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putnam county fair senior day

Food Vendors & rides will NOT be open at this time. Registration is now open! Recipe including amounts of all ingredients must accompany the entry. Doors will open at 8 a.m. where seniors will be greeted by local officials and Rotary Club members of the two Counties. 4,229 were here. . Putnam County HomeCare & Hospice - Events Horse & Mule Shows. Events . Schedule of Events - Putnam County Fair Thursday will be Senior Citizens Day and will welcome all seniors 62 and older for free. Putnam County HomeCare & Hospice is partnered with Pathways Counseling Center, Putnam County Childrens Grief Support Group & Trinity United Methodist Church. Event Venue and host of the Annual Putnam County Fair in East Palatka, Florida! 2024 Entry Forms & Rules NOW AVAILABLE! ** If you already have a booth space at the Fair you do NOT need to buy a Senior Day space. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern, indem Sie auf unseren Websites und Apps auf den Link Datenschutz- und Cookie-Einstellungen oder Datenschutz-Dashboard klicken. ELEANOR, WV (WOWK) - The 2023 Putnam County Fair got underway in Eleanor on Friday, starting ten consecutive days of summer entertainment. that is degrading to another person. Putnam County Fair - Ottawa, OH - AARP 9:00 AM Fair Office Opens. Create your custom schedule by setting the filter on the left to "Upcoming Events", then clicking the save button on events you plan to attend. A scholarship was added last year in memory of Dan Ramirez, a Rotarian and volunteer whose service as PC Schools Technology Director helped improve the lives of students and staff. Beginning at 11 a.m. Dr. Ron Black will give a presentation of minimizing your risk for developing dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. Shaw Local News Network provides local news throughout northern Illinois. Educational Workshops and Special Events Each award recognizes academic achievement, extra-curricular involvement and community service. We will be doing complimentary blood pressure checks and have free goodies to take as well. Fair Working together to provide this special day are the Putnam County Fair Board, The Meadows of Kalida, Leipsic and Ottawa, Putnam Homecare and Hospice, Putnam County Health Department and Ottawa Senior Citizens. (60 yrs old +) Senior Day Map Wednesday March 23 Gates Open at 10:15am FREE . The group treats audiences to a mixture of bluegrass, new grass and a little bit of country. Saturday, October 7th from 5:30am-10:30am. Informational booths were also set up to educate local seniors on their health and wellness. 2. His work experience was gained at Chipotle Mexican Grill in Peru. There's funnel cakes on there," Neal said. The Association did not meet in 2020 because of COVID. 2015 07 26 putnam county fair tab by Herald-Citizen - Issuu Vargas intends to pursue college and a career in biomedical engineering. We will be enjoying friends and fellowship at 3 area wineries. Articles Northern Lights will not be visible in Ohio this week as circulating social media post is based on out-of-date information Join us for our 9th Annual Wine Tour coming this August! Mark your calendars and sign up once registration opens up on the Ottawa Kiwanis Facebook page to get a spot. (Photo provided by Scott Shore) Threats of harming another PCHH will hold its meeting in person at our office located in Ottawa. The award presentations were made by Rotary President Debbie Buffington and Vice President Adriane Shore. 1. Demolition Derby. Senior Day - Wednesday, March 23, 2022 - Gates open @ 10:30am, Lunch @ 11a, Entertainment program @ 12:30p . The $500 award was earned by Azael Vargas, who has served his community as a member and Vice President of Interact as well as through his involvement in other school extracurriculars. The employer is also recognized with a plaque in appreciation for their student guidance and participation in the Co-Op project. Entertainment - Putnam County Fair (Photo Provided by Putnam County Rotary). PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. Lunch and Entertainment Putnam County Fair - WSAZ Putnam County Rotary presents awards to PCHS seniors Recipients of Putnam County Rotary Awards include (L-R): Jesse Scott, Azael Vargas, Nicholas Currie, and Fabian