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proctor high school graduation date

Proctor Senior High School is an above average, public school located in PROCTOR, MN. The Internet Archive is a nonprofit fighting for universal access to quality information, powered by online donations averaging $17. Class of 2023 Graduation | Proctor High School Proctor Public Schools offers abundant learning opportunities in a small school atmosphere. This high school was a meaningful time in my life as it marked a transition from childhood to young adulthood. Brelinsky, Avery Cheyne, Maxwell John Christensen, Trinity L. Chromczak, Connor Niles Clark, Connor P. Countryman, Jacob M. Dixon, Adam D. Durrin, Loren A. Durrin, Sydney Katherine Eggleston, Ashley Grace Engle, Brynn Janae Fredericks, Susan Marie Hayes, Hunter Bradley Hickey, Hayley F. Hilts, Ashley Rochelle Johnson, Cadence Ann Johnson, Christian A. Jones, Steven Lee Johnson, Alexis Marie Klock, Travis Andrew LaFountain, Garrett M.F. Located in the Upper Quarter, a typical. During the school day, students from PoHS and, Yesterday, Deborah Singiser, our Career Education Advisor, held a workshop for 7th grade students at. If you have a, Please see the link below for the PegTV coverage of the Class of 2023 Graduation. Compare Thomas R. Proctor High School to Other Schools Class of 2021: Kodie Abrams, Isabella Ayres-Gregory, Hannah Barber, Vito Belfiore, Alexis Cook, Preston Crespo, Kevin Dealing, Victoria Jones, Gwendolyn Kane, Colt Morgan, Samantha OHerien, Haley Oliver, Riley Parry, Jesse Spooner, Matthew Townsend, Jaylen Vleer-Elliott, Lydia Walker, Jayden Weeks, Derek Winfield. Registration is now open for new students. The names listed below are alumni who have been searched for on this site from Proctor High Schoolin Proctor, Minnesota . James A 1963-1967. City and School District Officials are proud Utica City School District and the City of Utica Honor the Thomas R. Proctor High School Class of 2022The Utica City School District and the City of Utica today announced a partnership to hang banners in honor and recognition of the Thomas R. Proctor High School Class of 2022. Principal | Proctor High Last Name: Elena A 1995-1999. Endowment. It is calculated using the reported number of students and full-time equivalent teachers. Homecoming, pep rally where teachers get involved. Class of 2021: Izabella Allen, Cole Bobnick, Sydney Burdick, Ronica Clarke, Brooke Connolly, Kathryn Conrad, Brady Cowan, Faith Cring, Jackson DiLiberto, Holly Drummond, Dylan Dyn, Victoria Graml, Meghan Hall, Colin Helin, Jaqualyn Hosford, Katherine Kodz, David Leonard, Caitlynn Miller, Skyler Oakley, Samantha O'Connor, Thomas O'Connor, Matthew Palmer, Jacob Patterson, Connor Scheffler, Amy Seamon, Natalie Teachout, Damon Thomson, Bellecia-Adalina tremain, Jackson Waid, Brady Young. Class of 2021: Dora Ammerman, Emma Kate Basher, Leeanna Lynn Boss, Zachary James Bernard, Logan James Niles, Santiago Cardels-Watkins, Benjamin William Coddington, Henry Earnest Crespi, Emily Koniewicz, Dylan Richard Dionne, Virginia Elaine Dionne, John William Dudrick, William L. Egerer, Aiden Joseph Gibbons, Aidan Hoes Helfant, Skye Hoes Helfant, Emily Elizabeth Delaney, Blaine Thomas Hughes, Devon Christopher Jones, James Robert Thomas Jones, Kerrigan T. Kelly, Ahmir A. Kennedy, Ella Virginia Kenyon, Ryan J. L. Kirk, Emily Jane Holm, Cassondra Marks, Logan P. Campbell, Ahlysa Jane, Benjamin F. Pollock, Ava Jae Robertson, Lauren M. Rodriguez, Madison A. Rodriguez, Jenna Mae Rogers, Ryan Thomas Rutledge, Brice Coleman Sharp-Ballinger, Hannah Mae Stever, Kirin Alexis Tehan, Timothy P. Terry Jr., Ashlee Ann