Your understanding of karmic debts and your ways of repaying them is all here. Heavy energies in the 12th house often deny or restrict nurture, and the person often repeats the same with his child. So if you choose to proactively study your 6th house and work on ways to repay the energy debt this will help channelising your 12th house energies too. The karmic cycle shows . Thus these satisfy the condition of being a graha, a force and are called planets in astrology. Eg Saturn here will make you appear very strict and disciplined. If this curse is not appearing in the D-60 that means it is not due to the personnel flaw or problem created by you. Learning by negative example is the domain of Karma. Both find it very easy to relate to each other, laughing at the same jokes. The karmic/Saturn solution for him is to learn by the negative example. A government job is a possibility in the future. If you feel exhausted or drained, take care of yourself first. 11th house is upchaya house and any malefic planet in upchaya house is consider good regarding materialistic matters. Immerse yourself completely in the experience so that you can transcend it. I have written about using a dream journal, this can be a very good way of channelising your dreams or doing targeted dreaming which helps rebalancing the energies of the sub-conscious states. The only possibility where Rahu-Rahu connect can lead to a conflict isif both want the actual same thing/object/person rather than the experience. Everything which you didnt react to in that long time will come to the surface in one red flash. When Ketu is in the 11th House - InstaAstro There are several rules prescribed for matching charts for a successful marriage. Also give yourself an outlet once in a while. Ketu in 11th house :- 11th house - Vedic Raj Astrology But to make sense of these changes, the house occupied by Ketu cannot remain inert! The more intimate the relationship, the more intensely emotional the interactions. The D-9 is sort of a complicated continuous Now. e.g this can work nicely in the 3rd (personal courage), 6th (service and sufferings), 8th (death and catastrophic transformations), 11th (gains) house energies. You and me, all are part of the Ultimate Consciousness/Parabrahma.We are here to experience, the one who experiences has priority. The only way to get a true accurate picture of your karma and how it is operating, and what happens in the future, is to have a full natal reading. Your work may require isolation, you work in a research laboratory but you are still isolated from your society. But there are several means of doing this, most commonly past life regression trances, orguided meditations, or Dhyan-mediations. Thus this is the hidden challenge presented by Ketu which very few individuals comprehend in life. These people get benefits from both the Guru and Ketu together. The combinations involving the 12th house which force you to leave your home and settle abroad are also favourable for accessing past lives. Rahu is offering you a load of experience, so the house he is in will experience rapid and spectacular changes. No one will help them to create wealth. It is important to strike a balance between detachment and motivation in order to lead a fulfilling life. Then Ketu-Ketu will also exist as Rahu-Ketu are 180 degrees apart. The natives will be prosperous, fortunate, and reputed. The Sun-person will drive the relationship, i.e. They can get weird employer and can change profession many times. Rahu amplifies the Suns powers which can be good for both. The Venus-person will give his wisdom/ love/ relationship-glue depending on the level he is operating. According to Bhrigu Samhita, Jupiter is the natural lord of eleventh house. There is a reason why the D-9 navamsha kundali and the D-1 basic birth chart are different. Each of these nakshatras display different qualities of the nodes. 6. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. So these churn and accumulate below the surface and at the critical point explode spectacularly. Lets start with the positive effects. As ketu aspect the seventh house of marriage and relationship they often run into wrong relationships. Having Ketu in 11th house can have both positive and negative effects. And that husband is now your present lifes son, who now genuinely cares for you. Apartment in Grenoble, Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes, France Contact. This is a good combination for companionship and friendship. The astral moves a bit faster than the physical, thus the astral is also the seed for rebirth. Get a black dog at home as your pet, and treat the pet as a family member. They realize their spirituality at later stages of life generally after 43 and from then on there is no looking back. e.g Rahu in the 11th will desire the experience of gain, like-minded groups, luck, etc. Since we have