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randall standridge music

He has had numerous works selected to the J.W. Spring by Randall D. Standridge| J.W. Pepper Sheet Music Ruckus by Randall D. Standridge| J.W. Pepper Sheet Music |. e: Published by Alfred Music. Orchestra Music Other Concert Band Randall Standridge Music is committed to created quality music for concert bands that also reflect the modern realities of educational needs. General Info Year: 2022 Duration: c. 6:45 Difficulty: II-1/2+ (see Ratings for explanation) Publisher: Randall Standridge Music Cost: Score and Parts - Available December 2022 Instrumentation Full Score Flute Oboe I Bassoon B-flat Soprano Clarinet I-II B-flat Bass Clarinet E-flat Alto Saxophone B-flat Tenor Saxophone E-flat Baritone Saxophone Randall Standridge Music Home | View All Music New Releases Categories Concert Band Music Marching Band Music Chamber Music Orchestra Music Showing 1 - 24 of 312 (not) Alone $75.00 ADD TO CART 33 (Perc. These are always quite challenging, as you have two factors working against from the outset. Use the downloadable melody sheet to assist in your musicians' development. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); J.W. Check Out My New Album! Night. 2022 Bayouland Sightreading Clinic Reading Session, 2022 Lincoln Public Schools In-Service - Band Reading Session, 2022 NYSCAME/Suffolk Symposium Day Concert Band 1-3 Reading Session, 2022 Oregon Band Directors Association Reading Workshop - Band Reading Session. Go on! Here's a playlist! Pepper & Son, Inc. *All prices in US dollars and subject to publisher revision, Register Today for the New Sounds of J.W. Armory Randall D. Standridge Randall Standridge Music, LLC 10520934E A bombastic work for young band inspired by video game music. Editors' Choice Pestilence, the White Horse. Length: 2:18, Play track 21, Blues for Judy. ePrint gives you the ability to view and print your digital sheet music purchases. Length: 3:00, Play track 8, The Garden Suite: Flowers. A perfect way to make some of the first tunes your students learned \"\"cool\"\" again. At times melancholy, terrifying, triumphant, and confused, this work was carefully tailored to be accessible to younger ensembles. We're Here. Check Out My New Album! Loud, boisterous,aggressive andmixed meter, heavy percussion and thumping rhythm give this piece a decidedly urban feel. Randall Standridge - Wind Repertory Project The Pop Idiom and Symphonic Traditions combine in this exciting crossover offering, featuring Randall's landmark works "Stonewall: 1969" and "The Nine." Experience a new voice in classical music and about the inspirations in his own words. Length: 1:55, Play track 17, Program Notes: IV. IronHeart, Grade 1.5 Concert Band Work, by Randall D. Standridge. Due to copyright law, you may not make any copies of your digital sheet music purchases. The familiar tunes of Up on the Housetop and Jingle Bells are transformed into a war cry for this incarnation of Santa, as he navigates the snowy desert with his eight mighty reign-deer: Basher, Danger, Lancer, Victim, Bomb-it, Brutis, Runner, and Blitz-Them. Copyright Like its sister work, it is an abstract soundscape, and the way every listener will react to it will be solely based on the emotions and ideas that they themselves bring to it. We're Here. Famine, the Black Horse, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: IV: Death, the Pale Horse, Derrick Palmer, Randall Standridge & Lodge Studio Wind Ensemble, Derrick Palmer & Lodge Studio Wind Ensemble, Play track 2, Program Notes: I. Pepper & Son, Inc. *All prices in US dollars and subject to publisher revision, Register Today for the New Sounds of J.W. Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm ET Optional easier snare drum and mallet parts will ensure this work is appropriate for first or second-year players. He was born and raised in Little Rock and now lives with his family in Jonesboro. ePrint digital sheet music purchases are stored and accessed through ePrint in your My Library account. