Important reports to assist units in complying with Michigan Medicine institutional mandatory compliance can be run in Cornerstone Learning using Reporting 2.0. Starting March 1, a new Cornerstone Learning report ("Manager Digest") will be emailed to all Michigan Medicine leaders automatically each month - whenever any of their direct reports has assigned training modules that are overdue. Cornerstone Learning will bring many improvements, including: Everyone is very excited about the many benefits the new system will bring to the Michigan Medicine community, and were really looking forward to launching it this fall, said Laurel Barnes, manager of the HITS Learning Management Team. Clinical, Education, Research, Services & Support. HITS, Michigan Medicine Human Resources, and Organizational Learning are pleased to announce thatCornerstone Learningis ready and available to deliver a widerrange of optional and required training resources including familiar institutional mandatories.. All faculty and staff must complete the Universal Skills Modules in Cornerstone Learning. Talent Management refers to a coordinated set of activities that nurture employees to reach their full potential including onboarding and orientation, learning, personal skills and growth, professional development, performance management, succession planning, and more. Research Basics Workshop MICHR's Research Basics Workshop series presents basic, introductory-level material covering concepts in clinical or health research. The MDRC Recruitment Service facilitates the identification of potential subjects with diabetes for clinical studies/trials at the University of Michigan by using the MDRC Diabetes Research Registry, MiChart Recruitment Alerts, and the Blue Cross Network. Since MLearning was replaced by Cornerstone Learning on Nov. 7, the new system has welcomed more than 7,000 unique visitors and users have already successfully completed more than 13,000 online courses. MVN and Home Care Services. New documents and files will be added periodically. The Taubman Library offers Research Guides on a wide variety of information focusing onhealth sciences. "So long, MLearning." This includes training and education opportunities, as well as resources highlighting, regulatory compliance, database management, research pharmacy, and more. . Take West University Hospital (UH) Visitor elevators to level 1. They are inspired by stories of compassion and care and driven by a desire to help those who are sick or injured. Cornerstone learning will go live on Monday, November 7. This seminar is for faculty new to the institution or new to clinical research, and there is no charge to the participant or department for participation. While many are still becoming familiar Cornerstone Learning, here are a few key reminders: As a more modern, cloud-based platform, Cornerstone Learning offers many advantages over the existing system, including: To help the Michigan Medicine community prepare for this upcoming change,a Resources and Support pagehas been developed featuring a transition toolkit, information geared to different job roles and anew overview Videothat introduces the new Cornerstone Learning Welcome page and provides a tour of its major features. Nursing at Michigan: Professional Development and Education (PD&E) These include checklists, guides, and recordings of past events and training. The Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (RCRS) course and Research Administration course are required for all individuals listed on a Proposal Approval Form (PAF) or Award (AWD) for sponsored funding in any investigator role. Michigan Medicine Human Resources, Organizational Learning and Health Information Technology & Services are partnering to establish the new comprehensiveTalent Managementplatform to serve all of Michigan Medicine. Content can also be accessed from anywhere, anytime, using virtually any device or browser. Implicit Bias Training for Michigan Medicine More Health Lab Stories. It offers many advantages over our previous system, including: Cornerstone Learning is just the first step in implementing a comprehensive, cloud-based Talent Management Platform, including Cornerstone Performance Management, Cornerstone Careers, and more. Cornerstone Learning (formerly MLearning), So long, MLearning. Take advantage of the following information to strengthen your clinical research and increase your career development. Key Points: Office of the Patient Civil Rights Coordinator,, View this brief video to learn about HITS,,, Caring for Patients and Visitors Who Are Transgender or Gender Non-conforming,, Learn about Retirement Plans from our partners, Giving back opportunities: learn how you can give back to our Michigan community in this. Michigan Medicine partnering with Cornerstone on new Talent Management Learning & Development | Human Resources Cornerstone Learning (formerly MLearning), Michigan Medicine partnering with Cornerstone on new Talent Management platform, starting