Aware of our own sin and frailty, we commit ourselves to providing appropriate pastoral care to all people in our churches. GSFA, on the other hand, is focused on establishing doctrinally based structures within the Communion. Many among us are from contexts of persecution or conflict and we know that as one part of the body suffers, we all suffer. It is God who unites us to himself and to one other in the power of his Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13). It grieves the Holy Spirit and us that the leadership of the Church of England is determined to bless sin. This fellowship is broken when we turn aside from Gods Word or attempt to reinterpret it in any way that overturns the plain reading of the text in its canonical context and so deny its truthfulness, clarity, sufficiency, and thereby its authority (Jerusalem Declaration #2). Anglican Futures - Tuesday in Review; A UK perspective on the day, including a panel discussion on the conference so far, the early stages of developing the conference statement, and more. We will devote ourselves to raising up the next generation of leaders in Gafcon through Bible-based theological education that will equip them to be Christ-centred and servant-hearted. The leadership of both groups affirmed and celebrated their complementary roles in the Anglican Communion. This occurred despite the Archbishop of Canterbury having affirmed that the validity of the resolution passed at the Lambeth Conference 1998, I.10 is not in doubt and that whole resolution is still in existence. A member - owned network, we promote and develop evidence - based policy solutions that Gafcon meeting in Kigali rejects all existing forms of Anglican authority gafcon 04/21/2023 By Francis Capitanio. Recognising our own sins, and in humility as forgiven sinners, we pray that those who have denied the orthodox Christian faith in word or deed would repent and return to the Lord (Jerusalem Declaration #13). CEEC publishes response to GAFCON IV statement It grieves the Holy Spirit and us that the leadership of the Church of England is determined to bless sin. All four Instruments propose that the way ahead for the Anglican Communion is to learn to walk together in good disagreement. Arising from our conference we encouraged the Primates Council also to prioritise discipleship for boys and men. Any refusal to follow the biblical teaching that the only appropriate context for sexual activity is the exclusive lifelong union of a man and a woman in marriage violates the created order (Genesis 2.24; Matthew 19:46) and endangers salvation (1 Corinthians 6.9). regulation. We welcome the GSFAs Ash Wednesday Statement of 20 February 2023, calling for a resetting and reordering of the Communion. Pray that this fund will continue to grow as the Lord directs supporters around the world. We also heard testimony of the power of the gospel to transform lives even in these circumstances through the prayer, kindness and compassion of Christians. AFI is the worlds leading organization on financial inclusion policy & We will engage in a decade of discipleship, evangelism and mission (2023-2033). Post navigation. It provides existing ecclesiastical structures and, with the Cairo Covenant, a way to move forward as a Synod. The Conference Statement is a summary of what the Conference wants to say to the world and the Anglican Communion. Successive Archbishops of Canterbury have failed to guard the faith by inviting bishops to Lambeth who have embraced or promoted practices contrary to Scripture. The fourth Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) will be held at the Kigali Convention Centre, Rwanda, in April 2023. The LORD builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the outcasts of Israel. All four Instruments propose that the way ahead for the Anglican Communion is to learn to walk together in good disagreement. The Church of England has chosen to impair her relationship with the orthodox provinces in the Communion. The Authority of Gods Word. Leah Slawson joined the bishops staff as Director of Safeguarding, responsible for, Here is the final text of the GAFCON IV Communiqu, known as the Kigali Commitment. Read our daily reports from the conference, including reflections from Anglican Network in Europe Delgates. Anglican Church of Chile. We pledge ourselves afresh to support and care for one another in a loving and pastorally sensitive way as members of Christs body, building one another up in the Word and in the Spirit, and encouraging each other to experience Gods transforming power as we walk by faith in the path of repentance and obedience that leads to fullness of life. GSFA, on the other hand, is focused on establishing doctrinally based structures within the Communion. Europe & Central Asia Policy Initiative, Financial Many among us are from contexts of persecution or conflict and we know that as one part of the body suffers, we all suffer. It is he whom we point the world to.. These warnings were blatantly and deliberately disregarded and now without repentance this tear cannot be mended. Since the inception of Gafcon, it has been necessary for the Gafcon Primates to recognise new orthodox jurisdictions for faithful Anglicans, such as the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), the Anglican Church in Brazil, the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE), the Church of Confessing Anglicans Aotearoa New Zealand, and the Diocese of the Southern Cross. The Instruments of Communion have failed to maintain true communion based on the Word of God and shared faith in Christ. We also heard testimony of the power of the gospel to transform lives even in these circumstances through the prayer, kindness and compassion of Christians. This week, over 1300 people from 53 nations have gathered together for GAFCON IV in Kigali, Rwanda. It grieves the Holy Spirit and us that the leadership of the Church of England is determined to bless sin. The 2022 Lambeth Conference demonstrated the deep divisions in the Anglican Communion as many bishops chose not to attend and some of those who did withdrew from sharing at the Lords table. As the worldwide church moves into the 2020s, there is increasing pressure to look for life's answers in many places; there are certainly many voices offering suggestions to us as individuals and as a church. Gafcon Kigali has begun, bringing 1300 delegates from 53 countries together in order to worship God, celebrate who they are and where theyve come from, and pray for the future of the Anglican Communion. The Global Anglican Future Conference ( GAFCON) is a series of conferences of conservative Anglican bishops and leaders, the first of which was held in Jerusalem from 22 to 29 June 2008 to address the growing controversy of the divisions in the Anglican Communion, the rise of secularism, as well as concerns with HIV / AIDS and poverty. Home | GAFCON We can hope that it will reflect a partnership and shared vision. Our Press Release endorsing the Kigali Commitment. Each day at the Conference, in response to Gods Word in Colossians, we were led in a time of repentance. 