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Value-Based Care Enablement )34196ALLAPEX BENE SERVICEYGApex Health83112ALLAPEXNGAPEX Healthcare (Now knows as Access Community Health Network)ACCOMALLAPEX HEALTHCARENGApostrophe81312ALLAPOSTROPHENGARAZ (Now known as Americas PPO. For EDI Support, please email [emailprotected] or call 800-617-5727)77003ALLPRESTIGE HLTH CHOYGPrevea Health Insurance Plan39185ALLPREVEA HEALTH INSNGPrevea360 Health Plan39113ALLPREVEA360YNPrimary Care Assoc of California (Customer Service Phone Number 877-602-1563)PCACZCAPRIMARY CARE CALINGPrimary Care of JolietPCJOLALLPRIMARY CARE OF JYGPrimary Choice (Aetna HP-NY/NJ)60054NY, NJPRIMARY CHOICEYGPrimary Delivery Systems73288ALLPRIMARY DELIVERYYGPrimary Health Network82048ALLPRIMARY HLTH NETWYGPrimary PhysicianCare, Inc.(Now known as HealthGram)56144ALLPRIMARY PHYSICIANNGPrime Community Care Central ValleyMVCV1ALLPRIME COMMCARE CVNGPrime West Health Plan61604MNPRIME WEST HEALTYGPrimeCare Health PlanIP079CAPRIMECARE HLTH PLNGPrimeSource Health Network4320ALLPRIMESOURCE HLTNTYGPrincipal Financial Group (Vision Claims only. )73066ALLRESERVE NAT INSURYGResolve Health Plan Administrators (Authorization number required: begins with the number 5 and is 13 characters in length. ), DMERC Region C (Testing is required for claims requiring, DMERC Region D (Testing is required for claims requiring CMNs. Guatemala Healthcare Information Exchange South Dakota Claim.MD | Payer List Checkk eligibilityonline to validate member card. Enrollment Required (ENR): Yes Type / Model . )23274ALLGETTYSBURG HEALTHNGGHI HMO Select25531AllGHI HMO SELECTYGGHI Medicare Part B of New YorkGHMCRNYGHI MEDICARE NYYNGHP (Group Health Plan)25141ALLGROUP HEALTH PLANNGGilsbar, Inc7205ALLGILSBAR INCNGGlassworkers and Glaziers Health and Welfare Fund TrustCOMPUCOGLASSWORKERS HBTFNGGlassworkers Health & Welfare Fund Grp# F2991136ALLGLASSWORKERS F29NGGlobal Care Inc7689ALLGLOBAL CARE INCNGGlobal Care Med Grp IPAMPM05ALLGLOBAL CARE MED GNNGlobal Excel ManagementGEM01ALLGLOBAL EXCEL MGMTYGGlobal HealthGHOKCALLGLOBAL HEALTHYGGlobal Health of TXGHTX0ALLTX GLOBAL HEALTHYGGlobal One VenturesGLOBAALLGLOBAL ONENGGMMI CCGMICCALLGMICCNGGMR Healthcare85664ALLGMRYGGMS, Inc.47083ALLGMS INCNGGold Coast77160ALLGOLD COASTNGGold Coast MSOGCMSOALLMSO GOLD COASTYGGolden Shore Medical Group (GSMG)NMM03ALLGSMGYGGood Samaritan Medical Practice Association (GSMPA)IP086CAGSMPAYGGood Shepherd Hospice76923ALLGOOD SHEPHERD HOSYGGovernment Employees Health Association,Inc. )35206ALLENCORE HEALTH NETNGEnstar Natural Gas Grp# P6191136ALLENSTAR GAS GRPP61NGEnterprise Group PlanningEGPINALLENTERPRISEYGEntrust36878ALLENTRUSTNGEon Health73780ALLEON HEALTHNGEPN Seton Health Plan Exclusive (Provider ID required)EPNSHALLEPN SETON HEALTHNGEQUICOR62308AllEQUICORYGEQUICOR PPO62308AllEQUICOR-PPOYGErin Group Administrators (Now known as Significa Benefit Services, Inc.)23250ALLERIN GROUP ADMINYGErisa Administrative Services Incorporated74234AZERISA ADMIN SVCSNGErisa Administrative Services, Inc.74234AllERISA ADMINNGEssence Healthcare57082MOESSENCE HEALTHCARNGEssential Health PartnerEHPSCALLESSENTIAL HLTHYGEssential Health PartnersEIPA9ALLESS HLTHYGEverence35605ALLEVERENCEYGEvry HealthEH001ALLEVRYYGEvolutions