VanCourt, Seth Nicholas Walden, Maxwell R. Wallace, Benjamin D. Westervelt, Mason Jerrico Wright. According to state test scores, 42% of students are at least proficient in math and 67% in reading. All rights reserved. Proctor High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and Reunion Plans Proctor High School | Proctor High School - Utica City School District Proctor High School Graduation 2019 : PEGTV - PoHS 23 Graduation, Please see below for the video presentation of Honors Night. This site is to be operated by members of our class. on the Internet. Case, Makayla K. Chambers, Ethan M. Czajka, Jack K. Daktor, Emily M. Davies, Noah C. DeVoe, Madison J. Esch, Callie H. Freeman, Jack H. Fynmore, Alexis M. Gallo, Quintin T. Gatewood, Payton E. Gaylord, Kaila M. Gifford, Gabriel I. Griffin, Connor M. Griffith, Brianna A. Grogg, Gretchin M. Grower, Noah P. Gydesen, Emma K. Hennessey, Nina R. Holstein, Nicholas D. Hopler, Christopher J. Jackson, Kelly-Rene C. Johnson, Zachary K. Kennison, Alexandra J. Khouri, Olivia R. Kittleman, Samuel R. Koagel, Maxine E. Korte, Katie L. Krupa, Mackenzie J. Larrivey, Emily J. Maher, Kaidance L. Maine, Jenna R. Marcinkowski, Matthew M. Marsh, Caroline M. Martin, Kiana L. Martin, Mitchell M. McWayne, Hailey M. Memery, Erik J. Miller, Landon J. Miller, Lucas A. Spring Course Final Re-Exam Deadline: May 26, 2023. Honors Night 2023, Dear Poultney High School and Elementary School Staff and Families, I want to thank each of you f, On Friday, PoHS hosted their annual Poultney Art Day. Class of 2021: Christopher M Abdou, Kyralese Alexis Acevedo, Mark Ackerman, Hannah Faith Alger, Sierra L. Alguire, Theodore Issiah-Leon Allah, Kelsie Amiyah Allen, Madison Paige Amidon, Nicholas Joseph Amidon, Jasper Nicholette Anania, Ariana Star Armstrong, Alisson Grace Baldwin, Jaden Leigh Balog, Jaeden K Baptiste, William Bartell, Kiera Noel Batara, Joshua Peter Bates, Alyssa Elizabeth Battin, Olivia Patrice Bauer, Destinee Marie Nicole Beatty, Kaleb Anson Beckwith, Jaydyn Storm Beyette, Katrina M Blanchard, Carly A. Boardman, Lily Jude Bone, Riley P. Brawdy, Kailib Breen, Emily Elizabeth Brement, Christopher Mathew Bronson,Mekhia Almedia Brooks, Morgan A Brower, Koda Gage Brown,Jacob A. Bruder Jr., Tyler S Burgio,Christopher Olivier Bussonnais II, Abigail Marie Call, Damon Robert Campanaro, Severino Campanaro, Lanija I. Campbell, Gianna MJ Capoccia, Kyrah Marie Carpenter, Alexandria Lane Case, Robert John Casler III, Hailee Ann Catalano, Naomi Lynn Catello, Austin David Chirillo, Aaron Thomas Cianfrano, Antonio Armando Cicci, Andre' Michael Ciotti, Angelina C. Ciotti, Kenyan Gene Clark, Keshawn Ellis Clark, Antonio J Colangelo, Damon Christopher Collins, Jermey Joseph Coons, Dominic J. Corigliano II, Joanna Marie Cornell, Nathan S Creekmore, Ferlin Esther Cuello, Caroline Grace D'Aiuto, Emily A D'Aprix, Rebecca Anne Dailey, Vincent Daniello, Mari Anastasia Dano, David Robert Darcangelo, Caroline J. Davis, Elena Mercedes Davis, Ian H. Davis, Ramzy Alexander Davis, Roland Mykel Davis, Isaiah Joseph Lee Day, Nikolina Lynn de Souza, Amari Nakia DeJosie, Brian A DeLong, Emily L DeLong, Kayla Dawn DelPico, Evan J. DeLutis, Robert Jonathan Denton, Jordan Gabriel Derrick, Chandni Ann Desai, Gianna Marie DiMaggio, Makayla DiPasqua, Angelina Marie Dipini, Stephanie Carmen Dixon, Logan S. Dorfman, Elijah Michael Dormio, Kaitlynne Ann-Marie Drawdy, Ryan Anthony Drawdy, Brynn Madyson Dryer, McKenzie R Dunn, Thomas M. Dunn, Logan James Dupont, Henry J Dutt, Riley D Edick, Mason McKay Edwards, Kendra Eileen King Emanuelli, Derek John Entelisano, Mackenzie Rose Evans, Zoe Olivia Evans, Kate Marion Faes, Jason