Retired Mississippi Supreme Court Presiding Justice Kay B. Cobb died on May 26 at her home in Lenoir City, Tenn. She was 81. 22feb(feb 22)1:00 pm24(feb 24)12:00 pmCircuit Court ClerksPLEASE CLICK HERE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Albuquerque-Bernalillo County Water Authoritys San Juan Chama Drinking Water Project, including Adjustable Diversion Dam and Intake Structure, Raw Water Pumping Station and Water Treatment Plant Chief Judge Donna M. Barnes of Tupelo has been reappointed to lead the Mississippi Court of Appeals. Rankin County Court and Youth Court Judge Thomas H. Broome of Brandon died Sunday, May 21. Professionalism Program - University of Mississippi School of Law. Agenda Full agenda with hyperlinked bios, PowerPoints and other handouts. General information about each level of the court system and the kinds of matters dealt with at each level may be found here. Preview of October 2023 SCOTUS Term. The MLRI is an official advisory law revision, research and reform agency of the state. This novel educational model maximizes the fluid transfer of knowledge and experience between teachers and students that animates deep, active learning. The 2024 Summer School for Lawyers will be held at the Sandestin Resort, July 8- 10, 2024, and the 2024 Annual Meeting will be held at the Sandestin Hilton, July 10 - 12, 2024. The Mississippi Supreme Court on Thursday, May 26, honored attorney Colette Oldmixon of Poplarville for 26 years of service on the Supreme Courts Advisory Committee on Rules. At the trial court level, a growing number of Chancery, Circuit and County Courts utilize the Mississippi Electronic Courts system to e-file trial court records. Registration Form - Login Details User User Agenda, 22 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm - 24 (Friday) 12:00 pm. All rules of the state court system are available online. 662-915-1249. july 2023. The Mississippi Supreme Court has appointed two new members to the Board of Certified Court Reporters and reappointed two members. May 12, 2014. It is also the home of the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Legal Program and the National Sea Grant Law Center, programs providing legal research and publications relating to coastal, environmental, and maritime issues. MB Committee Meeting Week. Retired Circuit Judge Robert Kenneth Coleman of New Albany died on Tuesday, Jan. 25, at Magnolia at the Commons in Oxford, Mississippi. Mommy! a child exclaimed excitedly from the audience as intervention court graduates filed into Jackson County Circuit Court on the morning of Sept. 6 in Pascagoula. The site provides access to all the current laws of the state through the searchable Mississippi Code. This training was hosted by the Mississippi Judicial College. Retired Lamar County Court Judge William E. Billy Andrews III will return to the County Court bench as a special judge. Public understanding of the courts is essential to public trust. Kinard Hall 352. The University of Mississippi School of Law has several nationally recognized centers and institutes which provide practical experience and academic training for our law students, as well as educational opportunities and research for the legal community. PDF Mississippi Commission on Continuing Legal Education 2022-2023 Meeting Professionalism Program - Mississippi College School of Law. Mississippi Judicial College Chief Justice Mike Randolph swore in Associate Justice Kenny Griffis on Monday, Jan. 3, at the Mississippi Supreme Court in Jackson. Newly appointed Chancellor Amanda Trawick Rainey will be sworn in on Friday, June 16, at 11 a.m. at the Lauderdale County Courthouse in Meridian. About; Staff; Conferences. Event date: July 16, 2023 Event Time: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM Location: Nationwide Hotel & Conference Center 100 Green Meadows Dr. S. Lewis Center, OH 43035 Description: The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance - What Women Should Know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman (ISBN-10: 006223062X) Hosted by The Ohio Municipal Clerks Association and the 2023 OMCA Institute Facilitated by . Supreme Court Chief Justice Mike Randolph will speak to the Starkville Rotary Club on Feb. 7 at noon. He passed away surrounded by loved ones in the same house in Hernando where he was