Rivera. Fair MAP. The Marshall-Putnam Fair will offer a Senior Day that will include free admission, refreshments and music from the Henry Torpedo Boys from 9 to 11 a.m. on Thursday July 14 in the Hunt Building. Have the latest local news delivered every morning so you don't miss out on updates. For some assisted living facilities in the area, the day was great for their residents to get out and about. ELEANOR, W.Va. (WSAZ) - The Putnam County Fair is among the best in all of West Virginia. or anything. There was an error processing your request. Call PCHH at 419-523-4449 or email Kaylee at to reserve a spot for a camper! talent contest, tractor pull, senior Olympics, kids games and kiddy parade, food stand and exhibits including 4-H, crafts, needlework, quilts, woodworking, flowers and vegetables. Fair . Make a Referral - To request a meeting or information. Pictured are (seated L-R): Rich Selquist and Todd Witek and (standing, L-R) Barney Erickson, Tom Bogner and Terry Feldott.Admission is free for all ages. 2023 Winners. Scattered thunderstorms develop this afternoon. Local Senior Citizen Agencies are looking forward to meet area senior citizens at the Putnam County Fair. During the box lunch time Joel Starkey and JD Owen will again provide entertainment. Putnam County Fair - Secretary's Office. All graduates of . Furthermore, musicians Joel Starkey and JD Owen performed covers of classic hits at the entertainment tent located on the fairgrounds. He will be attending Missouri S & T, studying mechanical engineering. The Bill Klein Memorial Scholarship recognizes a student whose qualities include the drive and determination that past Club President Bill Klein had demonstrated to be the keys to personal and vocational success during his life. Jun 24, 2021 Updated Jun 24, 2021 Thursday was Senior Citizens Day at the Putnam County Fair. Event Venue and host of the Annual Putnam County Fair in East Palatka, Florida! We work with families and children, farmers and . Through partnerships and collaboration with other organizations, our staff also offer educational workshops and community events that benefit older adults, family and caregivers. Your email address will be used to confirm your account. racist or sexually-oriented language. Partly cloudy and cooler. 10a Country Store. Tue 1 August 1 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Board Meeting Putnam County Fair - Secretary's Office 1490 E. 2nd St., Ottawa, OH, United States September 2023 Tue 5 September 5 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Board Meeting Putnam County Fair - Secretary's Office 1490 E. 2nd St., Ottawa, OH, United States October 2023 Tue 3 October 3 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Board Meeting Putnam County Fair | 2023 Putnam County Fair Past year vendors/exhibitors and sponsors have priority to reserve their same booth if all paperwork and fees are submitted by the first Monday in December each fair year. 5:00 AM - 8:00 AM Animal Load Out & Clean Pens. July 16th. If you forget it, you'll be able to recover it using your email address. Success! SPONSOR THE FAIR; Vendor Info; OTTAWA, OH (WLIO) - A local county fair organized a special day dedicated to its senior citizens. The $500 award recognizes a students vision to utilize computer technology to make the world a better place. Improve Your Listing. Search Website. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.. Storm chances taper by sunset. Fun day for kids at Putnam County Fair - Yahoo News All Veterans and their spouses are welcome. Cornhole Tournament. Be Nice. Senior Citizens Day All Seniors 62 and older admitted FREE all day. Individuals interested in attending the meeting are asked to call Kaylee Wilhelm at 419-523-4449 to obtain access information. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. The Putnam County Fair | Ottawa OH - Facebook Buy Tickets. Copyright 2023, Putnam County Fair Authority, Inc.. All Rights Reserved. Tickets are $50 a person and are available at the office. Call or email Dana with any questions at 419-523-4449 or 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Jr Fair Booth Clean-Up. Animal cannot be shown in more than one county Jr. Fair. 97th Putnam County Fair The Tradition Lives On August 3 - 12, 2023 Home About Us Vendors Events Fair Entries Sponsors Pageants Photo Galleries Contact Contact Us Address 200 Veterans Dr. Cookeville, TN Directions Published: Jul. - a Very special event open only to our Senior Citizens, the Fair offers a unique time for folks to enjoy seeing the Fair livestock and exhibits during the day, and free from the large loud crowds that attend in the evening. 