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list of chicago public school principals

Raul Bermejo, Hernandez Middle School, 76. Best Chicago schools listed by Chicago school districts. Karen Bryar, Blair Early Childhood Center, 18. Vanessa Williams Johnson, DuBois Elementary, 50. The next day, COVID shut down campuses across the state, including the Southwest Side elementary school. Wendy Olesky, Columbus Elementary School, 40. Department Directory For more information, please contact us at CPS released a statement Wednesday responding to the allegations. We address barriers to enrollment, transportation, attendance, and retention, and provide students and families with information about available resources. Samantha Smylie and Mauricio Pea [month] [day], [year], [hour]: [minute] [ampm] [timezone] Chicago principals are one step closer to unionizing, as bill heads to Gov. We also act as the district's liaison to the Chicago Public Library. Enroll Your Child in a School. Prominent civil rights activists, students, and parents joined together at a press conference outside CPS headquarters on Thursday to call for the removal of CPS CEO Pedro Martinez. This money should have already been spent on things like computers, books or even an additional arts teacher. Cathy Lawton, Vick Early Childhood & Family Center, 161. Joining Fox News Digital in 2019, he previously graduated from Syracuse University with a degree in Political Science and is an alum of the National Journalism Center and the Heritage Foundation's Young Leaders Program. 42 W. Madison StreetChicago, IL 60602773-553-1000, 2023 Chicago Public Schools | 1.0.8580 | PG, Close College and Career Planning (Grades 6-12) Subnav, Close Local School Councils (LSCs) Subnav, 10810 S AVENUE H Chicago, Illinois 60617-6726, 2110 W GREENLEAF Ave Chicago, Illinois 60645, 4707 W MARQUETTE Rd Chicago, Illinois 60629, 2701 W FOSTER Ave Chicago, Illinois 60625, 2345 S MILLARD Ave Chicago, Illinois 60623, 5516 S MAPLEWOOD Ave Chicago, Illinois 60629, 11314 S SPAULDING Ave Chicago, Illinois 60655, 4747 S MARSHFIELD Ave Chicago, Illinois 60609, 1045 S MONITOR Ave Chicago, Illinois 60644, 5101 W HARRISON St Chicago, Illinois 60644, 6110 N FAIRFIELD Ave Chicago, Illinois 60659, 4520 S KEDZIE Ave Chicago, Illinois 60632, 1003 N LEAVITT St Chicago, Illinois 60622, 2510 S KILDARE Ave Chicago, Illinois 60623, 8546 S CREGIER Ave Chicago, Illinois 60617, 6740 S PAULINA St Chicago, Illinois 60636-3307, 4027 W GRENSHAW St Chicago, Illinois 60624, 4420 S SACRAMENTO Ave Chicago, Illinois 60632, 4540 N HAMLIN Ave Chicago, Illinois 60625, 5625 S MOBILE Ave Chicago, Illinois 60638, 4619 S WOLCOTT Ave Chicago, Illinois 60609, 8101 S LASALLE St Chicago, Illinois 60620, 2620 S LAWNDALE Ave Chicago, Illinois 60623, 9822 S EXCHANGE Ave Chicago, Illinois 60617, 10841 S HOMAN Ave Chicago, Illinois 60655, 5051 N KENNETH Ave Chicago, Illinois 60630, 1423 W BRYN MAWR Ave Chicago, Illinois 60660, 145 S CAMPBELL Ave Chicago, Illinois 60612, 5700 W BERTEAU Ave Chicago, Illinois 60634-1717, 7345 N WASHTENAW Ave Chicago, Illinois 60645, 5534 S SAINT LOUIS Ave Chicago, Illinois 60629, 1601 S DEARBORN St Chicago, Illinois 60616-1225, 1522 W FILLMORE St Chicago, Illinois 60607, 5450 S TALMAN Ave Chicago, Illinois 60632, 6024 W WARWICK Ave Chicago, Illinois 60634, 9300 S PRINCETON Ave Chicago, Illinois 60620, 1326 W 14TH Chicago, Illinois 60608-2106, 6700 N WHIPPLE St Chicago, Illinois 60645, College and Career Planning (Grades 6-12), Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Managers, Proposed Policies or Rule Changes Open for Public Comment, Reporting Harassment, Misconduct, or Abuse. Angela Sims, Lenart Regional Gifted Center, 96. Copyright 2023 Chicago Public Education Fund. Peter Zimmerman, Edison Park Elementary, 51. Meals comply with nutrition standards set forth in the USDAs Child Nutrition Program meal patterns. He has served multiple Chicago communities as a high school teacher, high school and elementary school assistant principal, and elementary school principal. Elizabeth Mourtokokis, the new principal at Northside Learning Center, often leans on her mentor, Kusan Thomas, the principal at Ray Graham Training Center. (iStock), Per WGN, "Abdule Muhammad was the principle [sic] at Lindblom Math and Science Academy on the south side and was removed in March for undisclosed reasons. The Office of Former Student Records provides copies of transcripts and other permanent student records to former students and to former and current students filing for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). ISP provides support to principals who can ensure continued strong performance with minimal oversight from the district, and who would benefit from additional independence to lead their schools. Dr. Kamilah Hampton is entering her fifth year