21, "Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union", "Iraqi leader's Koran 'written in blood'", "Iraq surveys show 'humanitarian emergency', "Truth and death in Iraq under sanctions", "Sanctions on Iraq: A Valid Anti-American Grievance? Saddam feared that radical Islamic ideashostile to his secular rulewere rapidly spreading inside his country among the majority Shi'ite population. The real reason was to help them succeed in the war against Iran. Mohamed Ramadan Hussein . [13], Hussein decried the morale of those in his generation who sought to simply make a living instead of fighting for their rights. This page was last edited on 17 July 2023, at 19:06. Still in shock! He was just 50! R.I.P Dr.Ramadan Hussein The first Iraqi nuclear reactor was named by the French "Osirak". 17 hobbaabeg 1 yr. ago RIP beanner468 1 yr. ago Oh, no! IOC. Mohyeldin Ramadan Hussein - Wikipedia He competed in the men's Greco-Roman 82 kg at the 1992 Summer Olympics. Saddam then sent his troops into Kuwait. The oil reserves of Kuwait (with a population of 2million next to Iraq's 25) were roughly equal to those of Iraq. There Saddam was given full membership in the party by Michel Aflaq. Expand below. He also served as prime minister of Iraq, first from 16 July 1979 until 23 March 1991, and later from 29 May 1994 to 9 April 2003. Saddam urged the Kuwaitis to waive the Iraqi debt accumulated in the war, some $30 billion, but they refused. [58], In the course of his reign, the Ba'athist regime officially included the historic Kurdish Muslim leader Saladin as a patriotic symbol in Iraq, while Saddam called himself son of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar and had stamped the bricks of ancient Babylon with his name and titles next to him.[59][60]. [14] However, he did not blame this perceived submissiveness and aimlessness solely on the Arab youth themselves, but to the environment in which they grew up, with many having lived through the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and the 1948 Palestinian exodus. By 1982, Iraq was on the defensive and looking for ways to end the war. Saddam's half-brother, Barzan Ibrahim, and Awad Hamed al-Bandar, head of Iraq's Revolutionary Court in 1982, were convicted of similar charges. [131][132] During this period Saddam was interrogated by FBI agent George Piro. [18], His earlier works were of an austere, classical Arabic variety, but gradually Hussein introduced more freedom to his use of the classical metres and his poetry became more satirical. He was the first prominent poet to appear on the Israeli Arab stage. Ramadan Hussein - Biography - IMDb [2] References [ edit] ^ "Mohyeldin RAMADAN HUSSEIN Profile". We studied Egyptology together at the Department of Egyptology at the Faculty of Archaeology at Cairo University from 1990 to 1944. Kingdom of the Mummies: With Kerry Shale, Salima Ikram, Ramadan Hussein, Sahar Saleem. "[47] Saddam Hussein could pursue such military aggression with a "military machine paid for in large part by the tens of billions of dollars Kuwait and the Gulf states had poured into Iraq and the weapons and technology provided by the Soviet Union, Germany, and France. Leaders of Islamic countries should show respect for this blessed occasion not demean it. which occurred only in the form of rearrangement of the received texts, i.e. These deaths made Saddam's mother, Subha Tulfah al-Mussallat, so depressed that she attempted to abort her pregnancy and commit suicide. [41] Arif was given refuge in London and then Istanbul. Miroslav Brta Ramadan Hussein was not only an excellent researched and loving father, but also a god friend to all who knew him. This was seen in his variety of apparel: when visited villages, he appeared in the costumes of the Arabs, a thawb which the traditional clothes of the Arab peasant (which he essentially wore during his childhood in his village), and even Kurdish clothing, but also appeared in Western suits fitted by his favorite tailor and hat, projecting the image of a powerful leader. Retrieved 20 June 2020. They both were from the Albu Nasir tribe, a tribe that had descended from Ahmed Bin Hussein 'Nasiruddin' who was a descendant of Imam Hussein Bin Ali. Deploys Air and Sea Forces After Iraq Threatens 2 Neighbors", "CONFRONTATION IN THE GULF; Excerpts From Iraqi Document on Meeting With U.S. Saddam implemented a national infrastructure campaign that made great progress in building roads, promoting mining, and developing other industries. In his January 2002 state of the union address to Congress, President George W. Bush spoke of an "axis of evil" consisting of Iran, North Korea, and Iraq. Before the 1970s, most of Iraq's people lived in the countryside and roughly two-thirds were peasants. They are located to the south of the Pyramid of King Unas at Saqqara and belong to high ranking Egyptian officials and military personnel. Studies dispute the number of people who died in south and central Iraq during the years of the sanctions. As the Ba'ath