Creative property is for personal use only and not for professional distribution. Supercuts. And not just any cookie. Strong, smart and (look sneaky)a little sneaky. For all that and more, I feed my dog Natures Special Menu All Natural Dog Food. Then you belong here. alesenan . Really, really. The only razor with four blades and the power of an Energizer battery. . Dance Fever: SynopSiS Tina is obsessed with dancing and starts dancing all the time. .It leaves my skin feeling so fresh and clean. Professionally. .One bite and Im having a wonderful day.". Work with talented professionals in a career that gives you freedom. Truly Me Dolls are created to be just like you. The perfect treat for a kid like me. I dont know if thatstrue or not, but I know I want everyone to notice my eyes. . . . You can even evade that roaring blender sound, since the Mash-Up plays upbeat music while it prepares your smoothie, alerting you when its ready. "Im having one of those days. Because whenever I do, my mom pays me by buying me a pizza from Dominos. When you're looking for the perfect doll! . (Big smile)Thats why I adore LOL Surprise Dolls. Find out next on Discovery Kids [] The Mash-Up is an all-new voice-activated smart blender. . . Your favorite. All proceeds to go to help our local fire departments. . . Voices is the world's #1 voice marketplace with over 2 million members. A commercial promoting Captain America's shield. My eyelashes look . Is the category for this document correct. Jello Pudding You gotta try JELLO Stir and Snack Pudding. Scotts Surf Shop has everything to cover you at the beach, including swimming apparel, sunblock, scuba gear, flip flops, and oversized beach towels made with shake-away technology that makes sure you leave the beach at the beach. (run fingers over it caressingly and with admiration) It may not be made of actual vibranium steel but when I hold it, I feel brave. Read more, Voice Over: Hey kids! All Rights Reserved, kids make their own commercials: creative, techy fun, It was a good reminder for me that kids really, truly. Try Stur.La-Z BoyWe invented the recliner in 1929. *** Includes a 30 second and 15 second version. " Try the Mash-Up and discover how to easily blend an assortment of smoothies that are jam-packed with nutritious ingredients and that taste out of this world. A commercial promoting the streaming service Disney Plus. ". . My eyeglass frames set my mood. I am not a morning person. Follow Rupert as he picks up a new treasure trail in search of the grandest Jewel Board ever [] Feel free to change any of the scripts to better reflect upon you. Dream Steam Machine-Washable Mopping Pads offer an alternative, environmentally-friendly cleaning product to the disposable wipes and floor mops commonly used by busy families today. A commercial promoting Hollister. (close eyes and make a dreamy face) But the next bite is soooooo sweet. . . MascaraSkinny is out. Followers : 0. Shes a character. See all Children's Commercial and Television Scripts here The Unicorn Where the Sidewalk Ends (1974) Script The Unicorn from the book "Where the Sidewalk Ends" (1974) By Shel Silverstien This is not the song. ". Stream a season on Netflix. (excitement) Yesterday, I shared a duet with a kidin Australia . Feel free to take a sales representative role with this read, while also tapping into your best dude or valley girl style. . So Im sending you your very own cat-vitation to join us at Bloomers Fairgrounds for an all day event this Saturday!The Cats Meow Tour, Bloomers Fairgrounds, One Day Only. This is a collection of short new plays 10 minutes . . (dreamy face and voice) So beautiful. These retail commercial scripts include specifications like voice age, gender, job description, language, role, accent, and moresimilar to voice over job postings on Voices. . (shake head sadly) Limp, dry hair hanging around my face is not very attractive.. . Here youll find exclusive episodes and premiers of all your favorites. By LOreal. 2013-2014 even more kids smoothie recipes. Turn on the power of four!Stur Water EnhancerWhen I know I look my best, I glow. August 20, 2022 MB Team Here are a few 30 Second Commercial Scripts for actors to practice. Listen to a read of this sample script performed by Emily Gubler: You can also hear this internet video script get deliciously mashed up by a number of voice actors in an episode of our very own Mission Audition, where husband and wife duo Amanda Sellers and Mike Schurko evaluate a handful of reads of this very script! 