Failing, Sadie Ann Falcone, Gabriel Cloud Farrar, Isaiah Farrar, Sasha P. Feliciano, Tyla Desiree Ferary, Rebecca M Ferguson, Camren Fernandez, Liliana Marie Ferrucci, Nirvana Lark-Eden Fezza, Lillian Mae Flanders, Lily Elise Fleming, Hunter Thomas Frisch, Julianne Furney, Michael Dominick Futia, Isabella N Gannon, Gianna Madison Gantt, Izzy A Garbarino, Michael Bradley Garrett, Haley Gatley, Hannah Gatley, Joseph A. Gazzilli, Kaylee A. Gazzilli, Sierra Flora Gifford, Juan Carlos Gonzalez Jr., Margaret Goodwin, Liyah Elyse Greene, Taylor Elizabeth Griffin, Olivia Griggs, Colby K. Grindlay, Dominick C. Gualtieri, Joseph R. Gulla, Colin J. Search the history of over 818 billion Be the first one to, pegtvvt-Proctor_High_School_-_2020_Graduation, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help,, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). What time is it in Srignan? Class of 2021: Liam T. Adams, Nolan J. Amendolare, Hannah Therese Banas, Jessica Bennett, Veronica M. Cavaretta, Alen Cejvanovic, Monty R Clark II, Ryan Michael Cook, Miranda Cool, David Charles Cooley, Malik J. Coulthurst, Juliah Craig, Emilee D. Davis, Faith Davis, Gracie Lynn DelMedico, Jeffrey DeSarro, Madison Bryn Dibble, Bert Doolen, Ryan C. Durse, Michelle Farnsworth, Michael Joseph Feduccia, Milo B Furner, Nevaeh Mai Grassman, Gwendolyn Juniper Halligan-Jones, Christian Howell, Ava M. Irons, Hailey Rosemary Koppany, Marina Kovalets, Andrew Christopher Lambert, Brooke Lawson, Jacob R Lorraine, Stephan Lyubezhanin, Selena Mathews, Jamilla Carol Merdanovic, Omari C. Morgan, Zachary M Murdock, Kiley M. Nichols, Larry C. Nichols III, Austin O'Donnell, Ariana Ogiyevich, Nicholas Oriole, Alexis Marie Padula,, Antonia Marie Palmisano, Dante Palumbo, Sophia Mae Penge, George Redner Jr, Joel Redner, Christopher William Reed, Vadim Runkevich, Grace Emma Lee Salamone, Arthur S. Savitskiy, Dominick Corey Scialdo, Julia Rose Siegenthaler, Lavar Simmons, Andrew Michael Spina, Levi Spina, Briana Joy Terry, Angelina Urtz, Alex Vohid, Alexis Marie Wainwright, Vincent Ward, Dylan M. Williams, Xander L. Wilson, Aiden Wood, Zerion D. Wynder. Niche users from this school are most interested in the following colleges. Class of 2021: Autumn Angle, Jacob Barth, Gavin Bell, Zayne Blakely, Lillian Broedel, Claire Brouillette, Cameron Buell, Makayla Calenzo, Janelle Cleary, Amber Coe, Trent Cornelius, Hannah Danquer, Tabitha Drake, Gwenyth Edwards, Donald Elliott, Ashley Emerson, Kaia Finn, Tristyn Graham, Cole Green, Calob Griffis, Ethan Hadley, Sydney Hajdasz, Rachel Hartle, Laney Hinman, Erin Iles, Patrick Kelley, Cameron Kicinski, Ethan Kupris, Fredrick Lewis, Hunter Maine, Connor Marriott, John Misiaszek IV, Logan Misiaszek, Jason Moon, Alivia Neff, Jacob Neff, Robert Noon, Nathan Owens, Jade Peterson, Jared Prindle, Nikko Recchio, Ian Rose, Trevor Salvaggio, Abigail Schachtler, Robert Sheppard Jr., Kristian Sinardo, Lydia Snow, Logan Solinsky, Kaitlyn St. Peter, Eben Stuttard, Harreson Thayer, Kerrigan Tilbe, Dylan Tompkins, Alexis Welch, Stanley Welsh, Taylor Whipple, Ethan Whitehead, Gabriel Williams, Michael Williams, Owen Williams, Jacob Williamson, Megan Wittenbeck, Isaac Wratten. Compare Proctor Senior High School to Other Schools, See All Proctor Senior High School Rankings, More About Proctor Senior High School Academics. 