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); J.W. His compositions Snake Charmer, Gently Blows the Summer Wind, and Angelic Celebrations have been included in the "Teaching Music Through Performance in Band" series. Contents 1 Biography 2 Composition career 3 List of works 3.1 Works for winds ensemble and significant works for concert band 3.2 Educational works for wind ensemble/concert band I cant speak for all composers, I know that, for myself, I often find musical ideas that I wish to explore more than once. Pepper Summer Reading Sessions - In-Person AND Online! Only six pitches are used for each instrument, but beautiful harmonies and colorful orchestration are achieved to provide a perfect vehicle for teaching artistic expression and independence to developing players. War, the Red Horse. Every listeners experience will be unique to them. Some may hear passion, some may hear sadness, others may hear anger, regret, hope, and peace. Randall D. Standridge - Randall Standridge Music, LLC The dictionary defines "ruckus" as a noisy commotion, fracas or rumpus and this very original work is just that. Pepper's editor's choice. powered by CD Baby. This work was commissioned by the Maysville Band Program (Maysville, MO) and their director, Elizabeth Betts. It alternates between minor and Phrygian modes to create a dark and sinister soundscape. Randall Standridge - Bandworld And I have the perfect ace in the hole, too, as any time someone asks me to explain myself, I simply say, Im artistic. But, I digressDuring my career as a composer, I have written a multitude of Christmas works. 0:00 / 2:09 Dark Beginnings - Randall Standridge, Concert Band (Grade 1) - Randall Standridge Music Randall Standridge 19.9K subscribers Subscribe 435 views 3 weeks ago Be sure to check. His compositions Snake Charmer, Gently Blows the Summer Wind, and Angelic Celebrations have been included in the Teaching Music Through Performance in Band series. A New Day Dawns. Mr. Standridge's music is performed internationally. There was a problem submitting your request. Editors' Choice The challenge, then, is to find a new angle that puts a different spin on well loved holiday classics.Enter Santa the Barbarian.In this work, I have reimagined the jolly old elf as a warrior of the winter wastes. Consider updating your browser to the latest version. FAQs, Terms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility Statement | Site Map ! I support you! Randall Standridge Music - 2022 - 2023 Releases - SoundCloud Check Out My New Album! |. Length: 12:37, Play track 4, Deus Ex Machina. Length: 4:46, Play track 11, Program Notes: III. Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm ET Randall Standridge - Randall Standridge Music, LLC This mature work for young ensembles is a meditation on the lives of those who live with mental health conditions. Length: 3:30, Play track 9, The Garden Suite: Bees. Randall Standridge (born December 5, 1976) is an American composer of contemporary classical music, with an emphasis on music for wind band, as well as orchestra. The Pop Idiom and Symphonic Traditions combine in this exciting crossover offering, featuring Randall's landmark works "Stonewall: 1969" and "The Nine." We're Here. Randall Standridge is a composer, music arranger, instructor and marching band show designer. p: 1.800.345.6296 Length: 2:01, Play track 22, Blues for Judy (Karaoke Track). Length: 6:24, Play track 13, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: I. He has had numerous works selected to the J.W. Mr. Standridge's music is performed internationally. Create a SoundCloud account Pause 1 Choose Joy (Grade 3, Randall Standridge) Repost 2 Blue Sky Horizon (Grade 2, Randall Standridge) 1,267 3 American Declaration (Grade 1.5, Randall Standridge) 1,287 4 The Black Cat (Grade 1.5, Randall Standridge) 3,590 5 Randall Standridge - Weiner Elementary Original Randall Standridge, Derrick Palmer & Lodge Studio Wind Ensemble, Randall Standridge & Lodge Studio Wind Ensemble, Dr. Richard Mayne & University of Northern Colorado Bands, Dr. Kenneth Singleton & University of Northern Colorado Bands, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: I. [emailprotected] Not Alone - Wind Repertory Project The dictionary defines "ruckus" as a noisy commotion, fracas or rumpus and this very original work is just that. Such is the case with music speaks.A couple of years ago, I wrote a work called Where words end which was intended to be a lyrical work that was about nothing. It was 100% abstract, contained no program, and allowed me to explore some musical