refunds for entries if the required minimum number of acts are registered and the competition has been confirmed. post event that are discovered after the competition has concluded, may be subject to forfeiting any future incentives or discounts. All Group and Line entries are eligible for this award. All Photogenic entries for National Finals must be submitted in FULL-COLOR. INTERMEDIATE KAR Dance Title, Mr. Dance and Miss Dance: Soloists in the INTERMEDIATE Level, age 15-19. Rules - Starpower Talent Competition A nonconsecutive Duet/Trio may contain dancers of any level and any age (except for NOVICE). INTERMEDIATE KAR Teen Dance, Mr. For each Regional competition, there will be one Junior Most Photogenic winner (age 11 & Under) and one Senior Most Photogenic winner (age 12 & Above). In addition, only advanced dancers are eligible to receive the Highest Level Adjudication. KAR is excited to continue the Level Promotion program! Most Entertaining acts will receive a plaque. Any routine that placed First Overall in the Overall High Point awards at National Finals and/or was awarded National Grand Champion in the 2022 Star Showcase cannot compete with that exact routine at a 2023 Regional or National Finals competition. Photos and Videos will be available 7-10 days after the completion of the competition. Antoine has forever influenced and inspired the dance industry with his unique choreography that captivated audiences across the country. Victoria Shi. In the event of a tie, the award will be given to the studio with the highest ranking. Once a dancer hasqualified as a 2023 Regional Title winner, they are no longer eligible to register and compete for the Title Competition at additional 2023 Regional events. Title scores will be determined at the same time as the Solo performance. acts may result in point deductions or be scored lower by the judging panel. The use of ANY electronic device for photography and videography is. Storing props in the wings or backstage is not allowed. If you have any questions or concerns with leveling and placement of dancers, please contact our Customer Care Specialists for assistance at 714-826-8440. Primary Miss Petite Dance Overall. Performances must consist of at least 75% of the original dancers from the Regional qualifying entry. PDF ~2020 Rules & Regulations~ - Starpower International The maximum file size is 20MB. All dancers 9 years of age & above from the PRIMARY, INTERMEDIATE and ELITE levels are eligible for this award. MOST PHOTOGENIC AWARD These awards will be presented to the contestants judged to be most photogenic based on the following criteria: visual appeal, expressiveness of the dancer, age appropriateness, composition, lighting and quality of the photo. KAR Dance Competition - San Jose, CA - 5/18/2023 Results Running in front of the judges table or approaching the panel of judges is also not allowed. Recommended for Dancers with SPECIAL NEEDS, Small Group, Large Group and Line Categories. All National Title contestants receive a participation tiara. All cash awards will be uploaded to the STUDIO CENTER 3-4 days after the completion of the competition. If a dance, . At our National Finals, all photogenic entries must be in FULL-COLOR. An additional 1:00 minute total for set-up/removal of props may be purchased for a flat fee of $25.00. There is now a limit on the number of pirouettes, turn sequences and tumbling skills a PRIMARY, is permitted. An Inside Look into Judging and Scoring at Competitions - IDA 2020 Participation in this competition indicates the acceptance of such risks by the performers. For safety purposes, all props (hand-held or freestanding) are restricted to a maximum height of 15 feet. Add Event ; View All Events ; Owner Request Form ; Email Competition ; Our Friends online. Up to three acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. These are, Magnitude, variety and quantity of technical training hours, Dancers capacity of individual ability, retention and work ethic, Regional differences of choreography, style, creativity and artistic expression. Up to three acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. Performed By: Alisha Ginsberg, Desiree Gonzalez, Stephanie Gonzalez, Holly Groom, Kelsie Hendrix, Allison Phillips, Haley Reed, Chelsea Deleon, Cassandra Koblis **Substitutions can only be made in the instance of illness or injury, as long as the level AND age of the performance remain the same. YOU ROCKED JUMP!, Palladium, High . ELITE KAR Petite Dance, Mr. Petite Dance and Miss Petite Dance: Soloists in the ELITE Level, age6-8. Up to three acro/gymnastic tricks are permissible. 9 is greater than 4, therefore the level determined is PRIMARY. All on-site Title registration and fees must be submitted at the competition at least one-hour prior to the scheduled performance. Dancers with varying skill levels are chosen in every city on tour. All National Title contestants receive a participation tiara. The method of payment must be the same for both deposit and balance. No gifts can be presented to the judges in conjunction with a performance. Entries received after the digital programis set final are for Adjudication only and are ineligible for High Point Awards and Title Competition.