Healthcare59313ALLEVOLUTIONS HEALTHYGExceedent LLC22344ALLEXCEEDENT LLCYGExceptional Care MedicalIP080CAEXCEP CARE MEDICAYGExclusive Care (ALL providers must contact Exclusive Care prior to submitting claims electronically. Jurisdiction J Part B - Palmetto GBA Barbados We make it easier to find the payer information you need with our Easy Search, Real Time, Claims and ERA payer lists. )MCCBVAllMCC BEHAVIORALYCMcCreary Corporation59331FLMCCREARY CORPYGMcLaren Health Advantage3833AALLMCLAREN HLTH ADVAYCMcLaren Health Plan38338ALLMCLARENYCMcLaren Medicaid3833CALLMCLAREN MEDICAIDYCMcLaren State of Michigan3833MALLMCLAREN MIYCMcLaren Medicare Supplement3833SALLMCLAREN MEDICAREYCMcLarenAdvantage SNP3833RALLMCLAREN ADV SNPYCMCS6197PPRMCSNNMCS Life66039ALLMCS LIFENGMD CARE HEALTH PLANMDC01ALLMD CARE HPNGMD Rogue Oregon Health PlanMRIPAALLMD ROGUE OR HPNGMD-Individual Practice Association, Inc. (M.D. Workers Comp Only. Poland Liberia Pitcairn Pre-Enrollment is required for Electronic Remittance Advice. ), Midland National Life Ins Co (NFIC Plan only), Midwest Physician Administrative Services, Mississippi Select Healthcare (Mississippi Select Health Care). Far more than a clearinghouse, Gateway EDI offers providers the powerful technology, intuitive tools and industry-leading customer service that improve the speed and accuracy with which your office operates. lock Contact 866-703- 1444. The payer ID is often located on the back of the insurance card in the Provider or Claims Submission section. Samoa )U1439UTCHIROPRACTIC HP UYNCHOC Childrens Hospital of Orange County Health Alliance33065CACHOC HEALTH ALLIAYGChoice Physicians Net First ChoiceCPNFCALLCHOICE PHY NET FIYGChoice Physicians NetworkCPN01ALLCHOICE PHYSYGChoice Physicians Network (Nivano Physicians)CPNNPALLCHOICE NIVANONGChoiceOne IPAPOP03ALLCHOICEONE IPANGChorus Community Health Plans (WI Medicaid)39113ALLCHORUS COMMYNCHP/RPU (FABOH) (Facility physical address required on claim. Korea (North) 469 & 741 Metal Trades Health Plan, Arizona Pipe Trades Health and Welfare Trust Fund Local Union Nos. Billing provider should use Federal TaxID only. New Zealand Israel Russian Federation )31118ALLTRIBUTE HEALTH PLYGTricare East (effective 01-01-2018)TRESTALLTRESTNNTricare for Life (All Regions 1-12)TDDIRALLTRICARE FOR LIFEYTTricare OverseasFORENALLTRICARE OVERSEASYGTRICARE West / UnitedHealthcare Military & Veterans (formerly TriWest)99726MANYTRICAREYTTriHealth Physician Solutions31144ALLTRIHEALTH PHY SOLNGTrilogy Health Network62777ALLTRLHN EBNGTri-Valley Medical Group20538ALLTRI VALLEY MEDNGTriWest Healthcare Alliance (VA CCN Regions 4,5,&6)TWCCNALLTWVACCNYNTrinity Health PaceTRNPCALLTRIN HLTH PACENGTriple S97300PRTRIPLE SNGTriplefin LLC64300ALLTRIPLEFIN LLCYGTrue Health New Mexico82288ALLTRUE HEALTH NMNGTrue Health New Mexico FEHBP85824ALLFEHBP NMNGCommunity Health Plan District of ColumbiaL0230ALLTRUSTED HLTH PLANYGTrusteed Plans Service Corporation91078ALLTRUSTEED PLANS SVNGTrustmark (Includes Starmark & TMA)61425AllTRUSTMARKNGTuality HealthTHA01ALLTUALITY HEALTHNGTuality Health SelectTHASCALLTUALILTY HLTH SELNGTufts Associated Health4298ALLTUFTS ASSOC HLTHYTUC Davis Health SystemsUCDMGALLUC DAVIS HLTH SYSYGUCare Individual & Family Plans55413MNUCARE FAMILYYGUcare of