PRESENTATION Expected Start Time: 7:00PM, C. Report of Action Taken in Closed Session, V. COMMUNICATIONS / ANNOUNCEMENTS (COMMUNITY) Special Board Meeting Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education June 22, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Piedmont Learning Center and Administration Office Board Room 615 Edmond Road NW Piedmont, Oklahoma 73078 I. Board meetings will soon be streamed through the PPS YouTube channel. Norman Public Schools. The consent agenda was approved with no changes. Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education convened into executive session. PDF AGENDA Regular Board Meeting Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education Doors to MS buildings are closed and locked except during passing period. A Piedmont Connect matching grant helped the PHS Green Club launch their Bee-Friendly Flower (BFF) Project, an ambitious plan to install bee-friendly plants in concrete-lined boxes that extend along the walls and walkways of the library and the student center. City Hall, Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont Approximate End Time: 9:30pm PDF 3-10-2022 Board Agenda - Piedmont School S Piedmont Schools (@PiedmontSchools) / Twitter General Information Location: Piedmont Public Schools, Piedmont Learning Center and Administration Office Conference Room Address: 615 Edmond Rd NW Piedmont, OK 73078 Time: All meetings will be held at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, January 12, 2023 Monday, February 13, 2023 Thursday, March 9, 2023 Monday, April 10, 2023 Monday, May 8, 2023 The following items are considered routine and can be handled with one action since it is recommended that all items be approved unanimously. School Board Meeting - Granicus PRESENTATION Piedmont Unified School District, Board Room, 760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont. School Board Meetings: School Board meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at the School District Administrative Complex, located at 817 Bill Beck Boulevard, Kissimmee. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Council Chambers, 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont Estimated End Time: 9:33 PM Please be advised that any communication sent to the Board of Education is subject to the Freedom . Association of Piedmont Teachers (APT). This motion included the hire of Mr. Steve Spears as the new Piedmont High School Principal. PIEDMONT CITY UNIFIED ALAMEDA SFP - New Constr. A. Board members may request any item(s) be removed from the Consent Calendar and, XI. No action was taken. (The Board President may limit speaker time) Estimated Time: 8:25 PM, A. Agenda Example for a School Board Committee Meeting - Diligent Corporation Sara Paul: Wildfire Mitigation in the Bay Area: What Can Be Done? Simple everyday things you can do to reduce your impact. REGULAR OPEN SESSION PPS Monthly News & Updates - Piedmont Public Schools Approximate Start Time: 7:15 PM, VII. 4 talking about this. Video Indices. CORRESPONDENCE *July 25, 2023. PDF 6-13-2022 Board Agenda - Piedmont School S Construction gates are closed unless accessed by a construction vehicle. . Patrons may watch the zoom meeting via live stream at This meeting will be conducted entirely via videoconferencing. VI. BOARD OF EDUCATION SEPTEMBER 12, 2022MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education voted to approveSections 6, 7, 8, and 9 board policies. . EDUCATIONAL SERVICES REPORT: SPOTLIGHT ON STUDENT LEARNING, 1. Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education unanimously approved the Student Mental Health Crisis Protocol policy andMental Health Accommodations policy. Piedmont Community College Special Board Workshop: September 16, 2022 Sun, Jul 2. On Thursday, Armold made a motion at a hearing to strike Hopkins from the ballot, and the motion was seconded by Shirley Burton, Democrat Board Member, and Election Board Vice Chairman. CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION ITEMS The Board must act within the context of state and federal laws and still be aware of the unique needs of Piedmont. Office of Public School Construction 707 3rd Street, 4. th . Members are elected to four-year terms. The Piedmont Adult School serves the rest of the community and beyond. PIEDMONT PUBLIC SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY Adopted: February 14, 2022 Page 1 of 2 GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The Piedmont Board of Education recognizes that a 12-year course of study in certain specific subject areas has proven to be beneficial in assisting students to become productive citizens and to prepare for advanced study. The comments are informational only, covering items of interest to the Board, staff and community. Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education heard suspension appeal of C.A., a student at Piedmont Public Schools in executive session. D. Persons Wishing to Speak to Any Item Not Listed on the Agenda CONSENT CALENDAR: ACTION ITEMS Board members or staff may not discuss or take action on any item that does not appear on the posted agenda. Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education, Location: Piedmont Public Schools, Piedmont Learning Center and Administration Office Conference Room, Address: 615 Edmond Rd NW Piedmont, OK 73078. IV. School Board Meeting - Granicus Regular Public Meetings. Estimated Time: 7:15 PM, VII. V. COMMUNICATIONS / ANNOUNCEMENTS (COMMUNITY) ***November 9, 2023. PUSD is providing the projects infrastructure allowing the BFF Project to remove the old landscaping, add new soil amendment and install new irrigation where its needed. Video Player and Subtitles. The 2022 District Planning Document slated under Board Reports will be discussed at the next board meeting when all members are present. REGULAR OPEN SESSION The board wards for Piedmont Public Schools were revised, as required by law. 27 August, 2019 Lena Eisenstein Tags: Education In this article, you will learn: The core purpose of school board committees and common types of committees Main components and content that should go into a board committee meeting agenda The usefulness of templates and digital tools in holding successful board committee meetings VI. Expected Start Time: 8:52PM, XIII. CONSENT AGENDA Discuss then vote to approve all consent items. The comments are informational only, covering items of interest to the Board, staff and community. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are held the fourth Tuesday of each month, except July, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Central Office (301 E. Camperdown Way | Directions ). Virtual Special Board Meeting Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education July 13, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. Board Room. A hard copy of the agenda will be available in the Board Room on the evening of the meeting. Approximate Adjourn Time: 8:25 PM The policy on Procurement was tabled for the next scheduled board meeting. IV. BOARD REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS Floor West Sacramento, CA 95605 . PDF 6-22-2023 Special Board Agenda - Piedmont Schools IV. ADJOURNMENT Next Regular Board of Education Meeting: December 14, 2022 City Hall . Patrons may watch the zoom meeting via live stream at This meeting will be conducted entirely via videoconferencing. These items may be approved by one board motion unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. Fri, Jun 30. School Board - Jefferson County School District ADJOURNMENT 5th and 6th Grade Center. A. Approximate Start Time: 8:10 PM, IX. DPSCD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, religion, height, weight, citizenship, marital or family status, military status, ancestry, genetic information, or any other legally protected category, in its . This motion included the hire of Mr. Steve Spears as the new Piedmont High School Principal. Board members or staff may not discuss or take action on any item that does not appear on the posted agenda. February 14, 2022 board meeting minutes Treasurer's report Budget report Watch Live Meetings Attention attendees Public seating will be made available on a first-come, first- served basis. The board unanimously approved the motion. Approximate Time: 7:15pm, VII. OSSAA tables public-private school issue after attorney general letter The 2022 District Planning Document slated under "Board Reports" will be discussed at the next board meeting when all members . Katie Cornman for Piedmont School Board Ward 2 21'-22' - Facebook Transportation procedures during road closures were discussed by board members and district leadership. PDF Special Meeting Agenda 5-11-2020 - Cloudinary Meetings - Virginia Beach School Board - Live and Recorded Public meetings of School Board Meeting for City of Piedmont. Three members are elected at-large and six are elected in districts. The City of Piedmont is encouraging residents to make the switch to electric appliances and backup batteries. New Constr. The petition stated that Hopkins, 451 Elm N.W., is a registered voter in Ward Four of the Piedmont School District boundaries, not Ward Two. Board members may request any item(s) be remo, XII. The comments are informational only, covering items of interest to the Board, staff and community. Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education unanimously approved the following: An Energage employee survey has been sent out to all PPS employees. Regular Board Meeting Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education September 13, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Piedmont Intermediate School Library 977 Washington Avenue NW Piedmont, Oklahoma 73078 I. Regular Board Meeting Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education April 10, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Piedmont Learning Center and Administration Office 615 Edmond Road NW Piedmont, Oklahoma 73078 I. Live and Recorded Public meetings of School Board Meeting for City of Piedmont. ADJOURNMENT Approximate Adjourn Time: 8:25 PM Special Board Workshop: September 16, 2022 Piedmont Unified School District, Board Room, 760 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont 4:00-6:00 PM Next Regular Board of Education . REGULAR OPEN SESSION Expected Start Time: 7:00PM . Virtual Special Board Meeting Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education May 11, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Approximate Time: 7:25pm, A. City of Piedmonts residential competition to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our homes, cars, diets, and in our personal consumption and behaviors. The Piedmont Public Schools Board of Education is responsible for establishing the policies under which the school district operates. BOARD OF EDUCATION SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 MEETING HIGHLIGHTS: APPROVAL OF BOARD POLICIES. REVIEW AND ACTION ITEMS Dates for 2023 State Allocation Board Meetings 175 School Facility Program Unfunded List (Regulation Section 1859.95) 176-178 . For Granicus Meeting Video Link, click "In Progress" at meeting start time. Bylaw updated to reflect NEW LAW (SB 274, 2021) which requires districts with a website to email a copy of, or a website link to, the agenda or a copy of all the documents constituting the agenda, D. 1st Reading Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 3550, 3551, and 3553 Piedmont Early Childhood Center - Denise Woodson, Stone Ridge Elementary - Sue McLemore & Shelly Nutter. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR OPEN SESSION Board of Education - Piedmont School District Expected Start Time: 8:05PM, A. Update on Title IX Gender Equity in Athletics Expected Start Time: 8:15PM, X. Time: All meetings will be held at 6:00 p.m. Piedmont Public Schools |, The board of education discussed the updated 2022, Piedmont Public Schools, Piedmont Learning Center and Administration Office Conference Room. Agricultural Sciences - Norman Public Schools. A full-time school resource officer is on-site at the Middle School. Location:Piedmont Learning Center and Administration Office Conference Room, Address: 615 Edmond Rd NW Piedmont, OK 73078, Mr. Layne Jones -, Mr. Steven Cox -, Mr. Greg Duffy -, Mrs. Katie Cornman -, Mr. Derek Jones -, Piedmont Learning Center and Administration Office Conference Room, Occupational and Physical Therapy Resources, Wildcat Clubhouse Before & After-School Care. Board members may request any item(s) be removed from the Consent Calendar an, XII. Board Meeting Livestream Piedmont Schools June 29th Board Meeting 2023 Board of Education Meeting Schedule & Agendas June Jun 29 Board of Education Special Meeting 5:00 PM Piedmont Learning Center & Administration Building Conference Room Location: Piedmont Learning Center and Administration Office Conference Room Next Regular Board of Education Meeting: May 24, 2023 Daniel Sperling: Electric Vehicles: Can They Deliver on their Promise? The board also unanimously approved the employment list in Attachment A of the agenda upon returning to open session. Approve and Adopt Resolution 05-2022-23 Declaring That The Appropriations In The Budget For 2021-22 And 2022-23 Do Not Exceed The Gann Limit, As Established By Proposition 4 In 1979 Approximate Start Time: 7:50 PM, C. Approve and Adopt Resolution 04-2022-23 Recognizing Latinx Heritage Month Approximate Start Time: 7:55 PM, D. First Reading, Revised Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 5145.3 Approximate Start Time: 8:00 PM, VIII. Each school has a counselor serving as a support person in partnership with all students, staff, and parents to help every child have a successful and positive school experience. CORRESPONDENCE PROCEDURAL ITEMS Call to order Roll call Flag salute and prayer II. 50/61275-00-000 PIEDMONT CITY UNIFIED : ALAMEDA : SFP -Mod. Meeting Guidelines; Online Agendas; View Board Meetings; Approved Minutes; Meeting Archives; Public Speaker Sign Ups . BOARD REPORTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS Middle School of Piedmont construction and student safety was discussed. PDF 10-11-2021 Board Agenda - Cloudinary The schedule may vary slightly, so please confirm the meeting dates and times by scrolling to the bottom of this page, or review the School Board Calendar..
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