with MLearning replacement. This is a Michigan Medicine one-time mandatory requirement for all faculty and staff upon hire and then as needed to maintain competency. Research Pharmacy (RP) has implemented a new workflow for studies requesting a waiver of services to improve the efficiency of the review process. Please contactsbr-pilot@umich.eduor (734) 763-1748 if you have questions. Michigan Medicine Human Resources, Organizational Learning and Health Information Technology and Services (HITS) are partnering withCornerstoneto develop and deliver a comprehensive, online Talent Management platform to serve all of Michigan Medicine, including faculty, staff and learners from U-M Health, the medical school and shared services. MLearning Retirement/Replacement Rescheduled for Early November, MLearning Replacement Coming Soon What's Happening + Resources to Help You Prepare, Update: Cornerstone Talent Management Platform Work Continues: MLearning Retirement/Replacement Coming in fall 2022, Michigan Medicine partnering with Cornerstone on new Talent Management platform, starting with MLearning replacement. MLearning will be retired this November and replaced with Cornerstone Learning a more modern, feature-rich platform designed with users in mind. View this brief video to learn about HITS. MiChart Downtime Procedures. This requirement applies to all U-M employees and students engaged in any facet of research and scholarship, regardless of internal or external support. 1301 Catherine Street SPC 5624 Activating Cornerstone Learning is just the first step in implementing a comprehensiveTalent Managementplatform to serve all of Michigan Medicine, and which will eventually include Cornerstone Performance Management, Cornerstone Careers, and more. More information is available on theHRPPEducation Resources website. For urgent issues and immediate concerns, please contact the HITS Service Desk at 734-936-8000. Each session is held on the second Tuesday of each month from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM. Nutrition. Parking Customer Service: 734-764-8291. MLearning will be retired this November and replaced with Cornerstone Learning a more modern, feature-rich platform designed with users in mind. Wolverine Access lets you build your own page linking to all the university tools you need as a member of the Michigan community. If your new role is eligible for benefits, you will have 30 days to make your selections. The University of Michigan Health Nursing Professional Development & Education department helps create and provide continuing nursing education activities and opportunities that advance nursing practice. 10/24/2022 MLearning will retire for good on Thursday, November 3. Classroom Content, BSN Student Nurse We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. New Employee Orientation (NEO) | Human Resources - University of Michigan The Research Faculty Development Wizard is a resource for all faculty to easily access Michigan Medicine research-related resources based on their career stage and interest. Michigan Medicine Department of Social Work is an approved provider with the Michigan Social Work Continuing Education Collaborative, Provider #MICEC 0056. HITS, Michigan Medicine Human Resources, and Organizational Learning are pleased to announce that Cornerstone Learning is ready and available to deliver a wider range of optional and required training resources -including familiar institutional "mandatories." About HITS Cornerstone Learning (formerly MLearning) Cornerstone Learning (formerly MLearning) MLearning has been permanently retired to make way for Cornerstone Learning! Internal only: Classroom Content Nursing Student Learning BSN Student Nurse Externship Nursing Student Clinical Placement Central Nursing Orientation (CNO) Welcome to Central Nursing Orientation! For urgent issues and immediate concerns, please contact the HITS Service Desk at 734-936-8000. Researchpalooza is the perfect Epic, the vendor of the MiChart software, is rolling out a new upgraded software platform. In addition to taking a more unified and holistic approach to professional and personal development, Michigan Medicines new Talent Management platform will leverage cloud-based, AI-driven technology thats much more reliable, and designed to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience. For more information about the Michigan Diabetes Research Center and how to use their services contact 7B General Medicine Telemetry Unit. Target Audience: Michigan Medicine Nursing | Author/Contact: Central Nursing Orientation Team (Diane Wyse, Chris Conrad, and Stefanie Gibson)| Web Publisher: Irene Knokh, Web Designer/Developer: April Stingo | November 29, 2022, This logo appears only when page is printed, UMHS Nursing Detailed Organizational Chart, Nursing Directors, Managers, and Supervisors, Doctors of Nursing Practice (DNP) Alliance, Our Internal Website is accessible via Michigan Medicine network or, If your units hire is from an agency, then