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poison focus pathfinder

Turn your Barbarian into a Dire Tiger for insane charges. You probably dont have enough Charisma to get the most out of those deeds and panache. You get some nice things for being incorporeal (like the ability to make touch attacks), but you shouldnt be having any trouble hitting, and. Essentially the same as Monstrous Physique 3, but now you can get tremorsense, breath weapon, rend, roar, spikes, energy resistances and vulnerabilities, and a bonus on saves against poison. Get a bunch of useful skills (especially Stealth and Sleight of Hand), and the ever popular Trapfinding. #Meh. | Gods and Monsters SRD You can also get climb 30 feet, fly 30 feet (average maneuverability), swim 30 feet, low-light vision, and scent. The Alchemist has the ability to fill a variety of roles: blaster, healer, striker, and support. A Single Level of Sorcerer Witches dont multiclass well, and you also wont be able to have your poison scale with level. Likewise, you should consider the best poisons (and spells) for best effect against the enemies youre facing. However, Craig acquires a detailed sculpture of a Sasquatch from a traveler who lives in an area where sasquatches are common, giving Craig a +2 modifier, and allowing him to meet the required +9 modifier to polymorph into a sasquatch. arent listed here doesnt mean that they should not be considered. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Even if the poison is detected, the DC of Craft (alchemy) or Wisdom checks to identify the poison is increased by 10. Elemental Focus If the creature instead specifies a fly speed of 100 feet, you only get a fly speed of 30 feet. At this level you need to compare your options to Beast Shape II. Unsurprisingly, there are no diminutive undead with humanoid RPGBOT June 5, 2021 Last Updated: March 21, 2022 Introduction Polymorph is one of the most confusing and difficult parts of the magic system in Pathfinder. | Cepheus SRD Retrain after level 10, of course. Poison Focus - Feats - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database For your combat needs, Deinonychus is your best bet. #Meh. It also give you a pair of wonderful, role-playable fangs! Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Intrigue 2016, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jesse Benner, John Bennett, Logan Bonner, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, Robert N. Emerson, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Steven Helt, Thurston Hillman, Tim Hitchcock, Mikko Kallio, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Alexander Riggs, David N. Ross, David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, Linda Zayas-Palmer. Pathfinder - The Alchemist Handbook | RPGBOT In this case, Polymorph behaves like Alter Self. Cookie Notice As the name suggests, this is a class that discovers, mixes, and uses an array of concoctions, tinctures, and potions. Use it to poison up the dagger or crossbow bolts that youll use once in every blue moon. You also no longer get saddled with undersized weapons. Drow Poisons or Large Scorpion venoms will probably be your mainstay through mid-levels. At this level you need to compete with Form of the Dragon II and Elemental Body III. Also necessary if you want the Poison Steep and/or Cook People hexes. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Still, Vermin Shape I should reasonably be a spell level lower to make it comparable to other polymorph options. Your ability scores are not modified by this change unless noted by the spell.: So halflings dont get extra strength from polymorphing into something really big. Cast Toxic Gift and make an attack (touch, natural, spell-storing). | Heroes and Monsters SRD For black adder venom, there is no onset, and the frequency is "1/round for 6 rounds". The poisons used MUST be Injury or Contact poisons. The Skill Focus (Diplomacy) feat is still rather useful anyway, so thats not too bad. nauseated 1 min./paralyzed 2d4 hrs. This option is a back-up that you can use when you run out of the good stuff (especially during the early levels.) If the creature has the undersized weapons special quality, you gain that quality. However, he does get the Earth Glide ability. You can now get all-around vision, blindsense 30 feet, darkvision 60 feet (even though you get it for free already), low-light vision, scent, constrict, disease, DR 5/, fear aura, grab, jet, natural cunning, overwhelming, poison, pounce, rake, trample, trip, unnatural aura, and web. Can I know if there is a specific reason why these two feats are treated differently? This requires only two feats (only one, if youre a Half-Elf. Also take note of poisons that have effects other than simple ability damage, such as Nightmare Vapor (confusion), Azure Lily Pollen (nausea / paralysis), or Drow Poison (unconsciousness). However, if other creatures participate in the study period they also gain the benefits of doing so. Get an Animal Companion, plus