8 Short Commercial Scripts for Laughter Copyright 2023 Edge Studio, LLC. . "I'm a dancer and that means I'm always in the spotlight. . . . . ". . . Because you are worth it! " This is a chance to experiment with new genres, try new styles, and practice before your next audition or coaching session. Are you looking to create a skincare commercial? Commercial Scripts for Teens and Adults - . A commercial promoting Starbucks. ". (smile) Theyre soquaint. Its perfectly wonderful on cereal, in lattes and on your conscience. Because sometimes you need a Dark Knight in your corner. I rub a little in my hair and suddenly Im Mr. It keeps my food fresh too so theres no repeat of the stale Doritos incident. . Ive had a horrible day and the only thing that will make itbetter is . Classically trained in voice as well as a respected mentor and industry speaker, Stephanie graduated with a Bachelor of Musical Arts from the Don Wright Faculty of Music at the University of Western Ontario. .. . . Toxic gas alert! A commercial promoting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. "My Mother just said Dont forget your purse. Parents. (make a face) Even Lucys bug collection. . A commercial promoting Shopkins. For over 25 years, Stephanie has used her voice to communicate what is most important to her through the spoken and written word. A chair so comfortable, its amazing we were able to get up and make another one. . Hes big, strong and he always wears Under Armour t-shirts. . 100 Dundas Street, Suite 700 London, ON N6A 5B6 Call Us Toll Free at 1-888-359-3472. . . .". My favorite scene is from the first movie when the water starts shaking in the jeep. The healthy, fun and fabulous cupcake. . Because once you shop, you can't stop! " Natures Special Menu All Natural Dog Food. I need my O's. I play alot of games but my fave is Fortnight. ). Read more, Start you child reading in four weeks with Hooked on Phonics. . . . Every major planet from the Star Wars movie is in Miniland. . Paying it forward in an awesome way. . | Contact Us | Site Map | Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions | Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy. Are you looking to create a PSA? Visit dreamsteam dot CA to find a retailer near you. . . The Mash-Up also features numerous voice-activated blend speeds and settings, and it plays upbeat music to counter that roaring blender sound. | Meet Our Team (Snap fingers) Sassy Fairy attitude? A commercial promoting Cheerios. . . Enter Dream Steam floor mopping pads. Let the kids make you breakfast from the Toast the Most breakfast book, or make lunch together from a recipe in the Cheese Please lunch book, and lastly, surprise someone special like Grandma with a dessert from the Hello Jello dessert book! Truvia natural sweetener is born from the stevia leaf with great taste, zero calories and no guilt. . . Or how much bacteria reallygets on the food you drop on the floor? It doesnt matter. Voice actors: Feel free to use these retail commercial sample scripts for your demo and/or for practice! . . ". Natures Special Menu All Natural Dog Food. . 100% nutritious AND 100% delicious. "My teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. Some commercial copy is serious in tone and Read more . My Chaco Sandals of course . 4 Kids TV - Voice Actor Websites & Voice Over Web Design Work with talented professionals in a career that gives you freedom. My toast never talks to me. So, if youre looking for a voice actor, the next time you post a job on Voices, youll know what job posting format will attract the best auditions. Thin is not in. . Talk to your doctor about Zyrtec and fall back in love with the great outdoors. Is 'Sound of Freedom' a true story? What to know about the movie, QAnon Find free English and Spanish scripts in commercial voice over, audiobooks, anime, and narration and 25 other voice over types. How is a kid supposed to choose? " Its a masterpiece! Were a company dedicated to comfort. Is there fish in my ice cream? A one-minute script has been provided for an online internet ad that will be used internationally. Parents love Gerber!. And a difference. New to voice over? A commercial promoting Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. . . I did it again. . The perfect snack for a girl on the go. " . (Perky excited voice)I love my charms! . ". The hold lasts all day from school to soccer practice to Jennys birthday party. No wonder I feel warm inside. 