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pathfinder wotr wirlong

This +1 longsword deals an additional +1 negative energy damage on a hit. This rod grants its wielder the ability to make up to three spells they cast per day empowered, as though using the Empower Spell feat. This +5 half-plate grants its wearer spell resistance 19. Secondly, if the wearer is on a Mythic Path, they gain +5 additional daily uses of their primary ability (demonic rage for the Demon, Hell's decree for the Devil, etc.). They grant the wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength ability score. He can be traded with. It also dispels all magic effects giving you penalty to ability scores, neutralizes all diseases and poisons, removes fatigue and exhaustion, as well as insanity, confusion and other mind-affecting effects. However, the wearer gets electricity resistance 30. Holy: A holy weapon is imbued with holy power. While the ability is active, the wearer suffers 2d6 fire damage (this damage bypasses all resistances and immunities) per round but deals the same amount to enemies with every melee attack that hits. This rod grants its wielder the ability to make up to six spells they cast per day bolstered, as though using the Bolster Spell feat. A raised creature has a number of hit points equal to its current HD. Act 3, DLC3, Island 7. Maximize Spell: All variable, numeric effects of a spell modified by this feat are maximized. While the roots are active the wearer gains a +4 bonus to CMD against trip, bull rush, overrun and grapple combat maneuvers. The wearer of these bracers of armor +8 automatically confirms critical hits against chaotic enemies. You gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against mind-affecting effects, emotions, confusion, fear, death, and compulsion effects, but a -2 penalty to saves against poison, elemental, paralyzing and movement impairing effects. Whenever the wielder of this +2 cold iron dueling sword confirms a critical hit with it, the target become sickened for 1d4 rounds. The wearer gets a +2 bonus to their AC and saving throws against all attacks made by the chosen enemy, until the wearer chooses another one. Act 5, Bear's Maw Shrine (Love Beyond Death DLC). This weapon is a +2 holy evil outsider bane cold iron longsword. These boots grant their wearer a +10 bonus to base speed and a constant freedom of movement spell effect. Mabuhay! While wielding this +2 speed weapon you can never be flat footed. Whenever the wielder of this +5 greater frost heavy flail confirms a second critical hit against the same enemy, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 35) or become instantly shattered. Prisoner of the Abyss | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki All effects dependent on spell level (such as saving throw DCs and ability to penetrate a lesser globe of invulnerability) are calculated according to the heightened level. Wirlong Black Mask is an NPC located in the Flesh Markets of the Middle City, Alushinyrra. This ring grants its wearer a +2 deflection bonus to AC and +3 bonus to saving throws against Conjuration school. This +3 light shield grants its wielder immunity to critical hits. Whenever the wielder confirms a critical hit, it and grants them a +4 bonus on Initiative rolls as well as 1 extra attack with a maximum attack bonus for 1 round. This ring grants its wearer a +3 deflection bonus to AC. This cloak of resistance +2 grants the wearer DR 5/- against all swarms' attacks. The blade of this +5 vorpal unholy longsword bears the words etched in dark bile: "My treasury is my prison". Once per day, the scythe can be swept through the air as a standard action to rip a hole between worlds and cast a rift of ruin spell, except it spawns a pit under each enemy in a 60 feet radius. Act 3, Temple of the Good Hunt (Trickery 28). This +2 half-plate grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Skull: -1 penalty on Will saving throws. A successful saving throw negates the blindness and halves the damage. This +5 chainmail grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on Persuasion skill checks made to intimidate. Once you begin the big battle (which should most definitely be turn-based), keep your tanks on Sarzaksys and your ranged characters far away from him as much as you can help (he has a much longer ranger than it appears). Act 2, Crusader Camp, Field Medic tent (Vissaliy). Whenever the wearer of this cloak channels energy to harm undead, for the next 2 rounds they become surrounded with a fire shield that deals 1d6 + character level fire damage to the attackers for each successful melee attack against the wearer. This ring grants the wearer +12 competence bonus to Knowledge: Arcane skill checks, and +5 bonus on checks to craft potions or scrolls. Longbow is a weapon type in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, it belongs to Martial Proficiency Group . Bonuses of the same type usually don't stack. Whenever you land a hit with this +4 thundering sai you gain +1 bonus for damage rolls with this sai until the end of combat. However, when dual-wielded along with the Deep Rip dagger, Soft Cut activates its additional power. This +2 studded leather armor grants its wearer an +2 insight bonus to AC against the attacks of plants and vermins. Whenever the wielder of this +3 adamantine glaive kills the target with it, it summons a demon till the end of the fight. This +1 leather armor grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus to Stealth skill checks. This weapon can tear the soul of a living enemy: whenever it lands a hit, it deals additional 1d6 force damage. The wearer can fully embrace the power of these braces, allowing them to turn all their energy attacks into electrical. Each time the wielder of this +5 dagger lands a hit with it after hitting the same target with the Soft Cut dagger, the enemy suffers additional 2d6 + STR modifier slashing damage. This robe grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma and Wisdom ability scores. Sonic ammunition deals additional 1d3 sonic damage on hit. Whenever the wielder of this +4 holy glaive has their maximum amount of hit points, their first successful attack every round deals additional 2d6 damage to all enemies adjacent to the target. In the hand of a paladin or a good-aligned mythic creature it becomes a Holy Avenger. Whenever it lands a hit on a shaken or frightened enemy, the target must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 22) or become prone for 1 round and suffer 1d12 negative energy damage. Where did the demon in the black mask take