14th July 2023. The following press statement was released today, Friday, April 21, 2023 at Gafcon IV Kigali, Rwanda. Calvin Robinson: GAFCON IV - the Kigali Commitment - 2023 We also heard testimony of the power of the gospel to transform lives even in these circumstances through the prayer, kindness and compassion of Christians. Since the Lord does not bless same-sex unions, it is pastorally deceptive and blasphemous to craft prayers that invoke blessing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But will Gafcon and the Global South partner together? A Spanish translation of this editorial can also be found here, courtesy of Bishop Sammy Morrison. This failure of church discipline has been compounded by the current Archbishop of Canterbury who has himself welcomed the provision of liturgical, resources to bless these practices contrary to Scripture. The Kigali Commitment 2023 comments on eight separate topics, including the current crisis in the Anglican Communion, the failure of the Archbishop of Canterbury and resetting the Communion. GAFCON IV: The Kigali Commitment | The Gulf Atlantic Diocese Call for Repentance. The Instruments of Communion have failed to maintain true communion based on the Word of God and shared faith in Christ. The Gafcon Kigali communiqu in full However we reject the claim that two contradictory positions can both be valid in matters affecting salvation. These warnings were blatantly and deliberately disregarded and now without repentance this tear cannot be mended. Aware of our own sin and frailty, we commit ourselves to providing appropriate pastoral care to all people in our churches. We heard stories of Gods provision, protection and power that encouraged us in our faith and will make us bolder in prayer. Response to CofE Bishops Statement. This is the church we want to be. Work began on the communique with a team led by the Bishop of South Sydney, the Rt. Leaders call on bishops to avoid unlawful commendation of same sex blessings, Bishops, do not bypass Synod urges leading Christian ethicist, Why LGBT people should not be criminalised. However we reject the claim that two contradictory positions can both be valid in matters affecting salvation. We also continue to stand with and pray for those faithful Anglicans who remain within the Church of England. This is the church we want to be. The Commitment declares that it is a consequence of Gods word no longer being treated as authoritative in parts of the Anglican Communion which has led to the current divisions. The Conference was encouraged and challenged by Bible studies on Colossians, was led in vibrant worship by a largely Rwandan band and choir and gave time to praying in small mixed-Province groups for the needs of Gods world and church. We gave thanks for Gods goodness and faithfulness to the Gafcon movement since its inception in 2008, as we rejoiced in a new generation of emerging leaders. It is God who unites us to himself and to one other in the power of his Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:13). We affirm that every person is loved by God and we are determined to love as God loves. We prayed for our brothers and sisters in Sudan, and for the suffering church. The leadership of both groups affirmed and celebrated their complementary roles in the Anglican Communion. What is now clear is that, in the event of the General Synod endorsing blessings for people in sexually active relationships outside of heterosexual marriage, the Church of England will confirm she has chosen to impair her relationship with the orthodox provinces in the Communion. The Church of England has chosen to impair her relationship with the orthodox provinces in the Communion. We acknowledge their agreement that communion between churches and Christians must be based on doctrine (Jerusalem Declaration #13; GSFA Covenant 2.1.6). 16th July 2023 . The people of God walk in his ways, walk in the truth, and walk in the light, all of which require that we do not walk in Christian fellowship with those in darkness (Deuteronomy 8:6; 2 John 4; 1 John 1:7). We were deeply saddened to hear the news of the loss of Laurent and Chantals son Edwin, and we continue to offer our prayers of comfort for the Mbanda family. Gafcon is a movement focused on evangelism and mission, church planting and providing support and a home for faithful Anglicans who are pressured by or alienated from revisionist dioceses and provinces. Since those who teach will be judged more strictly (James 3:1), we call upon those provinces, dioceses and leaders who have departed from biblical orthodoxy to repent of their failure to uphold the Bibles teaching. We will affirm and encourage the vital and diverse ministries, including leadership roles, of Gafcon women in family, church and society, both as individuals and as groups. GAFCON IV released its statement (The Kigali Commitment) on Friday 21 April as it concluded its 2023 conference in Kigali, Rwanda. 15th July 2023. The Bible is Gods Word written, breathed out by God as it was written by his faithful messengers (2 Timothy 3:16). Any refusal to follow the biblical teaching that the only appropriate context for sexual activity is the exclusive lifelong union of a man and a woman in marriage violates the created order (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:46) and endangers salvation (1 Corinthians 6:9). REINFORCING AND CONSOLIDATING actions targeting those who are disadvantaged from formal financial systems. Gafcon stands ready to welcome those who feel they can no longer remain in the Church of England because of the failure of its leadership and is actively looking for ways to stand with and support faithful Anglicans who choose to remain within the Church of England.