as principal of Richard J. Daley Academy in the Back of the Yards Neighborhood. Homero Penuelas is the principal of Curie High School, he is deeply committed to eliminating educational inequities for Chicagos students by eliminating barriers to higher-level courses and providing social and emotional support for all students in conjunction with a restorative approach to climate and culture. How much do Chicago Public Schools employees make? The Chicago Principal Partnership is committed to strengthening principal leadership in Chicago because we recognize that principal quality is one of the most powerful drivers of student success. Somewhere in all of the headlines about elections, budget stalemates, contract negotiations, and worst of all, impropriety within our district, we have lost focus on talking about who is impacted every time a dollar is diverted from a school district. Polling Place: Did Northwestern do the right thing in firing football coach Pat Fitzgerald? CNN values your feedback 1. Steps to become a principal in the Chicago Public Schools The Department of Social Science and Civic Engagement (SSCE) fosters learning experiences that build the skills, knowledge, and habits necessary for students to effectively contribute to and participate in the social, political, and economic life of their communities and world. Be the first to know whats happening at The Fund by signing up for our monthly newsletter. Bill paving the way for Chicago principals to unionize heads to Kenya Sadler, Brown School of Technology, 23. You can register in advance via:Online: (recommended)Phone: (773) 553-1600Meetings are livestreamed on the CPS YouTube channel: Barbara Onofrio, Stone Scholastic Academy, 152. Yasmeen Muhammad-Leonard, Nettlehorst Elementary School, 114. Mary Kay Richardson, Thomas Early Childhood Center, 156. The Law Department provides a full array of legal services to the Chicago Board of Education and the various departments and divisions of the Chicago Public Schools. Chicago Principals Overview - Chicago Public Education Fund 42 W. Madison StreetChicago, IL 60602773-553-1000, 2023 Chicago Public Schools | 1.0.8580 | PG, Close College and Career Planning (Grades 6-12) Subnav, Close Local School Councils (LSCs) Subnav, College and Career Planning (Grades 6-12), Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Managers, Proposed Policies or Rule Changes Open for Public Comment, Reporting Harassment, Misconduct, or Abuse, Curriculum, Instruction, and Digital Learning, Office of Diverse Learner Support and Services (ODLSS), Early College and Career Education (ECCE), Equal Opportunity Compliance Office (EOCO), Family and Community Engagement in Education (FACE), Information and Technology Services (ITS), Internal Audit and Advisory Services (IAAS), Office of Language and Cultural Education (OLCE), Magnet, Gifted, IB, and AP Programs (MGIBAP), Multi-Tiered System of Supports Department (MTSS), Office of Planning and Data Management (PDM), School Counseling and Postsecondary Advising (OSCPA), School Quality Measurement and Research (SQMR), Office of School Safety and Security (OSSS), Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Department (STEM), Office of Social and Emotional Learning (OSEL), Social Science and Civic Engagement (SSCE), Student Outreach and Re-Engagement Centers (SOAR), Office of Student Protections and Title IX, Students in Temporary Living Situations Department (STLS). To counter those realities, CPS, with help from a grant from the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), pairs all new principals with leadership and social-emotional mentors who provide them with the guidance and support needed to lead their school communities. Sara Haas, Brighton Park Elementary School, 22. Mission: Identify, develop, support, and retain strong principal leaders who are dedicated to student success in CPS. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. Legal Statement. Educational studies show that when a principal is supported with professional guidance, their outlook has a positive effect on their school communities. Trial attorney Ben Crump held a press conference outside CPS headquarters on Thursday to call out Chicago Public Schools for the firing of three Black principals. Michael Durr, Hope College Prep High School, 77. Tonya Y. Tolbert, Roswell B. Mason Elementary, 103. We engage collaboratively with our stakeholders to remove barriers to academic programs and activities to provide an equitable, inclusive, and safe learning and work environment. CHICAGO As Chicago Public Schools (CPS) celebrates Principal Appreciation Month, it celebrates 57 new school leaders serving schools across the District. Gabriela Bhaskar for The New York Times. Principal Zaimi has mentored new principals for the past several years and is supporting