his victim? This +3 light shield grants its wielder a +4 bonus on saving throws against all spells of Evocation school. You need to wait until it connects the market to reach there. Whenever the wielder confirms a critical hit, it and grants them a +4 bonus on Initiative rolls as well as 1 extra attack with a maximum attack bonus for 1 round. Whenever the wielder of this ammunition lands a hit, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 32) or be stunned and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 3 rounds. Whenever the wielder of this +3 bane construct heavy pick is engaged in melee by 2 or more enemies, his attacks with this weapon deal additional 1d6 precision damage. Whenever this +1 heavy flail misses an attack, the next attack its wielder makes, no matter if it hits or misses, deals additional 1d6 bludgeoning damage. This +5 agile brilliant energy estoc grants its wielder a +2 bonus to DC on Evocation school spells. I wound all." Act 1, Blackwing Library (DC 20 Perception). If the wearer is on the Lich Mythic Path, the effects of this ability are reversed. It also grants the wielder a +12 competence bonus on Knowledge (World) skill checks. This +3 full plate armor grants its wearer a +3 enhancement bonus to Charisma ability score and a +4 enhancement bonus to CMD. These gloves grant their wearer a +5 competence bonus on Mobility checks. Whenever the wearer of these boots kills a demon for the first time in a battle, their next spell becomes quickened, as though using the Quicken Spell feat. Whenever the wielder of this +5 cruel longspear lands a killing blow while mounted, their mount receives a +3 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls for 3 rounds. In act 2 Skeletal Salesman (Protection) is selling agile spiked light shield. All summon spells of 6th level and lower are maximized, as though using the Maximize Spell feat. The spell can affect a slam attack, fist, bite, or any other natural weapon. The owner of this token can choose any skill and rub this token to get a +5 circumstance bonus to the chosen skill checks for 1 hour. The Mask is so OP ^^ "This cursed mask grants its wearer a +20 insight bonus on all saving throws as well as a 50% miss chance as in total concealment which isn't revealed by true seeing. Whenever the wearer of these bracers confirms a critical hit with a two-handed weapon, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 24) or become unable to attack for 1 round. #5. If the wearer of this robe has a ki pool, the robe increases it by 2. This weapon is a +5 adamantine glaive. This +3 holy longsword counts neutral enemies as evil. This time around, players take control of a crusade to wipe the world of demons and a group of heroes who gain mythical powers. They also double bonuses to AC, attack rolls and Reflex saving throw from Haste spell cast upon the wearer. Allows you to feel yourself a green recruit. Lesser rods can be used with spells of 3rd level or lower. Whenever it threatens a critical hit against a Medium sized creature, it is automatically confirmed. If a creature fails this second saving throw, it suffers the full effects of the spell, as if it had failed its first saving throw. While this item is active, all creatures summoned by the wearer get one extra attack per round. This hat grants the wearer a +2 profane bonus to Intelligence score. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the acid hits takes 10 point of acid damage from the splash. If you buy him, he'll run off; if you fight, you'll want to take down Wirlong, Raggy, and Dyunk one by one first (before initiating this battle) as it appears impossible otherwise. This belt once worn by a notorious Gorilla King. Instead it deals (1d6 + 1 per two caster levels) points of damage. In addition, it grants a +15 competence bonus on Lore (Nature) skill checks. Act 3, Drezen (Arsinoe); Artisan's Tower (Devarra Loot). The modified spell also becomes maximized as though using the Maximize Spell feat. Whenever this +2 light crossbow confirms a critical hit, if wielded by an oracle, the target must pass a Will saving throw (DC 22) or suffer from the same effect as the oracle's curse gave on level 1, without any of its benefits. This +5 leather armor grants its wearer resistance to electricity 30. Empower Spell: All variable, numeric effects of an empowered spell are increased by half including bonuses to those rolls. A screenshot would be great too. Mystical amulet in the shape of a snake made from bone. Stainless Skin: The primary subject of stainless skin gains a +4 natural armor bonus to AC and +4 bonus to AC against touch attacks. Youll then decide what to do with the entirety of the Fleshmarkets. Bonuses of the same type usually don't stack. Act 4 Battle Bliss Arena (Locked in Gelderfang's cabinet). So in the Fleshmarkets there's a slaver named Wirlong the Black Mask. Finally, whenever the wearer rolls for initiative, they roll twice and take the better result. Each hit with any of these weapons deals additional 3d6 unholy damage on hit. This unique bomb was created by Alichino. It also enables the wielder to use greater dispel magic (once per round as a standard action) at the class level of the wielder. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Prisoner of the Abyss | Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Wiki, All Quests in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, A Talk with Wenduag in the Place of Savamelekh's Demise, Drezen vs. Summons a Jharsygax familiar. These bracers grant their wearer an armor bonus of +3, just as though they were wearing armor. If they both already have the Back to Back feat, they gain an additional +2 bonus to AC. Whenever the wielder of this +5 vicious gnome hooked hammer lands 3 consecutive hits on the same enemy, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 28) or become fatigued. Act 5, Ineluctable Prison (Father of Worms). The spell no longer applies precision damage. Whenever this +1 light crossbow confirms a critical hit, it deals 2d4 force damage to all enemies in a 10-foot radius. Act 3, Midnight Fane secret room. This is a +1 cold iron ghost touch weapon. It can be read as a free action. Fleshmarkets - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Walkthrough I'll ask around. This book grants a +1 competence bonus to attacks and damage on all natural attacks. Each time this +2 thundering greataxe lands a hit on an enemy, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20), or the next attack against this enemy deals an additional 5 slashing damage.

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