Minnesota (Use payer ID 52629 for DOS in 2018. Find forms for medical claims, patient eligibility, ERA, and EFT payment information. Peru Click "Search" box. If you have contacted us previously concerning this partnership inquiry, include a list of people within Change Healthcare with whom you have already been in contact. Administrative/Human Resources Use new payer ID 55413 for UCare Individual & Family Plans with DOS in 2019)52629MNUCAREOFMNYGUC-Davis Health94603CAUC DAVIS HEALTHYGUCHealth Plan Administrators (As of 8/1/14 CSMED, UMA & Phycor combined)84132COUNITED MED ALLIANNGUCLA Medical GroupUSMBPALLUCLA MEDICAL GROUYGUCS (Electrical Workers Insurance Fund Local 5800)93235ALLUCS ELEC WORK 580NGUFCW Local 400-5205 (Submitters to UFCW must register with CA Blue Shield at Washington )31625ALLELDERPLAN INCYGElement Care Incorporated4326ALLELEMENTNGEllis Consultants, INC.ECISFALLELLIS CONSULTANTSNNElmcareNAELMALLELMCAREYGElmcare L.L.C.NAELMILELMCARE LLCYGElmco37253NYELMCOYGEmblem Health81336ALLEMBLEMNGEmerald Health Network34167ALLEMERALD HEALTHYGEmerald Health Network, Inc. (All HMO Business)34167ALLEMERALD HLTH HMOYGEMI (Eye Management Inc)65062ALLEYE MANAGEMENT INYGEmpire Physicians Medical GroupEMP01ALLEMPIRE PHYS MGYGEmpire Plan (UnitedHealthcare)87726ALLEMPIRE PLANYCEmployee Benefit Administration & Management (EBA&M)95288CAEMP BENE ADMIN MANGEmployee Benefit Concepts38241ALLEMP BENE CONCEPTSNGEmployee Benefit Consultants (To obtain the payer ID, please call (440) 262-1160. Providers must be contracted with RevClaims to submit claims. Sign up to get the latest information about your choice of CMS topics. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Data Pakistan Maldives Neighborhood Plan, Boston, MA), Nesika Health Group (Old payerID of 37255 is no longer valid. Transwestern Insurance Administrators, Inc. Adding insurance payers and selecting the correct payer ID - SimplePractice Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) or. contracted as aMedicaid payer. ), Comprehensive Care Services (BCBSMN For DOS on and after 01-01-2019). Colombia Iceland Transparency & Provider Search Gibraltar )38238CASHEET METAL 104NGSieba, LTD.3699ALLSIEBA LTDNGSierra Health and Life (Health Plan of Nevada)76342CA,NVSIERRA HEALTH SVCYCSierra Health Services Encounters (Health Plan of Nevada)76343CA,NVSIERRA HEALTH ENCYCSierra Medical Group (Customer Service 661-480-2047)SMG01CASIERRA MED GRPNGSignifica Benefit Services, Inc.23250ALLSIGNIFICA BENEFITYGSIHO77153ALLSIHONGSilver Cross Managed Care OrganizationNASCRILSILVER CROSS MCOYGSilver Star Pace97691ALLSILVER STAR PACENGSilverback TPA (previous payer ID 37728) For all dates of service prior to Jan. 1, 2019, claims should be submitted to UnitedHealthcare, payer ID 8772687726ALLSILVERBACK TPANCSilverback TPA (previous payer ID 37728) For all dates of services on and after Jan. 1, 2019, claims should be submitted WellMed, payer ID WELM2WELM2ALLSILVERBACK TPANGSilverSummit Health Plan68069ALLSILVERSUMMITNGSimply HealthCare Plans (new payer ID SMPLY as of 12-1- 2018)SMPLYALLSIMPLY HEALTHCARENGSinclair Health Plan84076ALLSINCLAIR HLTH PLNYGSISCOSISCOALLSISCONGSISCO44827ALLSISCO1NGSmith AdministratorsSMITHALLSMITH ADMINISTRATNGSmoky Mountain Center13010ALLSMOKY MTN