For growth in ethics, honesty, civility and morality in business and government. Give us the courage to empty ourselves, to gratefully surrender our lives into Gods hands, to give up anxieties and worries, and to embrace suffering with understanding. May the power of your word change our lives and invigorate our spirit. May they do so safely. May we discover new directions and renewed energy. Hear all the prayers we hold in silence . For deeper intimacy with God. May we see and feel the beauty that you unfold before us with each new day. For our own intentions that we hold in silence. For those who face injustice and indignity at every moment. When we are weak in confronting our addictions. Instill in our hearts the courage to take concrete steps to achieve peace. A Prayer for Pope Francis - Catholic Health Association of the United For all who work to restore life and bring healing. May they be blest with steadfast faith. May governments and people of every nation welcome immigrants, reject violence, resolve conflict peacefully, seek answers to the climate crisis, and discover ways to foster truth, reconciliation and healing. {6} Prions pour ceux qui meurent seul loin du soutien de ceux et celles quils aiment , pour notre ministre auprs des mourants ; [ et pour Raymonde Chamberlain, Bernard Malo, Jeannette Ozga, et Thomas Lamontagne ] ; Prions, le Seigneur. For judges, attorneys, politicians and government leaders. What a wonderful gift you have bestowed upon us in this courageous leader! You invited him to shepherd Your flock. Seigneur, entends notre prire. For blessings upon the sick and the dying. Third Scrutiny: Deliverance from cosmic, universal evil. May every person deeply honor and appreciate the great gift of life from conception to natural death. Inspire preachers, poets and prophets, artists, writers and thinkers who awaken us to the needs of others. Show us Jesus. Pedone father, brothers and sister, Yolanda Gigante Pedone hon and children, Lisa Spiridigliozzi mother Bruna and sister Teresa, Maria and Alberta Testa granddaughter Jean, Anthony R. and Erminia M. Trino daughter Edye, Maria Sorce Vullo Rocco and Lisa Grande and family. May we have a more loving spirit with others thinking, speaking and acting with gentle reverence embracing the sacredness of every person and our enemies with kindness. [Excerpt from "Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2020"] Bring hope to all who suffer for the sake of faith those who live in places hostile to Christians, those imprisoned or silenced because of the Gospel. Fr. Jerry Orbos, SVD - LIVE NOW: HOLY MASS 9:30AM - Facebook The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, immediately sent a message of Fraternal wishes for a speedy convalescence adding that he trusts in the success of the operation, so that they may meet again soon in order to carry out together the indispensable mission of unity, to which Christ calls us., A message of good wishes from the Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Ahmad al-Tayyeb, addressed to my dear brother" confirms the fraternal friendship that binds them and wishes him a quick recovery that will return him to his mission for humanity., May the Lord sustain him with the tenderness of his love was the prayer from the Anglican Center of Rome while the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Segni tweeted: "My best wishes for a speedy recovery to the Pope who is facing a difficult surgery., The Community of Sant'Egidio has also expressed closeness to the Pope and said that during its evening prayer dedicated to the sick, there is a special invocation and request for protection for Pope Francis, so that he may soon return to health to fully exercise his ministry as a father and pastor.. As we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel this week, may this be a time of prayer and memories for us. May your Spirit lead us to confront the demons in our lives with a strong faith that we may find a deeper holiness in our lives. Calm our unrest and make us instruments of mercy. For the victimized, the persecuted and the addicted. May immigrants be welcomed everywhere in peace. For immigrants who seek safety and refuge. Rome, Italy, Jul 16, 2023 / 12:15 pm. May they free themselves to recognize and celebrate the relationships that bring them life. All Rights Reserved. . May we speak the truth that the Spirit has planted within us, unafraid of rejection or ridicule. For the grace of openness. For growth in our own personal prayer. For national and world leaders. For our pastor, Father Jim, all priests and bishops, and for all who exercise priestly ministry. For anyone who faces trials or difficult choices. Shape us into courageous disciples filled with your Spirit, opening our hearts to all people And always willing to grow in faith. For our own intentions. For every person we tenderly cherish and love. For the prayers we hold in our hearts. For the world. God will triumph over sin. For Pope Francis and the Church. For those who are ill, disabled, addicted, imprisoned, suffering or depressed. Pope Francis' Prayer for Peace | USCCB Enlighten with the splendor of faith and the charity of your tender heart the souls of those who work for the good of the people, for your poor. Lord, God of Abraham, God of the Prophets, God of Love, you created us and you call us to . For patience in our trials. For a growth of hospitality within our world. Walk with us and help us find the direction we seek. May we learn to pray with honesty and humility, listening to Gods prayer to us, open to experiencing the great depth of Gods mercy and love. When we hold on to revenge and hesitate to forgive. May they find healing, comfort and peace. Letter on the Month of May - Full text, including prayers Wherever people are not free to practice their faith. {4} Prions pour les vocations des lacs engager ,pour tous ceux qui nous servent, et pour tous les bnvoles de notre paroisse; Prions, le Seigneur. Hold our beloved sick, addicted, dying and grieving. Hear all our prayers, O Mother, and grant them all. Jesuit Resource - Pope Prayers - Xavier University Give them the wisdom to