three new principals this year. You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! I have been serving students since I was a tutor in high school at Dunbar in 1992. Ramona Fannings, Harlan Community Academy, 69. Yasmeen Muhammad is the humbled leader of Louis Nettelhorst Elementary School. Principal Advisory Grandparents charged with murder in death of 5-year-old girl in Park Forest home, Bolingbrook man takes own life after accidentally killing wife while cleaning gun, police say, Nurse practitioners are essential to fill the health care gap, Bring electric vehicle manufacturing to Illinois to help spark our economy, Dear Abby: My friend buys us mountains of gifts she cant afford. Lennette Coleman, Ariel Community Academy, 8. Similarly, Illinois lost nearly 21% of their principals each . Researchers from NORC, the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill conducted an innovative analysis of demographic, career history, and job tenure data of hundreds of CPS principals over eight years and interviewed 20 early career school principals in CPS from 2020-21, with funding from the Institute of Education Sciences at the . Tamika Ball is in her 6th year as Principal at Gage Park High School and has been part of the district for 18 years. Principal Eligibility The health and safety of our school communities are our top priority. ""As a District, we strive to make sure all our schools have strong leaders dedicated to the success of their staff, students, and communities. To apply for a principal position, visitPrincipal Career Opportunities. The decision comes after a difficult and complex evaluation of my original discipline decision imposed last week on Coach Fitzgerald for his failure to know and prevent . For more information on Local School Councils, please see the LSC Reference guide, or visit the LSC website. I applied and became a Golden Apple Scholar, attended DePaul University and the rest is history. We provide programs and resources to support the city's next generation of school leaders: the teacher-leaders and assistant principals learning on . Through Lead with CPS, staff citywide can participate in a robust set of professional and leadership development opportunities to set you up for long-term career success. Princetta E.Preston, Webster/Hansberry School, 162. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Students in Temporary Living Situations (STLS) Departmentadvocates for students in temporary living situations. Marquita Curry is the proud Principal of KIPP Ascend Primary in North Lawndale. All principals agree on one thing students suffer when they lose teachers. Edwin Loch, Reinberg Elementary School, 136. Before that, he served for four years as an elementary principal at Biedler. What Matters Most While we have made great strides to ensure that the diversity of our school leaders and central and network staff reflects the diversity of our student body, we are committed to continuing to invest in recruitment and retention efforts. If you are ready to begin your principal selection process and members of your council have not yet completed the mandatory principal selection training, please contact LSC Relations to schedule a training. This program is for our highest performing principals. The Districts New Principal Institute Partners First-Year Principals With Mentor Principals to Foster Supportive Relationships, Phone: 773-553-1620Website: www.cps.eduTwitter: @chipubschoolsFacebook: chicagopublicschools. All rights reserved. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. Greetings to all, as the proud Principal of Melody STEM in West Garfield Park. Yashika Tippett-Eggleston, EdD Servant leader Principal & Academy Superintendent of the Air Force Academy HS is a resourceful visionary professional with the proven ability to establish and create high-performing educational schools that fosters a collaborative, structured, safe, and productive learning environment that promotes diversity, equity and encourages continuous improvements for teachers, students, parents, and all stakeholders. In Chicago, there's a wide range in school leader salaries, especially for assistant principals, who make anywhere from $68,000 to $145,000. Dr. Giwa is joyful and very fortunate to start her 10th year as principal and her 30th year with CPS. Kathryn Anderson, Lane Tech High School, 88. Principals throughout Chicago are anticipating substantial budget cuts in the coming weeks. Fernando Kim, Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy, 63. Douglas Maclin, Chicago Vocational Career Academy, 35. To be crystal clear, any additional cuts to a schools budget negatively impact children in Chicago. Changes like these negatively affect a schools culture and climate which our communities have worked so hard to build. Elizabeth