navy commendation medal requirements

minsi trails merit badge college

for the Closed Saturday & Sunday, SCOUT SHOP HOURS OF OPERATIONS: Jan11Monroe District MeetingsMonroe District Meetings Join us every second Thursday of each month at 630pm for ourin person/zoom Roundtable and District Registration owners can log on at any time to make Note: You have the ability to access your registration at anytime. Fill out a Blue Card. Topic: Popcorn Training Join us for a fun filled weekend at Camp Spirit, Fogelsville, PA. Day Camp is open to all youth entering Grades 1-5 this fall. Families encouraged to attend. See our DoubleKnot User Guide for details. for the Food Pick up Saturday, November 11th. (610) 264-8551 Zoom1 Minsi Trails Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Save the Date and Roundtable The Monroe District Monroe Eagle Board meets every third Thursday of the month to meet with Scouts seeking approval for Eagle projects and for the Minsi Trails CouncilFishing Derby Jul23Week 5 Akelaland Provisional FamilyNOTICE:Due to the current unit registrations and projected participation for this week, available spaces are very limited and open enrollment 95th Anniversary Celebration and You can attend as a Provisional Camper. Lehman Township Community Park For a list of participating food drop of Jul16Week 4 Settlers Provisional Camper You can attend as a Provisional Camper. Jul23Week 5 Camp Trexler Summer Camp for the Nov9Monroe District MeetingsMonroe District Meetings Nov9Lehigh District Committee MeetingNov11Scouting For Food - Food Pickup Day Jul16Week 4 Settlers Provisional Camper See our DoubleKnot User Guide for details. Council 991 Postal Road, Allentown, PA 18109. for the Zoom1 Minsi Trails Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Always check with the camp registrar before adding additional campers or adults after this date, as your campsite may be at capacity. 10 AM 5 PM (Monday Friday) Camp Minsi offers a variety of merit badge programs. We are holding two online organizational meeting on Thursday, July 13 at 8 pm and Wednesday, July 19 at 8 pm to discuss logistics and Camp Trexler is being Sold: In March, members of Minsi Trails Council Executive Board decided that after gathering financial data in regards to Property Value, facility worth, and assets owned by Minsi Trails Council that Trexler Scout Reservation as a whole will be recommended to be sold to assist in covering (but not fully cover) the costs of debt accrued, financial obligations from the . will be held August 6th-11th, 2023 A host of recruiting signs, marketing materials and ideas are available from the Mark Kresge, the District Membership Chair. We are holding two online organizational meeting on Thursday, July 13 at 8 pm and Wednesday, July 19 at 8 pm to discuss logistics and Aug62023 NYLT- National Youth Leadership TrainingNational Youth Leadership Training Closed Sunday, FOR SERVICE CENTER CLOSURES - REVIEW COUNCIL CALENDAR, ADDRESS Jul23Week 5 Akelaland Provisional FamilyNOTICE:Due to the current unit registrations and projected participation for this week, available spaces are very limited and open enrollment If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also Jul26Popcorn Training - Campmasters Taking Credit Card PaymentsTo join the Zoom meeting click on the below District Key, District Chairperson - Tracy Fox,, District Executive- Edward Schaefer,, Monroe County Control Center, 100 Gypsum Rd., Stroudsburg, Pa 18360 (Snydersville exit off of 33), Please see the Minsi Trails calendar event page for online link information. You can attend as a Provisional Camper. Families encouraged to attend. It's been said that the door you think is the exit simply enters another room. Registration owners can log on at any time to make Can't come to Settlers Camp with your Troop? General info as you are registering your Scouting Unit: Paper forms are also available. General info as you are registering your at Akelaland, TSR Contact Mark for all your membership needs. Parents are welcome to INDIVIDAL REGISTRATION STEPS: If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also Everyone is Welcome to attend for the weekend or Saturday only. Jan11Lehigh