been discussing our continuum of lives, here is something that you should think about. Training the mind to absorb the Experience of the Universes and Itself is a slow process. Ketu is in Heramba Amsa which is akin toVinayaka. It is the real you, and it is always available as a gut feeling! Ketu is renonciation; Rahu is material success. The marital union will be delightful and partners will be elated in each others company. LIVING YOUR LIFE SKILLFULLY WITH VEDIC ASTROLOGY, Saturns Transit in Aquarius: Jan 2023 Mar 2025, Transits of Uranus, Neptune, Pluto to Natal Charts, The Jupiter-Saturn Relationship in Vedic Astrology, Making Predictions with Vedic Astrologys Planetary Period System, The Importance of the Dispositor in Vedic Astrology, Using Astrology for Predicting the Stock Market, Uranus Transiting In Aries: April 2017 May 2024, Effects of Retrograde Planets in Astrology, Relocation Astrology: Change your Destiny by Moving, Predicting Business Success with Astrology, Who Wins? The most intimate relations can be the cruelest teachers linked to the deepest experiences requiring re-balancing and healing. That is because that person gains so much experience from their past life. If you think about these things, analyse them and gradually understand them, your fear of them will reduce. Both share hopes, higher learning and wisdom. The sign that Ketu occupies gives us clues about the qualities of the person we were in the former birth that become natural inclinations in this lifetime. Ketu in 11th House in Astrology - Vidhya Mitra Ketu in eighth house shows difficulty in creating joint asset with spouse. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Ketu in different houses 11th house. As ketu is a headless planet shows that they may have trouble with government. Sounds too wild? However there is a recent trend where people visit a hypnotist for knowing about their past lives, through induced trances and regression. The experience of these losses starts early in life and continues till you become conscious of them. You rage till you are drained, now you might cry as this is a form of release. In a general way, Ketu represents The Past; Rahu represents The Future. It is also a challenge here. So all these experiences can be interpreted from the D-9 so you can try to improve your responses in these relationships and learn your lessons so that you can escape being caught in these learning situations again in the future lives. Before venturing into D-60 it should be ensured that the time is very correct as D-60 lagna changes every 2 minutes. They can lack interest in spiritual belief , meditation and foreign land. Ketu in 11th house has a favorable effect on sex and love. Please Note: This is general prediction and results may vary based on aspects | conjunction | strength of planet, rashi placed etc. Negative Effects of Ketu in the 11th House. See the order a reading page of this website. There have been several incidents where hypnotic trances went wrong and the person lost his mind. You may search for it, you may try to hold on to it, or try to get it from others, but they cannot give it and neither can you receive it. Answer (1 of 10): Ketu in 11th house indicates no hunger for gains. Les Chalanches Mine, Allemond, Grenoble, Isre, Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes It also shows some purva upasana left and they must worship the God or chant the matras of Nakshatra lord. Find out How is a Taurus Man in Love and if hes Testing You, 4 Effective Benefits of Wearing Black Thread in Leg, A Complete Guide on Scorpio Ascendant, Scorpio Rising | Know Everything About a Scorpio Ascendant, Scorpio Rising Traits, All You Need to Know about Children Lines in Palmistry | [Bonus] Palm Reading Children Lines for twins, Know these Zodiac Signs Who are FULL of Energy, Angel Number 1221 A Complete Guide to Angel Number 1221 Meaning and Significance, These Zodiac Sign Couples Forms the "Perfect Match Made in Heaven". On the other hand, spouse can have certain mood swing and spouse can also be quarrelsome. Relationships which are linked by Rahu are quite powerful, they are forward-oriented and focussed on growth potential. If you can consciously work through these and come to terms with their expression, you can achieve a lot in in the inner worlds. They must be good to maternal families. But if the self of the 5th house remains apathetic to the gains of the 11th, you wont know where to stop! Rahu in 5th house and Ketu in 11th house is favorable for those who want to become an artist. Mercury is quite intricately connected to desire, his Gemini is the first 1/3rd of the Kama trikon. But if you develop your mental, emotional and spiritual qualities they will be stored in your astral body. My school days were good where I have excelled in studies. Unless you register what is happening to you on the experience (Rahu/Ketu