27 June 27 Tuesday. *All final exams must be completed by 4:30 PM CST on the last day to meet the deadline. THOMAS R PROCTOR HIGH SCHOOL | NYSED Data Site Celebrating the Class of 2023! of students agree that they feel safe at their school. Look here for Athletics updates. Catherine Abbate 1934-1938. We have excellent athletic programs. Class of 2021: Chelsealynne Sue Anna, Christian Walther Anna, Jessica Bailey Batson, Philip Gregory Borman, Jr., Sara Delaney Borner, Grace Isabelle Braunlich, Connor Madison Broadbent, Skyler Jean Clark, Autumn May Comstock, Julia Isabell Cucci, Caitlin Victoria Elizabeth Donlon, Annalisa Fusco, Christopher Louis Gauthier, Chloe Renee Gleed, Paige Elizabeth Grimaldi, Bryce Richard Hart, Hunter Rylie Houghtaling, Brooke Ann Humiston, Calvin Mark Jantz, Kayden Robert Lamphere, Connor Claude Lasher, Travis Owen Lawson, Jadyn Marie Lowe, Brandon Robert Lynch, Samantha Marie Lynch, Dillon Michael March, Isabella Katherine Mowers, Kaden Porter Ozog, Hunter William Papp, Jarrett Michael Papp, Erin Katherine Powers, Ella Grace Funa Schmid, Dean Joseph Sellers, Shayne Klayton Stein, Justin Jack Stewart, Jr., Amanda Marie Sweet, Hobert John Sweet, Ryan James Tichenor, Caterina Vosburgh, Kendra Talon Walker, Zakary Edwin Weakley, Rickelle Jaymes Wright, Isaiah Edward Zuchowski. $24 million [2] Tuition. Whether you reside in rural areas of our District or within . of students and parents agree that the teachers give engaging lessons. Proctor High School Graduation - June 12, 2021 : PEGTV : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive The Proctor community is proud to support the Proctor Elementary and Junior/Senior High Schools. Publication date 2020-06-08 Topics Rutland, Vermont, PEGTV, Public Access TV, Community Media, PEG, Youtube, Education, Graduation 2020, 2020 Language English. Class of 2021: Donnell James Anderson, Tyler Takota Bassett, Derek Anthony Baur, Allie Alizabeth Catanzaro, Joya N. Chase, Judy Chen, Derek Edward Cieplenski, Valerie Kyla Karin Comstock, Joseph Michael Cornish, Kristen R. Despins, Giovanni Antonio DiOrio, Nicholas Angelo DiVaccaro, Dennis R. Duymaz, Carly Elizabeth Dwyer, Michael Fairbrother, Isabella Robin Fancher, Nicholas Fernando Ford, Jayden Louis Frank, Dominique A. Galante, Dustyn W. Henry, Tyler Christopher Kantor, Ryan P. Keenan, Alex Anthony Kiley, AJ John Kistner, Gianna Roxanne LaBella, Victor Nole Lee, Bianca Marie LoGalbo, Matthew E. Rosado, Thais Danet Lozada Torres, Hannah Elizabeth Mahardy, Maria Sarah Maloney, Emily Elizabeth Marcy, Patrick Robert Peckham, Anya Prilutskaya, Heather Lyn Roberts, Jillian Catherine Ryan, Steven T. Siriano, Aryana Nicole Thomas, Lesya Petrivna Voloshchuk, Mercedes Lee Williams. The district treated me with respect to make my own decisions and follow my individual and personal passions. Addeddate 2019-07-07 22:26:34 Duration 3375 Identifier pegtvvt-Proctor_High_School_Graduation_2019 2021 high school graduates. Class of 2021: Katriana J. Antonuk, Kennedy Ashe, Sydney May Aucompaugh, Logan Daniel Baker, Michael L. Benedetto III, Olivia J. Bochniak, Hunter James Bolen, Isabella Marie Boulerice, Thomas R. Breil, Matthew D. Brooks, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Brucker, Ella L. Buchanan, Carla A. Buffett, Jochua Calvani, Michael R. Carlson, Ethan P. Cassidy, Emily R. Clemons, Hanna G. Corrigan, Jack Anthony Crane, Lyla Kathryne Cushman, Bryce L. Dare, Amanda Anne Darling, Noah E. DeMarco, Alea J. DeWire, Bailey Patrica Dobbins, Raelynn H. Dungey, Joshua J. Dziekan, James G. Enk, Dylan J. Ernst, Spencer W. Farr, Starr MJ Fear, Jordyn Jean Fitch, Dylan Robert Foley, Caden Foote, Crystal Sea Francis, Colby J. Germond, Andrew Giardino, Joseph Matthew Giardullo, Sydney Kathryn Givens, Jonathan Gok, Isaiah Gonzalez, Connor M. Graf, Jeremiah J. Hawkins, Craig C. Haynes, Anna M. Healey, Ryan Hoole, Emmalee J. Howard, Patrick T. Hubal, Denis Ivlichev, Alexis Lynn Johnson, Dakota Jones, Hanna Fata