6 Short Commercial Scripts (male/female) - Commercial Brush with Crest and your cavities will see stars! ". . . Ice Cream TV Commercial Script | PDF | Desserts | Foods This is a chance to experiment with new genres, try . "I love going to the beach but I do not love the way my hair looks once I get there. . Adopt and Raise Script La Bella Donna Lipstick. . (Change voice to a Mom voice as you gesture as if holding a cereal box) Look this one has chocolate. New in 2018 is our biggest, most exciting [], Crayola Color Wonder Markers color only on special paper. Find free English and Spanish scripts in commercial voice over, audiobooks, anime, and narration and 25 other voice over types. Powerful enough to move us closer to a world without breast cancer. . If no props are allowed, do not do the hand gestures and simply say the lines with excited vocal levels and a big smile. . . View comedies. . Pineapple Kiwi. . Theres []. "School life is very stressful. My Dad eats his Ball Park Frank with one hand. A commercial promoting Snackeez. .So what are you waiting for? . Use a happy go lucky style, while staying warm and endearing to avoid going over-the-top silly. . . By using, you accept our, Greenlight Financial Technology TV Spot, 'Invest in Your Best Investment: Bike', Frosted Flakes TV Spot, 'Mission Tiger: Soccer', Mirror TV Spot, 'You're Not Alone' Song by Nvdes, Froot Loops TV Spot, 'Follow Your Nose to Froot Loops World', Lunchables Kabobbles TV Spot, 'Pretzel Horse', McCormick TV Spot, 'Holidays: Worth It' Song by Claude Shermack, Indeed TV Spot, 'Work From Home: No Offer', The General TV Spot, 'Wish' Featuring Shaquille O'Neal, EGGO Homestyle Waffles TV Spot, 'Tiny Dino', Huggies Disney Pull-Ups TV Spot, 'Fun, Fast and Easy', Domino's TV Spot, 'Pizza Pit Stop' Featuring Denny Hamlin, Colgate TV Spot, 'Hablar en pblico' [Spanish]. . I like to sleep in. The goal is to inform, not to push. . Use: iPad ( Videolicious or iMovie) or Chromebook ( WeVideo) Showing at 4pm TODAY . . . . It looks like a Turtle but when you open it up, (spread arms as if opening) a Dojo is inside. (dreamy eyed) Shes aWarrior, QR1 and (emphasize each word on she is beautiful) she is beautiful. Adopt a horse and save a life. "(Dreamy expression) I love cupckes! . . You dont want to miss this episode!Sun ChipsMy chips are made with solar power. Feel free to use them to record your demos when youre ready to build out your Voices profile with your skills! ". A commercial promoting Sour Patch Kids candy. . You can have JELLO Pudding just one cup at a time Radio Plays Commercials-for High-school, Middle-school and Elementary . . Now you can go back to those good old days with Breyers Vanilla Ice cream. "My doll is my best friend. We are committed to providing the highest standard of production and education to our clients and students around the world. . View Text Version Category : 0. But now with Zyrtec, I can! Gap Jeanstheyre the best! At Macy's, Mom's shop best. Me neither. Download the app and become a muser today! Now, there [], Its amazing! . . . Snickers Marathon Energy Bar. Some day we hope to find a cure but until then throw away your cape and stay strong! " . Its business in the front and party in the back. My Mom forgot to buy my Honey Nut Cheerios. Introducing Schick Quattro Power. With Windows 10, you can have a professional-grade PC power and full-on entertainment. I love to smile! Reserve your SUPPORT FEE SPEECH t-shirt now! Famous Commercial Jingles You're Most Likely to Remember (shrug) But I also love living a healthy lifestyle. .And my Doll has to be special too . The dog food is now available all over North America, and the commercials being cast for will be used nationally throughout Canada and the United States over the next year. You Cat miss it. The voice over will be accompanied by a montage of stunning visuals taken on laguna beach that capture the world class sun sets, the sandy beach, and of course, beach apparel and accessories. So without further ado . "My Mother says theres an app for everything these days. Truth is, logos dont really do much of anything. It is important that you make sure your commercial is age appropriate, however many of the scripts below can be changed to better suit your age. . It gets really quiet (make voice suspenseful) and all you can hear is thud, thud. ". ". According to the copywriter responsible for the script, "Joe was perhaps the first black male to appear in a national brand . Thats why I use voluminous mascara by LOreal for luxurious lashes that are three times fuller. Our [], Whats it like to go up one of the tallest thrill rides in the world? ], The Mash-Ups synthetic voice: Youre in luck! . Free Voice Over Script Library - Edge Studio Paying it forward in an awesome