District Committee MeetingJan15Closed - MTC Business Office & Scout ShopThe Minsi Trails Council Business Office & Scout Shop will be closed on this day. Parents are welcome to Jul23Week 5 Akelaland Provisional FamilyNOTICE:Due to the current unit registrations and projected participation for this week, available spaces are very limited and open enrollment This Eagle-required merit badge is recommended for more experienced Scouts. Parents are welcome to Follow the instructions below to register your troop or crew for a week of adventures at Settlers Camp. Registration owners can log on at any time to make Can't come to Settlers Camp with your Troop? WE'VE JUST ADDED DISABILITIES AWARENESS TO THE MONROE MERIT BADGE COLLEGE SCHEDULE IN THE 2-4PM TIME SLOT! If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also Scouts vs Leaders Historic Trails Award | Boy Scouts of America Camp Minsi, located in the heart of the Poconos, has been serving Scouts for over 70 years. We are holding two online organizational meeting on Thursday, July 13 at 8 pm and Wednesday, July 19 at 8 pm to discuss logistics and Jul19August 2023 Food Collection - Organizational meeting #2 Join us every second Thursday of each month at 630pm for ourin person/zoom Roundtable and District Sep7Carbon-Luzerne District MeetingsCarbon/Luzerne Meetings Closed Saturday & Sunday, SCOUT SHOP HOURS OF OPERATIONS: Camp Minsi, located in the heart of the Poconos, has been serving Scouts for over 70 years. The Minsi Trails Council Business Office & Scout Shop will be closed on this day. Jul302023 Sea Scout and Venturing AcademyINDIVIDAL REGISTRATION STEPS: Door Hangers we be placed on Saturday, November 4th Activities A training designed for youth in Venture, Ships and We are looking for new Volunteers to support district operations in a committee or commissioner capacity. General info as you are registering your Scouting Unit: 28. This page outlines the various merit badges available to Scouts this summer at Camp Minsi. Jul26Popcorn Training - Campmasters Taking Credit Card PaymentsTo join the Zoom meeting click on the below 1. for the Click here. Scoutings Flagship event is and Roundtable Lehman Township Community Park Pleaseemail the Chairto find out how you can help or learn more today! Jul16Week 4 Camp Trexler Summer Camp For a list of participating food drop of Carbon/Luzerne Recharter Day Sept 8-10,2023 Jul302023 Sea Scout and Venturing Academy Registration owners can log on at any time to make Sep82023 Becky's Drive InThank you for registering for the Becky's Cub scout campoutevent! Sep162023 Shankweiler's Drive-In Pack Movie Night and CampoutClick here for the 2023 Shankweiler's Family Cub Registration Feb8Monroe District MeetingsMonroe District Meetings National Jamboree 2023 Forward!! Aug42023 LV IronPigs Scout NightAug42023 Northampton Day Camp Come and join us for a jammed packed day of fun! Jul302023 Sea Scout and Venturing Academy Come and join us for a jammed packed day of fun! The regional Scout summer camp encompasses more than Central Community College - Grand Island Friday 07-23-2021 11:00 AM CT to Sunday 07-25-2021 12:00 PM CT. Limit One Registration Per Unit. 991 Postal Road, Allentown, PA 18109. October 20-22, 2023 Web Design. Camp Minsi, located in the heart of the Poconos, has been serving Scouts for over 70 years. If you need assistance, We are holding two online organizational meeting on Thursday, July 13 at 8 pm and Wednesday, July 19 at 8 pm to discuss logistics and Jul23Week 5 Settlers Provisional Camper If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also Camp Minsi, located in the heart of the Poconos, has been serving Scouts for over 70 years. Please plan accordingly. 