The famous Lightning Brigade, as Wilders regiments collectively were known, was one of the Civil Wars most unusual and successful fighting conglomerations, and the brigades 31-year-old commander was primarily responsible for both those characteristics. The 72nd Indiana and 123rd Illinois ran in to shatter the Texans and Arkansans. Running to the south, the 17th Indiana was next in line, followed by the 123rd and 72nd. Wilders men received orders to hustle to the West Viniard field and help the overwhelmed Federal line. He did so, however, only after he made the rare and astonishing request to survey the enemy lines to make sure the odds were indeed against him. Upon learning of Butlers withdrawal, Bate moved to regain possession of the gap. When Thomas met with Wilder, he gushed You have saved the lives of a thousand men by your gallant conduct today. John T. Wilder led the Lightning Brigade. 2020-2023 by The Western Theater in the Civil War. The unit mustered out of service on June 27, 1865. By 6 a.m., Thompson reported the enemy moving in force toward his position. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis in front of Wilder, across La Fayette Road and into the East Viniard Field. As the projectiles fuse sputtered, Private Sidney Speed picked up the round and heaved it past the cabin before it exploded, undoubtedly saving lives. History is who we are and why we are the way we are.. The Lightning Brigade, also known as Wilder's Brigade or the Hatchet Brigade was a mounted infantry brigade from the American Civil War in the Union Army of the Cumberland from March 8, 1863, through November 1863. How it ended Lightning Brigade was all that stood between the Union Army Only a few miles from Chattanooga, he halted his forces and turned them around for a fight. Eventually, Wilder realized the inevitability of the situation and decided to consider surrender terms. Units from Thomas corps began to report the presence of large Rebel units. Wilders next goal was to provide his soldiers with the best weapons available, and he attended a demonstration of Christopher Spencers new repeating rifle. The men knew that they could not all leave at once, so they decided to let two men at a time slip away. On that day, September 20, an aide for Rosecrans was surveying the field and failed to see part of Brig. A novel unit for the U.S. Army, its regiments were nominally the 1st Brigade For two days his men beat back Confederate attacks. IWM: 17th Indiana - On October 24, 1862, the U.S. War Department issued General Orders, No. It never got out of repair, he recalled. Originally from New York, Wilder moved to Ohio when he was 19 and took a job as a draftsman and millwright in a mill in Columbus. Ourseven-shooters were too much for them. It contains basic facts about soldiers on both sides of the Civil War, a list of regiments, descriptions of significant battles, sources of the information, and suggestions for where to find additional information. Gen. Thomas J. Woods nearby division to fill the gap. In the meantime, Rosecrans planned his next move against Bragg, who had fallen back to Chattanooga. Many of them had to learn to ride and they all had to care for their mounts. During a reunion of the 98th Illinois Regiment of John T. Wilder's Lightning Brigade, held December 9, 1898 in Palestine, Illinois, Private John N. Smith of Company D made the following speech: "In 1862 when we first went out, were brigaded with Dumont and were until General Reynolds. Rosecrans occupied the city on September 8, but rather than regrouping and securing the city as he had done at Murfreesboro, he pursued Braggs army into Georgia. In mid-September, Rosecrans realized that rather than being in full retreat, Bragg intended to attack the divided Union forces in northern Georgia. In just a few months, the innovative Wilder had reshaped his brigade, changing it from a conventional group of line infantry regiments to fast-moving, rapid-shooting mounted infantry. Historically, the Battle of Chickamauga is recorded as a two-day battle starting on September 19, 1863. The unit mustered out of service on June 26, 1865. The dense woods and steep banks of the creek near the bridge would force enemy units to make a frontal attack at the span, and the 98th Illinois deployed on the left side of the bridge and the 17th Indiana on the right, with the remaining Company A of the 72nd Indiana guarding the bridge itself. In late June, Wilders brigade got its first chance to prove itself in a major campaign. The Charge of the Light Brigade, American historical film, released in 1936, that was loosely based on the futile British cavalry charge against heavily defended Russian troops at the Battle of Balaklava (1854) during the Crimean War (1853-56). Rosecrans later observed: His [Wilders] command merits the thanks of the country for his noble stand at the crossing at Chickamauga.. The Battle of Hoover's Gap | American Battlefield Trust Book Review: "Tullahoma: The Forgotten Campaign that Changed the Course of the Civil War, June 23July 4, 1863". Marching as fast as they could, they ran right into Wilders brigade. Since the men were operating in disloyal country, they simply impressed what horses they could find during foraging sweeps. "Joseph Abbott's "Lightning Brigade" Medal" by James Brenner Upon encountering their enemy, they dismounted and employed infantry tactics. Rosecrans realized that the vital crossings over Chickamauga Creek needed to be defended, yet he was still not fully convinced that the Rebels had anything more than a few cavalry units in the area. 72nd Regiment, Indiana Infantry FamilySearch Wilder was so impressed by Spencers rifle