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new york city newspapers 1950s

New-York Spectator (1797-1851) [online resource] (Boston and New York) 1861-1861", "About New York age. ProQuest Historical Newspapers (to 2016) ProQuest Research 1997 - present, page images, color. To search the entire collection, use the Search Tab. History of American Journalism This is a list of African American newspapers that have been published in the state of New York. NYS Historic Newspapers | The New York Public Library Photo: Avery Willard. [volume] (Schenectady, N.Y.) 1993-current", "About The Syracuse banner. To browse a current list of publications, click here. (Roosevelt, N.Y.) 1993-current", "About Long Island rapper. The Poughkeepsie journal. There is so much that you can learn about the history of your family and the areas they are from. Preceding title:Commercial Advertiser (New York, N.Y. :1895) [online resource] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1837-1837", "About The weekly Anglo-African. But can the census tell us anything about what life was really like in the 1950s? World in Fulton Search(1862-1882) Chronicling Americais a website produced by the National Digital Newspaper Program, which is a partnership between the Library of Congress and the National Endowment for the Humanities. (Rochester, N.Y.) 1967-197? (Syracuse, N.Y.) 1980-current", "About CNY Syracuse gazette. Formed By:Evening MailandNew York Evening Express The New York Online Historical Newspapers Summary page contains a list of over 2,000 free links to online newspapers in New York State. ", "About The Listener: thought and opinion. w., August 14 (? There are four main records in Catalog. Last month on microfilm is November 2019. w., January 1, 1798January 21, 1800+. The Bronx Beat The Bronx Chronicle, a century-old newspaper Bronx News Bronx Press-Review Bronx Times-Reporter Brooklyn Eagle (daily) Catholic Worker (monthly) Chelsea-Clinton News (weekly) The Chief (public service weekly) City & State (public service bi-weekly) Columbia Daily Spectator (weekly) Crain's New York Business (weekly) Ye Olde Tri-Valley Townsman. Also in: Many NYC newspapers responded through a series of mergers and buy-outs to strengthen their market shares. While you might have all of the vital information attached to members in your family tree, you should also keep some basics handy. The New York Public Library is a 501(c)(3) | EIN 13-1887440. In the second half of the 1800s and the first few decades of the 1900s, print publications listing information about America's newspapers were produced yearly. New York, N.Y) d., November 19, 1787July 26, 1788. They can contain drafts of literary works, financial records, meeting minutes, reports, memorabilia, as well as sound recordings, videos, film, databases, and software. So go for it - find your New York ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives. New York Post(1801-current) Searching for your ancestors is as educational as it is fun. ", "About The monitor. Years onsite: (2009-2019). Digital Resources Published by Utrice C. Leid. We still feel Murdochs media impactthrough his parent organization News Corp. the assets of which include The Wall Street Journal and Fox Corporation. New additions are usually marked inbold. [microfilm reel] (New York, N.Y.) 1957-1960", "About New York age defender. . The New-York gazette. Edited by Carolyn Fleming. Merged with: New York world-telegraph and the sun, and: New York journal American, to form: World journal tribune. In need of some additional ideas for your trip to 1950s New York? New York Herald Tribune (1926-1966) (Second copy). The Daily News - Batavia The Daily Orange - Syracuse The Daily Star - Oneonta Democrat and Chronicle - Rochester The Epoch Times - New York City The Evening Tribune - Hornell The Ithaca Journal - Ithaca The Journal News - White Plains The Leader - Corning The Leader-Herald - Gloversville Lockport Union-Sun & Journal - Lockport Maybe youre a Gentleman Prefer Blondes fan? The New-York weekly chronicle. Published by Clyde H. Reid. [volume] (West Hempstead, N.Y.) 1973-???? w., January 19, 1747December 25, 1752. Or we could head over to the Winter Garden Theatre to see the original 1957 Broadway production of West Side Story. The New-York morning post. The Center also holds a nearly complete set of microfilm for the paper. Click to learn about accessibility at the Library. The Independent journal, or, The General advertiser. w., February 16August 6, 1759. Even amid rising production costs, thinner profit margins and an increasingly competitive alternative media landscape, NYC newspapers managed major gains in the 1980s and 1990s. ([Huntington, N.Y.]) 1988-19?? d., August 3, 1796March 8, 1800. The Business History Review, Vol. New York Times Online(1996-current day) The Argus, or, Greenleaf's new daily advertiser. Edited by Timothy Thomas Fortune. New York Daily News archive from 1919-2023 - PDF New York City Newspapers 10 great New York period films | BFI Photo: Detroit Photographic Co. NYPL Digital Collections, Image ID:805233, NYPL Digital Collections, Image ID:3975253. The strike would last for 114 days and helped to kill four of those newspapers. [volume] (New York) 1949-19?? (1897-1909) The Sun (New York City) - Wikipedia