raised, and where he raised his daughters. Qualifying residents of Harrison, Hancock and Stone counties may seek legal help to obtain guardianships of children during a free Guardianship Clinic scheduled for 1 p.m. July 19 at the Harrison County Courthouse, 1801 23rd Avenue in Gulfport. May 4, 2023, Low income residents of Chickasaw, Clay, Lowndes, Noxubee, Oktibbeha and Webster counties may receive free civil legal assistance at two family law clinics scheduled for July 21 and Aug. 4. art 3, 24-25. Agenda Full agenda with hyperlinked bios, PowerPoints and other handouts. Bear Canyon Groundwater Recharge Project. Then you will be allowed to register for the training/conference. The Mississippi Supreme Court recently appointed four new members to the Access to Justice Commission and reappointed three members. Circuit Judge Dal Williamson of Laurel was elected Conference vice-chair, and Circuit Judge Tomika Irving of Fayette was elected secretary-treasurer. . 2024 - May 28-June 1 . Mississippi Bar Association. The Judicial Branch. Events for which dates and locations have not been finalized are indicated by TBD. The Court has reviewed regulations regarding travel restrictions in the United States of America. University, MS 38677. It is funded by the National Sea Grant College Program, and is a nationwide network (administered through the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) of 32 university-based programs that work with coastal communities to address todays marine environmental problems. FCCJ ANNUAL BUSINESS AND EDUCATION CONFERENCE * August 2 - 5, 2020; July 18 - 21, 2021; July 31 - Aug. 3, 2022; July 30 - August 2, 2023; August 4 - 7, 2024; OTHER EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES * College of Advanced Judicial Studies, June 1 - 5, 2020 * Location to be announced at a later date. Mississippi Municipal Clerks Association. The Mississippi Court of Appeals will convene on the campus of Mississippi Valley State University in Itta Bena on March 23. Mississippi Judicial College | The University of Mississippi Judicial JUSTICE COURT JUDGES FALL 2022 HYBRID CONFERENCE Mississippi Judicial College. The Mississippi Supreme Court recently appointed four new members to the Access to Justice Commission and reappointed three members. Hinds County judges will take their oaths of office at a swearing-in ceremony scheduled for 9 a.m. Dec. 29 in Courtroom No. Mississippi Judicial College | Conferences 2023 Board of Bishop's Conference September 25-28, 2023 Los Angeles, CA; 115th Holy Convocation November 7-14, 2023 Memphis, TN Register Now; August 22-26, 2022. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Const. Judicial College; Youth Court video tutorials; GAL Training Videos . The ceremony will be held on the second floor of the Hinds County Courthouse at 407 East Pascagoula Street in Jackson. As the state's provider of continuing legal judicial education and training for some 2,800 court-related personnel, we invite you to browse our site and check out the information provided. The Child Advocacy Committee of The Mississippi Bar, together with The University of Mississippi School of Law and Mississippi College School of Law, has produced a series of on demand videos for purposes of certifying more guardians ad litem (GALs) to increase the number of available certified GALs and provide an affordable means for certificat. See Miss. 05oct(oct 5)1:00 pm07(oct 7)12:00 pmMoved OnlineJustice Court JudgesPLEASE CLICK HERE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. For Assistance Judicial conferences elect officers - State of Mississippi Judiciary News The 2023 ABA Annual Meeting August 2-8 | Denver, CO | Connect and network with a diverse legal community, attend engaging CLE Programs, including 6 from the Judicial Division, and experience a vibrant outdoor oasis located at the base of the majestic Rocky Mountains that inspires both urban and rugged adventures for all ages. Appellate court oral arguments are webcast live, and oral arguments heard since October 2014 are archived here. An investiture ceremony for new Lee County Court Judge Stephen Spencer will be held Dec. 22 at 3 p.m. on the second floor of the Lee County Justice Center in Tupelo. The Mississippi Supreme Court appointed Circuit Judge Faye Peterson of Jackson to the Bar Com-plaint Tribunal on June 5. 