4. All rights reserved. Back to Home. Home - Putnam County Fair Retired Marshall-Putnam Judges Mike McCuskey and Scott Shore will emcee the event, with many donated door prizes for those over 65 and a guest appearance of the Fair Royalty. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism All Seniors 62 and older admitted FREE all day 7:00am: Gates Open 8:00am: Bred and Fed Swine Show (Main Show Arena) 9:00am: Fair Office Opens 9:00am - 1pm: Senior Activities (Entertainment Tent) 10:00am: Open Class Flower Show Judging (Merchant Building) 10:00am - 1pm: Music (Entertainment Tent) The award is renewable as his studies advance. Putnam County Fair closed Thursday due to severe weather 5p 9p Quilt Exhibition Cultural Arts Bldg. So grab a friend (or two) and register to join the FUN! Add your social media links and bio and promote your discounts, menus, events. Your gift purchase was successful! - this event is FREE admission to our Seniors. Sign up for email updates from Putnam County Fair Authority, Inc. 2024 Entry Forms & Rules NOW AVAILABLE! - Gates open @ 10:30am, Lunch @ 11a, Entertainment program @ 12:30p Exhibit Hall, Art Show, Home Division, Horticulture, 4-H Club & Individual Exhibits, Conservation Trays, Livestock Barns, Petting Zoo will all be open for Senior Citizens to view; Food Vendors & rides will NOT be open at this time. This year he spoke on how to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's. All proceeds stay within PCHH to help with medical expenses, equipment and coverage for our patients and their families. This is the name that will be displayed next to your photo for comments, blog posts, and more. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Severe weather is sweeping our region, including in Putnam County where hundreds are without power due to the rain and storms. That was Dr. Ron Black," said Janelle Herrera, Meadows of Leipsic community service representative. Senior Citizen Day at the Fair Committee: Carol Vinson, Representatives from 20 Healthcare Organizations in Putnam County and Junior Fair Board Members Monday, August 9, 2022 9:00a.m. On Yahoo, Yelp, SuperPages, AmericanTowns and 25 other directories! Putnam County Fair. "You like funnel cake? 11:30am-12:00 Lunch is served* courtesy of the Palatka Sunrise Rotary Club & the Putnam County Fair Authority 12:00-2 Enjoy the livestock barns, petting zoo, art exhibits & our vendors Midway and food booths will NOT be open All rights reserved. Putnam County Fairgrounds This annual event is held the Saturday and Sunday before Labor Day. Venue. Your browser is out of date and potentially vulnerable to security risks.We recommend switching to one of the following browsers: Your account has been registered, and you are now logged in. Please choose a different filter We connect with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. Animal Load Day & Clean Pens / Booth Clean-up 10:00AM: JFB Jr. Fair Clean Up Locate An Office. Jun 14, 2023 0 Local Senior Citizen Agencies are looking forward to meet area senior citizens at the Putnam County Fair The Putnam County Fair will host Senior Day next Thursday, June 22, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Putnam County HomeCare & Hospice is partnered with Pathways Counseling Center, Putnam County Childrens Grief Support Group & Trinity United Methodist Church, Putnam County Senior Expo There are no events matching your search criteria. Low 60F. Published: Jul. Secure transaction. Putnam County Agricultural Fair Exhibitor / Vendor ** Senior Day Only SPONSOR THE 2024 FAIR. 7:00 AM Gates Open. 9a Senior Citizens' Day at the Fair - Music Barn. High around 82F. Our professional staff are available to speak to community groups on agency services and on other subjects of interest to inform, enlighten, and inspire older adults. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. SENIOR DAY at the Fair. Search. Rivera also earned this years $500 Co-Op Student of the Year Award, annually recognizing a student who has excelled in the schools work-school cooperative program. Fair - Putnam County Fair Senior Day at the FAIR! - Putnam County Fairgrounds Putnam County Fair | Putnam - Ohio State University From vibrant and thriving 4H and FFA programs to motor sports . Those 62 years and older got into the fairgrounds for free to enjoy the activities and entertainment planned for them. There was a problem saving your notification. Senior Day at the FAIR! Animals may be purchased at any place and may consist of any recognized breed or crosses of cattle fed for beef. The event was filled with enjoyable activities and experiences for all attendees. If you need additional information, please call the Council on Aging at 419-523-4121 or toll-free 1-877-796-1760. Invalid password or account does not exist. Friday, August 4th 2023. PUTNAM COUNTY, WV (WOWK) The Putnam County Fair will not open on Thursday due to severe weather. Primary tabs. 12, 2023 at 3:06 PM PDT. Senior Day at fair promises fun, Thursday, June 22. "You like a petting zoo? July 15th. The award presentations were made by Rotary President Debbie Buffington and Vice President Adriane Shore. Outdoor non-food vendor space is extremely limited. Sunday, August 7. 4:00 PM-7:00 PM: Register all Market and Open Rabbit Exhibits at . PUTNAM COUNTY FAIR GRANDSTAND EVENTS. You can add events to your personal schedule by signing into your account! Partly sunny and hazy. Schedule. PUTNAM COUNTY FAIR We think it is an award winning county fair O ur goal this year with the 89th Putnam County Fair has been to create the fair of our memories Tuesday, June 20, 2023 - 11:00 AM No entry fee No pre-registration Competitions will begin promptly at 7 PM in the Merchants Building. Exhibit Hall, Art Show, Home Division, Horticulture, 4-H Club & Individual Exhibits, Conservation Trays, Livestock Barns, Petting Zoo will all be open for Senior Citizens to view; Food Vendors & rides will NOT be open at this time. Junior Fair King and Queen: Applications for the Putnam County Junior Fair King, Queen and Court are due May 19, 2023. Examples of some of our collaborative events and workshops include: Here is a list of some of our upcoming programs. This years $500 award was presented to Jesse Scott, whose plans include IVCC, Bradley University and a business career. Then of course, the wonderful wine, spirits and food at the 3 wineries. Rachel Neal says no matter what you like, there's something for everybody at the fair. Submitting this form below will send a message to your email with a link to change your password. Recipients of Putnam County Rotary Awards include (L-R): Jesse Scott, Azael Vargas, Nicholas Currie, and Fabian Rivera. - Senior Day is always the Wednesday of the Fair! View (active tab) Repeats; Monday, June 19, 2023 (All day) to Saturday, June 24, 2023 (All day) Location: Putnam County Fairgrounds. FBI Cleveland - Lima Resident Agency Named One of Nine Newly Designated Counties to the ONDCP-funded High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) Program in the U.S. Golden Fresh Farms Greenhouse hopes to be rebuilt and operating again by September 2023, Lima's National Night Out to be held in Faurot Park this year, everyone is invited to the free event, Brisco proclaims his innocence as he is sentenced to 8 to 12 years in prison for rape, Body found in Indian Lake on the 4th was identified by Logan County Coroner, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. "In the facility, you have your friends and things, but it's always good to get out in the public and see people that you haven't seen in a while.". Your browser is out of date and potentially vulnerable to security risks.We recommend switching to one of the following browsers: You have permission to edit this article. The Putnam County Rotary presented five awards to Putnam County High School seniors at the annual awards assembly held on May 3. Keep it Clean. Journeys is a group for men and women who experienced death of a loved one. Admission & Tickets. Saturday, August 6. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. You are already included! Low 60F. Friday, August 5. July 14th. They got a petting zoo going on. The Clubs final award looks to honor a student whose community service and student leadership accomplishments, earn the clubs highest honor for student service above self. Nicholas Currie was presented the award, having participated in many service and student leadership activities, all while participating in sports, working part-time, earning high academic honors leading up to his senior year as PCHS Interact President. ** This form is for those businesses that prefer not to participate in the fair the whole NINE days but really want to be included to reach our Senior Citizens during their special Day. Welcome to UnionVille, MO Choose wisely! The Putnam County Fair's senior day was made possible by the fair board collaborating with various organizations, including the Meadows of Kalida, Leipsic, Ottawa Senior Citizens, Putnam County Health Department, and Putnam Homecare and Hospice. * Please note: vendor & exhibitor spaces are offered to last years' participants first. Seniors in Bureau and Putnam Counties needing transportation to the fairgrounds may call BPART at (877) 874-8813 or Marshall-Stark Transportation at 309-364-2287 as soon as possible to be added to the transportation schedule. Date: Mar 22, 2023 Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Location (s): Putnam County Fairgrounds - 386-328-3247 Category (s): Fair Other 10am Gates OPEN 10:30am Circus Incredible performance 11:30-12 LUNCH* is served courtesy of the Palatka Sunrise Rotary Club and the Putnam County Fair Authority Program Starts at 12:15pm - Rotary club of Palatka Sunrise cooks and serves a wonderful lunch, also FREE of charge. Everything Fair | Putnam - Ohio State University SENIOR CITIZEN DAY! Senior Citizens Day. Providing a fun, educational and entertaining fair Share with Us. Senior Day at fair promises fun, Thursday, June 22 | News Don't Threaten. Booths are indoors and vary in sizes from 10' wide to 30' wide due to availability. - Gates open @ 10:30am, Lunch @ 11a, Entertainment program @ 12:30p. Bei der Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps verwenden wir, unsere Websites und Apps fr Sie bereitzustellen, Nutzer zu authentifizieren, Sicherheitsmanahmen anzuwenden und Spam und Missbrauch zu verhindern, und, Ihre Nutzung unserer Websites und Apps zu messen, personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte auf der Grundlage von Interessenprofilen anzuzeigen, die Effektivitt von personalisierten Anzeigen und Inhalten zu messen, sowie, unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu entwickeln und zu verbessern. 11a - 1p Cultural Arts Bldg & S. Exhibit Hall Open . Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.. Storm chances taper by sunset. These participants are our community partners and commercial exhibitors. Secure transaction. - Senior Day is always the Wednesday of the Fair! Thursday, the Putnam County Fair held its annual "Senior Day" from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 8:30 AM-12:00 PM: Registration of 4-H & Open Class Exhibits at the Putnam County Extension Office. Bogner says the group is looking forward to performing for seniors and is hoping for a record turnout. LaSalle-Peru Township High School Calendar. Health Screening Bus brought to us by ONU Health Wise Subscribe Now Breaking News SIGN UP NOW SENIOR DAY at the Fair; 2023 Winners; 2023 Sponsors; Vendor Info; Livestock Buyer Info; Livestock Awards Banquet; FACILITY RENTAL; Events Events. 1490 E. 2nd St. Ottawa, OH 45875 United States + Google Map. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. 2023 Sponsors. Phone: 419-523-4628. The Putnam County Fair will host Senior Day next Thursday, June 22, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The day will provide a wide selection of entertainment including vendor booths, entertainment and a presentation. Putnam County Fairgrounds located in the heart of Cookeville, Tennessee is available for. This years camp is going to span 2 days, scheduled for July 19th and 20th. Wenn Sie Ihre Auswahl anpassen mchten, klicken Sie auf Datenschutzeinstellungen verwalten. "Well, especially when they're in a facility, it's good to be out and about amongst everybody else," says Kathleen Edwards with the Putnam County Council on Aging. The Putnam County Fair is one of the largest county fairs in the area. Your purchase was successful, and you are now logged in. (Photo provided by Scott Shore). Journeys will provide an opportunity to meet together and develop supportive relationships that will encourage sharing of feelings in a safe environment. NO Sub-Leasing will be permitted. Vendors, door prizes, goodies and more! Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Scattered thunderstorms develop this afternoon. We won't share it with anyone else. Putnam County Fair 21,885 were here. Livestock & Dairy. Vendor Info. Putnam County Fair. 2019 Champion Fair, AAA Division, 2021 Champion of Champions Fair Award and 2022 Premier Fair Award. Dairy Goat Show. All animals must be owned/ leased and cared for by the exhibitor. "GOD & Country Night" with Fireworks sponsored by Faith Baptist Church. Recipient Fabian Rivera intends to study cyber-security at IVCC. All beef breeding breeds will be shown separately. Events from January 19 - September 5 - Putnam County Fair May 15, 2023 at 5:30 am CDT Expand Recipients of Putnam County Rotary Awards include (L-R): Jesse Scott, Azael Vargas, Nicholas Currie, and Fabian Rivera. These booths range from local businesses, commercial goods, hand crafted wares, government agencies, political parties and candidates, civic organizations. SENIOR DAY at the Fair; 2023 Winners; 2023 Sponsors; Entry Forms, Rules & Important Dates; Beauty Pageant 2023 Apply Early! Thursday, August 4. SENIOR DAY at the Fair FREE to everyone 60+ years young Gates OPEN at 10am 10:30am-Circus Incredible Performs 11:30am-12 Lunch* is served courtesy of the Palatka Sunrise Rotary Club and the Putnam County Fair Authority, Inc 12:15pm Program Starts 11:00am-1:00pm Dole Whip dessert courtesy of JAK Concessions Edwards says there is always information and resources available for seniors by contacting their local aging agencies. Putnam County Fairgrounds | Cookeville TN - Facebook Copyright 2021 by Lima Communications Corporation. Putnam County Fair dedicates a day to senior citizens Those who are 65 or older will also have a chance to win many donated door prizes as well. Other miscellaneous workshops on topics such as. Senior Day at the Putnam County Fair Senior Citizen's Day Celebration in honor of Older American's Month Other miscellaneous workshops on topics such as: Scams, Social Isolation and Loneliness, Disaster Preparedness, Alzheimer's, Medicare Etc. Never too early to enter! Search Website. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. 3. "Our vendors are specifically, kind of, targeting things that senior citizens would need regarding insurance, healthcare options, home-health options, and that type of thing. Those 62 years and older got into the fairgrounds for free to enjoy the activities and entertainment planned for them. Be Proactive. Welcome to the Putnam County Fair Facebook page! The Henry Torpedo Boys includes Terry Feldott on banjo, and guitar, Rich Selquist on dobro, Dave Barney Erickson on mandolin, fiddle, and guitar; Tom Bogner on bass, Todd Witek on guitar, and with all pitching in on vocals. Career Opportunities at Your Hometown Stations, Putnam County Fair dedicates a day to senior citizens, Northern Lights will not be visible in Ohio this week as circulating social media post is based on out-of-date information, One Person Dead Following Motorcycle & SUV Crash in Lima, Unemployment scams plaguing UAW members, local president says action is needed, Thieves are targeting SNAP benefit holders warns Job and Family Services. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the email address listed on your account. 4p 9p Grand Mas Barnyard Live Demonstrations, 5p 7p Live Demonstrations Dry Levee. Monday, August 8. . Individuals 62 and above could enter for free and had access to various entertainment options, such as vendor booths, presentations, and complimentary boxed lunches. Youth Quality Care for Animals for Market Exhibitors Join us along with Putnam County Council on Aging, Inc., Putnam County Health Department, Ottawa Senior Center, The Meadows of Ottawa, The Meadows of Leipsic, The Meadows of Kalida, for the 2023 SENIOR EXPO! If you have a unique item you would like us to consider for the future, please contact us with a photo of your set-up at an event, photo of your item, menu, along with your space and power requirements. The Putnam County Community Center will also help coordinate transportation to the fairgrounds. Midway Attractions. Come visit our booth at the Kiwanis Health Fair!

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