a combat feat, plus qualify for Eldritch Knight? | Starjammer SRD The bomb explosion does fire damage, and it's hard to put injury poison on fire. New Pages The corporeal limitation doesnt disappear until Undead Anatomy IV, but the humanoid anatomy requirement appears to be omnipresent. Because the list of available options is so small, I will only list especially notable forms. natural armor bonus. A dagger, arrow, axe. Even with the improved reach and slam damage, Beast Shape IV is still a better combat option, and Air Elemental stopped being a scout several levels ago, even with the improved fly speed. The Megalania is better IMO because you can ride it, has useful poison, good Con score, and because it has built-in intelligence for easier training; especially compared to the vermin. 4 Answers Sorted by: 6 I would say you can apply contact poison, but not injury poison, as the hit with the bomb doesn't in and of itself hurt anything until it detonates. From Ultimate Combat. You can get climb 30 feet, fly 30 feet (average maneuverability), swim 30 feet, darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, scent, and lunge. This is probably optimal (if youre not in PFS), if only because it doesnt slow your progression. Your best bets there are. Of course, theres nothing in the rules preventing you from using this to spice up your companions weapons, even if they dont have poison use. There are 7 ways to get from Straja to Lupeni by taxi, bus, train, car or plane. Marly loses his darkvision and his 20 foot movement speed. natural armor bonus. This can be great if youre doing some sort of funky Veneficus Gish build (in which case: take that Power Attack, as well as Furious Focus, Id say.). Remember that it takes a minute to mix the poisons, and that they must be used within one hour. Excellent role playing fodder, but not so necessary mechanically: we can do all is with our hexes, remember? Basically, this archetype trades out two hexes (levels 2 and 10) for the ability to add a poison attack rider to a hex that s/he is using within the same standard action. Welcome all! (Yes, use the darn animal training rules! your Strength, and a +1 natural armor bonus. Sneak Attack users will get just as many attacks from the Giant Octopus in Beast Shape III. This bonus doesnt stack with the bonus granted by Spell Focus. Major Hex: Nauseating Flesh (Alchemist discovery) You probably already have your favorite poison of choice by the time you can access this. One level dip only: the 4 levels that you need to get the Animal Companion arent worth it. Heres a nice table to break it all down: Two only. Vishkanyas are the best of these meh options. You can adjust or disable it under Page Settings. All rights reserved. for 6 rds. The fact that other good options (like Flight, Fortune, etc.) (Vanilla Cavaliers would be red.). Writing this section took me longer than it should have because I felt physically repulsed by basically every creature Vermin Shape covers. The top choice is the Megalania. He has no other special movement speeds or vision types. Natural Attacks guide - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Contents 1 Natural Attacks as weapons 2 Base Attack Bonus & Action Economy 3 Sources of Natural Attacks (Bites) 4 Sources of Natural. Your spells of a certain element are more difficult to resist. 12d8 is roughly equivalent to 15d6, and you can use the breath weapon every 1d4 rounds for 1 minute per caster level. Darkvision greater than 60 ft.), you get the creatures version. | d20PFSRD Polymorph spells cannot be used to change into specific individuals, Polymorph spells cannot be used to assume the form of a creature with a template or an advanced version of a creature.. For scouting, use the Dire Rat or Eagle. | Cairn SRD Regardless of size, the elemental forms typically have one specific function. School abjuration; Level alchemist 1, antipaladin 1, bard 1, cleric 1, druid 1, mesmerist 1, shaman 1, sorcerer/wizard 1, witch 1, Casting Time 1 standard action Components S, M (herbs used in antitoxins worth 10 gp), Range touch Target one dose of poison or one venomous creature touched Duration 1 hour/level Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no. Three attacks is fine, but it also removes a lot of the diversity and versatility that makes polymorph spells so interesting. Full casters still have the same problems that they did in Giant Form I. Regeneration is still really good, so look for forms with Regeneration. Then came the nerfs, a lot of them. Whip them vials of poison out ASAP! Scent is extremely rare on flying PPC:AM 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, and David N. Ross. Winning. The only issues here are that you need to meet the Charisma 13 pre-requisite, and also that the poison scales at Character Level-2 (as per the Eldritch Heritage feat.) Or draw a dagger at the last second so you can provide flanking for the meatshield coming to rescue you. You have studied the creature, alive or dead, in person