Kajtezovic, Megan L. Kanclerz, Justin W. Kent, Shaylee E. King, Delanie J. Kirk, Nicco A. Klein, Luke D. Kochan, Nicholas Koenig, Taylor A. Koenig, Trevor Koenig, Dean Kousouros, Kristopher H. Koziarz, Jessica Rene Landman, Arianna Rose Lange, Edward Lighthall III, Sawyer Michael Ludwin, Diana Rose Lyubezhanina, Sydney Lyn Maciol, Grace Elizabeth Mahanna, Amber Louise Manion, Jenna Lawryn Mazza, Julia D. Merrill, Shane Moorehead, Jacob D. Morra, Eric J. Muller, Adam K. Naresky, Nathan J. Naresky, Seth Paschke, Tyler Perry, Scott Rachon Jr., Nicholas T. Racino, Austin J. Racquet, Misha Rasko, Seth V. Reese, De'Vante A. Rehm, Rory J. Richard, George R. Ruffrage, Ashley E. Savoy, Jonathan Schmitt, John Schroth V, Kendall Lynne Sexton, Kyle Shepard, Jennie Rose Sherman, Johanna McCarthy Sherman, Austin P. Smith, Emily J. Smith, Tobiason D. Smith, McKenna S. Smyth, Aberi O. Snyder, Ethan Stirling, Austin J. Stolo, Logan Joseph Surace, Jenaro Tantillo, Susan G. Tolbert, Jonathan A. Tolpa, Gabriel Agustin Torres, Breanna Ulinski, Rinalds Ungurs, Alexander M. Waugh, Sara A. Waugh, Melissa Lynn Weir, Gage D. Westcott, David Wilcox, Natalie Rose Yutzler, Cameron J. Zike, Hunter Zyskowski. According to state test scores, 86% of students are at least proficient in math and 62% in reading. Get local news 24/7. With magnificent views of the port and sea this 60 m2 apartment is very quiet and bright, sunrise oriented. Niche ranks nearly 100,000 schools and districts based on statistics and millions of opinions from students and parents. 2023 The diversity topic is less easy because the population in the area is very similar without much in terms of diversity and different groups at the school. of students and parents agree that lots of students participate in clubs and organizations. Please. Shop Thomas R Proctor High School apparel, grad announcements, class rings, gifts and more from Balfour. Population: 6,936 People Nearly 50 students and parents marched from Bay View Elementary to Proctor High School. Class of 2021: Leah Lynn Alexander, Evan Dewitt Aney, Bethany Jane Bala, Zachary Daniel Barretta, Lillian Grace Bauder, Jaeden Michael Beam, Maggie Frances Burdick, Brooke Marie Cardinal, Catherine Rose Christensen, Adia Elizabeth Clarke, Faith Elizabeth Davis, Bailey William Dayton, Trenton Edward Dedicke, Jenna Ann DeSantis, Connar Lewis Dibble, Edward Frank DiTata, Chris Eldred Emerson II, Kolten James Farber, Alyssa Anne Gauthier, Olivia Marlis Gibson, Ruben Javier Gibson, Victoria Rae Grann, Anthony Joseph Greene, Bella Rose Guido, Jasmine Alexis Hayes, Summer Rae Hoover, Hannah Grace Ippolito, Bella Jewel Jackson, Faith Therese Kinsella, Jordan Marie Kohn, Jasmine Natalie Kutsar, Jessica Ann Lindsay, Caden Frederick Ludwig, Cameron Edward Markowski, Aidan Oliver Maxwell, William Cole Maxwell, Brayden Scott McCaw, Shae Elizabeth McEvoy, Hunter Michael Sky McGivern, MaKenzy Jo Morris, Dakota Scott Owens, Gage Schuyler Pankiewicz, Melinda Debra Passage, Iris Dew Pellani, Lanie Rose Pink, Joseph Kaleb Luke Reed, Shannon Lynn Rider, Luke John Rutherford, Christopher Allen Salati-Weir, Kadi Marie Schaffer, Isabella Rene Smith, Andrew Michael Soron, Faith Elizabeth Stewart, Morgan Marie Warney, Ethan Andrew Williams, Kile Nycholas Anthony Wood, Taylor Jordan Wright. We believe students are most successful when they feel seen, known, and deeply connected to their school community. Current Local Time in Srignan, France (Hrault, Occitanie): Date, time I am proud to have graduated from Proctor. Mills, Azhari R. Mujahid, Jamal H. Mujahid, Rocko L. Nemo, Kaylee L. Niznik, Joshua J. Norrs, Makayla F. Norrs, Seth M. Ormsbee, Brooke