This is a list of newspapers in New York state. Newspapers : New York Free Press [1968-1969] UM Microfilm A265 : New York Herald Tribune (Paris, France) . New-York evening post. The New-York packet. New York world-telegram and the sun (DLC)sn 83030207 (OCoLC)9388007 New York journal American (DLC)sn 86071604 (OCoLC)13727673 World journal tribune (DLC)sn . Researchers can search each title individually, and search results can be filtered by date. ", "About The Pine and palm. Years not covered in a digital resource: (1898-1919,1923-1924), New York Herald Tribune w., March 19, 1767August 29, 1776. Record the information that you have on each person, known names, dates, places, and schools. (Syracuse, N.Y.) 1989-current", "About The Syracuse crusader. Published by Powell-Savory Corp. Edited by. Together, these two icons leveragedyellow journalism tactics in their papers among their other media assets to represent their interests across increasingly partisan causes. (New York [N.Y.]) 1933-19?? These abstracts arefrom unidentified newspapers, but likely including the Flushing Journal. With wait staff replaced by self-serving vending machines, you can enjoy a high-tech dining experience with only a handful of nickels. World (New York, N.Y. : 1883 : Daily)(1883-1931) (517 reels)Joseph Pulitzer ), 1795. Sun (1916-1920), World (New York, N.Y. : 1860 : Daily)(1860-1861) [Alexander Cummings] w., May 27November 18, 1795. The Diary. To search all issues, visit the Search Page. The Royal American gazette. Alternate title:: PM Researchers can search all newspapers at once, and filter their search by publication title, state, date, and other search parameters. Published by Suzanne M. Felton and Willie R. Felton. The New-York packet, and the American advertiser. (Syracuse, N.Y.) 1988-current", "About Syracuse gazette news weekly. in PressReader, Daily Mirror(1924-1972) After all, a night on the town calls for our finest. [volume] (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1977-1979", "About Buffalo, New York challenger news weekly. Searchable full-text and page images of over 400 New York-based newspapers, dating from 1795-2014. New York Tribune / Herald Tribune (1841-1962) - The New York Public Library The New York Daily Tribune IndexHathiTrust (1875-1906) Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library (SNFL), The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. w., s.w., January 16, 1777July 31, 1783. The New-York journal, and the general advertiser. But there's a lot more than that. Published and edited by Timothy Thomas Fortune. World (1861-1876) in America's Historical Newspapers The era also featured one of publishings most legendary rivalries between media moguls Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. The Royal gazette. Try some of our guidebooks for all the best information about shopping, dining, and sightseeing. Once an entry is found, researchers may locate the obituary in theNew York Times Article Archive. The Newspaper Title Directorycontains detailed information on almost all newspapers published in the United States 1690present. Though we will provide a general overview of the New York newspapers available on each website, we highly recommend visiting each site individually to get the most up-to-date listing of their content. The New-York mercury. Diary and mercantile advertiser. s.w., August 22, 1793November 13, 1794. You might also want to have one place for information that might be relevant to your search in the future. The Courier, and New-York and Long Island advertiser. . --- Also offsite copy in Research Catalog. (2008-2021 onsite) Hearst owned The New York Journal, Pulitzer the rival New York World. We have our choice of shows for the evening. Oram's New-York price-current, and marine register. *ZY (New York Times) (Record #1)(1857-1960) New York State Death Records Index, 1880-1956free from FamilySearch with images of the index from Reclaim the Records; requires registration; Deaths for Yonkers, Buffalo and Albany are not included until 1915. ), 1798. d., March 20, 1797September 13 (? Over the years, some sections are no longer used because they are considered obsolete, but when you look at the older papers, those sections can be gold mines. Those interested in browsing the titles available can visit this page: Historical Newspapers United States and Canada - Old Fulton Postcards. Get full access to all newspaper records with a free trial! [online resource] (Albany [N.Y.]) 1842-18?? When you dive into your research, you can uncover story after story about your ancestors. d., December 9, 1793March 18, 1794. For periodicals specific to New York City, see List of New York City newspapers and magazines. w., April 23October 1, 1795. Copy at Columbia, Butler Library:New York world-telegram(1935:Nov.