way. " But Mom wont let me do that now, so I go on all my adventures on Minecraft. It's Only Work. (shrug shoulders) I can have a drink and save the world too. . Every man/womans foot needs something different. Dial 555-7812 to reserve your table now. . Created for the hardwood but taken to the streets, the Nike Dunk [], How do you get clean? . Thats what were about. Voice Over Jobs You can add this document to your study collection(s), You can add this document to your saved list. . A commercial promoting Batman Action Figures. A sweet, nutritious treat! . Want to review sample scripts in other industries? The perfect accessory for a busy teen like me! Creamy, crunchy and delicious! " We will be traveling to New Zealand, chat with some locals, and meet some members of New Zealands indigenous people, the Mori .New Zealand is clean, green and the undisputed crown jewel of the Southern Hemisphere. . . I watch The Food Network and spend my days going on amazing cooking adventures . . "The poets say that your eyes are the windows to your soul. . . . . .. . | . Free Scripts - Play Scripts for Kids Free Scripts It's not hard to find good free scripts for kids to perform: the first place to look is among the many scripts whose copyright has now lapsed, typically 50 or 70 years after the writer's death. . . Plus it tastes great. "(Look from side to side and then act as if telling a secret)I have a secret to confess. . Enjoy a morning ritual that makes you feel good again. You are never too young to make that call. Pick your pink. Hi Pam, Welcome! That makes my Mom happy. Okay, you can have it buy next time Im ordering anchovies. . M4K also has a both a paperback & kindle collection of all our commercials which can be ordered via Amazon. (Nodding head with a impressed look and smile) Disney Plus.". ". M4K also has a both a paperback & kindle collection of all our commercials which can be ordered via Amazon. The voice should be less of a hard-sell message, and more of a friendly testimonial about an awesome new alternative. Get your cheese on! An Original Custom Monologue will help you stand out from the crowd. All my favorite fairy tale characters like Apple White and Blondielocks are there. . (voice filled with excitement) Its so awesome! For example, a 7 to 15-second read of a 30-second script will suffice. Thats why I use Revlon Grow Luscious Mascara. . IT SNUGGLES! . So drink 24 ounces of low fat or fat free milk every 24 hours and see for yourself. . ". A commercial promoting the video game Fortnight. . .". I felt like a failure because I didnt have (sayperfect vision in a snooty voice) perfect vision. . "I always wanted a horse of my own. . . Shop Today & Get The Gear You Need to thrive. . And what they need can change from mile one to mile ten. Firemans Christmas Gala (pronounced gayla)Looking for a night out? Find free English and Spanish scripts in commercial voice over, audiobooks, anime, and narration and 25 other voice over types. . Join today and dramatically reduce your planning time while . . My first Winx Fairy Doll. Math, science and (make a wide-eyed doom filledface as you say full of dread) spelling. Bring out your beauty. . . . From short commercial scripts to demo scripts, Voiceover Kickstart has collated one of the largest libraries of voice over sample scripts in the world! Nike LunarglideActually, it is rocket science. We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What are you waiting for? Its what youve been waiting for. Example TV Commercial Script Shooting Location: Football Field Tunnel Director(s): Ron Winderman Actor(s); Joe Greene, Kid, Background fans Editor(s): Sally Theis Login: ETA616____ Video Audio Camera up on grim Greene, limping slowly down tunnel from field toward locker room; words "Mean Joe Greene" superimposed on picture. . . For the sports guy who wants to smell good. Use Hooked on Phonics about 20 minutes a day, a few times a week, and your child could be reading a bedtime story to you! . Then, when youre ready, you give your key to someone else to help them. . So hop on American Airlines and have them fly you to Hawaii. . . This sounds like a dream come true job. Because sometimes you just need the cup with the little green straw to melt all your troubles away. " . Since 2005, the biggest and most beloved brands have trusted Voices to help them find professionals to bring their projects to life. . . .. My Mom likes them because theyre made with fresh ingredients. Kid Voiceover Demos - Glow Girls Kid Voiceover We all get them. A commercial promoting Kellogg's Chocolate Chip