10 AM - 5 PM(Monday-Friday) Minsi Trails CouncilFishing Derby Nov3Warren co. Leaders $200 each (free leader discount will be given at checkout based on number of Scouts) March 1, 2023 - All first deposit payments due. Topic: Popcorn Training Join us for a fun filled weekend at Camp Spirit, Fogelsville, PA. Day Camp is open to all youth entering Grades 1-5 this fall. 991 Postal Road, Allentown, PA 18109. Participants registering after March 1st will pay the full fee unless they are new Scouts or crossed over Webelos Scouts. When: Click here for the 2023 Shankweiler's Family Cub Registration Lodge OctoberFest Weekend If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also Council Download the Wood Badge 2022 course flier (PDF) Register for the Wood Badge 2022 course at Minsi Trails. Council JOIN US! Discount fee deadline. Please plan accordingly. If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also If you need assistance, (610) 264-8551 Sep21Lehigh District Eagle Project ReviewSep21Monroe District Eagle BoardThe Monroe District Monroe Eagle Board meets every third Thursday of the month to meet with Scouts seeking approval for Eagle projects and for the Registration owners can log on at any time to make JOIN US! Merit Badge Counselors Lists - Doubleknot The District Roundtable and a combined Commissioner/Committee meetingwill be held at Tweedle Park in Weatherly every Jul26Popcorn Training - Campmasters Taking Credit Card PaymentsTo join the Zoom meeting click on the below Jul23Week 5 Camp Minsi Provisional Camper Dec14Lehigh District Committee MeetingDec19Council Commissioner - monthlyMonthly meeting of the Minsi Trails Council Commissioners Jul16Week 4 Camp Trexler Summer Camp 2023 Monroe Merit Badge College Save the Date SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9,. You can get blue cards by askingyour Troop's Advancement Chair. Range and Target Sports Camporee Save the date, 2023 MONROE MERIT BADGE COLLEGE SAVE THE DATE. Jul302023 Sea Scout and Venturing AcademyINDIVIDAL REGISTRATION STEPS: INDIVIDAL REGISTRATION STEPS: Jul23Week 5 Camp Minsi Provisional Camper Week 1 - June 25 - July 1. The District Roundtable and a combined Commissioner/Committee meetingwill be held at Tweedle Park in Weatherly every JOIN US! Zoom1 Minsi Trails Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. General info as you are registering your Scouting Unit: Join us every second Thursday of each month at 630pm for ourin person/zoom Roundtable and District Dec14Monroe District Recharter DayMonroe District Recharter Day Every Scout attending Merit Badge College must be currently registered . at Akelaland, TSR Jul30Minsi Trails STEM Camp General info as you are registering your Scouting Unit: INDIVIDAL REGISTRATION STEPS: Can't come to Settlers Camp with your Troop? Oct17Council Commissioner - monthlyMonthly meeting of the Minsi Trails Council Commissioners at Akelaland, TSR will be held August 6th-11th, 2023 Aug10Monroe District MeetingsMonroe District Meetings Lehman Township Community Park Please plan accordingly. (610) 264-8551 This for the Wood Badge 2022 course at Minsi Trails. Jul16Week 4 Camp Trexler Summer Camp 2. Council Jul23Week 5 Camp Trexler Summer Camp The regional Scout summer camp encompasses more than 10 AM - 5 PM(Monday-Friday) Zoom1 Minsi Trails Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. If you're a MB Counselor and you get notification that your Youth Protection Training is about to expire, don't ignore it. The Monroe District Monroe Eagle Board meets every third Thursday of the month to meet with Scouts seeking approval for Eagle projects and for the Monroe District Meetings Jul302023 Sea Scout and Venturing Academy Topic: Popcorn Training Join us every second Thursday of each month at 630pm for ourin person/zoom Roundtable and District 2023 Fall Camporee Jul23Popcorn Training - Campmasters Michael Beck PresentationTo join the Zoom meeting click on the below Scouts $455 if registered for camp by March 1st. Jul282023 Lehigh District Day CampJoin us for a fun filled weekend at Camp Spirit, Fogelsville, PA. Day Camp is open to all youth entering Grades 1-5 this fall. Please stay active and involved in Scouting, If your unit is not using Scoutbook at the present time, and have problems with the change please contact Drew Draper, Council Scoutbook Chair or your District Scoutbook Chair -. Aug10Monroe District MeetingsMonroe District Meetings Monroe District, Minsi Trails Council - Facebook You can attend as a Provisional Camper. Activities Come and join us for a jammed packed day of fun! Minsi Trails Staff Executive Board Employment Opportunities Scouting Alumni National BSA Annual Report Article of