review the, Contact Professional Development & Education at (734) 763-5283 and email. Mandatories are usually assigned to faculty and staff through automated assignments. University of Michigan Medical School We're available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Medical Education Scholars Program - Learning Health Sciences The module introduces the responsible conduct of research, defines important terms, and provides contact information and resources. Search for a University of Michigan doctor: Use our Find a Doctor tool. Working with Industry is a workshop seriesfor new and established faculty looking to learn more about the ins-and-outs of working on industry-sponsored clinical research studies. Additional Talent Management capabilities coming soon. Cornerstone Learning (formerly MLearning), New monthly Cornerstone Learning report will enable Michigan Medicine leaders to track their teams' training completions. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of our faculty, staff and patients. Department, area, or role-specific mandatories are not included. This page will provide information to welcome you to your new organization and support a positive onboarding experience. Talent Management refers to a coordinated set of activities that nurture employees to reach their full potential including onboarding and orientation, learning, personal skills and growth, professional development, performance management, succession planning and more. Additional information will be shared with you regarding required online learning modules on your first day of hire. U-M Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC) Slides from the presentation are available fordownload. Listen to The Wrap - Introducing Cornerstone Learning from The Wrap by Michigan Medicine Headlines. Training requirements are based on the roles approved by your Portfolio Manager: CLICK HERE to request an OnCore account.CLICK HERE to request an eReg account. 2800 Plymouth Road Building 520, 3rd Floor NIHClinical Trials Resources Employees should contact their managers for information on other mandatory requirements. C3RG provides monthly seminars regarding a wide range of clinical research topics to research staff and coordinators of the entire University. Early this November, MLearning the system Michigan Medicine has long used to manage and deliver required and optional learning opportunities will be retired and replaced by Cornerstone Learning. If you would like to stay informed as the Cornerstone effort unfolds, you are encouraged to visit (and bookmark) Transition to Practice - Wicha Lab Logistics, Transportation and Parking523 S. Division Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Let's face it, we all need to take training modules and mandatories every year for our jobs at Michigan Medicine. (via UMHS Network or VPN only), Continuing Education The current versions are available on the Clinical Homepage (Users must be logged into the Studies Requesting Waiver of Services Cornerstone Learning / Mandatories Learning & Development Training U-M Resources for Professional Growth Health & Wellness LGBTQ+ Resources Mental Health Counseling MHealthy So long, MLearning. Hello, Cornerstone Learning! Plan now for blackout "So long, MLearning." Cornerstone Learning coming this November! B.S. in Pre-Medical | Cornerstone University Make sure you review parking requirements for your work location. Plan now for blackout period (Nov. 3-7), learn where to find resources + support, Reminder: MLearning to be retired, replaced by Cornerstone Learning in early November. MLearning will retire for good on Thursday, November 3. EDUCATION & TRAINING | Office of Research Use this page to determine which, if any, parking passes are needed for your work location, and how to purchase a pass. Cornerstone Learning / Mandatories. A knowledgebase and resource repository for clinical users of Michigan Medicine's electronic health record system,MiChart. Questions? "It depends on your genetics,". Responsible Conduct of Research for K Awardees (RCR4K) is a seminar series offered through MICHR designed to guide participants in identifying and managing ethics and integrity issues. For urgent issues and immediate concerns, please contact the HITS Service Desk at 734-936-8000. New monthly Cornerstone Learning report will enable Michigan Medicine View emails, calendars, contacts, and tasks. More information on the C3RG website. 6B Internal Medicine Unit. Programs, Internal only: This workshop outlines the process of obtaining valid informed consent and will give you the opportunity to demonstrate the necessary language and communication skills when interacting with potential study participants and their families. Training for Cornerstone Learning facilitators is available in Cornerstone Learning. It is open to all study team members who are new to clinical or health research at U-M or new to any of the topics. 