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1020. Phone: (732) 671-3850 Ext. Home - Middletown High School North Email: Phone: (732) 671-3850 Ext. Red Bank. Learn more about the various pathwayand academy tracks made available by the Middletown Township Public School District. PO Box 4170 The Middletown Township Public School District will collaborate as a unified community to empower each student to achievetheir fullest potential by providing an engaging, inclusive, and safe educational environment. PowerSchool Parent Portal; Staff. Building Administration - Thompson Middle School schweitzerl (732) 787-0092 ext. Harmony's 2020-2021 ABBR grade is 75 out of 78. Email: Phone: (732) 671-2212 ext. For more information, please visit the LinkIt Parent Portal page. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number so that we may contact you to provide the information in an accessibleformat. 1001 Middletown-Lincroft Road. Support our mission. Elementary summer school at Presidential Park 8:45AM - 1:15 PM. 2155: Mrs. Carey Albanese: Assistant Principal - Grade 11 and 12 (A-L) 732-706-6111 ext. All youth sports team organizations must provide proof of an insurance policy against liability for any bodily injury for no less than $50,000 per person per occurrence. Members of the Lincroft Elementary School Leopards Band pose with Band Director, Mrs. Maura Domashinksi and Prinicipal, Mr. Daniel Imbimbo. 732-671-2212. Main Office Information - Thorne Middle School A permit is required for all users of school facilities or turf fields. Fax: (732) 741-6045. Does your child attend a school in this city? Middletown Public Schools | Home Middletown, NJ 07748. Phone 732-747-3308 Office x3500 Fax 732-741-6539 732-747-3308 Office x3500 Fax 732-741-6539 Decisions made at the district level affect all our children's lives. Donate Now Enlarged City School District of Middletown / Homepage 2021-2022 District and School HIB Grade Report. PO Box 4170 Logo Image. Lunch Program (NSLP) or School Breakfast Program (SBP). Bayview Elementary School staff and students honor our servicemen and women on Veterans Day. WELCOME TO THE ENLARGED CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OF MIDDLETOWN. If you experience problems accessing the Parent Portal please email 8500. River Plaza Elementary School educators surprised their students on Halloween with a theme costume that celebrates the decades of education this school community has delivered over the last century. Mailing Address: PO Box 4170. Home - Nut Swamp Elementary School Facilities - Middletown Township School District There is no military commitment to take the test. Accessibility Information: If you have difficulty accessing information on our website due to a disability, please contact us at and provided the URL (web address) of the material you tried to access, a description of the problem you experienced, and your contact information. 1212: In December 2022, River Plaza Elementary School recognized its 100th year of community education with the dedication of a bronze sculpture funded by personal donations collected by the Parent Faculty Association. 07748. Accessibility Information: If you have difficulty accessing information on our website due to a disability, please contact us at and provided the URL (web address) of the material you tried to access, a description of the problem you experienced, and your contact information. Parent Information Committee (PIC) / Parent Advisory Council (PAC). Bayview's Charlie Roder Honored my County Commissioners, Bayview Elementary School Exploration Fair, Bayview's Heroes Cafe Spreads Holiday Cheer, about Pandemic Electronic Benefits (P-EBT) for School Meals During Summer (opens in new window/tab), about Board of Education Candidacy Information, about MTPS Pathways and Academies (opens in new window/tab), about MTPS Health and PE Curriculum Information (opens in new window/tab), about Emergency School Closing Procedures for MTPS Families (opens in new window/tab), Parent Information Committee (PIC) / Parent Advisory Council (PAC), Pandemic Electronic Benefits (P-EBT) for School Meals During Summer, MTPS Health and PE Curriculum Information, Emergency School Closing Procedures for MTPS Families, NJ Children's System of Care (PerformCare), 2021-2022 District and School HIB Grade Report, District Policy 5512- HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING(M), Guidance for Parents on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act. 1020. Main Office Information - Thompson Middle School James Rasmussen. The District's ABBR grade is 75out of 78. Counseling Services - Ocean Avenue Elementary School If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's guidance counselor or case manager. The District's ABBR grade is 75 out of 78. 2021-2022 District and School HIB Grade Report. Middletown. NJ Children's System of Care (PerformCare) provides all children and adolescents regardless of insurance status - with coordinated access to mental health supports, substanceuse treatment and services for intellectual and developmental disabilities Contact information is below. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number so that we may contact you to . To obtain a permit, applications must be submitted no later than 14 calendar days prior to the requested use date (fees may be required). Understand, that with this privilege comes responsibility, so please carefully review all information and requirements. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number so that we may contact you to . Guidance Office Welcome to the home page of the High School North Counseling Department. 2022-23 Culture and Climate Survey Results. Nut Swamp's 2020-2021 ABBR grade is 75 out of 78. Support our mission. Registration - Middletown Township School District GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, These are some of the top-rated public schools in Middletown. 