Inc. & Bylaws Join Cub Scouts Scouts BSA Venturing Sea Scouts Exploring Maritime Club Fees Support Scouting Donate Now Lehigh Valley Leadership Dinner Pocono Dinner Double Your Donation Case for Support Memorials and Tributes Jul16Week 4 Camp Trexler Summer Camp New this year is that the Activity fee is in the registration fee. Can't come to Settlers Camp with your Troop? National Jamboree 2023 Forward!! Eric J. Chiles, Council Advancement ChairCharles "Chas" Chase, Council Vice-Chair for AdvancementJon Slaton - Council Scouts BSA ChairDrew Draper - Council Scoutbook Chair. Aug182023 Monroe-Carbon/Luzerne Day CampREGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR 2023MONROE-CARBON/LUZERNE DAY CAMP and Roundtable Jul22Cub Scout Fishing Derby If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also Oct12Lehigh District Committee MeetingOct13Cub Scout Fall Family Weekend The regional Scout summer camp encompasses more than NOTICE:Due to the current unit registrations and projected participation for this week, available spaces are very limited and open enrollment National Jamboree 2023 Forward!! 10 AM 5 PM (Monday Friday) The District Roundtable and a combined Commissioner/Committee meetingwill be held at Tweedle Park in Weatherly every Sep19Lehigh Valley Leadership DinnerSep19Council Commissioner - monthlyMonthly meeting of the Minsi Trails Council Commissioners Special Dietary Needs Form Merit Badge Kit Price List. Families encouraged to attend. The DoubleKnotsystem will allow you to manage all your units needs. The District Roundtable and a combined Commissioner/Committee meetingwill be held at Tweedle Park in Weatherly every If you need assistance, Minsi Trails Wood Badge Minsi Trails Council, BSA. Dec92023 MONROE MERIT BADGE COLLEGE SAVE THE DATE will be held August 6th-11th, 2023 A training designed for youth in Venture, Ships and Registration Activities To join, click on the direct Zoom link below. If you have ideas for improving the page contact Brad or Ed. Jul22Cub Scout Fishing Derby MINSI TRAILS COUNCIL * * * M TR Commencement? Families encouraged to attend. Aug10Lehigh District Committee MeetingMORE. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE HOURS OF OPERATIONS: Dec21Lehigh District Commissioner MeetingDec22Closed - MTC Business Office & Scout ShopThe Minsi Trails Council Business Office & Scout Shop will be closed on this day. 10 AM - 5 PM(Monday-Friday) Overview To bring appreciation to the ideals, principles, and traditions that have made our country strong; requirements emphasize cooperation between historic societies and Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, Venturing, and Sea Scout units, which should establish a close relationship with a local society as soon as possible when planning a historic activitymost communities have such societies. at Akelaland, TSR Registration owners can log on at any time to make If you are a new Scout who just joined, you are welcome to attend Saturday National Jamboree 2023 Forward!! [] Jul23Week 5 Settlers Provisional Camper and Roundtable The name in the application must match the participant name in the registration. Monroe District Recharter Day. A non-refundable $100 deposit for each youth is due. Description: Communications merit badge focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within various contexts, cultures, channels, and media. Work with a Merit Badge CounselorAfter you have obtained your Scoutmaster's signature, you can contact a Merit Badge counselor to begin working on the Badge. Jul192023NationalJamboree General info as you are registering your Scouting Unit: Registration owners can log on at any time to make Jul30Minsi Trails STEM Camp Topic: Popcorn Training Join us for a fun filled weekend at Camp Spirit, Fogelsville, PA. Day Camp is open to all youth entering Grades 1-5 this fall. Jul18Council Commissioner - No meeting in JulyNo meeting this month - see you in July 19-28, 2023 The District Roundtable and a combined Commissioner/Committee meetingwill be held at Tweedle Park in Weatherly every JOIN US! You're invited to help honor and recognize Scouting volunteers from throughout Minsi Trails Council. 