Meyers, Randolph Elementary School, 134. Chicago public schools violence prevention hotline 34-84a. Independent School Principals Consider the likely impact of a 10 percent cut to an elementary school of 500 students: as many as three positions an art teacher, a second-grade teacher and a middle school science teacher. Schools and Education Dearborn School, 1845-1871 Beginning with modest structures in the early nineteenth century, Chicago's schools have performed an increasing variety of functions, from providing literacy to monitoring health and physical development, Americanizing immigrants, and addressing problems of social and economic inequality. The Office of Local School Council Relations supports Local School Councils (LSCs) by providing training, support, and mediation, and conducting LSC Elections every even numbered year. Margie Smagacz, Franklin Fine Arts Center, 58. Personalized Learning (PL) supports teachers and schools to implement a personalized approach to education. Brian Rogers, World Language High School, Follow the Editorial Board on Twitter: Follow @csteditorials. I have been in education for over 32 years and a principal for 17 years. . For additional context on school leadership in Illinois, we also strongly recommend reading a recent policy brief from the Illinois Principals Association. She has passionately served Chicago Public Schools for 18 years and is driven by the Masai greeting, And how are the children? and will not rest until we can respond, All the children are well.. The Office of Community Partnerships works closely with different school community stakeholders to advance CPS Five Year Vision and build processes that empower communities to improve educational opportunities in their neighborhoods. Dr. Cory Overstreet is the principal of Kellogg and is entering his 20th year in CPS. Highest salary at Chicago Public Schools in year 2018 was $234,038. Grateful for past help, she keeps up the generosity even as shes so deep in debt that she needs to sell her house. Mary T. Weaver, Scammon Elementary School, 141. As an educator and instructional leader, I am always looking for ways to increase my reach for supporting children and families in acquiring quality education, and I know serving on PAC and on one of the subcommittees will support my growth in this area. Our department provides supports and development opportunities to new principals. Dr. Keith W. Adams is in his 13th year in CPS and his fourth as principal at Kelvyn Park Junior & Senior High School in the Hermosa community. Martha Irizarry, Reilly Elementary School, 135. Student Support and Engagement (OSSE) works with schools and networks to establish systems of support to keep all students on track and engaged in school. Dr. Fareeda Shabazz Anderson proudly serves as the principal of Walter Payton College Preparatory High School. Joshua focuses on politics, education policy ranging from the local to the federal level, and the parental uprising in education. Together that support helps our teachers and students thrive and become key members of our global community.. District-operated schools operate under the authority of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and are staffed by CPS employees. She is committed to seeking feedback from Principals and Assistant Principals to share their perspectives to support CPS mission and vision for every student in every neighborhood. Pritzker signs bill allowing Chicago Public Schools principals to unionize Copyright 2023 Chicago Public Education Fund, 2020-21 COVID-19 Comeback Fund Case Studies. Activists in Chicago are calling for an investigation after Chicago Public Schools fired at least seven of the district's Black principals over the 2022-2023 school year. The CPS Department of Arts Education works to ensure that every Chicago Public Schools student receives a high-quality arts education by creating conditions at the classroom, school, district, and state level that allow the arts to grow and flourish. CFF is the connector and facilitator between CPS and generous corporations, foundations, organizations, and individuals. Parent: My child is the one who loses Some frustrated parents feel they and their children are stuck between both sides. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Sara Ray Stoelinga with Holly Hart and David Schalliol Research Report c c s r CONSORTIUM ON CHICAGO SCHOOL RESEARCH AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO URBAN EDUCATION INSTITUTE December 2008 The Work of Chicago Public Schools' Principals Leading in a Complex Context with High Stakes Student Health and Wellness aims to eliminate health-related barriers to learning and to advance child health equity in Chicago. Durrell Anderson, Richards Career Academy, 137.

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