CENTERYGSolidarity Healthshare77721ALLSOLIDARITYNGSolis Health PlansSOLISALLSOLISYGSomos IPA (Emblem Health)81508ALLSOMOSYNSound Health91131AllSOUND HEALTHNGSoundpath Health (Formerly known as Puget Sound Health Partners, Inc.)42172ALLPUGET SOUND HPNGSouth Atlantic Medical GroupSAMG1CASO ATLANTIC MED GYGSouth Central Preferred PPO York, PA (IHS Gateway Payer) ( Contact Jane Grove for South Central Preferred (717) 851- 6715. ), Molina Healthcare of Washington (Rendering providers use DSHS Medicaid ID or State Licence Number. 1199 National Benefit Fund 13162 270 / 271. )CALLALLCALL SUPPORTNGEmployee Benefit Consultants, Inc. (Call (440) 262-1160 for PayerID. Wallis/Futuna Isls. )PHIF4ALLPHIFER WIRE INSURNNPhoenix Health Plan3440AZPHOENIX HEALTH PLYGPHX Teamsters UT/MT/ID (For Dates of Service after 05/01/16)CX100ALLPHX TEAMSTERS UTNGPhysician Associates of Greater San Gabriel ValleyOCN01CAPA G SAN GABRIELYGPhysician Health Cooperative/SRRIPA ( This Payer ID should be used for Stones River Regional IPA Humana Claims)57549ALLPHYS HLTH COOP SRYGPhysicians Care Network38265ALLPHYS CARE NETWORKYGPhysicians Care Network (Rockford, IL Only) PayerID valid only for claims with billing submission name, city and state of Physicians Care Network, Rockford, IL.36345ILPCN ROCKFORD ILNGPhysicians Care Network/The PolyclinicPCN12ALLPCN THE POLYCLININGPhysicians Choice Medical Group of Santa MariaMCI01ALLPHY CHOICE SANTANGPhysicians Choice Medical Grp of San Luis Obispo (formerly San Luis Obispo Select IPA)SLOS1ALLPHY CH SANTA MARINGPhysicians Corporation of America (Florida Plan Only)65018FLPHYS CORP FLYGPhysicians Data TrustPDT01ALLPHYS DATANGPhysicians Health Association of Illinois37136ILPHY HLTH ASSOC ILNGPhysicians Health Collaborative20398ALLPHYSICIANS HLTH CYGPhysicians Health NetworkMHCM2ALLPHYS HLTH NETWORKNGPhysicians Health Plan (For behavioral Health claims processing, see documents sent to your office from the payer. Contact Cox Health Plan for ID. Canada Ghana )38333CAMOLINA HC OF CALIYGMolina Healthcare of Florida51062FLMOLINA HC OF FLORYGMolina Healthcare of Idaho61799IDMOLINA HC OF IDYGMolina Healthcare of Illinois20934ILMOLINA HC OF ILYGMolina Healthcare of Michigan38334MIMOLINA HC OF MICHYGMolina Healthcare Mississippi77010MSMOLINA MSYGMolina Healthcare of NevadaA6106NVMOLINA HC OF NVYGMolina Healthcare of New MexicoNM505NMMOLINA HC OF NEWYGMolina Healthcare of New Mexico Salud9824NMMOLINA HC NM SALUYGMolina Healthcare of Ohio20149OHMOLINA HC OF OHIOYGMolina Healthcare of Texas20554TXMOLINA HC OF TEXYGMolina Healthcare of Washington (Rendering providers use DSHS Medicaid ID or State Licence Number. Some electronic billing systems may refer to this code as a Medicare Payer ID, Contractor ID, or a Receiver ID. Enterprise Imaging Solutions You can use this insurance payer id lookup tool to search the verified latest payer ID information of all insurances in USA. Clifton Health Systems D/B/A Actin Care Groups, Clover (Formerly Carepoint Health Plan, previous payer ID 77023), Coastal Communities Physician Network (CCPN), Colorado Laborers Health and Welfare Fund, Commonwealth Care Alliance Medicare Advantage, Community Care Behavioral Health Org. Bhutan To get payerID, call Jeff Nehms at 305-670-8440. The look-up