front), you will be made to repeat these again and again. If the native has Ketu in 5th house and Rahu in 11th house, he/she should learn how to be social and make the right kind of friends and acquaintances. You will feel stimulated and extremely competitive. Ketu's presence in the 6th house is related to bedtime and intimacy in a couple's life. Rarely I get a horoscope where the person seems to processes his experiences in a fundamentally different way. Ketu in the 11th House, Rahu in the 5th House - Celestial Trail This determines the physical, material and social aspects of your life. He will be required to comfort/help others who suffer the same problems as him. 91-8860095202 Login Sign Up Talk to Astrologer It is rather easy to remember past lives. At the same time, they can be good scientist as they love research related activities. These will be important as significant emotional labels/experiences will be associated with them. Ketu in first house also shows that the person is highly spiritual, mystical but he will have an emotional pain if moon is not well placed. If you were told dont be a crybaby, you might have problems expressing your genuine emotional hurts. Name (s) in local language (s): Mine des Chalanches, Allemont, Isre, Rhne-Alpes, France. The person will gain in abundance but he will be least bothered. I am having ketu in my 12 the house that is in Aquarius and sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and rahu in sixth house that is in Leo. They stay away from home or parents most of the time. Native may earn through speculating type things such as stock market, batting, lottery, racing etc. but if he can become aware and change, get involved and nurture his child, this helps him balance his own energies too. KETU : 11TH HOUSE OF DESIRES , PROBLEMS AND PAST LIFE ISSUEKetu is a term used in Hindu astrology to refer to the lunar node that is opposite to Rahu. The natives might indulge in sexual activities carelessly. During my early age I visited a nadi reader and during my reading he pointed out that in my past life I used to drink a lot and misbehaved in a temple and also disfigured the idol of the god.9th is the house of temple hence in this life the same Mars is creating problems for me placed i along with ketu and it is placed in the 3rd house which is akin to Pishacha yoga. If you engage in some spiritual practice it will be easier to notice these events. This is also the secret of Tantra. If he is aspected by benefics, benevolent planets, caring and loving energies, you are able to manage his desires more effectively. Or can be an emotional breakdown. This is a combination of desire to experience and the ability to philosophise, thus together they make a great deal of sense. These people choose to get disconnected from the land and everything of their forefathers and go serve in a strange land. One must work hard to get the result of the house where Ketu is placed. Experience and wisdom both balance better with age. So this was just a frame work on which the Rahu-linked synastry relationship will evolve. This will allow you to remember the wisdom acquired in the past lifetimes. Jupiter along with ketu can make ketu comfortable as it gives a shape to ketu. These are also isolated from the society and/ or confined in mental asylums. The Ketu in the Eleventh House does not always bring friends and acquaintances of a specially high social status. D-60 can be rectified by taking the Prana Pada lagna and to ensure that Sun and Moon are in trines to it. Ketu in 11th house means that the marriage of the native will be blissful. Use the keywords from this post to check out the rest of the houses and thus know your immediate past life. The D-9 is not used for predicting the tangible life events. If this sign/ planets is unable to give good results, then there may be depraved behaviour, unnatural or self-destructive patterns, disturbed spiritual energy, restlessness, inability to rest or insidious damage to the self/environment. The elder siblings of the natives will suffer. This in my opinion is needless and can lead to even more trauma. Then this can get ugly with no limits on what each can do to the other! Ketu with Venus indicates a past life connection with Venus significations, such as Money, Pleasure, Relationship, Luxury, Guidance, etc. They can get friendship from past life. Rahurepresents all the aspects of life experience which you have ignored in your past lives. However, the relationship of the natives with their children might become sour. Ketu in third house also separates one from his younger sibling either physically or emotionally. Ketu occupies gives us clues about the qualities of the person we were in the former birth that become natural inclinations in this lifetime - is very true and difficult to let go in the current life .
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