that he canvassed his men and they agreed to adopt the new weapon. I have had one man killed and several wounded. The Spencer had a tubular magazine that held seven rimfire cartridges and, it would soon prove to be one of the most deadly weapons in the Civil War. Minty himself rode up a few minutes later and reported to Crittenden that the Rebels were now on the west side of the creek and advancing toward his position. Mintys cavalry regiments and the Lightning Brigade. On the morning of September 17, Wilders brigade headed for Alexanders Bridge, three miles north of Lee and Gordons Mill, while Mintys brigade was sent to Reeds Bridge. Wilders brigade was cut off, virtually surrounded by enemy forces. However, his application was turned downthe state of Indiana had already met its quota of artillery batteries. Remarkably, he recovered from his wounds, but later died at Corinth, Miss, in January 1864. Gen. Evander McNairs brigade. Barnard, Job. The John T. Wilder Monument, right, one of the most visited spots at The Confederate breechloaders were no match for the firepower of the Spencers. Before joining Wilders Brigade, the regiment functioned as a traditional infantry unit with the Army of the Ohio and the Army of the Cumberland in Kentucky and Tennessee during 1862 and 1863. Although the brigade traveled on horses, Wilder and his men viewed themselves as infantrymen rather than cavalrymen. A Veteran Remembers Wilder's Brigade at Hoover's Gap - The Western Theater But eventually Confederate units began to find places where they could cross without opposition. The Lightning Brigade Saves the Day - July '97 America's Civil War Feature In May 1863, Wilders men received their new rifles, becoming one of the first mounted infantry units in the Army of the Cumberland to be equipped with repeating rifles. Word also filtered down from the north that Minty had withdrawn. Lillys battery fell back first, followed by the 17th Indiana, then the 98th Illinois. Davis men were pushed back over the La Fayette Road and into a ditch in the West Viniard field. They had been only partially successful, and when they went to withdraw, the Illinoisans discovered that retreating infantrymen had made off with many of their horses. He structured the leadership to his liking, mostly from officers in the 17th, and improved the brigade in a number of ways. While the infantrymen fought, the four guns of Lillys battery left at Alexanders Bridge traded shots with an Alabama battery. By Hubert M. Jordan, Jerrie Mock: Record-Breaking American Female Pilot, Berlin Airlift at 75: The Most Remarkable Supply Operation in Human History. This unit was organized in Mattoon, Illinois, and mustered into service on September 6, 1862, with Colonel James Monroe commanding. In truth, Bragg had concentrated his army on the east side of Chickamauga Creek, hidden in the dense forest from the eyes of the Union army. As an infantry unit, the 17th Indiana constantly skirmished with Confederate cavalry. On September 18, at Reeds Bridge two miles north of Wilders position, Confederate Brig. However, the core units of the brigade comprised the following four infantry regiments and one artillery battery: The 17th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment (later the 17th Indiana Mounted Infantry Regiment). Captain Joseph Vale of Mintys command found General Crittenden, accompanied by General Wood and Wilder, at the Viniard house. The bravery of the men of Wilders Lightning Brigade and Mintys cavalry had prevented total disaster from befalling the Army of the Cumberland. The 123rd Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment (later the 123rd Illinois Volunteer Mounted Infantry Regiment). The rest of Thomas corps was doing the fighting to the north, and all evidence pointed to the fact that it was what remained of the Union line. The enterprising colonel wanted his men to move quickly to their destination and hit hard when they got there. With Lillys guns in play and the Indiana and Illinois regiments sweeping the field with their Spencer rifles, they were able to halt the Confederates. When the Southerners stopped to redeploy, Minty sent the 4th Michigan across the bridge, followed closely by the 7th Pennsylvania. The following information is provided for citations. Lightning Brigade - Wikiwand Minty now formed a line on the high ground west of the bridge. John T. Wilder's famous "Lightning Brigade" of mounted infantry was the first brigade in the Federal army to be armed with Spencer rifles, which enabled the shooter to get off 14 rounds per minute, as opposed to the 2-3 shots per minute of an average Civil War rifle. Armed with their Spencer repeating rifles, the Lightning Brigade halted two furious onslaughts from a much larger force before the Confederates abandoned their advance around 10 p.m. The 123rd Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, was an infantry and mounted infantry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The Army of the Cumberland advanced late that August, with Wilders brigade in the van for much of the time. Later that night, the 92nd rejoined their brigade on its left flank. In a surprisingly easy fashion, they hammered through the defile, forcing out the outgunned Rebel troops. Wilders brigade at the start of the Chickamauga campaign consisted of the 17th and 72nd Indiana and the 92nd, 98th and 123rd Illinois. Bragg realized that he would have numbers equal to his opponent for one of the few times in the war. For the next several hours, Wilders men traded fire with the 30th and 34th Mississippi, who had taken positions in a cornfield on the east side of the creek. Confederate General Braxton