-1950:Jan.4)Available with METRO referral. Wells, Hamilton county : 1876-1947 : Weekly The Adirondack mountain sun. Weymans New-York gazette. t.w., March 13September 13, 1797. Holdings for some publications are extensive, while others are very limited. Published by George Parker & Co. Official organ of the Liberian Knights of Industry. (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1979-1981", "About The Westchester County press. The ads mention names of several thousand immigrants living all over North America and, best of all for the genealogist, they also mention nearly 1,000 places of origin in Ireland. This website is updated frequently - it's a good idea to check back every now and then to see what has been added. MitchellsNY delivers print newspapers and magazines wherever and whenever you need them throughout NYC. [volume] (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1966-19?? List of newspapers in New York (state) - Wikipedia The Sun and New York press. w., November 30, 1752November 22, 1753. ", "About The Sojourn-herald. call number: *R-*ZY (New York Daily News) The Evening Sun (July 18 - November 9, 1907) Obituary Index, 1800s-current Ancestry. w., August 1, 1799June 26, 1800. New York Marriage Notices, 1800-55 (from central NY newspapers) Ancestry. 1960-1969 - Newspaper Collection: US Newspapers by Decade - UMass The New-York gazetteer; and, public advertiser. The titles are not organized by location on the website, but The Ancestor Hunt has a list of the publications related to New York State. New York City Newspapers, 1820-1850 - JSTOR Both these publications sit only behind USA Today in terms of total daily circulation, with The Wall Street Journal the second-highest circulated news publication and the Times the third-highest circulated newspaper, respectively. Abstracted marriage and death informationpertaining to Flushing and its vicinity in Queens and (now) Nassau counties, 1847 - 1870. Digital Resource In 1903 it merged with the Jewish Messenger. A Time Travel Guide to 1950s New York By Serena Dresslar, Librarian II April 18, 2022 Stephen A. Schwarzman Building Photo: Max Hubacher. New York Mirror (New York, N.Y.) 1957-1963 | Library of Congress Learn more. w., September 3, 1779August 15, 1783. [online resource] (Bronx, N.Y.) 1939-19?? The resources below are perfect for this task. The New-York weekly post-boy. Throughout the 1800s, New York City residents had their pick of dozens of daily news outlets costing pennies on the dollar if that. Now seems like a great time to smarten up with some formal evening wear. w., November 26, 1744December 18, 1752. To select mutliple items, hold down Ctrl (on Windows) or Command (on Mac) and click the desired items. d., October 22, 1785October 16, 1787. The release of 1950 federal census records has genealogists happily exploring newly available family history records. The New York Herald, New York Tribune(1924-1926) (Second copy) w., June 3, 1796June 27, 1798. Global Newsstream (ProQuest)08/13/1998-) ), 1793December 2, 1794. (Utica, N.Y.) 187?-1??? New York Herald(1840-1924) (Second copy), Continues: W.Bailey, publisher. The New York Times is the third-highest circulating newspaper in the United States and the 18th-most circulated print news publication in the world. d., January 1, 1794February (? w., June 26(? [microfilm reel] (New York, N.Y.) 1979-???? ?-current", "About The Black reign community newspaper. Get your hands on some of the most popular news sources today with any of these New York-based publications. Published in White Plains from May 4 to December 28, 1989. The New-York price-current. Click here to learn more. ), 1752January 25, 1768. 1, no. (May 11 - Aug 1883; 1885; Nov 16, 1894-1895; Jan 23-Dec 1921) ", "About Mr. Muhammad speaks. The Courier, and Long Island advertiser. The New-York mercury, or, General advertiser. "This was an. There are currently 18 titles available for New York State, ranging from 1789 - 1970. w., July 14, 1789December 30, 1800+, Northern centinel. As with other subscription sites, it's always a good idea to check if your local libraries have institutional subscriptions that can be used on-site or remotely. w., November 8December 31, 1800+. Digital Resources (Buffalo, N.Y.) 1948-1953", "About Empire state bulletin. ), 1786(?). Having issues connecting to or using these resources? The Post has shifted away from its original broadsheet format into the trending celebrity news, gossip and features-leaning content its known for today. The Sun was a New York newspaper published from 1833 until 1950. New-York Morning Herald(1930 with gaps), inNineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers (Gale) The New York gazette; and the weekly mercury. Looking at your direct relatives only may seem like a good idea, but you can get some really good clues by looking at extended family members such as aunts, uncles, and cousins. Once the most-circulated newspaper in the United States, the New York Daily News prioritizes tabloid features and trending populist editorial content related to New York City, politics, world events and celebrity gossip. His empire also included radio and newsreel journalism with the March of Time series. ProQuest Recent Newspapers (2008-3 months ago), New-York Daily Tribune(1842-1866) If you are just beginning to research your heritage, New York historical newspapers can be a tremendous resource to help you get your search off the ground. ", "About Rochester voice. The New-York morning post, and daily advertiser. [volume] (Rochester, N.Y.) 1972-current", "About Douglass' monthly. Libraries, historical societies, and other organizations from all over New York State have contributed their materials.

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