26 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm - 28 (Friday) 12:00 pm. An investiture ceremony for new Bolivar County Court Judge Aelicia L. Thomas will be held Dec. 30 at 10 a.m. at the Bolivar County Courthouse in Cleveland. The University of Mississippi Judicial College. The Mississippi Supreme Court recently revised the Rules Governing Admission to the Mississippi Bar to allow applicants to take the Bar Exam four times. Billy Brister, Dr. Blythe McCance, and Chuck Dawkins attended the Conference of Mississippi Municipal Court Judges held in Biloxi May 31-June 2. Free family law clinics set for residents of 14th Chancery District Mississippi Municipal Clerks and Collectors Association 662-915-7845 - Fax. Building and Maintaining an Appellate Practice. Chancellor Gerald Martin of Raleigh was recently elected as chair of the Conference of Chancery Court Judges. Event: MCRA Fall Conference Start: October 27, 2022 8:00 am End: October 28, 2022 1:00 pm Organizer: The Mississippi Judicial College Phone: (662) 915-5955 Updated: March 11, 2022 Venue: Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino Phone: 228-435-5400 Address: 151 Beach Blvd., Biloxi, MS, 39530, United States PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Sign In Register Court . Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error. Since the entry of the Court's first Emergency Administrative Order related to the national and state emergencies created by Coronavirus (COVID-19) on March 13, 2020, the Court has strived to balance individual rights, public health and safety, and the constitutional requirement that Mississippi state courts remain open and accessible. 26 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm - 28 (Friday) 11:00 am. GAP Act ICWA Conference april 2022 27apr(apr 27)1:00 pm29(apr 29)12:00 pmTrial & Appellate JudgesPLEASE CLICK HERE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. At the conclusion of the conference, the participants will be better prepared to make reasoned and thoughtful decisions about the use of critical water resources. American Institute for Justice AIJ National Judicial College NJC AJA Judge Price will administer the oath. A free family law clinic is scheduled for July 29, 9 a.m. to noon on the Third Floor of the Hinds County Chancery Court, 316 South President Street in Jackson. and more. 26apr(apr 26)1:00 pm28(apr 28)12:00 pmCourt AdministratorsPLEASE CLICK HERE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. The Mississippi Supreme Court and the Mississippi Bar on Oct. 11 honored the lives and service of 68 lawyers who died during the past year. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2023-2025. See Miss. Municipal Court Handbook (Published by the Mississippi Judicial College) Carol Bullard, Business Analyst, School of Law, Mississippi Law Research Institute Phone: 662-915-7720 MISSISSIPPI TRIAL & APPELLATE JUDGES SPRING 2022 CONFERENCE GAP refers to the Mississippi Guardianship and Conservatorship Act (commonly known as the "Guard and Protect" (GAP) Act"). The opening ceremony is set for 8:30 a.m. Chief Cyrus Ben of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians will speak at 9:15 a.m. Ms. White Hawk will speak at 9:30 a.m. The OSE ensures that local school districts in Mississippi have special education programs, policies, and procedures that comply with the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and its implementing regulations, and that eligible children and youth with disabilities receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). August 19, 2022. 18jul(jul 18)8:00 am 20(jul 20)5:00 pm 2023 Summer School for Lawyers and Annual Meeting september 2023. He was 85. An investiture ceremony for new Sixth District Circuit Judge Carmen Brooks Drake will be held Dec. 29 at 11 a.m. on the second floor of the Adams County Courthouse in Natchez. You will need to contact Chelsey Gilliam for the password. Eleven people who put their lives back together in the 18th District Drug Intervention Court told their stories of loss, despair, struggle and redemption on Oct. 18. GAP Act; ICWA Conference; Conference Dates . During the past two weeks, judges and court staff across the state have received numerous spoofing e-mails which may contain viruses or other malware. An investiture ceremony for recently elected 10th District Chancellor Chase Ford Morgan will be held on Thursday, April 13 at 2 p.m. in the Circuit Courtroom at the Forrest County Courthouse, 630 Main Street in Hattiesburg. 