7313 Medical Science I Building By implementing a market-leading talent management platform, well provide a more cohesive environment for our staff to learn, develop, and shape their careers, and for the organization to manage performance and prepare our workforce for the future, Warden said. Reminder: MLearning to be retired, replaced by Cornerstone Learning in For studies Data Office for Clinical & Translational Research, Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research, BMRC Bridging Support Program for Biomedical Research, Research Operations, Management & Strategy Fellowship, The Social and Behavioral Research Best Practices,, Responsible Conduct of Research and Scholarship (RCRS), Best Practices in Clinical Research (Online), Clinical Trial Registration Requirements and Decision Trees, UMOR ResearchEthics & Compliance -Clinical Trials Registration & Results Reporting, The Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC), U-M Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC), Research Pharmacy Reminders for Using Outpatient Prescription Templates, Enter priv (the beginning of the code for the HIPAA modules) or HIPAA, Walkthrough the regulatory responsibilities of sponsors and investigators, Highlight the ways that MIAP can help with your IND or IDE application, Provide important contact information and resources, What is the benefit to patients and one's career, The steps to get started - from receiving a protocol to opening a study, Whichfactors are important for determining study participation, Learning how to interpret monthly reports. Home - Michigan Medicine - Attendee Interactive Update: Cornerstone Talent Management Platform work continues The academy will teach practical tips to succeed including targeting cutting-edge basic research findings with relevant human disease, constructing the most pertinent hypotheses and questioning to catalyze innovation in drug/device discovery, teaching the fundamentals of clinical trial design, and understanding the changing landscape of clinical trials, from earlier phases tomulticenterrandomized and pragmatic population trials. Lean in Daily Work. To schedule a virtual appointment, please email the Benefits Office U-M also offers The Social and Behavioral Research Best Practicestraining specifically for those involved in social and behavioral clinical trials. Cornerstone Learning is now available! . Welcome to Michigan Medicine | Michigan Medicine Michigan Medicine Email (Microsoft Outlook) - Wolverine Access Central Nursing Orientation (CNO) Home - Wicha Lab Cornerstone Learning will bring many improvements, including: A more modern, user-friendly in 7C Cardiology. It will be replaced byCornerstone Learning. 11/07/2022 6D Critical Care Medicine Unit (CCMU) 7A Medicine Telemetry Unit. Quality health care professionals aren't born overnight. Participants will learn critical clinical research skills through a group learning environment and hands-on skills practice. Cornerstone Learning (formerly MLearning) (For Michigan Medicine) | Wolverine Access - Find & Favorite University of Michigan Resources view all You have no new announcements. 03/01/2023 Starting March 1, a new Cornerstone Learning report ("Manager Digest") will be emailed to all Michigan Medicine leaders automatically each month - whenever any of their direct reports has assigned training modules that are overdue. Get information for patients and visitors: Explore our online Patient and Visitor Guide. The Department of Internal Medicines Clinical Trials Academy offers early-career faculty and new clinician investigators a combination of lectures and hands-on small group sessions to teach the complex and changing landscape of clinical trials. We encourage you to review these videos and additional web pages for more information about programs and resources available at Michigan Medicine. Taubman Library Ann Arbor, MI 48109, North Campus Research Complex (NCRC) Integrates additional types of learning resources (such as LinkedIn Learning) into a single, convenient hub making it easier for managers and staff to develop customized learning plans, and providing everyone with easier access to a wider variety of professional and personal growth opportunities. Topics covered include research protocol,recruitment and retention,informed consent communication,confidentiality and privacy,participant safety and AE reporting, quality control and assurance,and research misconduct. Department, area, or role-specific mandatories are not included. Sign in toMy LINCwith a Level 1 password to access the training. Take the first hallway off the main hall to your right (west side of floor one UH). If anyone receives the new report and believes theyre not a manager or responsible for the identified person, they should consultCornerstone Update Manager KB0020417. The Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Join the UMMS Office of Research for this event hosting dozens of exhibitors from labs and offices of the Medical School and across campus.
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