work for peace and unity, and to develop policies for the common good. For those victimized by poverty, war, injustice, addiction or abuse. Saint Peter's Square. - Pope Benedict XVI. {9} We pray for the issues we face this week, for the people of Ukraine, for students completing another school year, and for our personal and family intentions ; We pray to you, Lord. {5} Let us pray for dating and engaged couples preparing for a life-long marriage, and for the example of faithful commitment given to us by all married couples; We pray to you, Lord. May we find ways to establish peace and justice. For world leaders and governments. May we lead, inspire others to develop and celebrate our faith. For openness and welcome wherever immigrants suffer. May we courageously share our faith and its traditions with the young and with those who are un-churched. Inspire more people to dedicate their lives to labor. For safety and an end to this pandemic. Give us a mature faith. Lord, hear our prayer. Pope Francis greets Archbishop Robert F. Prevost, a . March - For victims of abuse For all who await Gods blessings. For those consumed with work and who neglect the joy of living. Comfort those who grieve and mourn their loved ones. Prires des Fidles 26 juin-2022 Cathdrale St. Paul. For the gift of peace in our world. For understanding where there is anger or hurt. {C} Let us pray for Pope Francis, and for his intention: that Christian families around the world may they embody and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness in their daily lives; We pray to you, Lord. Guide us toward clarity and truth. And for all that we seek and hold in silence . For all who are declining mentally or who have dementia. Peter Tran, Fr. For healing and forgiveness where people are hurt or divided. May we be communities of flavorful salt and piercing light, healing, serving and transforming our parishes, neighborhoods, cities and world. May world leaders embrace a vision that unites people, celebrates life, encourages a blossoming of justice, and heralds a promise of peace. We pray for the courage to speak and work for justice and for a deeper generosity to share our gifts. Give us wisdom that opens our hearts wisdom that helps us recognize and respond to the needs of others; wisdom that helps us welcome refugees and immigrants. May faith and love be our guide and support through difficult times. Comfort the dying. Comfort and console us, strengthen us in hope,and give us the wisdom and courage to work tirelessly for a world where true peace and love reign among nations and in the hearts of all. Inspire Pope Francis and the entire Church. Here Are the Prayers and Readings for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI's Loving God, We ask you to look with favor on your servant Francis, who has served you as a Jesuit, a priest, an archbishop, a cardinal and now as a pope. May Gods Spirit renew their hearts and open their hearts and minds to pathways of discovery. Amen. For grandfathers, stepfathers, godfathers and all men who devote energy and strength toward the direction, care and welfare of others. O God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, look favorably on your servant Francis, whom you have set at the head of your Church as her shepherd; Grant, we pray, that by word and example he may be of service to those over whom he presides so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care, he may come to everlasting life. . Offer them new beginnings and grace their lives. which will bring to fulfilment your kingdom of justice, joy and peace. Peter Tran, Fr. And for the personal needs we hold in silence . For an end to systemic racism and prejudice. For blessings upon Father Jim who assumes his new role as pastor of two faith communities. May all who nurtured us so lovingly know our love and find blessing with God. Bless their work and their rest. May we proclaim your great love and be signs of your creative, healing and life-giving energy in the world. "On behalf of my brother bishops, I invite all the faithful to pause, if . In his message for Lent 2021, Pope Francis calls on the faithful to "renew our faith, draw from the living waters of hope, and receive with open hearts the love of God." By Christopher Wells Help us work and live together in harmony. May the church welcome all who are lost, misguided or abandoned into Gods all-embracing love. May all peoples of the earth becomes as brothers and sisters. For our beloved sick and dying. May we usher in and embrace a new culture in which no one uses others for their own benefit. Ambrose; for the retired priests of the diocese and for all the priests who have served us over the years; We pray to you, Lord. For a greater respect for the Earth. Open pathways of healing for them. For peace and an end to violence in every corner of our world. Amen. May every country treat immigrants humanely. First Prayer to Our Lady O Mary, You shine continuously on our journey as a sign of salvation and hope. Free us from any falsehood and evil and create in all of us a clean heart, a renewed vision a deepened sense of your indwelling holiness. For all who suffer with addiction, sickness and grief. "With sorrow, I learned again that blood has been poured out in the Holy Land. For those who are mistreated, abandoned or shunned by society. May we spread seeds of hope and joy with great generosity and abandon that more people may know Gods compassion and love. May Gods love shepherd all and bring healing; For all in need of our prayer. Copyright 2017-2023 Dicasterium pro Communicatione - All rights reserved. Free those bound by sin, addiction or despair. May we continue to bring hope to the world with the confident assurance of Gods abiding love now and always. Pope Francis' Prayer for Peace in Ukraine: 'Please, no more war.' And for the needs we hold in silence We remember all who are sick, dying, addicted or grieving. For those who suffer in prisons or other institutions. For blessings upon all newly elected leaders. The growing calls around the world for an end to capital punishment are "a sign of hope" for the church, the pope said in a