tool will return information on prescriptions filled by Medicare beneficiaries, including drug name, total number of prescriptions dispensed (including original prescriptions and refills) and total drug cost. Dominican Republic )94302ALLCHINESE COMM HPYGChirometrics Inc.33070ALLCHIROMETRICS INCYGChiropractic Association of South DakotaCASD1SDCHIRO ASSOC SDYGChiropractic Care of Minnesota, Inc. (For Dates of service before 1-01-08, continue to use payerID of ACN01. Taiwan Patient Access & Financial Clearance Solutions ), Medicare Part B of Missouri (Eastern) (Specialty testing required), Medicare Part B of NJ (Specialty testing required), Medicare Part B of Northern Mariana Islands, Medicare Part B of Northern Virginia (inc. PDF How To Verify Member Eligibility Using The AHCCCS Online Provider Portal )31053ALLSTATE FARM GROUPYGState Farm Workers Compensation Plans (Note that payer requires Insureds ID of 11 or 12 digits and exact structure. ), Professional Benefit Administrators, Inc. (Oak Brook, IL), Providence Insurance & Administrative Services, Providence Preferred (PPO) (ProviderID and Enrollment required. Chief Operating Officer Somalia We aim to engage primary care organizations, payers, state Medicaid agencies, and other stakeholders to catalyze broad system transformation. Germany Please call 1- 631-420-4100, opt 4, opt 4 for payer set-up and payer assigned provider ID number. )U1439UTCHIROPRACTIC HP UYNOMNI IPA36090ALLOMNI IPANGOmniCare (For claims with Dates of Service after 10/01/04)25150ALLOMNICAREYGOmnicare IPAOMN02ALLOMNICARE IPANGOncology Network of Orange County.ONOCIALLONCOLOGY NW OCNGOne Call Medical22321ALLONE CALL MEDICALYGOne Health Plan of California95379CAONE HEALTH CANCOne Health Plan of Colorado95412COONE HEALTH COLONCOne Health Plan of Illinois95388ILONE HEALTH ILNCOPEIU Locals 30 & 537BPA01ALLOPEIU LOC 30 537YGOperating Engineers Local No 5374234UTOPER ENG LOCAL 53NGOperating Engineers Locals 302 & 612 Health & Security Fund Grp#F1291136ALLOPERATING ENGINEENGOpticare Eye Health Network56190ALLOPTICARE EYE HEALYGOpticare Eye Health Network (Envolve Benefit Option)56190ALLOPTICAREYGOpticare of UtahOPCAUALLOPTICARE OF UTAHYGOptima Insurance Company54154ALLOPTIMA INS COMPANYGOptimed Health96277ALLOPTIMEDYGOptimum Healthcare, Inc.20133ALLOPTIMUM HEALTHCARYGOptum Care Network of ConnecticutE3287ALLOPTUM CARE NETWORKNCOptum Maryland Behavioral HealthOMDBHMDOMD BEHAV HLTHYCOptum San Diego Public SectorOSDPSALLOPTUM SAN DIEGONCOptumCare / AZ, UT (formerly Lifeprint Network)LIFE1ALLLIFEPRINTNCOptumHealth (OptumHealth Behavior Solutions) formerly United Behavioral Health and Pacificare Behavioral Health), former payerID 3305387726ALLOPTUMHEALTH BEHAVYCOptumHealth (OptumHealth Behavioral Solutions of NM)87726ALLOPTUMHEALTH BEHAVYCOptumHealth Complex Medical Conditions (CMC) (formerly OptumHealth Care Solutions and United Resource Networks) (Former payerID 52190)41194ALLUNITED RESOURCESYCOptumHealth Physical Health includes Oxford (former payerid 41159, 41160)41161ALLOPTUMHEALTHYCOptumHealth Salt Lake CountyU6885ALLOPTUMHEALTH SLCNGOrange Coast Memorial IPAMHIPACAMEMORIAL HC IPAYGOregon Health Mgmt OHMS aka Primary Health of JosephineOHMSPALLOR HEALTH MGMRNGOregons Health CO-OP45332OROR HEALTH