Party's paramilitary, the People's Army acted as a counterweight against any coup attempts by the regular armed forces. [3] Another Arabic collection of his poems, Palestinian Poems, was published in 1982. He was known to have publicly declared before that arrest that he was "glad that he got away alive." When Baghdad fell to US-led forces on 9 April, marked symbolically by the toppling of his statue,[125] Saddam was nowhere to be found. Sometimes he would also be portrayed as a devout Muslim, wearing full headdress and robe, praying toward Mecca. That's just the way I am. Actor: Pusher III. His biographyand Iraqi television, which stages the story ad nauseamtells of his familiarity with guns from the age of ten; his fearlessness and loyalty to the party during the 1959 operation; his bravery in saving his comrades by commandeering a car at gunpoint; the bullet that was gouged out of his flesh under his direction in hiding; the iron discipline that led him to draw a gun on weaker comrades who would have dropped off a seriously wounded member of the hit team at a hospital; the calculating shrewdness that helped him save himself minutes before the police broke in leaving his wounded comrades behind; and finally the long trek of a wounded man from house to house, city to town, across the desert to refuge in Syria. After two years of intermittent activity, US and British warplanes struck harder at sites near Baghdad in February 2001. He later ordered troops to the IraqKuwait border. Saddam was born in Al-Awja, near Tikrit, to a prominent Sunni Muslim family. Nearly from its founding as a modern state in 1920, Iraq has had to deal with Kurdish separatists in the northern part of the country. He was able, thanks to Allah and thanks to his efforts to learn the fundamentals of the holy Quran, and its rules under the supervision of distinguished Sheikhs and scholars such as Sheikh Jumaa Ali on whom he read Al Fikh, grammar, the Tawheed, and the fundamentals of the Hadeeth, and Sheikh Dr. Abdul Latif Ahmad who taught him about the prophets Hadeeth, and Sheikh Reboar Mohammad Ahmad who taught him important lessons about the holy Quran. Professor Head of Cataloguing & Classification Unit . At various times Saddam released audio tapes promoting popular resistance to his ousting. The Al-Anfal Campaign was a genocidal campaign[83] against the Kurdish people (and many others) in Kurdish regions of Iraq led by the government of Saddam Hussein and headed by Ali Hassan al-Majid. the Pyramid Texts 'Serpent Spells' in the Saite Contexts - Academia.edu During the ambush it is claimed that Saddam began shooting prematurely, which disorganized the whole operation. May he rest in peace and may his family, friends, students, and colleagues find solace. [91] In May 1990 he criticized US support for Israel warning that "the US cannot maintain such a policy while professing friendship towards the Arabs. [88] The extent of Kuwaiti oil reserves also intensified tensions in the region. She fled with her children and sisters to. Western charges of Iraqi resistance to UN access to suspected weapons were the pretext for crises between 1997 and 1998, culminating in intensive US and British missile strikes on Iraq, 1619 December 1998. "[117], Many members of the international community, especially the US, continued to view Saddam as a bellicose tyrant who was a threat to the stability of the region. He forced the ailing al-Bakr to resign on 16 July 1979, and formally assumed the presidency. Health Minister Dr. Riyadh Ibrahim suggested that Saddam temporarily step down to promote peace negotiations. [6] He taught poor, rural Arabs in dilapidated schoolrooms lacking sufficient textbooks. He was the first prominent poet to appear on the Israeli Arab . Former CIA case officer Robert Baer reports that he "tried to assassinate" Saddam in 1995,[112] amid "a decade-long effort to encourage a military coup in Iraq. It made him more impassioned. This document can be read on line in, Director of the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance of Iraq, Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, Acting President of the Governing Council of Iraq, Secretary General of the National Command, an estimated 250,000 arbitrary deaths and disapperances, Arab Socialist Revolutionary Ba'ath Party, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Learn how and when to remove this template message, United States support for Iraq during the IranIraq War, crimes committed against residents of Dujail, "Defiant Hussein Rebukes Iraqi Court for Trying Him", "New Sources for the Study of Iraqi Intelligence during the Saddam Era", International Journal of Middle East Studies, " | ", "The Iraqi Tribes and the Post-Saddam System", "Was a Tyrant Prefigured by Baby Saddam? In recognition of his achievements in the field, Hussein was appointed an associate professor of Egyptology at the Institute of Near Eastern Studies at Eberhard Karls University in Tbingen. Electricity was brought to nearly