colors and harmonies without being beholden to a central idea or theme. IronHeart by Randall D. Standridge - YouTube Our works feature: Available in physical and digital formats (pdf). If you purchased multiple copies, please print all of them. Length: 2:52, Play track 16, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: IV: Death, the Pale Horse. Length: 1:45, Play track 15, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: III. This is not precisely true, as I dont really sufferI enjoy all of the strange ideas that my mind comes up with. Loud, boisterous, aggressive and mixed meter, heavy percussion and thumping rhythm give this piece a decidedly urban feel. Experience a new voice in classical music and about the inspirations in his own words. Length: 2:41, Play track 14, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: II. Randall Standridge Music Length: 2:44, Play track 12, Havana Nights. Fragile by Randall Standridge| J.W. Pepper Sheet Music Be sure to check out all of our new releases! Randall Standridge (b.1976) received his Bachelor's of Music Education from Arkansas State University. FAQs, Terms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility Statement | Site Map : SANTA THE BARBARIAN AND THE PIRATES OF THE NORTH POLE: out this MIDI Demo of the 3rd (and Final) Chapter, coming summer 2023: SANTA THE BARBARIAN: SNOWPOCALYPSE: I have stated before, I often suffer from an overactive imagination. Pepper's editor's choice. 638 talking about this. The use of aggressive articulations and brake view detailsview details. Randall Standridge - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki Trio) $25.00 ADD TO CART A Bollywood Adventure $1,000.00 ADD TO CART A Christmas Carol $65.00 ADD TO CART A Christmas Gathering $80.00 music speaks continues this idea, with some similar harmonic language and colors, but at a higher developmental level. 2023 and all of its affiliates. Download Digital Sheet Music | Armory - J.W. Pepper [emailprotected] Pestilence, the White Horse, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: III. Search Randall Standridge | Sheet music at JW Pepper The use of aggressive articulations and brake. Includes optional parts for clarinet and alto saxophone to support or double the French horn. Length: 4:55, Play track 5, Program Notes: II. $300.00 Marching Band Part 3 11381021 E $300.00 Marching Band Part 4 11381022 E $300.00 Angels and Demons Randall Standridge - Grand Mesa Marching Salvation is Created serves as a recurring theme in this powerful show by Randall Standridge, depicting the eternal battle between Good and Evil. Various Artists - A New Day Dawns Pepper Summer Reading Sessions - In-Person AND Online! Blue Sky Horizon (Grade 2, Randall Standridge), American Declaration (Grade 1.5, Randall Standridge), The Black Cat (Grade 1.5, Randall Standridge), Fragile (Grade 1.5-2, Concert Band, Standridge), River Valley Overture (Grade 3, Randall Standridge), A Christmas Carol (Grade 2.5, Randall Standridge), Shadow Fire (Concert Band, Grade .5, Randall Standridge), March Phantasma (Grade 2, Randall Standridge), The Clapping Song (Grade 3, Randall Standridge), Santa the Barbarian and the Pirates of the North Pole (Gr 1.5-2, Randall Standridge), (not) Alone (Grade 2.5, Randall Standridge), Fantasia on a Theme by Camille Saint-Saens (Grade 4, Randall Standridge), Warriors of the 16th Empire (Grade 1.5, Randall Standridge), Autumn Light (Grade 3, Randall Standridge), Tadpoles (A Prologue to "Frogs") - Standridge, Grade .75, Winter Winds (Long Version) - Randall Standridge, Grade .5. Copyright Length: 3:52, Play track 20, One Love (Karaoke Track). Explore the Best New Music , Need Help? This mature work for young ensembles is a meditation on the lives of those who live with mental health conditions. Santa the Barbarian (Grade 1, Randall Standridge) - YouTube p: 1.800.345.6296 In 2001, he began his tenure as Director . music speaks (Grade 3, Randall Standridge), Concert Band Copyable Parts (this does not extend to scores). Famine, the Black Horse. There was a problem creating the new playlist. please use Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari. No doubt your students will be musically entranced by this powerfully rhythmic, yet sophisticated work. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); J.W. Beautiful melodies, limited ranges, colorful scoring, and an aleatoric moment create a stunning work that will leave an impact on players and audiences alike. War, the Red Horse, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: II. Randall Standridge Music Home Pepper Summer Reading Sessions - In-Person AND Online!\"In Dark Beginnings, Randall Standridge takes many familiar beginning band tunes (Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Twinkle Twinkle, Baa Baa Black Sheep) and mashes them together with a sinister twist! These songs are transformed into minor mode versions and set along with bombastic percussion, driving rhythms, and vocal effects for the winds. please use Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari. Randall Standridge - MFA Education A bombastic work for young band inspired by video game music. Pepper & Son, Inc. *All prices in US dollars and subject to publisher revision, Register Today for the New Sounds of J.W. e: At times melancholy, terrifying, triumphant, and confused, this work was carefully tailored to be accessible to younger ensembles. Randall D. Standridge, Composer/Marching Arts Designer - Facebook FAQs, Terms of Service | Privacy | Accessibility Statement | Site Map [emailprotected] Length: 2:01. The Dragon Lord (Grade 1, Randall Standridge Music) - SoundCloud 0:00 5:33 music speaks (Grade 3, Randall Standridge), Concert Band Randall Standridge 17.9K subscribers Subscribe 150 12K views 1 year ago Check Out My New Album!. All Randall Standridge Music Products feature reproducible parts and digital sharing streaming rights.\" On Christmas night, he fights his way across the unforgiving terrain in time to bring toys to all the good children, leaving a path of destruction and candy cane carnage in his wake.Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from me to you and yours! A new chapter in the Darklands Saga begins with this aggressive work for young ensembles that includes exciting rhythms, bombastic percussion, optional sound FX, and additional teaching materials, such as full ensemble chromatic exercises and a short story. Mon - Fri 9:00am - 6:00pm ET p: 1.800.345.6296 The work was written in memory of Sheriff Andy Clark, beloved father, husband, and hero. Randall Standridge, Concert Band (Grade 1) - YouTube view details Continue Shopping ePrint FAQ's What is ePrint? sure to check out the sequel! During this time, he studied composition with Dr. Tom O'Connor, before returning to Arkansas State University to earn his Master's in Music Composition, studying with Dr. Tom O'Connor and Dr. Tim Crist. EPrint is a digital delivery method that allows you to purchase music, print it from your own printer and start rehearsing today. Length: 2:54, Play track 3, Stonewall: 1969. Afternoon. Copyright Length: 2:58, Play track 6, Vanishing Point. Randall D. Standridge, Composer -Recordings and sample scores are available at. Dawn. Length: 2:45, Play track 10, When the Spring Rain Begins to Fall. Length: 6:06, Play track 7, The Garden Suite: Frogs. A New Day Dawns marks Randall Standridge's first studio album release. One, you are dealing with a very limited amount of recognizable material, as you can only use works that are in the public domain, and two, you are writing in an over-populated genre in which almost every conceivable combination of holiday tunes has been plumbed to death. NOTE: Your web browser doesn't support sound playback for this page. Explore the Best New Music , Need Help? : SANTA THE BARBARIAN AND THE PIRATES OF THE NORTH POLE: htt. Explore the Best New Music , Need Help? A New Day Dawns marks Randall Standridge's first studio album release. Follow Randall Standridge and others on SoundCloud. Standridge received Music Education and Music Composition degrees from Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. sure to check out the sequel! |. EPrint is a digital delivery method that allows you to purchase music, print it from your own printer and start rehearsing today. It was very liberating. Randall Standridge 762 691 Follow Randall Standridge and others on SoundCloud. please use Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari. It alternates between minor and Phrygian modes to create a dark and sinister soundscape. Editors' Choice e:

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