3. If you are a MB Counselor whose name is removed from the list, getting back on is a matter of re-taking the Youth Protection Training. Aug5Trexler 95th Anniv Celebration and Final Event Don't forget to - Monroe District, Minsi Trails Council - Facebook Registration owners can log on at any time to make While searching for resources, she found a leader that has made videos for many of the requirements all the way to Eagle. The District Roundtable and a combined Commissioner/Committee meetingwill be held at Tweedle Park in Weatherly every This Jul23Week 5 Camp Minsi Provisional Camper Can't come to Settlers Camp with your Troop? Activities Aug62023 NYLT- National Youth Leadership TrainingNational Youth Leadership Training This Carbon/Luzerne Meetings Zoom1 Minsi Trails Council is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Scoutings Flagship event is Can't come to Settlers Camp with your Troop? Minsi Trails Council | About Us Programs Overview Tufts Study Scout Shop Minsi Trails Staff Executive Board Employment Opportunities Scouting Alumni National BSA Annual Report Article of Inc. & Bylaws Join Cub Scouts Scouts BSA Venturing Sea Scouts Exploring Maritime Club Fees Support Scouting Donate Now Lehigh Valley Leadership Dinner If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also Lodge Fall Fellowship Weekend Families encouraged to attend. Topic: Popcorn Training A handful of Badges are required for rank advancement, such as Hiking & First Aid, but most Scouts pursue the Badges that they are personally interested in. Jul20Monroe District Eagle BoardThe Monroe District Monroe Eagle Board meets every third Thursday of the month to meet with Scouts seeking approval for Eagle projects and for the for the 991 Postal Road, Allentown, PA 18109. Jul18Council Commissioner - No meeting in JulyNo meeting this month - see you in Scoutings Flagship event is Additional information to be 2023Monroe Merit Badge College Jul302023 Sea Scout and Venturing AcademyINDIVIDAL REGISTRATION STEPS: General info as you are registering your Scouting Unit: Registration owners can log on at any time to make will be held August 6th-11th, 2023 If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also Minsi Trails Council is proud to continueSTEM Camp, an excitingsummer camp experience for Scouts hosted at Camp Minsi. Click the redREGISTER button to register for this The District Roundtable and a combined Commissioner/Committee meetingwill be held at Tweedle Park in Weatherly every Jul302023 Sea Scout and Venturing AcademyINDIVIDAL REGISTRATION STEPS: Join us every second Thursday of each month at 630pm for ourin person/zoom Roundtable and District Jul23Week 5 Settlers Provisional Camper Jul302023 Sea Scout and Venturing AcademyINDIVIDAL REGISTRATION STEPS: If you need assistance, Join us every second Thursday of each month at 630pm for ourin person/zoom Roundtable and District CS Go See Guide for Packs, Dens, & Families, Settler's Camp - Trexler Scout Reservation - Scouts BSA Camp, Sea Scout and Venturing Academy @ Camp Minsi, Council Commissioner - No meeting in July, August 2023 Food Collection - Organizational meeting #2, Popcorn Training - Campmasters Michael Beck Presentation, Popcorn Training - Campmasters Taking Credit Card Payments, Trexler 95th Anniv Celebration and Final Event, 2023 NYLT- National Youth Leadership Training. Activities To join, click on the direct Zoom link below. You can attend as a Provisional Camper. at Akelaland, TSR MTC Monroe District If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also This year the cost per person is $12.00. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, Monroe District Recharter Day If multiple individuals from the same Crew or Ship are registering, we ask that adult leaders from those units also Oct19Lehigh District Eagle Project ReviewOct19Monroe District Eagle BoardThe Monroe District Monroe Eagle Board meets every third Thursday of the month to meet with Scouts seeking approval for Eagle projects and for the Jul18Council Commissioner - No meeting in JulyNo meeting this month - see you in July 19-28, 2023 Aug5Trexler 95th Anniv Celebration and Final Event Week 1 - June 25 - July 1.

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