for at least one uninterrupted hour. Target one dose of poison or one venomous creature touched. Large Animals: you gain a +4 size bonus to your Strength, a -2 penalty to Winning. Otherwise, poison use from this is rather meh. The trick here is to find a way to acquire and advance such a companion. | Gods and Monsters SRD This levels competes with Beast Shape III, which adds Rake to the already formidable Dire Tiger, and introduces the Mastodon for stomping mobs. And actually you can use Spell Focus (and its greater version) to increase a poison DC: Via Toxic Spell metamagic. Pathfinder: Kingmaker - Tristian Builds - Neoseeker Same as per other witch guides. So, be prepared with alternate actions when facing these threats. Or if you just want to be like the Maharaja kid from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The Skill Focus (Diplomacy) feat is still rather useful anyway, so thats not too bad. I still eat crab from time to time, but I have to very conciously will myself to not think about how closely related they are to bugs. Either its simply bad, or doesnt work as meant to. The addition of grab, pounce, and trip makes previous Beast Shape forms considerably more useful, including Deinonychus and Leopard, which both continue to be decent, but the additional strength and natural armor make larger forms more viable. While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and movement types possessed by your original form.: Depend on your original form is important here. Would be almost good if you could add the spell onto an existing poison. . This means that Troll is essentially the only option worth considering, which is fine because Troll is pretty fantastic. . The frequency tells you how often you make a save, once the onset time has passed. armor bonus. Note that none of the poison carrying races from the Advanced Race Guide (Grippli, Nagaji, Vishkanya) are special enough to warrant a listing here. Resistances: Resistances to energy, DR, etc., but not type immunities like elementals immunity to sneak attacks (Unless they are mentioned in the spells description). Your best bets there are Combat Castingor Silent Spell. | Forge Engine SRD These are the arms of passion. From the fangs of a viper to the ichor-stained assassin's blade, poison is a constant threat. | Dungeon World SRD Craft Ooze, Improved Toxicological Timing, Instant Alchemy, Poison Focus, Subtle Poisoner, Sure-Handed Alchemy, Toxicological Timing Magic Items (Wondrous Items) [4]Focusing Flask, Retort of Control, Vial of Efficacious Medicine, Winged Bottle Mythic Path Abilities [2]Returning Flasks (Universal), Splash Back (Universal) The Sorcerer or Evoker will use metamagic feats or abilities to combat energy resistances. . From Ultimate Combat. Take 1 Level of Companion Class + the Nature Soul / Animal Ally / Boon Companion Feats, This works fairly well, but requires you to work the system a little bit. Anunnaki is really the only useful form at this level, and while its neat that it has so many attacks its only occasionally a good option. | d20HeroSRD At his DMs discretion, he may also be able to use Somatic Components, but the DM may rule that earth elementals rock-like appendages arent precise enough to mimic complex Somatic Components. Benefit: Choose one energy type (acid, cold, electricity, or fire). This is the crown jewel of the archetype. Since monstrous humanoids have human-like anatomy they have the massive advantage of being able to use your weapons and armor. If you are building your character entirely to focus on polymorphing, you can afford to not focus on your spellcasting abilities. Has possibilities, game-wise as well as roleplay. The good news is that its free. Fun characters are more enjoyable than over-optimized machine characters anyway. Get a bunch of useful skills (especially Stealth and Sleight of Hand), and the ever popular Trapfinding. Beast Shape allows considerably more abilities (including notable options like Grab and Pounce) which makes Vermin Shape I generally much worse than Beast Shape II. Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells that deal damage of the energy type you select. MAYBEthe Vishkanya is worth considering, if only for how the race and its internal poison dovetails with roleplaying possibilities for the archetype. | Cepheus SRD Most options at this stage are functionally identical, and really the only useful ability you can hope to get is movement. If the creature has vulnerability to an element, you gain that vulnerability. | Forge Engine SRD Marly wears bracers of armor +1, a ring of protection +1, a cloak of resistance +1, a Quick Runners shirt, and a belt of physical perfection +2. After this hour of study, the body is no longer usable for study. If youre playing a home game, then maybe try sweet-talking your GM into allowing the Draconic Heritage (Legacy of Dragons) alternate racial trait to work with the Serpentine, instead of Draconic, bloodline. armor bonus. Split Hex Yes! This cant be beat if you rely