2022-2023 Meeting Dates Unless specified, all meetings will be held in the Bar Admissions/CLE Conference Room, Second Floor, Gartin Justice Building, 450 High Street, Jackson, Mississippi, at 10:30 a.m. Friday, October 14, 2022 Friday, January 13, 2023 Friday, April 21, 2023 July, 2023, MS Bar Convention, Biloxi, MS. Home - Church Of God In Christ It provides unbiased, nonpolitical law research for the Legislature, municipalities, universities and state agencies. August 9, 2022. Conferences - Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. McCulloch v. Maryland: One-Stop Shopping for Textual Interpretive Methods. Join your colleagues August 2-4, 2023 in Natchez, MS at The Natchez Convention Center for the only statewide gathering of workforce, career, and technical education professionals. Presented from a variety of perspectives, sessions elevate the conversation about today's higher education landscape. 2023 - one-day called session in the fall to be determined after new bishop arrives in 2023. 2015-2023 The National Judicial College. Appellate opinions dating back to 1996 are available here. MISSISSIPPI JUSTICE COURT JUDGES SPRING 2023 CONFERENCE The 2023 Summer School for Lawyers and Annual Meeting will be held July 18 - 20, 2023 at the Beau Rivage Resort in Biloxi. Mississippi Courts Newsletter - April 2023 Mississippi Circuit Clerks Association JUSTICE COURT JUDGES FALL 2022 HYBRID CONFERENCE. The Mississippi Supreme Court recently appointed two new members to the Access to Justice Commission and reappointed six veteran members. Mississippi Judicial College Wednesday, February 22nd - Friday February, 24th, 2023 Embassy Suites - Ridgeland, MS AGENDA Circuit Clerk's Convention September 12 - 14th Pickwick Lake Circuit Clerk News Due to State and Federal State of Emergencies, this conference has been moved to a Zoom conference. The Law Center has been providing legal research, education, and outreach to the Sea Grant College Program since 2002. Circuit Judge George M. Mitchell Jr. of Eupora died on Tuesday, April 19, at a hospital in Northport, Ala., after surgery on April 18. 27 (Wednesday) 1:00 pm - 29 (Friday) 12:00 pm, The University of Mississippi Judicial College. New members are Dan Hall of Madison, Mary Purvis of Jackson, Tunica County Justice Court Judge Richard W. "Wes" Ryals II of Tunica and Catherine Servati of Oxford. Conference attendees will participate in a field trip hosted by Utton Center, University of New Mexico Law School, and visit these important sites: 13sep(sep 13)1:00 pm 15 . R. V 40 Years of Excellence: the Supreme Court of Ohio Judicial College Contact Information Main Office Supreme Court of Ohio 65 South Front Street Columbus, OH 43215-3431 Director: M. Christy Tull 614.387.9445 Since its founding more than 50 years ago, The National Judicial College has been the nations premier judicial education institution. Your IP: C. H. Mason Theological Seminary; Events; COGIC Newsfeed; . 2023 Conference Schedule Bluenose Inn ($160/night) Bar Harbor, Maine June 11-16, 2023 "Advanced Evidence" Instructors: Judge Joseph Farah & Judge Leslie Johnson A genda Kandahar Lodge ($140/night) Whitefish, Montana September 17-22, 2023 "Current Issues" Instructors: Judge Daniel Narum & Judge Jack Nevin Agenda Hawk's Cay Resort ($169/night) Special Education | The Mississippi Department of Education Conference Fee Includes: Opening reception, three breakfasts, two lunches, and group dinner. An investiture ceremony for new 15th District Circuit Judge Brad Touchstone will be held on Jan. 27 at 11 a.m. at the Lamar County Courthouse, 203 Main Street in Purvis. Agenda Full agenda with hyperlinked bios, PowerPoints and other handouts. Oral Arguments: 2022-CA-00837-SCT 8/9/2023---10:30 a.m. View the Center for Air and Space Law website, Sports and Entertainment Law Concentration. State of Mississippi Judiciary Centers & Institutes | School of Law | Ole Miss 2023 Summit - The National Judicial College 13541 Mississippi 16, Philadelphia, MS 39350. Events & CLE - American Bar Association Forty people are expected to graduate from the Fifteenth Circuit Intervention Court during a ceremony at 10 a.m. June 17.