every city in Iraq, and many outlying areas. Rashid Hussein. [68], Because Saddam Hussein rarely left Iraq, Tariq Aziz, one of Saddam's aides, traveled abroad extensively and represented Iraq at many diplomatic meetings. [9] In 1965, Hussein moved to Paris,[8] and two years later, he became a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and was stationed at its New York City office,[3] where he worked as a Hebrew-Arabic translator. RIP Dr. Ramadan Hussein, one of the best Egyptologists of our - Reddit He competed at the 1988 Summer Olympics, the 1992 Summer Olympics and the 1996 Summer Olympics. Nasser inspired nationalists throughout the Middle East by fighting the British and the French during the Suez Crisis of 1956, modernizing Egypt, and uniting the Arab world politically. He nationalised independent banks, eventually leaving the banking system insolvent due to inflation and bad loans. [98], Shortly before he invaded Kuwait, he shipped 100 new Mercedes 200 Series cars to top editors in Egypt and Jordan. Farewell to a brilliant archaeologist - Heritage - Al-Ahram Weekly He also served as prime minister of Iraq, first from 16 July 1979 until 23 March 1991, and later from 29 May 1994 to 9 April 2003. Here, Khomeini gained media connections and collaborated with a much larger Iranian community, to his advantage. [88], Saddam had consistently argued that Kuwait had historically been an integral part of Iraq, and had only come into being as a result of interference from the British government; echoing a belief that Iraqi nationalists had supported for the past fifty years. Foreign observers believed that from 1982 this department operated both at home and abroad in its mission to seek out and eliminate Saddam's perceived opponents. Edit. Very little information is known about her. The resolution demanded that Iraq immediately put an end to its "summary and arbitrary executions the use of rape as a political tool and all enforced and involuntary disappearances. The party turned against him for his refusal to join Gamal Abdel Nasser's United Arab Republic (UAR). The US ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, met with Saddam in an emergency meeting on 25 July 1990, where the Iraqi leader attacked American policy with regards to Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates (UAE): Saddam stated that he would attempt last-ditch negotiations with the Kuwaitis but Iraq "would not accept death. In marked contrast to Qasim, Saddam knew that he faced no death penalty from Arif's government and knowingly accepted the risk of being arrested rather than fleeing to Syria again. Esposito, John, "Political Islam Revolution, Radicalism, or Reform". Can one drowning in the open sea ask for a helping hand from the sky? Subha "would have nothing to do with him," and Saddam would eventually be taken in by an uncle. The Iranians, despite the widespread Shi'ite rebellions, had no interest in provoking another war, while Turkey opposed any prospect of Kurdish independence, and the Saudis and other conservative Arab states feared an Iran-style Shi'ite revolution. Backed by the Security Council, a US-led coalition launched round-the-clock missile and aerial attacks on Iraq, beginning 16 January 1991. Self: Kingdom of the Mummies. Since 1983, Iraq has repeatedly called for restoration of Egypt's "natural role" among Arab countries. This backfired on Iraq and the Arab states, for Khomeini was widely perceived as a hero for managing to defend Iran and maintain the war with little foreign support against the heavily backed Iraq and only managed to boost Islamic radicalism not only within the Arab states, but within Iraq itself, creating new tensions between the Sunni Ba'ath Party and the majority Shi'a population. [2] For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for He leaves behind his wife Angela, sons Yousef (Joey), Benjamin and daughter Martha. Ramadan - Wikipedia As a result, Saddam Hussein appealed to many people for the same reasons that attracted more and more followers to Islamic revivalism and also for the same reasons that fueled anti-Western feelings. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. [10] Moreover, they expressed their hope that the anthology would foster dialogue between the communities and appreciation of each culture's literature. Documents obtained and released by the National Security Archive detail FBI interviews and conversations with Saddam while he was in US custody. His full name is Ramadan Chakour Hussein Muhammad Abou Al Zubair, he grew up in a very hardworking family that earns its living with honor, and that is keen on passing the Islamic values and ethics to the youngsters of the family. Archaeologists Have Uncovered an Ancient Egyptian Funeral Parlor "Priest-embalmers were professional entrepreneurs who offered burial packages for every budget," said Ramadan Hussein, an Egyptologist at the University of Tbingen, Germany, who led the team .
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