on found/crafted poisons! Tiny Magical Beasts: you gain a -2 penalty to your Strength, a +8 size You can get climb 30 feet, fly 30 feet (average maneuverability), swim 30 feet, darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, and scent. You could be a large fire elmental and set some people on fire, or you can be a chimera and set the whole room fire. You can also add a belt (or headband) to up that stat, for up to +3 DC. For combat, use albino cave solifugid. You probably already have your favorite poison of choice by the time you can access this. Elemental Focus. #Fail, Just as important for you as any other caster, Not only are you squishy, but you might have a poison ability that scales on Con. Grab rogue talents swift poison and lasting poison and have at. Fighting the creature counts for these purposes, provided that the total time you spend observing the creature still totals at least one minute.Familiar0 + Spell Level + CRYou have studied the creature, alive or dead, in person for at least one uninterrupted hour. The Megalania is better IMO because you can ride it, has useful poison, good Con score, and because it has built-in intelligence for easier training; especially compared to the vermin. Need a 'how to' for poisoning in Rogue class. : r/Pathfinder_RPG - Reddit Serpentine Sorcerer Bloodline Also excellent! Especially since your Intelligence mod will guarantee non-stop fun. Optimization may not be the most important thing in your game, but we all still want characters who can contribute efficiently. Toxic Words This is the crown jewel of the archetype. | FateCoreSRD Because you give up armor and shield bonuses when you polymorph, your AC may not be good enough to protect you. Witch abilities dont scale well outside the class, but go for it, if you want the traditional Gish. You can now get burrow 60 feet, climb 90 feet, fly 120 feet (good maneuverability), swim 120 feet, blindsense 60 feet, darkvision 90 feet, low-light vision, scent, remorsense 60 feet, breath weapon, constrict, ferocity, grab, jet, poison, pounce, rake, rend, roar, spikes, trample, trip, and web. | OSE SRD. On top of that, the undead must be corporeal and have humanoid anatomy. Drow Poisons or Large Scorpion venoms will probably be your mainstay through mid-levels. I like the versatility that EK allows, but I like having my Major Hexes even more. This bad boy is useful to help you set up your target to fail their poison Fort saves. All elemental forms get darkvision, and a single slam attack. Diminutive Animals: you gain a +6 size bonus to your Dexterity, a -4 19, Advanced Player's Guide pg. Pathfinder 1E Poisoner build challenge - EN World Though perhaps add Sleight of Handand Disguiseonto your list in case you need to spike someones food or drink with an extra ingredient on the sly. He's using dagger(s) (haven't decided if he's going to dual-wield or not) due to having a high dex; I gave him Weapon Finesse. Tiny Monstrous Humanoids: you gain a +4 size bonus to your Dexterity, a 2 (Which can be useful on the rare occasion when you may need to provide flanking bonuses or make enemy casters provoke AOOs from casting through your positioning. So, a reasonably gamemaster might ask How can I allow polymorph in my game without letting it totally unbalance the game?. Beast shape gives you +6 strength, -2 dexterity, +2 constitution, and +6 natural armor. Recent Changes The Animal Ally feat specifically requires you to NOT already have a companion, then gives you only a short list of options (i.e.- your 1stlevel will still be Witch.) Alchemy Manual - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database Also great if you, for some reason, are going Eldritch Knight, etc., for weapon use. It does allow you to use the Potent Concoctionstrait, however. Marly is a level 10 dwarf wizard. When he polymorphs into an earth elemental, Marly looks at the entry for earth elementals in Elemental Body I. Especially after softening up your targets with hexes. are special enough to warrant a listing here. RPGBOT uses the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks. Your primary healer. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Opens up a lot more possibilities both on and off the battlefield. alchemist 3, bloodrager 3, magus 3, sorcerer/wizard 3. Eagles attacks the Vulture is a fantastic option. Huge Monstrous Humanoids: you gain a +6 size bonus to your Strength, a 4 The major drawback here is that they require you to use races that are not optimal for Witches (specifically Grippli, Nagaji, or Vishkanyas; as mentioned in the section above.) Undead Anatomy II allows DR 5/bludgeoning, which I have to assume is for skeletons. No witch should go without this. Biserica parohiei Straja II ocrotit de "Sf. | Five Torches Deep SRD Or load on your crossbow bolts because why not. Many polymorph options will give you a bous to natural armor, but this is very unlikely to keep up with a fighter in full plate. | PF2 SRD

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