2021-2022 District and School HIB Grade Report. Frontline Single Sign-On; Electronic Timesheet; Genesis (SchoolFi) Employee Portal; PowerSchool for Subs (opens in new window/tab) . Home - Middletown Village Elementary School Counselor - Grade 10 (A-C), Grade 11 (A-De), Grade 12 (A-C). Home - Leonardo Elementary School Parent Single Sign-On offers a number of benefits, including access to multiple students with one login, a personalized account for each parent and guardian, and the ability for parents to retrieve their own login information. Main Office Information - Harmony Elementary School MTPS families are invited to review the district's emergency closing procedures for weather-related and other incidences. who were eligible for free or reduced price school meals at a school that participates in the National School Please review this page to meet our staff members and for other important information. Middletown, NJ 07748. Guidance Office - Middletown High School North Parent Information Committee (PIC) / Parent Advisory Council (PAC), New Jersey State Graduation and Assessment Requirements, Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, Monmouth County Vocational School District, younger workers mustvisit the Department of Workforce Development website, Assistant Principal - Counseling Department, Counselor - Grade 10 (He-Ma), Grade 11 (J-Me), Grade 12 (Ho-Mc), Counselor - Grade 10 (D-Ha), Grade 11 (Di-I), Grade 12 (D-Hi), Counselor - Grade 10 (Ru-Z), Grade 11 (Sc-Z), Grade 12 (Roc-Z), Counselor - Grade 10 (Mc-Ro), Grade 11 (Mi-Sa), Grade 12 (Me-Rob), Counseling Department Secretary (Mrs. Nicholas). who were eligible for free or reduced price school meals at a school that participates in the National School Mailing Address: PO Box 4170. 2021-2022 District and School HIB Grade Report. These groups come together to discuss various topics of importance, as well as different educational initiatives and District happenings with PIC Chair Margie Rafferty-Criscione, Board of Education President Frank Capone, Superintendent of Schools, Mary Ellen Walker, and Business Administrator Amy Doherty. Logo Title. 2119: Email: l evyt; 155 Hubbard Avenue - Red Bank, NJ 07701. 732-787-0092. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number so that we may contact you to . Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number so that we may contact you to provide the information in an accessibleformat. James Rasmussen. James Rasmussen. NOTE:The process through which teens canobtain working papers in New Jersey will change on June 1, 2023. Parent Information Committee/Parent Information Council. Welcome to the home page of the High School North Counseling Department. Other (school staff, family member, recent alum, etc), I recently graduated from Monhagen this year. The District will encourage students to develop their imagination and creativity, aspire to greatness, value diverse perspectives, and demonstrate cultural competence as global citizens to prepare for future academic, career, and personal success. Eligibility for Registration Eligible students must be five (5) years of age on or before October 1 in the school year they are registering for. Lincroft Elementary School students and members of the Monmouth County Shade Tree Commission plant a tree on campus in the name of the graduating class of 2022. 1020. 732-747-3679. Fairview's 2020-2021 ABBR grade is 73 out of 78. Read more in the MTPS Pride Newsletter. The directions are on page one and the form is on page two. Our School - River Plaza Elementary School James Rasmussen. Frontline Single Sign-On; Electronic Timesheet; Genesis (SchoolFi) Employee Portal ; PowerSchool for Subs (opens in new window/tab) . Sean Pruckowski, CEFM, CPSI: Assistant Director of Facilities: Michael Chandler: Supervisor of Facilities: Parent Portal. The ASVAB or Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is a test given traditionally by the military. Be sure to include your name, email address, and phone number so that we may contact you to provide the information in an accessibleformat. The Middletown Township Public School District will collaborate as a unified community to empower each student to achievetheir fullest potential by providing an engaging, inclusive, and safe educational environment. Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) is a program to help you purchase food for your child(ren) The District's ABBR grade is 75 out of 78. Learn more about the various pathwayand academy tracks made available by the Middletown Township Public School District. Ocean Avenue Elementary School. Accessibility Information: If you have difficulty accessing information on our website due to a disability, please contact us at and provided the URL (web address) of the material you tried to access, a description of the problem you experienced, and your contact information. 1020. Phone: (732) 747-3679 ext. Logo Title. Mailing Address: PO Box 4170. 1020. 230 Cooper Road Red Bank NJ 07701. 1020. The Child Study Team is a multidisciplinary educational team that is responsible to locate, identify, evaluate, determine eligibility, and develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for students suspected of having educational disabilities. Lincroft Elementary School students are joined by members of the Middletown Township Fire Department to raise the campus flag on Veterans Day. Students - Middletown Township School District Mailing Address: PO Box 4170. #MPS4ALL. Home - Bayview Elementary School The District's ABBR grade is 75 out of 78. 2021-2022 District and School HIB Grade Report. 300 Leonardville Rd. 2021-2022 District and School HIB Grade Report. MTPS families are invited to review the district's emergency closing procedures for weather-related and other incidences. Please print out both pages. 1206: Mrs. Lana Cook: Assistant Principal - Grade 10: (732) 706-6061 ext. PowerSchool Parent Portal; Staff. PO Box 4170 Fairview Elementary School. Sports and academics. Mrs. Donna Stevens, Main Office Secretary. - Belford, NJ 07718. Building Administration - Middletown High School North Students fight and argue regularly which isnt properly taken care of from the administration.

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