video message released by the Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network Aug. 31. We ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son, whom Saint Joseph saved by fleeing to Egypt, and trusting in the intercession of the Virgin Mary, whom he loved as a faithful husband in accordance with your will. May we find ways to follow Gods Spirit and open wide the doors of faith to those who are lost, searching, or angry. May the sick, addicted, dying and grieving know Gods tenderness through the care of those who love and support them. PDF Prayer of the Faithful - Roman Catholic Diocese of Arlington Inspire world and local leaders to seek peaceful resolutions nd to act in wisdom and in truth. May we work aggressively and with vision to establish Gods order in the world, to sow seeds of kindness and compassion, to work against corruption, violence and injustice. For perseverance in the Church. May they seek vision so that their work may bring joy, promise and peace for all people, and especially for those who are weak, powerless and hopeless. Awaken in us a desire to follow in his footsteps, to go forth from our own land and to receive his promise. Year of St. Joseph | USCCB Enlighten our rulers that they may guarantee and defend the great gift of peace. Lord, hear our prayer. We ask that you be with Francis now, as he embarks on a great undertaking, shepherding, stewarding, and renewing the flock. For openness to the great gift of life. May we be better instruments of peace and forgiveness, reconciling enemies, conquering prejudice and abandoning judgment so we can rediscover the power of love. May that day come very soon, when we shall see you restored to the center of civic life, borne on the shoulders of your joyful people. For cancer survivors and all who know the power of waiting with hope. May we tenderly care for those who are sick and those who grieve. "Protectress of the Roman people", you know our needs, and we know that you will provide, For the sick, addicted, dying and grieving; and for the intentions we hold in our silence . Nurture a longing within us for the Eucharist. For the Church. Wherever people are threatened by war. ANGELUS. For relationships that need healing within families, among friends with co-workers. Open our eyes and our hearts, and give us the courage to say: "Never again war!"; "With war everything is lost". May we grow in our understanding of the law that we may be a holy people and a loving Church. {4} We pray for vocations to lay ministry, for all who minister to us, and for all the volunteers and ministers in our parish; We pray to you, Lord. May we believe that faith will guide us through all turmoil. For the world. May the experiences of Holy Week all over the world inspire optimism, goodness, generosity and caring. May our young and those searching have their spiritual hungers fed with understanding. May they find confidence, consolation and healing. For the Church and for the world. Seigneur, entends notre prire. We pray for the needs of our parish community and for those experiencing sickness, dying or grief. For all who are waiting: parents expecting birth or adoption, families welcoming loved ones back home, members of the military or any who are away from family and friends, immigrants who seek welcome. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Let us pray for Pope Francis, whose vision embraces the entire world. , Prayer of the Faithful June26-2022 for St. Michael, Elk Point. . Free ourselves from any prejudices we hold and open our hearts to dismiss politics and embrace love. Addressing the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square for his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis turned to the day's Gospel passage containing the parable of the sower. Prayer for Blessing of Grandparents Lord God almighty, bless our grandparents with long life, happiness, and health. Open our ears to hear God's word and to recognize his voice and call. {7} Prions, pour one spiritualit du chemin ensemble: que nous soyons forms en tant que disciples du Christ, en tant que familles, en tant que communauts et en tant qutres humains, travers notre exprience de ce parcours synodal ; Prions, le Seigneur. And especially for our beloved sick, dying and grieving . Strengthen the faith of those who are afraid of dying. May we be encouraged by their message and inspired by their witness. May Easter inspire a new era where truth opens the way to peace, where welcome is offered at every border, where listening bridges divisions, where love and understanding fill all emptiness. There are always 'buts.'' For the prayers we offer in silence. Amen. To wit: "For our Holy Father, Pope Francis, as he undertakes an apostolic pilgrimage to the Church of X ." Likewise, some communities include in the prayers of the faithful a general petition for those who are sick, or those who have recently passed away, in which they incorporate the names of some members of the community. Inspire Pope Francis, Bishop Lucia and all church leadership with vision, that all people may know the gentle love, compassion and forgiveness of Jesus. For the grace to enter through the narrow gate. Pope Francis meets with young Polish pilgrims - Vatican News And for loved ones separated from us today. For prophets in our day who call us to face the truth, live the truth and speak the truth. Support him with the Spirit's gifts / so that he can continue to preach the Gospel with priestly zeal and lead the church with wisdom and strength . May they find comfort and peace. Inspire us to pray with thanksgiving confident that our prayer will bring us peace and that we can become a blessing to others. For those who are owned by their possessions and who continue to create the growing abyss between the rich and the poor. May truth and integrity help us to act with higher standards. In the Prayers of the Faithful, the second prayer will be said in . And for the needs of our families and friends . May we work and pray consistently for peace and justice in every land. Pope Francis Prayers - Xavier University
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