COOPNGOrthonet AETNA13383ALLORTHONET AETNAYGOscar HealthOSCARALLOSCAR HEALTHYGOSF Health Plans61101ILOSF HEALTH PLANSNGOSG-Michael Reese37127ILOSG MICHAEL REESENGOxford Health Plans6111AllOXFORD HEALTH PLAYCP3 Health Partners -Arizona58375ALLHLTH AZ PARTNERSYGP3 Health Partners NevadaP3HNVALLHLTH NV PARTNERSNGP5 Health87068ALLP5 HEALTHYGPA Preferred Health (Call PPHN Claims Operations at 410-349- 3222)CALLALLCALL ENS SUPPORTYTPace Central Iowa72436ALLPACE CENTRAL IOWANGPACE CNY70454ALLPACE CNYNGPace Nebraska35416ALLPACE NEBRASKANGPace of Southwest Michigan Inc.45114ALLPACE SW MICHIGANNGPace Southeast Michigan86711ALLPACE SE MICHIGANNGPace Southwest Iowa53534ALLPACE SOUTHWEST IANGPacific Southwest Administrators (PSWA)75309ALLPSWAYGPacificSource Administrators93031ALLSELECT BENE ADMINnGPacificSource Commercial93029ALLPACIFICSOURCE COMNGPacificsource Medicare20377ALLPACIFICSOURCE MCAYGPacificsource OHPCOIHSALLPACIFICSOURCE OHPYGPalladian Muscular Skeletal Health (Formerly Prism Health Networks)37268ALLPALLADIAN MUSCULANGPalo Alto Medical FoundationIP132ALLPALO ALTO MED FOUNGPan American Life Insurance4218ALLPAN AMERICAN LIFENGPaper Claims (ENS will print and mail the claims submitted with the payerID of PRINT)PRINTALLPAPER CLAIMSNNParamount HealthSX158ALLPARAMOUNT HEALTHNNParkland Community Health Plan66917ALLPARKLAND COMM HPYGParallon RCPSPARLNALLPARALLONNNPartners Behavioral Health13141ALLPARTNERS BEHAV HLYNPartners Health Plan14966ALLPARTNERS HLTH PLANGPartnership Health Plan (Client must contact OptumInsight Enrollments Department for enrollment forms. Neighborhood Plan, Boston, MA)4293ALLNGHBRHOOD PLAN MAYGNesika Health Group (Old payerID of 37255 is no longer valid. Oops! They play a crucial role in facilitating the efficient handling of insurance claims and maintaining accurate records for healthcare providers and insurance companies. First Time submitters, please fax a W9 to 650-625-6083), SCAN Encounters (Diversified Data Design (DDD)), Seaside Health Plan (Starting with DOS 9/1/2013), Secure Health of Georgia (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS prior to 12/31/2020), Secure Health of Georgia (Claims for this payer id are only accepted with a DOS equal to or after 01/01/2021), Select Benefit Administrators (PayerID valid for claims submission address of PO Box 8339, Des Moines, IA 50301), SelectCare of Texas (HPN) Heritage Physicians Network, SelectCare of TX (Houston) (Provider ID Required Contact (713) 843-6780 to obtain ID. Iraq Brit/Indian Ocean Terr. Please contact Martha Cuevas at 951-955-8853), Eye Specialists (Provider ID number required in Box33a or Box24J), Fire Department Cityof New York World Trade Center Health, First Carolina Care (effective until 7/31/2021), First Choice VIP Care Plus SC (First Choice VIP Care Plus is a Medicare Medicaid Plan (MMP), part of the AmeriHealth Caritas Family of Companies), Fortis Self Funded Administrative Services, Gateway Health Plan Medicare Assured Ohio, Gateway Health Plan ((Yellow Card). Viet Nam Djibouti Chief Executive Officer ), Employers Mutual, Inc. (Florida Providers only), Encore Health Network (Note: Group Policy Number in HCFA Box 11 is required. Payer List Search - Waystar

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