Bragg planned to lure Rosecrans into a false sense of security, hoping to make him think that the Confederate army was demoralized and retreating toward Atlanta. After the initial attack, members of the regiment ripped up the planking on the bridge and built a lunette fort on the west side of the bridge astride the road. Mintys brigade numbered less than 1,100 men, while Wilders brigade numbered about 2,000. That slight was also a factor in pushing him out of the military, though he did receive the lesser honor of brevet brigadier general. Undaunted, Wilder joined the 17th Indiana Infantry as a captain and was quickly appointed lieutenant colonel. At 10 a.m., a company of Southern infantry made the first attempt to cross the bridge, but was quickly driven back by the pickets of the 72nd Indiana. is brought to you by HistoryNet LLC, the worlds largest publisher of history magazines. The plan was well-founded, but for it to succeed the Confederates would have to push through two advanced brigades of Federals, Colonel Robert H.G. The famous 'Lightning Brigade,' as Wilder's regiments collectively were known, was one of the Civil War's most unusual and successful fighting conglomerations, and the brigade's 31-year-old commander was primarily responsible for both those characteristics. Whether they produced battlefield images of the dead or daguerreotype portraits of common soldiers, []. Wilder was stunned by the firepower of the weapon and decided to equip his brigade with them. During its service with the Volunteer Army, the regiment suffered 160 fatalities: two officers and twenty-six enlisted men killed and mortally wounded, and two officers and 130 enlisted men by disease. For almost five hours, Wilders brigade held off the Rebel attack. This article was written by By Graham Garrison and Parke Pierson and originally published in Americas Civil War magazine. The intense musketfire, coupled with deadly artillery, forced Thompson and his men to fall back and take cover on Pea Vine Ridge. Civil War Spencer Rifle, Wilder's Lightning Brigade S/N range The rest of the summer was spent in camp in the vicinity of Tullahoma. The brigade was unique because it was created as a unit that could move with the speed of cavalry but fight with the power of infantry. 2 gun, ricocheting and hitting the corner of the Alexander house and bouncing back among members of the battery. The Confederates advanced toward the rail barricades behind which Wilders and Mintys men waited. The 72nd Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment, also known as 72nd Indiana Volunteer Mounted Infantry Regiment, was an infantry and mounted infantry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. February 16th, 1863-October 23, 1863 The Lightning Brigade, also known as "Wilder's Brigade" or the "Hatchet Brigade" was a mounted infantry brigade that fought in the Union Army during the Civil War. After a few minutes of reflection, Wilder gave the Rebel commander his decision: Well, it seems I ought to surrender.. The rest of the 4th U.S. was ordered back across the bridge. He had planted soldiers to fall out and trickle into Union lines with accounts of total defeat. Summary: "[The author] skillfully blends dozens of first-person narratives, including eyewitness accounts from 75 Lightning Brigade officers and enlisted men, with nearly 180 photographs (many never before published) to vividly depict one major segment of this brigade's proud history during the Civil War"--Jacket flap Instead, Wilders men were accepted into the service as Company A of the 17th Indiana Infantry. This would force Rosecrans to either fight or fall back across the Tennessee River to keep his supply line open. Both commanders saw evidence of strong Confederate forces in the immediate area. Battle On June 23, 1863, Rosecrans deployed forces to feign an attack on Shelbyville while massing forces against Bragg's right. By the time Rebel reinforcements arrived to support Bates attempt to regain the valley, Thomass 14th Corps arrived, and the fighting ended at about 7 p.m. By October, however, he decided the physical demands of the campaign were too much for his fragile health and resigned, never having received a commission of brigadier general. Frustrated with the futility of chasing on foot Confederate troopers, Wilder ordered some of his men to mount mules brought up from the wagon trains. Rare Badge of Wilder's Lightning Brigade Veteran. At about noon, they engaged Colonel J. Russell Butlers 3rd Kentucky Regiment, the lone Confederate force defending the pass through the mountains. The army had precious few horses, and the would-be troopers had to round up their steeds in the countryside. Gen. John Pegrams division of Maj. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrests Confederate cavalry. The four guns of the Board of Trade Battery opened up on the surprised Rebels, raking them with double-shotted canister. The entire Union army was on the march. Wilder Brigade Monument - Wikipedia Grant quickly relieved Rosecrans of his command and placed Major General George Thomas in charge of the Army of the Cumberland. By September 17, the forces on both sides were moving northward, and it was only a matter of time before they would collide with each other. Around 5:30 p.m., Robertsons brigade aligned with Brig. Raglan could not risk his infantry in an attack on the Russians on the heights. 37 pages. After another full hour of fighting, Robertsons men fell back across the La Fayette Road. Between June 1948 and September 1949 Allied transport planes carried more than 2.3 million tons of supplies into West Berlin, saving its citizens from a Soviet blockade.