Waffles. "Im having a terrible day.. . Or so I thought! For luxurious lashes that are three times fuller. For the cooking diva inside of you. . . Instead of calling it something like Phish food. A commercial promoting the cereal Lucky Charms. But when I pick up my Captain America shield, all those problems melt away. You can build anything with Kinetic Sand. Now also available in ebook format, perfect for iPads and tablets in the kitchen! . Memorize your commercial. . . Click here to order your book today! DISCOVERY SPOTLIGHT | National Model and Talent ExpoCopyright 2004 - 2021. . A commercial promoting the Jurassic World Legacy Collection. . Start with our overview and assessment class to see if a career in voice over is right for you! Thats so cool! . This black bug bled [], We are helping put instruments back in the hands of kids. ?The song says When youre smiling, the whole world smiles with you. Its true. . . Little Kitchen Helpers Cookbooks is a cookbook series looking to give parents or grandparents inspiration for activities to do with children who want to lend a hand in the kitchen. . ". I eat my Ball Park Frank with one hand. Commercial Kids fonts, buy Kids fonts | ". ". . . A commercial promoting Universal Studios. This is so good. (excited) Its so cool! . At BA we comfort traumatized babysitters who cant stop singing Let it Go. Thats why I love Kelloggs Chocolate Chip Waffles. . Get detailed recipe instructions as you move about your kitchen. Especially the road. . . 4 Kids TV. . A baby monkey that clings to my fingers wherever I go. Because character. . When you have too many fans and you just need some space. " Find out next on [], A big black bug bit a big black bear and the big black bear bled blood. "I like sports. TEEN/ADULT COMMERCIALS ON CAMERA SHOWCASE (Choose only 1) #1 This is what we believe: Technology alone is not enough. . . Clayton: I believe not joy Gavin vines: ugh I cant believe that we dont have anything to do Im bored Poppy: I wish I sang in [] A commercial promoting Legoland. Retail Commercial Sample Scripts | Voices Blog . Frames for every mood you're in. These sample scripts can help guide you and inspire you to create a compelling commercial. This site uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. . Its so much fun to dig my fingers in and get messy. Ready for some fun in the sun? . A commercial promoting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Donatello on Hulu. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. . . I share all my secrets with her. Stephanie Ciccarelli is a Co-Founder of Voices. . ], Narrator: But now that youve got the Mash-Up, your mornings sound like this., [Robins kitchen is suddenly bathed in golden light. . . Start with our overview and assessment class to see if a career in voice over is right for you. American Girl Dolls. . A commercial featuring Kinetic Sand. The Dream Stick to have by your side when you hit the ice. A commercial promoting the Disney Princess Microphone. It has four different rooms, beds, chairs and an outdoor patio. . . "Step inside a world where magic is real. . . La-Z-Boy. A commercial promoting Miracle Teeth. Click below to fill out our form below or . . . The partially . . So Dad, I know you need a vacation as much as I do. So I drank milk. ], Narrator: The Mash-Up even plays upbeat music while your smoothie is prepared. (tilt head) Is it ice cream oclock yet?". Studies indicate kids who learn music excel at []. . ". . . Cassie - a real teen voice, and Sabrina - a real kid voice, both have expertise in Animation, Commercials, Cartoons, Webisodes, Promos, Toys, Singing, Podcasts, Narration, Storytelling and more. . That's when you leap forward. ], Narrator: They used to sound like this., Robin [to herself, yawning]: All Ive got is this banana, the remnants of a bag of spinach some seeds uh, peanut butter, [Robin tosses said ingredients into a blender that looks 50 years old. | A commercial promoting Fifi's Cupcakes. 6 Short Commercial Scripts (male/female) - Commercial by GVAA 6 Short Commercial Scripts (male/female) Crest Want to be a winner? Because some days you just really need a cookie. "I have a monkey on my finger. Job Description: Entertainment News Live is a program from an entertainment news station that highlights big news and scoops about the entertainment industry. . 1. So what are you waiting for?Schick Quattro PowerAren't your roommates irritating enough? Its ketchup with a kick. You've asked for more ads and ways to drive traffic so we're giving them to you! Find Truvia spoonable at your grocery store.