K. Ossont, Ashley E. Page, Wyatt J. Pfendler, Daniel H. Planck, Kaitlyn M. Podkowka, Benen A. Pominville, Angel I. Porter, Justin T. Race, Jasmine T. Radcliff, Kaitlyn M. Renwick, Brady E. Rhone, Jacob M. Richardson, Daniel D. Risley, Izabella M. Roberts, Badie A. Robinson, Kain J. Robinson, Maria E. Rodriguez, Lucas W. Rogers, Kaden W. Rouse, Zachary P. Sadlowski, Morgan L. Sancomb, Nathan J. Sasenbury, Evelyn J. Simanowski, Payton W. Simpson, Hailey L. Smith, Ranson C. Smith, Jr., Tia S. Stanford-Hellinger, Kaiden-Riley J. Steria, Tara J. Steria, Destiny R. Sterling, Nichole A. Sturtevant, Karissa L. Swartout, Mila P. Sweeney, Glenn W. Traxel, Spencer L. Traxel, Bailey A. Wadsworth, Alexis J. Weiler, Joseph K. Wilcox, Ryan J. Williams, Justin R. Wright, Rowan L. Wysocki, Brianna L. Yelton, Rianna L. Yelton. Utica City School District and the City of Utica Honor the Thomas R. Proctor High School Class of 2022 The Utica City School District and the City of Utica today announced a partnership to hang banners in honor and recognition of the Thomas R. Proctor High School Class of 2022.. City and School District Officials are proud to recognize and honor Thomas R. Proctor High School's graduating . Proctor students make their voices heard, ask for more time with Proctor High School senior Ali Carlson smiles as she walks to the stage in the DECC's Symphony Hall for commencement Sunday, June 6, 2021. Valedictorian: Catherine Rose Christensen. Class of 2021: Zoe Elizabeth Abrams, Katherine Elizabeth Ammann, Madison Anderson, Makayla Arbes, Jordan Paige Babcock, Shannon Marie Baker, Nicholas Balcom, Landon R. Balcom, Nichole Barden, Sydney Marie Bell, Dylan Bender, Mikeila Marie Bennett, Daniel Gene Bernabe, Christian Verdell Boyd, Jeremy Andrew Brazie, Thomas Bretscher, Dawson James Brower, Juliana Andrea Buckingham, Dontai Ray Burton, Blake Butler, Madison Capron, Gianna Rose Castelluzzo, Alexi Rose Chennells, Karrington Jean Christmas, Madison Catherine Collins, Chloe S. Collins, Jaiden Serenity Condon-Schmitt, Michael Confer, Sean Patrick Correia, Cienna Lee Cortes, Brady A. Crawford, Justin Mark Critelli, Kobe James Currie, Thomas Irvan Davis, Kindred Scarlett DeCarolis, Paige Irene Mackenzie Deeley, Ki'a Ashlyn DeLoach, Samuel Scott Dimick, Emily Nichole Dimitriadis, Anna Helen Dobransky, Richard Dale Dubbs IV, Molly D. Dunfield, Jacob Edwards, Mark Andrew Fawley, Cheyenne Finch, Austin Fountain, Cameron Charles Fox, Mitchell J. Please follow our Twitter feed for the most recent and up-to-date news. They dedicated their time to each student and grew relationships with everyone. Class of 2021: Katherine J. Allen, Nathan A. Allen, Janna L. Austin, Christian S. Blanco, Blake L. Bortiatynski, William J. Bortiatynski, Jacob O. Bowers, Ryan S. Broadbent, Holly L. Brower, Dylan R. Cabic, Taylor R. Cady, Garrett M. Cannan, Kennedy A. What time is it in Beaucaire? on June 13, 2020. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. The graduation rate is the percentage of students who entered grade 9 in the same school year who earned a local or Regents diploma four years later. Proctor High School Graduation 2019 by PEGTV. Please contact your school district to verify school assignment for your child. Fall Course Final Re-Exam Deadline: January 6, 2023. Current Local Time in Marsillargues, France (Hrault, Occitanie): Date As firm believers in lifelong learning, we start with exceptional early childhood programs and also host child-care offerings. Home - Poultney High School $67,200 boarding / $39,100 day. The school district purchased the banners along with the hardware as the maintenance departments from both the Utica City School District and the City of Utica are hanging the banners on the streets around Proctor High School and throughout the City of Utica along several major thoroughfares. If you have an original photo of the school, please send it to Proctor High School - Class of 1968 - UTHS Diploma Programs. Thomas R Proctor High School is ranked #9,126 in the National Rankings.Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and . Here is where you can learn more about how to apply for free or reduced school meals. Michele Abbott 1993-1997. Thomas R Proctor High School - Class Rings, Yearbooks and Graduation Proctor High School - Find Alumni, Yearbooks and Reunion Plans The Utica City School District and the City of Utica would like to once again congratulate the Thomas R. Proctor High School Class of 2022 and wish them success in their future endeavors. Class of 2021: Jace Allen, Jandier Almonte, Madison Bean, Lejla Becirevic, Almina Beganovic, Brianna Blum-Jacobs, Devanae Bradford, Angel Broadus, Justin Brown, Luis Campos, Stepha Carcone-Jeffers, Judah Crowder, Tyler Delgado, Robert Devose, Neira Djogo, Ossareine Felix, Ilhana Grabovica, DeKwan Grant, Cody Gregory, Amar Halimanovic, Adrian Hernandez, Vedad Hodzic, Janessa James, Selmir Karup, Ashanti King, Destiny Kovach, Tre'cion Lawrence, Ko Sei Ma, Ryan Madison, Edis Nadarevic, Ermin Novalic, Tarik Omercevic, Liandelys Ortiz, Joneily Pacheco, Eh Ta Mwee Paw, Enjoli Rivera, Aiden Rodriguez, Juan Rodriguez, Zayauna Rodriguez, Amir Salkanovic, Selma Skiljan, Narrith Sou, Dillon Stapleton, Darius Stuckman, Briana Tinsley, Robbie Lee Washington, Brandon Wimpenney, Tiah Wormuth. Proctor Jr/Sr High School Graduation recorded on June 11, 2022 Addeddate 2022-06-14 03:05:32 28 June 28 Wednesday. The small size and local setting of the schools enables the. Class Reunion Websites - No Ads, No Spam, No Pop-Ups, No Fees. Proctor High School - 2020 Graduation by PEGTV. Each school and community honor their student's achievements over the past four years by joining together to celebrate all their hard work before sending them off into the next chapter of their lives. Provides auto-suggestions when entering text, Best Public High School Teachers in Minnesota. Discover the schools, companies, and neighborhoods that are right for you. Proctor was the only school district I had attended through my primary years, and I feel I am an educated, responsible, and contributing member to my community and society. It has 555 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 18 to 1. Proctor High School Proctor, MN USA Monday February 13, 2023 1968 HOME | CLASS NEWS | MESSAGES | CLASS DIRECTORY | FAMILY NEWS | | | | FAQ This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state reading/language arts assessment test. Khin Kyi 2014-2018. If you would like to learn more about applying for free or reduced school meals, please click below. Packett, Andrea Pajazetovic, Jenay Pajazetovic, Asia M Panuccio, Abbigail Josephine Pape, A Ra Pat, Tulsiben Patel, Ayana Patterson, Jack Paute, Chris Paw, Eh San San Paw, Eh Tmwee Paw, GayBlue Paw, Hser Gay Paw, Hser K' paw Paw, Lah Kyu Paw, Thdah Dah Paw, Kyashia Pearson, Isyss Pemberton, Jakeem Penn, Domonick Pennicooke, Imani Penny, Alejandra Perez, Alyssa R Peters, Lindsey M Peters, A Ra Pha, Vy Pham, Briana Phillips, Nijja' N Phillips, Sabae Phyo, Jacai Pierce, Yerfesson Pimentel, Arianna Pinckney, Jamilette Pineda, Andrea Piperata, Angelena M Potter, Meldin Poturovic, Allan Prescod, Anthony Matthew Priore, Sara Puric, Hei Pwee, Mohammad Qarqouz, Kyle Quinn, Teo Racic, Arianna Rafferty, Micah Rai, Alison Michelle Ramirez Rivera, Angel Luis Ramos, Tiffany Jade Ramos, Randy Ramos Montoya, Keishlianny Ramos-Quinones, Angelina Raymonda, Jessica Ream, Da'Mair Maddox Reece, Antwon Reese, Carolyn M Reilly, Tanairy Retamar, Sanaa Revill, Lin Ri, Isabella Frances Rightmier, Eladio Rios, James Rivera, Jayden Austyn Rivera, Marcus Rivera, Haley Roberts, Aundria Robinson, Louis Robinson, Roy Kristian Deon Robinson, Jason Robinson-Adams, Anne Rodriguez, Ethan Rodriguez, Jadalyn Rodriguez, Wendolyn Roman, Alexia Rosado, Christina Maria Rosado, Francis Rosario, Brianna Ruggiero, Jonathan T Rush, Ahlanna Jasmine Russell, Azar Ruznic, Meldin Ruznic, Matthew A Rycraft, Hasan Sabanagic, Mirela Sabanic, Dino Sabic, Riziki Sadiki, Issmar Salkic, Sean Sam, Lashaunta' Sanchious-Felton, Enrique Santana, Solcirette Santana, Jaylee Santiago, Wineishcaliz Santiago Rivera, Brianna Santos, Sainarimani Sao, Gaydoh Say, Kaylee Say, Lay Dia Say, Paw Lah Say, Brianna Scalise, Dalton Schloop, Kiralyn G Schmidt, Keria M Scott, Shampreell Kimora Scott, Thuria Shahbain, Vanessa Shelly, Elizabeth Shephard, Riah Jane Sheridan, Jada Monet Sherman, Jennifer Shine, Anthony Joseph Showa, Faris Siddig, Mary Sidorevich, Eer Shwe Sin, Ah Sit, Ernes Skiljan, Kaleb Slover, Chit Soe, Eh Kee Lar Soe, Ermin Softic, Lindsay V Son, Sarah Son, Emonie Spivey, Dennis C Stark, Tranae'ea Stone, Alysa Story, Brianna Styles, Sabina Subba, Sirjana Subba, Sokli Sum, Edvin Tabakovic, Genesis Tacuri, Hanadi Tajir, Birendra Tamang, Kwe Doh Taw, Shanni Taylor, Eh Tharmie Thaw, El Thayouwin Thaw, Mu La Hser Thay, Sirr Thi, Brandon Ly Thomas, Kiayra Thomas, Naysia Thomas, Qudiar Thomas, Abriana Tidmore, Niasia Tillery, Nalanie Tobe-Robinson, Olivia Lynn Tobiasz, Kamajiauna A Tolbert, Eh Lir Sha Too, Roger Too, Christopher Torres, Norma Torres, Jennifer Tran, Kimberly Tran, Eduard Tsvyd, Ei Thandar Tun, Leonardo Thet Tun, Nying Tun, Than Say Tun, Ar'Mannie Jah'Daye Turner, Anthony Turturo, Suzette Valcarcel, Jahshiem Valladares, Aven Vargas, Michael Vazquez, Nanii Vazquez, Omar Vazquez, Salvatore F Velardi, Maida Veljacic, Jimmy Vo, Victoria N Vo, Thuy Hoang Ngoc Vuong, Bu Lar Wah, Eh Hser Wah, Hser Lay Wah, Hser Nay Say Wah, Ler M Wah, May Wah, Anthony Walawender, Nidasia Walker, Taylor Walker, Breyona A Wallace, Makhi Walls, Haden Ward, Tatiyona Warren, Derek Jordan Waszkiewicz, Katelyn Monae Watts, Saron Webb, Xavier Webb, Po Wee, Ariana M Williams, Q'ronn Williams, Quasheer Williams, Westashia Williams, Malajah Wilson, Yasmin Wilson, True Win, Jallen Wright, Elizabeth Sarah Cecilia Wronka, Andrew Wynder, Ivan Xie, Ra Be Ya, Marie Abigail Yatassaye, Ugumba Yunisi, Yusuf Yusuf, Adam Zemanek. Class of 2021: Samantha Baker, David Bauer, Emma Blazer, Julia Bohm, Rudolph Bohm, Nicholas Bowen, Mitchell Bravo, Mckenzie Brush, Moriah Bushey, Ethan Butler, Dominic Clark, Evan Collins, Jayden Cooley, Ryan Cooney, Samantha Cresci, Tricia Dietz, Kristina Donets, Gary Grabinski, Ava Green, Salim Haddad-Payne, Connor Hayes, Samuel Heffernan, Vincent Johns, Tressa Jones, Kiley Keeler, Eunique Kolison, Isabella Laffey, Quang Anh (Harry) Le, Franchesca LoConti, Leslie Longo, Ajak Lual, Mohamed Magano, Jaden Mason, Joshua Milone, Jehlani Patterson, Michael Peterson, Kayla Pezzulo, Luke Putelo, John Quinn, Lindsey Reece, Jaclyn Roberts, Julianna Rushton, Lily Sehring, Ajla Sejdic, Richard Simpson, Taylor Smith, Matthew St Louis-Waldren, Thomas Swalgin, Gianna Talarico, Jevar Thomas, Victoria Tran, Isaiah Vasquez, Julia Verenich, Abigail Waite, Paige Wallace, Kyra Warncke, Jingyang Wei, Samantha Whaley, Jermaine Williams, Gracie Zangrilli, Paul Zemanek, Bangze (Ben) Zhou, Tyler Zyla.

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